
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres CECILIA at one CANAL ZONE NOTES will be, and what sort of El Excelsior tion ATLANTIC SIDE Jones as top scorer contibuted 20 and Earle followed with 11.
West Indians Phillips was the star bowler Cyclists! Cyclists! fatale. Wanderers ce for this desiring to take advantage of matchHe superior opportunities regarding TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN. for 26 runs, wbile the rest were their children (high school and TO ARMS! The war is soon for 8, Johns for 1, and divided as follows: Sunbleton, business) education, with board to begin. ARISE from your lazy Gayle for 19. and lodging if desired, should comatic state as there is pleniy The match was creditably write at once to Mr. FitzAMERICA of work for you.
umpired by Atberly and Henley, Excelsior Definite arrangements have Brathwaite. Their decisions were Schools, 19 North St. Kingston. PANAMA. COLON)
made by me with the Kerall well received, and the true Ja.
sington Cricket Club, Kingston, spirit of sports was evident TODAY SATURDAY, August 29th TODAY. Saturday Au:ust 29th Jamaica, to take a team of throughout.
and TOMORROW Sunday August 30th Alice Lake in Please mention this paper, cyclist. and athletes to Jamaica Cecil De Mille Production THE GREATER CLAIM to compete in a Championship meet for the Cap which the West End vs. Westmoreland THE GOLDEN BED TOMORROW. Sunday August 30th CORRESPONDENCE Jamaica Cycle contingent took away from us in 1923.
Colleen Moore in Avoiber brilliant victory was MONDAY. ugust 31st big task is abead of us on Sunday evening the 23rd FLIRTING WITH LOVE (Continued from page 4)
Eleanor Boardman in There is no Harry Hollis, nors added to West End long list have no time for useless arguIcah Schloss, nor a cil Abra. when they defeated Westmore THE SILENT ACCUSER MONDAY, August 31st ment, will not write any bams now to confidently defend land by 23 runs in another cup Clara Kimball Young in more on this subject. at least)
Then whom shall it be? match on the Victoria oval.
TUESDAY, Sept. 1st US.
this THE WOMAN OF BRONZE year conclude by saying Nimbley and Atherton and Chas West End was the first to bat ibat Sparklet words are softer Abrabams are the only three Betty Compson in TUESDAY, September 1st than butter, but they are bat we bave at present who and they certainly played a fine LOCKED DOORS drawn swords. They are fit for Harold Lloyd in have been doing any winning, innings, bringing 83 runs. Gene.
the King platform in England, but the question arises. Can tentu played admirably, aod co WEDNESDAY, September 2nd but in them shere no judge. DR. JACK tributed 21, by these youngsters acquit tbom. Lynton and Farrell with 20 and ment.
Colleen Moore in selves against experienced WEDNESDAY, September 2nd remsin. Mr. Editor, csclists like Davis, Jobason, Hall, 11 respectively.
Westmoreland replied with SA LY Baxter, etc. and Cecil De Mille Production Yours truly, a score ot other promising cyclists?
a stiti luning which yielded 62.
Clarke and Stanley did splendidIt is tutility to flaiter our ny with the bat, and Colleen Moore in THURSDAY, September 3rd Get Ready for the Big Sunday selves If these you gsters uime appeared as though they FLIRTING WITH LOVE above named were living strictly were going to put it over on Eleaner Baardman in School Musical Program.
to the athletic life and sticking West End. but they were dis THE SILENT ACCUSER constanily to the game there lud ged by Farrell, Clarke for FRIDAY, Sépterr ber 4th would be a possibility of their 13 and Stanley for 15, while Clara Kimball Young in FRIDAY, Septembar 4th AT ST. PETER LA BOCA development, but few youngmen Wnite followed with 11 pot out.
Betty Compson in Here is something more about there are who can stand success West End by Wiuni tois THE WOMAN OF BRONZE LOCKED DOORS the big Musical Program booked and remain rigid against clict match bave placed themselves in to take place at St. Peter on seduction Smetimes they bee lead in le Competition, and SATURDAY September 5th SATURDAY, September 5th Sunday afternoon, the 18th of cime so bigoted on their success are points whead of Sussex, Jack Holt in Harry Carey Thompson In next month. The following Sunthat they becuine careless and who. ca is uw recond in the race.
unsuspecting THE THUNDERING HERD day Schools have been vited 10 in vain is to be congratulated TIGER THOMPSON.
contribute to the program. La Of course thers is a string of oni fine sbowing, and their Bocs and Panama Weslayan, promising cyclists who no doubt supporters are hopiog that the Chorrillo and Panama Baptist, will b: able to prove their leau will be maintained.
Jo St. Paul Panama, and St. Barprowess som: time in the future Fixtures for Tomorrow, Dabis. Empire. Iinagine, there and it is is with the hope that our fore, what sort of proshects can be improved that Westmoreland vs. Sussex at the following program is being Mt. Hope and Victoria vs. PickSunday arranged wick on tho Victoria oval. Should enjoy it you patronize the dear The date have tentatively they will be tying with West End Sussex win om Westmoreland La Boca Pars.
soung people! The entrance fee arranged for taking this team of for th: 1st place in the Competiis next to nothing you know.
cycliste ard athletes to Jamaica Doors pen at o clock. Keep is May 15 to partaire in the The Women Life Problem your eyes on these columns for EMPIRE DAY Soorts.
JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Club Charity Ball at the Club.
more information about this am promoting in October a colassal Massical Program.
EDUCATIONAL house on the 15th instant was a Champion bip road ruce from Corner 12 Street East Avenue splendid function. Decorated with Panama to lapia and return for Colon Teachers Associapalm leaves and flags on all des BISHOP CHAIR AND which some lovely prizes are We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also gorgeous being selected. This race will PRAYER DESK dresses of the ladies the nuditorium tion.
decide the road champion of watches. Our prices are the lowest and our or the Clubhouse lent a very please the Republic of Panama. Imme Workmanship is guaranteed.
ing effect, and Murray Orches. For St. Peter Church, La Boca diately after the September 7th Alively and interesting meet.
tra, fresh from a contest on the Sports therefore, cyclists are ing of the Colon Teachers Asso Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you previous evening, dispensed some fortnight ago one of the advised to keep shap as this ciation was recently held at the may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may very good numbers. With respect finest Bishop chairs with Prayer race being such a long grind will St. Josephs school, 109 Broad to the fruit punch served the Club Desk to match, to be seen any.
require much stamina for the rolle being there were present drsire, provided the monthly payments of bas solved the problem in that it where on the Isthmus of Pan.
following. interest are duly met ras simply delicious The aim of ama, was installed in St. Peter J. Drummond Kerr, Oa 3rd November, am also Whittingham, St. Rose the Club, however, not Church, La Boca. The Chair and promoting a Banner Cycle Meet Thomas, Millington.
achieved, it is learnt, as the enter Desk were designed and built by Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall in Panama and several valuable be pleased.
tainment was held primarily for Mr. Chas. Gregory of La Boca.
the silver cups will be given for the Mesdames Rosemond, Sayles, purpose of collecting funds for the material used being wellrepresentative races. One Rudge Miss Jeppe.
Stephens. Rboden, Grant and charity. But the invitations secured native mahogany.
Whitworth Limited. Coventry, out did not indicate clearly this Last Suuday aight Bishop through me, will also be given as Senior Arosemena, the Inspec.
and it is believed that all who Morris used the Chair and Deek first prize to the winner of the tor of private schools paid his would 12 Mile Championsbih cycle race first visit to the association and cus had for that day.
took great interest in the metLOOK KE of the purpose for which before announcing his text said ing the funds were to be devoted. It is that the Chair and Desk were a January 1st will be another 10 giving some valuable sug gestions which it is expected red letter day in cycling. The are soon to be adopted.
unterstuod that the Club intend very agreeable surprise to him, athletes and cyclists to go to Jato repeat the dance, when a better that he liked them very much During the course of the system of collection will be put into and that they were a splendid maica will be chosen on merits meetiug Mrs. McPherson, of their achievement. record secretary of the Association who effect and an explanatory note as addition to St. Peter and a of each will from to the primary aia of the Club in oa ked indicatien of Layalty, tember 7th until the final elimi: pelled to give up the teaching LABOR DAY, MONDAY SEP. holding the dance will be sent with which he very deeply appreeach invitation.
ciat nation day Sports. Each race profession, tendered her resie The Chair and Desks are the won will award th: winner with From Panama to Colon and return nation which was reluctantly gifts of the following persons:two points and 2nd with point. received, and Mr. WittingThese points will be compiled ham was unanimously elected to Type esetting has appealed to one Messrs. E, Carthy, Estand the meritorious position of fill the office wbile Mr. St.
of our most prominent and ambi wick, Maynard, Alexander, esch meet will also be sent to Rose was elected to the office of tious young ladies. Miss Doris Chas. Gregory, Hunter, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE Evans, and she has succeeded in Agard, Fuller, Grant, the Jamaica Gleaner after the vice president.
7th September meet.
GRAND UNITED ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS arranging for practice at the Work Misroechl, Bascombe, Various issues relative to the As each man goes on bis merit welfare of the Association were man Printery, Panama City. Near Mosley. Mrs. Mulcare, Mrs ly all of us read books and news Morris, Mrs. Exton, Mrs.
it means that each cyclist will spiritedly discussed, after which bave to get out and keep con the meeting adj urned unul the Train leaves Panama 15 8, with stops at Balboa papers but very few know how they Banson, Mrs Green, Miss are printed. Ia Englann and the Sells Western sn, Dr. stantly at it until he has moulded 19th of September.
Heights, Red Tank aud Pedro Miguel, returning United States and even in Jamaica Fairweather, and the Cootirma himself with such determination leaves Colon p, there are young women who are tion Class of last April.
and stick to itiveness as to make not only type setters, and at that him the winner we regaire.
News Notes faster than the men, but lino type Sincerely and yours for bigber it was decided operators, while some own printing subject at later date under the to resume the The management guarantees there will be no conathletics, establishments and news papers. OMP ROY.
form of a round table discussion.
Tbe St: Vincent Catholic gestion. All will be comfortably seated Church, Silver City has announced a Rally of Promipeut Bible The address on Psychology by CRICKET.
Miss Emelda Nelson, shorthand Characters to take place at the REFRESHMENTS ON SALE FROM THE START Mr. Reynolds, as was pre: student in Teacher Ellis Shorthand Cristobal Silver Clubbouse on ING OFF UNTIL THE RETURN viously announced, came off at Wednesday night the 16th of the Athenaeum on Tuesday last. and Typewriting Class, who was reWanerers And West End September. Tickets are being Get your train Tickets early to avoid the rush before a fair attendance. The ported seriously ill at her residence Victorious Teams of Past sold at 25 cent, general admission lecturer, from the outset, informed on Monday last, is much improved.
his audience of the extremely date is anxiously looked for.
and 15 cents for children.
med Her complete recovery at an early Week.
difficult and obstruce of the Toe Wanperers Kent Cup The portion of 7th street be.
subject and its complexity, both in definition the inter relation Next Tuesday at the La Boca match wbich was played on Sun tween the Colon tire Brigade its 40th andivesary to take place time of his death was very popHis reasons, Athenaeum will be reading of short day the 23rd at Gatun ended in station and Street is being ex tonight in the form of a smoker. ular in the Cricket world, of a of its various parts.
a victory for Wanderers, the cayated to be naved. The work Many have been invited and very jovial disposition and was he said, for handling such a subject excerpts, clippings, etc. Musical scores being 72 59 in their was started this week and the music will be furnished by the much loved and respected by all before the society were (a) the numbers, as usual, will also be givwoo knew bin.
very frequent use of the word in en on the program.
paving will be completed in a Colonial musical Association.
Capt. Wentt and the members ordinary parlance, and (b) from Captain Wett of the winning short time.
of the Club are to be highly the fact that it should not be out The Orpheus Musical Club met team won the toss and batted. Of the total score made, 33 runs President Henry of Wan commended on the gallant way of place in a literary society. From on Tuesday evening last fo the It is reported that the 8th in which they stood by the be the comments of some of the purpose of transacting business. It were contributed by Sambleton and 13 by Mr. Clarke. The street branch of the derers Passes Away. reaved wife and daughter during members, notably Messrs. Jump is understood that among other bowling of Kent was quite up to recently purchased the bakery their hour of sadxess. Immedi aad King and Mrs. Smith, it was things they have decided to give a mark, Earle did remarkably situated at the corner of 10th President Henry of the Wao atelyafter the death of their presi evident that the subject as eluci musicale in the near future and imwell, capturing wickets for 20 street and Hudson Lane. Mr. derers passed away at his dent was announced they qutckly dated was not properly grasped by mediately thereafter start practice runs. Baker for 14 Synton for Connor and his followers are late residence 3rd street corner got together, raised the neces the audience The lecturer then a drama or melodrama to be staged 26. The fielding on the other certainly to be congratulated on of Cash street on Tuesdady eve sary funds and took entire gave further explanations in the in November or December of this hand could have been better.
ning the 25th iost, after an ill charge of the burial.
matter of definitions, and qature year. On the 19th of September the ness of about two montns.
Internment took place at Mt. and inter relation of various parts Club will have social evening Two easy chances. from Clarke and Hamilton were missed. Court Brock Lodge, No 6725 Deceased who was president of Hope on the following evening and invited questions from mem. when the progran will conssit of of the 59 runs scored by Kent. has announced the celebration of his Club from 1911 up to the and was well attended.
bers but as it was growing late, songs various games and dancing, was We Buy and Sell Pearls Excursion Train Dature and 00


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