
T!! TORKJAS, SATURJAT AUGUST 29, 1925 PAGE THREE ANNOUNCING NEW PREMIUM In addition to hundreds of other Premiums given out at our various Premium Depots for empty packages of LUCKY STRIKE OR VICTOR CIGARETTES We now take pleasure in Announcing to THE PUBLIC that we have made arrangements with the management of the following Theatres to accept empty packages of LUCKY STRIKE OR VICTOR IN EXCHANGE FOR MOVIE TICKETS AT The Cecilia, America and every Gold and Silver Clubhouse on the Isthmus.
99 95 93 99 99 99 PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK AUG. 31st TO SEPT. 5th CECILIA AND AMERICA GOLD CLUBHOUSES 30c. Ticket for 50 Lucky Strike or 100 Victor 15c.
25 50 Aug. 30 The Golden Bed Rod La Aug. 30 Flirting With Love Colleen 20c. Ticket for 40 Lucky Strike or 80 Victor Rocque and Vera Reynolds, Pathe Moore, Fathe News No. 59.
News No. 60.
Aug. 31 The Woman of Bronze 10c.
20 40 Aug. 31 The Silent Accuser Eleanor Clara Kimball Young. And Late Lod.
Boardman Bow Wow Mack Sennet. gers, Snub Pollard.
Sept. Dr. Jack Harold Lloyd FLIRTING WITH LOVE Colleen Moore and Pathe News No. 59, will Sept. Locked Doors Betty Comp And Ma and Pa Mack Sonnett.
son Theodore Roberts. Movie Chat.
appear as follows: Aug. 31st, Cristobal; Sept. ist, Pedro Miguel; Sept. 2nd.
No. 70.
Sept. The Golden Bed Rod La Gatun: Sept. 4th, Ancon; Sept Balboa.
Rocque and Vera Reynolds, Pathe New.
Sept. Tiger Thompson Harry No. 60.
Carey, My Hero Lupine Lane, Sept. The Silent Accuser Eleanor Boardman, Bow Wow Mack Sennett. THE WOMAN OF BRONZE Clara Kimball Young and Late Lodgers Sept. Flirting With Love Colleen Moore Pathe News No. 59.
Sept. Locked Doors Betty Comp.
will appear as follows: Aug. 30, Ancon; Sept. 1, Cristobal; Sept. 3, Balboa; son and Theodore Roberts, Movie Sept. Gatun.
Sept. The Woman of Bronxe Chat. No. 70.
Clara Kimball Young, Late Lodgers, Sept. Tiger Thompson Harry Pollard.
Carey, My Hero Lupine Lane. DR. JACK Harold Lloyd and MA and PA Mack Senneth Comedy will appear as follows, Aug. 31, Ancon; Sept. 2, Cristobal; Sept 3, Gatun, Sept.
SILVER CLUBHOUSES 4, Balboa, 10c Ticket for 20 Lucky Strike or 40 Victor THE GOLDEN BED Rod La Rocque and Vera Reynolds aiso Pathe 5c.
10 News No, 60, will appear as follows: Aug. 31, Balboa; Sept, ist. Gatun; Sept.
PROGRAM AUGUST 30 TO SEPTEMBER INCLUSIVE 3rd, Cristobal; Sept. 5, Ancon.
Pathe Serial Charle Hutchinson and Tuesday Sent 1, Paraiso Lucy Fox Speed reels, episode Wednesday Sept. 2, Gatun.
7, 8, and Friday Sept, Red Tank THE SILENT ACCUSER Eleanor Boardman and Bow Wow by Mack reel comedy The Donkey in the Pathe The Bishop Emeralds Sennet Comedy will appear as follows: Aug. 30, Gatun; Sept. ist, Ancon: Sept.
Lion Skin, reels, reel Pathe News N, 54.
Sept. 2, Balboa; Sept. 4, Cristobal; Sept. 5, Pedro Miguel.
Monday August 31, La Boca Sunday August 30, Red Tank Tuesday Sept. 1, Red Tank Monday August 31 Gatun.
Wednesday Sept. 2, Cristobal Wednesday Sept. 2, La Boca. LOCKED DOORS Betty Compson with Theodore Roberts and Movie Thursday Sept. 3, Paraiso.
Friday Sept, 4, Cristobal Chat No. 70, will appear as follows: Aug. 30, Balboa; Aug. 31, Gatun; Sept. 2, Friday Sept. 4, Gatun.
Saturday Sept. 5, Paraiso.
Ancon; Sept. 3, Pedro Miguel; Sept. 5th Cristobal.
Metro Goldwyn Mary Alden in Paramount Harold Lloyd in Safety The Eagle Feather reels. Bustur Last reels. reel Comedy The Ke«ton The Play Houst reels. Fox and the Crows TIGER THOMPSON Harry Carey, and My Hero, Lupin Lane will appear Surday August 30, La Boca, Sunday August 30, Gatua as follows: Aug. 30, Cristobal; Sept. ist, Balboa; Sept. 3rd, Ancon; Sep. 4th Monday August 31 Cristobal.
Friday Sept. 4, La Boca.
Gatun. 93 20 yy大大大大大 Save your money by saving empty packages of LUCKY STRIKE or VICTOR TAKE THEM TO THE THEATRE AND HAVE THEM EXCHANGED FOR TICKET


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