
You get good value and save money when you buy at p. SSSSSS THE WORKMAN New Providence, August 24th, 1925 TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica.
Sir Please permit me to say WALROND, as the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes word or two once again on the Avenue, Panams de of public interest invited subj ci of Emancipation inasPO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be much as have the honour.
written on one side of paper only, and This Jitney Sign ed position of being a subject of Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Sparklet criticisms as publishSTRIKE One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaed in your last issue. may FREE Six Months tiun but as a mark of good faith.
advise Sparklet, that have to 20 Three time to enter into journalistic Ble.
We do not undertake to return reOne 25.
jected correspondence.
controversy, neither do wish The Sign Is of baked enamel, to temporize with anybody in fine workmanship and can anything; be seems to be a The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS be secured free for operator of machine guns, and needs the brotection of seige SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1925.
30 Empty Packages of LUCKY STRIKE or Perbeza be is fascinated by the way in wbicb Emancipation Day OUR THIRTEENTH ANNIVERSARY wae celebrated at New Provi60 VICTOR Cigarettes devce on the 3rd inst. it that is. 99 so, tbeo, ab uno disce omnes, way very reasonably contem.
AT plate that buman must differ Again we have reached another mile stone in the chein tbeir opinions, because one quered career of our journalistic activities in these climes.
BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 93 Ave. star ditferetb from another star Thirteen years ago the WORKMAN launched out into the in glory, then what are men? Be journalistic field of this Republic amidst the uncertainties of OR leavened Sparklet, and you will les ven.
venture with the high hope of a wortny place in the run myself might be a critic, but with those who had been in the race for several years and FIDANQUE HENRIQUEZ CO. ING, would ratber qualify myself had been well tempered and toned by experience.
first for the position, so far as We did not form any exaggerated ideas of success how7. 102 BOLIVAR STREET. COLON Grammar and Spelling are concerned ever, as our expextations were along the lines of general occurrences and we anticipated only a measure of patronage Save your empty packages, we have a large assortment New providence is an institethat would justify our attempt and give us an incentive to of othor Premiums tion, a work shop, and as am a lactor in this institution, continue. Continued on page 5)
At that time we made it clear to the public that our aim would be of general usefulness and in seeking a place Polis SoSoro Peter by the Sea, La Boca among the already established organs our desire was to (American Episcopal)
assist in the fullest sense of the term in presenting matters welfth Sunday After Trinity of importance to the public which in the general rush of Matine and address 11 events may have been left unrecorded by others.
Church School p.
Today, after the spanse of thirteen years, we feel that Chutal Evensong sod «mon 30 pm. T. MULCARE, Rector.
our promise so far has been fulfilled and that we have to a great extent realised the object for which we ventured.
ft. Barnabas Church, Empire Our readers will agree that we have maintained an Morning Prayer, and addrer 11 unbiased attitude with regard to party agitations or sectional Church School and Confirmation Clan controversies. This has been accomplished with great at 30 Evening Prayer and address p.
difficulty and many disadvantages, pecuniary, and otherJ. MULCARE Priest in Charge wise. But in doing it we kept rigidly before us the import ant fact that the press is the moulder of thought in the comSt. Bartholomew s, Church munity and can do much to accelerate party feeling and LAS CASCADAS.
diffusé sectarian prejudices, whereas by adopting a more Litany, Holy Eucharist and almon10. 45 a. Celebrant and Preacher discreet attitude, it can avoid the discussion of differences Res. T Mulcare and thereby prevent party conflagrations which invariably. AT THE Church School, and Confirmation clan.
end with unpleasantness to all concerned.
Casually, the journalistic field of Panama would appear Evening Prayer and Address p.
to be overrun, but when the population is considered and Mr. Skeen (Las reader)
that part of the population in whom we are mostly interJT MULCARE Price in Charge estəd, and whose interest we expouse there is sufficient St Jude Mission, Summit.
reason for us to claim that we are in our right place and OF THE Morning Prayer and addrene 11 am Church Scbool and Confirmation Clase pursuing a justitiable course. p.
It is our greatest gratitude to thank our patrons and Evening Prayer.
well wishers for their very liberal support given us during (The Layreader)
the past year and ask for their continued patronage on a MULCARE, Priest in cbarce.
more liberal scale during the year on which we now launch St. Simon Mission, Gamboa forth, and during which we hope to be of even greater Morning Prayer and Address 11 am.
service than in the past.
Corner Street, No. and Central Avenue Church School and Confirmation Clam m.
Chosal Evening and address p.
The Lack of Purchasing Power.
GREAT REDUCTION (The Layreader will Officiate) MULCARE, Priest in Charge IN PRICES The debate in the British parliament recently on the Wesleyan Methodist Church condition of British industry disclosed nothing which is not (BRITISH CONFERENCE. hown to everyone who gives himself the trouble of study.
Panama 11 am Mr. Harrie; ing the matter. But the new level in unemployment about 30 pm. Rev. RER Wade Subject: which much has been written recently has been seized upon The Kingdom of God, Ita Nature and as a text for the new financial gospel of a managed currency. At least one distinguished economist, Mr, Keynes, poor has been considerably increased since the war and in Colon 11 a. Mr. Moodie 30 has been insisting for many months that the British freas such a place the poor rate will form a heavy item in the Church Services.
Rev. Mr. Gregory.
La Boca. 11 a. Mr. Wilters ury and the Banks should arrange the facilities for securing. cal rates. This must be added to the charges of the local credits so as to keep the level of prices steady. He quité industries which will find it more difficult than ever to New Providence 11, Rev. Anglion Communion) Wade. Communion.
correctly insists that the manufacturer everywhere cannot produce cheaply. If one or two factories are closed down AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH INOMI, Louis Lindo.
flourtsh if the level of prices tends to fall. vhit industry as a consequence the burden on others is made heavier and Twelfth Sunday Aftar Trinity Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Walters 30 Mr. Martin requires is that the price at which gods may be sold should it is further increased by the needs of the new unemployed.
Empire 11 in. Mr. Headley.
remain more or less stable. When this is the case the man. This is not a fanciful picture. In many parts of Great Brit.
St. Paul Church, Panama ufacturer can louk ahead and arrange his expenditure on a ain this sequence of events has been followed exactly, and given plan, He knows what he can expect to receive and it can readily be seen how difficult becomes the struggle for (Rov. Nightengslo, Rector) The Salvation Army an. Holy Cmmunion, his work is to cut down his expenses until he can produce those manufacturers who still maintain their facturies at PANAMA CITY CORPS.
his goods at a lower figure and gain a certain if small profit. full pressure.
10. 15 a. Matins, Services are followIf the prices continue to fall all his calculations are use majority of her customers much poorer; but the working 3p. Church School, Again, England with a huge war debt is like the 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermon a. Early sad Prayer Mooting.
10 Children Directory Meeting less: speculation becomes a gamble and steady business 30 Choral Evensong, sermon and Brigade. United Open Air Meeting men find it better to cut down their staffs and wait for classes refuse to lower their standard of life as thay have done in many other places. The costs of production are. Preacher, The Bishop better times. This, of course, produces unemployment. But therefore much bigher than before the war; and if custo11 Holinen Mooting to be conThe wewly confirmed members wil ducted by Commandant Martin.
those who believe that by controlling credits the fluctuations p. Company meeting and in prices could be prevented point to the recent increase in mers, who are content with a lower standard of living are to make their Firet Communion at the Brigades Open sir. p. to. Junior Open Air.
unemployment as a proof of the evils of going back to the purchase British goods, these, of course, must be produced service to worrow, gold standard as though it proved their case. This is not mainly due to the shallower purses of customers, and so far more cheaply. The problem of falling prices is therefore 45 Beparate Brigade Open Air true. Unemployment can be accounted for in other ways as it affects sales it is largely due to the unemployment. If St. Alban Church, Paraiso pm. Salvation Meeting, in the Hall and so also can the falling off in British trade.
people are out of work, though they do not suffer actual to be conducted by Coudt Martin Monday, Life Baving Garden Britain has not lost her share of such trade as there is distress, one cannot expect them to be in the position to (Rov. P. NIGA TENGALE, and the fall in prices would not hit British manufacturers buy unless goods are made cheaply.
Priest in Charge Sunbeame Parade at p. o.
11 Matins and addr is 8p. Special Local Officer Council so much as it does were it not that the costs of production p. Church School and Confirma on matter of importance have increased so heavily since the war. The recent fiveThere are of course other factors in the situation. There Tuesday, Band of Love Work Clase tion Clan yearly valuation of property reminds all business men of is a certain lact of harmony between employers and em 30 Choral Evensong addrese one very heavy item in the charges they have to meet ployed in the industrial system. But probably the main Mr. Osborne Catechist.
Wednesday, 5p. Life Savine Scoate before they begin to work. In London alone the change in factor which prevents the absorption of the unemployed is and Chume parade. Home League at the tigure at which property is assessed is put at about the lack of purchasing power of customers and upon that All women from 18 years of age are invited to attend. 20 000, 000. This does not at first sight seem to be a large there is little or no influence.
St, Matthias Mission Thursday p. welcome meeting figure, but in England not only rates but taxes also are fixed LAS BABANAS in the Hall to Adjt. and Mr Wipes by this valuation and the new burden will be very conwho takes Command of the Le Boot (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Corpo siderable.
Priest in Charge.
All are invited to atted these meole But it is outside London that the burden of the rates ADVERTISE p. Church School, inge seems the heaviest. Imagine a place which is already 30 pm. Everong and addreso. MARTIN. Commandant.
suffering from a little unemployment. The relief for the. IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS The Rev Nighlengale. Continued on page 7)
BRANCH STORE The American Bazaar Place.
Meeting 30


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