
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 29, 1925, Chinese Friendship London Tube to Cive Work to 40, 000 Men.
COOLS, SAYS BISHOP Roots, Returning After Thirty Years, cl. res We Are Charged with Imperialism.
Cost of Project to Relieve Growing Traffic Congestion Is Put at 32, 000, 000.
Russia Influence is the Most Vital, Hesserts, Because She Treated China Fairly.
CGARETTES LISBETT MYERS TOBACCO CO Church, jot will be 132. 000. 000 Fuller Jewelry Store Church or Chesterfield is an exceptionally fine cigarette made to please even the most critical smoker.
The finest of Turkish and American tobaccos are skilfully blended to produce a perfectly balanced cigarette of highest quality and most pleasing taste.
Chesterfield CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended Pain Enemy LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
direct from affected. TAIN ENIM)
ALBOA Ingebrouxbout the metropolitan Dentist Howell It probobly will surprise most Americans to be informed that there is a cooling of the old time friendship between China and the United States, the Right R:v. Lagau Roots, Bishop of Hankow, China, said in a statewent issued yesterday at the Nazional Council of the Episcopal 281 Fourth Avenge.
Bishop Roots, who has served thirty years in the oient, bas just arrived to attend the trieniel General Convention of the Episcopal in Ostobar ac Orleans. Orleans. America bas lost, in the eyes of the Chinese, the position which she beld three years ago as the most favoured of the Dations, said Bishop Roots That position was due to our friendly diplomacy, our having no political axe to grind, our feedom trom any complicity in the opium trade and especially to our returning the Box 11demnity.
We are cow charged with imperialism, with capital ism, and with selfisb unfriendliness to China, which is now charged against all the foreign powers except Russia.
When asked the reason for this change Bishop Roots said think the rundamental reason is the development of national self consciousness and the demand for freedom and determination. The intu ence of Russia through deliberate Russian propagandi, and also through the inevitable contagion of new ideas, bas en at work, Toe new Government in Russia treated Coins from the attit WILD extraordinary generosity.
The Soviet Government renouuu ed all conquests made by tbe Government of the Czur in China, Manchuria or anywhere else, res ored to China without any compensation the mining, forest and all other conces blons wbish China bad made tbrough force to Russia and Russians. Russia also rebouncu all privileges enjyed by Russian Traders in China, and consented toat no person, even a Russian missionary or priest, should be exempt from the jurisdiction of a local Chinese court.
RUSSIA VITAL INFLUENCE Another vital element in the influence of Russia is that in the main it bas depended on the Vitality of ideas and not upon force or threats of force, although the class war bas but deliberately advocated in appeals to tbe laboring classes.
reason for Russian influence is to be found in its advocacy or The materialistic philosophy of Karl Marx as the sufficient Foundation of the popular ideas of both science and democracy.
The Russian slogan, has been translated into telling Chinese torm, Religion is of the opinin of the people. Those Chitese who accept tbis pbilosopby and this watcb word cannot but distrust America, which has with fair consistency stood in Chinese tyts for an idealist e philosophy and for practical faith in religion as the foundation of all that is good As to the aid which the United States can render in the situation. Bisbop Roots said. We can show the kind of sympathy which will help good lations by assisting China in every way we can to deal with vanuitry, militarism and the opium question. We can give adequate power to our diplo.
male and consular officials to deal with undesirable American citizens who make their way to China. more fundamental service will be rendered to China and, indeed, to ourselves by meting imperfect social and economic theories and better theories.
DIA Bishop Roots advocated recogDIS nition in the most generous way possible of the national aspirations of the Chinese people. He was even inclined to favor the yielding ut extra territorial rights in th: very near tuture, though be observed that this is a question to be determined in tue wiy proposed ty to Wasbington conference.
Announcement Made That In every form can be seen American Bankers Will Prohere at its best See our vide About 16, 000, 000.
Details of the proposed under Wrist Watches ground Railroad system to provide Londons with eight trans Bracelets, portation and relieve the growtra fic congestion there, says Diamond Rings New York Times of July 29 h, have been made puble and a hundred other adornby Reginald Leayeralt, President, and Louis Hale, ments and you ll recognize ce President of the Winches why this is the LEADING Ur American Corporation, wbu JEWELRY HOUSE in town have cbarge of the American fisincing.
ask prices and you ll find still ibe otal amount of British another reason u American financing for the cording to Dr. Halle, who saia that one balf or more of the Phone 629 mey will come from America 122 Central Ave.
bankers either bere at London, he said. The project in bis opinion will give employ.
ment to more than 40, 000 men in Great Britain. In a statement Mr. Haile said. The London Underground Gods Railway has been pryje.
ed to relieve the congestion of the streets and bridges, by afording facilities for transporting under ground, the large volume of goods now carried by horse vans and motor lorries.
Among the important, although subsidiary advantages, it is hoa attain, are. 1) To increase the speed and reduce the cost of distributing goods of all kinds claimed the world over as arriving at the different railway being Pain greatest enemy.
terminals and deliver them at Multitudes of people use and their destination without unnerecommend it.
cessary bandling. 2) to Carry Rheumatic aches and pains instantly obey its command goods ut derground dire and disappear.
oce trainal to another across It penetrates right to the London and so reduce abovesore spot. No need of rubbing.
ground cartiog to the smallest It does its work thoroughly.
possible radiu. 3) ro arrange Give it a trial.
the xisting railway receiving One bottle will convince you.
offices, reducing their number (about seventy within the as a At all druggists and dealers.
to about twenty and transform them into receiving SLOAN and dispatching offices, LINIMENT The slow moving goods traltic which is increasing daily, is principally responsible for the serious area of London, is to represent a direct waste o not less than 200, 000 per dav, and it is calculated that, if this HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA traffic could be reduced in the manner and to the extent pro.
jested, the condition of the Office Hours: a. to p. streets and bridges, so far as free to p.
movement is concerned, wud DAILY be restored approximately to what it was twenty five to thir y PHONE 1288 BALBOA years ago.
ars ago Traffic during fogs would be Specializes in all the branches able to move unimpeded, which would open to London a large of Dentistry, volume of Continental perishable goods now with beld from the Port of London, while the delays DR. HOFFMANN caused by perpetual obstructions from road repairing would largely cease.
Has removed his clinic to The system would be worked No. 39 Central Avenue. Enelectrically with power derived from the nearest existing elec i, trance between La Mascota supply and sorting Station Ra. and Chong Kee Store, celying offices and central sta.
tions would be equipped with elaborate up to date comersers, craces and overbead supporters, by which the moving Contractor and loading of trucks and goods would be carried out in the most and Builder expeditious and efficient manber.
Panama Canal Business House No. 20 For 11 Years 28th NOV. STREET, The PANAMA Canal completed SAN MIGUEL eleven years of operation at the Box 411, Panama, R, close of business on the 14th of the present month, having been open to commerce on August 15, 1914. Plans and Specifications Free During the 11 years of operation, 30, 298 commercial vessels and First Class Workmanship 2, 676 United States Government vessels, exclusive of craft in the Guaranteed service of the PANAMA Canal, have ransited the Canal. The 30, 298 commercial vessels carried 134, 140, 495 long tons of cargo through tha Canal and paid tolle to the amount of 121, 780, 395. 83 LIBERTY HALL 29 Street, Panama Salyation Army Hall, ENGLISH CLASSES by Day and by Night are LA BOCA CO2P3 now opened for the 5, 30. Knee Drill.
11 sm Holinese Meeting, Summer p. Sunday School, For particulars apply on the spot to 30 Open Air. BARTON, D, 30 Salvation meeting.
Wo extend a cordial invitatop to ali Principal EST EER Hiaal DA REWED binations of «lectric lifts, trav, M. WILKINSON xossom HAND IRONERS Wanted Private Academy APPLY AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY exete


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