
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands GOOD LUCK HERBS Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD it. will babe the new THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders bad JAMAICA moving in the matter that sessi bakeries should be licensed just as places where spirit is sold.
Tbe eontention is that bread is Movie Show Rivalled in is more universal article of food and if the authorities tind. Prison Escape it necessary to license drinking saloons, similar action should package free with each 50e order; be taken so far ss bakeries are Loadstone 50e; magnetic sand, 50c.
concerned. Of course, if the things kept secret from foundation of Man In Cell Awaiting. Trial Board passes the resolution, the world, 75e; private lessons for me diums, 75e; East Indian spirit healing, Locked up Warder and which will be submitted, it will 50e; the secret of Hindu visualization, be necessary to get the Execu50e: the reader of souls, 50; the Ran with Two Others.
tive to introduce legislation; and priesthood of India 5e; the drugless from what can be gathered, the 50e; a physician in the house, THEY ARE RE CAPTURED Government are convinced, after five finer grass, package free with the recent disclosures, that it cach 75e order; Mantram words of essential that there should be power 2: the master key book, 3; signet and seal symbol rings for ladies Incldent at Sp nish Town Kept more effective control of bakerRecommended for Removing the Humors of and gents, 14 karat gold, only 20; Prison and Police Forces and ies througbout the island.
lucky seven stiek pin for men, 9; one The Manchester Parish Board Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Public Excited.
package John Conquerer Root and bave also decided to fall in line one Adam and Eve root free with each Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic order: lucky seven ring for ladies, with the Parochial Fathers of St. 7: Jucky seven ring for men, 9, three The Spanish Town corres Catherine; Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disheaded snake ring, 18; the under ground treasure book, 4; hair dresspondent to the Gleaner writing to that paper on the 10th eases caused by Impurities of the Blood ing for ladies and gents 50e; perfume 02. 50e: face cream, 50e; gloss oil 50e; inst says: NEW SCHOOL IN KINGface powder, 50e; greater key of SoloThree prisoners, Theophilus STON An Alterative recommended for purify.
mon, 16; the silent friend book, 25; Egyptian secrets book, 75e; lesser key Ellis, Lester Beckford and David ing and enriching the BLOOD.
of Solomon, 50. long lost friend book McDonald, awaiting trial at the 75e; fortune telling cards, 25; the St. Catherine District Prison, Deaconess Home School to be sealed book, 3; the great book of made their escape this morning Converted into a Secondary magical art, 15; the sixth and seven from the prison under very Institution books of Moses, 75e; gazing crystal, dramatic circumstances.
For Sale at all Drug Stores inch, with stand and instructions, Only 5; de la Sphinx Hindu temple inIt is stated that the Warder in cense, 1; secret of black art book, S1; charge of the jail for untried The Herald bas good reason to And in Large Quantities by parchment paper, 75; special ink as used on parehment 76; candles all prisonars went to lock up a believe that the Anglican authori colors, per dozea 75; genuine parchprisoners who is believed to be ties bave decided to extend the ment skin. 50; lilly rose vanvan, feigning insanity. The Warder educational facilities of the Dea JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy oz. 50. With any order for ten dol.
first opened prisoner c ll to couess School in Kingston. It is lars worth of goods at one time we will get him to assist him to lock up propɔsed to convert it into a AGENT send you the following goods absolutely free: package devii s, the famous the supposed lunatic. The pris secondary school at an early date seals reprinted from the six and seven oner just taken out of the cell and Miss Hardy, books of Moses, on old time parchment quickly pusbed the officer into second mistress of the Diocesan with gold ink, Fig 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; lovethe cell and as quickly took away High School at Brown Town, stone, magnet sand; also the origiDal lucky glass with full instructions.
his keys and locked him into appointed beadmistress of Address all orders direct to De laThe prisoner then hurriedly Herb Agency, No 2802 Cottage Grove made for the cells of the two It is also learnt that Miss Turn: Ave. Chicago, Ill.
Distrite other prisoners, unlocked the er, the head mistress of the doors and let them out. Beck: Diocesan High Schooi at Browns ford climbed on top of the wall Town (St. Ann) will shortly be ani, in whom he felt sure they of the jail and from there he leaving the island. It is under had the greatest confidence and assisted the other prisoners to stood that she will not be return.
wbo ceeded absolutely no get safely over the wall into ing to the colony at the expirarecommendation from him, White Church Street tion of ber leave; and no doubt OF(Loud Applause. They had not All three escaped men ran His Lordship the Bishop of Ja.
come there that night to tell along Burke Rɔad, turned into maica, whilst in Engiand, will them to suscribe one dollar to do a grass piece belonging to the take steps to select successor anything that would benefit any West India Chemical Works, to Miss Turner.
of the gentlement who sat then into the grass piece adjoinThe coming departure of the on that platform He ing tbe Lepers Home.
beadmistress of the Diocesan put the case to them, and if they District Constable Willis who High School will be much reIS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF had found verdict in the was walking in the vicinity at gretted. She proved herself an affirmative, be took it that they the time, got a report of the excellent teacher, and under her woult carry out the pledge to escape from one who was an capable administration the school which they would be called upon eye witness of it, got five men and made great progress.
to subscribe on the May Day four women together and gave Self Denial Vow Card. Mr.
Roberts in his usual forceful style seconded the resolution After long and dillgent The New Shop Assistwblch was then put to the House search, the pursuers succeeded in recapturing Ellis and Beckford ants Law and unanimously carried.
and took them back to the DieCAPTAIN CIPRIANI SPEAKS trict Prison The other prisoner bas not Chinese United Stand to Show Expressing himself as perfectly willing to been recaptured. party of (That the Law Is Unworkable, accept the responsibility which they in constables in plains clothes bave common with other groups were formed a scarch party and are on the hunt for this man, also The Chinese shop keepers of inclined to impose upon bim Captain Cipriant said among Warders and assistant Warders Kingston and lower St. Andrew of the prison.
have taken up determined and other things that personally he AT THEOne woman wbo joined the united stand in conne :tion with was not disposed to make bitter chase Jost five shillings in the the new Shop Assistants Law.
complairt of the attitude of the bushes.
As newspaper readers are local Government towards the Electives and especially towards Ellis, it is said, is awaiting trial aware this Law came into Operahimself. He rather felt that.
on charge of bouse breaking tion last week and it provides and larceny, and McDooala on a that what were their failings and those establishments where short comings in this or in that charge of shooting with intent. dry goods are sold must not pago ang pangangarap na pangangalagaan ang pangangarap na bango Togo googaprang direction regarding any motions This affair bas ciused a great open before a. and must or questions put by him during deal of concern to the Prison and close at p. each day. The the session were rather to be Police Departments and also to establishments also come under the general community.
the early Closing Law. viz. they TRINIDAD elling, expenses as a thing apa In a neat speech he outlined to welcomed, since they furnished must shut up at p. on Wedfrom their contributions of bis bearers the leds which ibe a lasting record for him to make McDONALD CAPTURED.
Desdays; but ara permitted to dollar each in accordance with the Labour Leader had in mind in out a good case to put to the Spanish Town, Aug. 10. open up to o clock on SaturMay Day self Denial vow. trging them together there Home Government as to what (Later) McDonald. the other day nights.
were the needs and Workmen Associa.
The most remarkable thing that night. The great objective really escaped Dis Now goods are sold tion in Trinidad about the campaign up to now was to send a delegate in the aspirations of the people of the He had been told by person of is that in every district where England with a view of bettering the members of his committee this evening by a search party shops; but rather than take out Leaders have of Warders from the Su. Cat these articles, and confine their CAMPAIGN case, the people see mwilling the conditions of the poorer that it was their intention to herine District Prison.
operations exclusively to grocery CARRIED ON BY to accept the suggestion that classes in the Colony. as their ship bim to England and the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF which would give them the representative in the Legislative whole affair was arranged in although Captain Ciprian Council be would say at once such a way thlt no alternative THE ABOVE BODY, to open as usual, the Chinese particularly the The Control of bave come together and have representative of the City, yet generally, be that he was in perfect sympathy was left open for him. Well, if stands rights of the movement, and be they were going to ship him be Bakeries.
decided to close as the new. Shop LABOUR PAPER VIEW. Worker for this colodge whether would ask them to support would allow himself to be ship This decision was reached at an by band or by brain.
whole beartedly. The speakers ped, and he would give them who were to come after him this assurance that he would do important meeting of Chinese Effort Being Made to Send THE COUVA RALLY would explain matters in detail, his best to bring about in this Important Step Proposed by merchants and shop keepers Captain Ciprianl to England The monster crowd assembled and he would therefore, leave it colony an entirely new social St. Catherine Parochial held a few days ago.
Progressing at the Couva Theatre on Tuesday to them to do the needful.
order under spell of which conthe action of the Chinese is Board. Manchester Falls ditions generally will be made creating considerable hardships, night to take part in what was MR. BISHOP PUTS THE CASE better for the poorer classes undoubtedly the biggest Labour In Line especially to the poorer classes, The Labour Leader a week drive that has ever been wie Constitutiog his hearers the (Loud applause. as it is difficult for the latter to y paper published in Port of nessed in the county of Caroni. judge and jary Mr. Bishop in get their supplies; but the Spain, Trinidad, published the The attendance included all sorts logical and concise form put on the subject of the evening and The chairman then addressed The Herala say Chinese bave decided to close up following in a recent issue. The and conditions of persone, who forward bis arguments to make exborted his hearers to give The recent appalling occar rather than remove the articles activities of the Executive Com were the essence of enthusiasm them come to a unanimous liberally and quickly towards so rence in Spanish Town where of dry goods which they now mittee of the Working men and interest. Among those pre decision in the affirmative.
huadreds of persons were pol stock the idea being to show Association respecting the Cam sent were the Hon. Teeluck reviewed the work of the re 15 87 dollars was taken up great a movement. collection soned (fortunately not fatally) by ow unworksble is th: new Law.
the paiga now being carried on singh in the chair, Captain the constituted Legislature and drew ball after which the meeting was eating bread in which arsenate to send Captain Cipriani to Eng: Honourable Ciprian Pre the attention of his bearers to brought to a close by singing of of soda was discovered, has stir British Consulate Notice. land bid fair to be crowned with sident of the Worklagman the attitude assumed by the the National Anthem.
red the St. Catherine Parochial rather more than a modicum Association, Messrs. Howard local government all along when Board to action, and a representative of the Herald is credit The Acting British Consul at ings have been held both in coun. Adams financial Secretary, and put to the Council and he thought of AT CHAGUANAS success Wherever mass meet. Bishop General Secretary. Fred, anything of vital importance was ly informed that at the regular Colon would be glad of imforma try and in town, the consciences Roberts, Vice President.
Continuing their whirlwind that they should not allow such campaign, the committee of the meeting of the Board on Thurs tion as to the present whereabouts of the people seem fully alive state of affairs to continue. Workingmen Association beld day next an important proposal Leopold Russell Brown, contractor to the desirability of having The meeting was opened by The only way for them to get another mass meeting at Chawill be submitted whereby all and builder, who left Jamaica Grst hand representation in Eng the singing of the Labour byma conditions altered was to make guanas where hundreds of perbakeries in the parlsh will be several years ago, and is stated to land and in every case they have Onward friends of freedom, intelligent representation to the sons were in attendance to hear brought under control. It is have lived in this Republic and in given testimony to this fact by after which the Hon. Teeluck Home Government through so felt by those members who are Cuba.
liberal donations to defray trav singh addressed the gathering. sincere a man as Captain Cipri(Continued on page 7)
MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business Workman Stationery Store.
trict Prison here was recaptured large number on these chainese right with of course


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