
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1925 PAGE SEVEN JOB. PRINTING was WORKMAN PRINTERY The Workman BOOK STORE Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products event BRITISH GUIANA The best Tonic in the World The Sewerage Scheme In George Town, VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommendOf every description LETTER ADDRESSED BY GOVERNed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, MENT OF BRITISH GUIANA TO Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up DONE WITH NEATNESS AND TOWN COUNCIL OP CAPITAL a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appeDESPATCH TALK OF CONFLICT. tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system DOSE: Ono small Wine glass before each moal or The following letter times a day.
AT THE recently addressed by the Government of British Guiana to the Georgetown Town Council JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
in connection witb the sewerage scheme:To the Town Clerk, Str. am directed by the Officer Administering the Goverament to acknowledge the CALL IN AT receipt of your letter of the 25th June relative to watters connected with the Sewerage Interesting West. Scheme.
PROF. INYANG The Government is as (Continued on page 7)
wishful as is the Town Council to avoid conflict in this matter, Great occult. Latest master the story of the Cipriani off to and is with tbis in view that England movement told over yet His Excellency desires me to mind of South Africa. Master again.
remind you that tbe wbole No. 93, Central Avenue Оо this occasion Captain Sed question was thoroughly discusCipriani presided and the resoat a conference at Gov.
of mystic science. Can help lution was moved by Mr. Bishop Octuber, 1928, between ernment House on the 2nd the ASSORTMENT OF you in case you are suffering and seconded by Mr. Fletcher.
Mr. Frederick President Mayor and Town Councillers, in love, in business or other affairs the Chaguanas branch spoke in the Consulting Engineer and the GOOD STATIONERY support of it, after which it was sented by His Escellency the Government (the latter repreof human interest.
oranimously adopted by the Governor, the Colonial SecreSOUVENIRS, House.
tary and the Attorney Geneaal)
Consultatior, in person or write for price copy of the priceedings of the list. Strictly confidential First Session of Conference was sent to you on the 7th October, 1924, 1or the Address: 206 129th St. New York City, Legislative Council purpose of any necesary revision those Councillors present, and was SINCE RE CONSTRUCTION returned to Goverment on the ON PARTIALLY ELECTED 21st October, 1924, with a statament that it was correct subject CHURCH SERVICES BASES CLOSES.
Tuesday Gospel service at the usual to two slight alterations hour. am further to draw the Regular Assortment of Bro. WILOrr, Clerk in charg (Continued from page 4)
The Port of Spain GAZETTE ID attention of the Council to the its issue of July 3rd says: letter from this Department to Seventh Day Adventist Church Ebenezer Church of God With the somewhat unusual the Council dated the 6th July, STREET CALIDONIA ROAD Hollness of a two days sitting, 1922, No.
1554 22 an more CALIDONIA DISTRICT the first session of the Legislative especially to the fifth stipulation (near Istbmisa Park. PANAMA.
contained. SUCH ASSunday Evening 80 Preach Sunday 30 clock, Prayer Meeting on partially elected basis, as follows: ing Service. The general public in 11 Divine Service Pronober came to a close last month: and Government to have the right Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, sordially invited to turn out in large Supplied In adjourning sine die, His Exto superviso the proper carrybumbers: p. Sunday School Superintendent. cellency took the opportunity ing out of the works to be p. Programme.
Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine of expressing in very graceful undertaken in all probabitity by Pablath (Saturday) 945 a. Bab7. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher terms what we feel sure must an Engineer to be appointed by bath Sobool: 11. 15. Genera! Worship Supplied.
be the opinion of all who bave Mr. Howard Humphreys) and Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, 80 pm. Spania Clase Tuesday 30 Gospel Service followed the course of events to remind you that this stipula 30 Society, meeting Thursday 30 Sister e and Tes will be remembered that, on the in their letter of the 25th July, since the last of February. It tion was accepted by the Council etc. etc. etc. 30 Junior and Senior Standard timony meeting.
of attainment Class p. Vespers. Saturday 30 Choir Reke coelo. historic occasion of the first 1922, and that effect thereto is Seventh Day Adventist Church assembly in Trinidad of a Legie duly given by the Contract.
Elder ODLE lature which included a proporBrd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Pateor in charge tionate number of members elect4. It may be well here to recall Bunday evening 7, 30 Preaching Bethlehem Church of God ed by the directly recorded votes the fact that the Government is Service. You are cordially invited to Holiness of the taxpayers, Sir Horace contributing 20 per cent of the Byatt, in a speech of somewhat cost of certain works in connec93 CENTRAL AVENUE attend these service and bring your friende, unexpectedly sympathetic char. Hon with the Sewerage and Road Sabbath (Saturday) 45 Sabbath No, MARIANO AROSEMENA acter, welcomed the new memnem Re contruction Schemes. The Panama City.
School; 11. 15 sm. General Worship bers and expressed the SAN MIGUEL bope amount required by the Council that the labours of the new body for carrying out the works was 30 p, Young people meeting Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting would be both useful and har originally to be raised by the 30 Vespero 11. Divine Service Preacher. monious. Coupled with gracious Council by the issue of Bonds, supplied references to paste nominated garder lever the repayndertook the that is cooperarent with eto more: Two Things we Have The Church of God 3p. Bunday School, Superinten members, be gave indication guarantee the repayment of the loan in respect of other work dent.
of bia desire to co operate with same in case of default by or on that loan should include the Programme the newly elected members in the part of the Council viae amount required by the Council Against the Chinese Padams, Aronemens Htreet, Houne 25, San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer that Government should 15 Gospel Service, Preacher making the new constitution sections 10 to 18 of Ordinance 20 and success. In closing the first of 1928. It has since been agreed advance such amount to the meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 supplied.
sada (By John Steven McCroarty. and 30 Sunday School at p.
Council, répeal sections 10 to Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service session, be afforded an indicthat opinion sh Thursday 30 Sister meeting work toet the whole council tha tho obalom trend of thought that enact legislation providing for have a great nadmiration, and 13 of Ordinance 20 of 1923 and Take them by and large, we Monday at 30 Testimony Meetide Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People and Testimony.
In elected mem and has influenced question askMeetine. Wednesday at 30 the They are an honest and a kindly Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Saturday 30 Choir Rehearsal bers who came there send to the ed yet we do not, on that account the loand to loan to Coanel by even a afection for the Chinese.
Elder FRANCIS, in any way deprecate their having the Government Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Important duties of their office, been asked Questions are the repayment thereof and the draft people. And they have many Prayer Meeting Pastor in charge.
bad been useful But, there are two things that by legitimate and, we think, should Bill in this respect bas been other admirable traits. Extra) Sunday 30th instant tbie spirit of courtesy and mutual be the welcome expression of approved of by the Council. It is Church will obserye the ordinance of BEULAH 60. Prayer moting good. Certainly a great deal of matters to which they relate eramente sboruldokas wat desire to labour for the common public dissatisfaction with the therefore. caseçtial that Gor we bold against them.
feet washing and the Lord Supper at And these two things are that over 30 All are cordially invited.
11 a. Devide servise Proacher liegislation, some of it new, and and should either lead to the works as out of the they are the idventors of money a large amount in the nature of remedying of grievauce or the and gunpowder the two things BRO, C, PESSOA. in charge. Red Tank, Canal Zovo, Sunday School dent. 430 Gospel Service, Preacher existing laws, has been accom in te does not covert the ques that Government must maintain wore trouble in the world than School, furnishing of information which, In conclusion must state that, to our mind, have causa D. Goupel meeting on Thursday Supplied.
plished since last February; and tioners to the official vient and indeed bas no power without nothing else, unless it may be at 30 pm.
GAMBOA MISSION p. Sunday while the new Council bas, per least adords them a new view setting aside the provisions the lights about religion among Sie. GRAY School; 2, 30 pm. Gospel Sermon haps not an naturally, given point from which to reconsider of the Contract to recede from Christians Now Providenon. Gospel Meeting Supplied. free band the law their position: Similarly, with the position taken up by GovIt was a black day for man 11. 30 am and 80p. Sunday School Note. Other Services for the week officers in passing these num motions introduced by the elec rnment and agreed to by the when the Chinese invented gun at pm. Wednesdav at 30 Gou will be given from the pulpit.
Town Council as above indicated powder. Because new and ordinances, still there ulvet some of which have seemed Tom dom to add, however, that dreadfal impetus was then given has not been lacking pow. to us to be merely expressions pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting Baptist Churches er of useful and effective and views which could not be reco as already stated at the Confer to war. Men might have at last Bro MeDONALD often convincing debate on the gnised, wille others have led to ence which tne Mayor and De grown weary of wars with no part of new members Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetinke (Under the auspices of the Southern which useful action on the part of paty Mayor bad with me on the thing bot swords and crossbows at 11. 30 a. and 39 m; Runday Baptist Convention. But School at pm, Wednesday 30 Colon 11 a. Doncon Ruble; 7p. recognize more than the law wbich were appointed as a result Cogocil in securing the smooth far more diabolical and devilish And we feel sure that none will of committees at invest gation desire to co operate with the gunpowder gave them fresb ideas Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Chaplain Brooks (of Cooo Solo. Gatun 11. and p. Mr. Mil the assistance thus given them Arat sessions of the new Council Government can properly do so officers themselves, Prayer Meeting.
the value of of the motions on the whole the working of the Scheme as far as them they had ever had be tors.
Had the Chinese been able and Bro. GEORGE GRIPFITH Now Providence Special Missionary elected side; drawn from both perimeat, as many regarded it, tract provisions.
by the legal members on the has thoroughly justified the ex. without disregarding the Con inclined to patent their invention Colon and Stroote. Gospel mootand bad they restricted the use ingo at 11 80. and 30 Sunday services to be conducted by Mrs. Thritt branches of the profession.
of the grant of a new constituof gunpowder to agriculture and School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 na Min Coope. Sgd. HAMPDEN KING, Another striking feature of the tions; and we think it is not too tea, no great barm could baye Chorrillo. 11 Descon Year m. Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 word. p. Pastor Thrift and first session has been the extra much to say that the record of resulted. But, that is not what Acting Colonial Secretary. happ ned, and the world is the Prayer Meeting.
Lord. Supper Service ordinary pumber of questions which His Excellency spoke so Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Calidonia. 11 Elder Neil; and with which the Government has sympathetically and appreciasorrier for it Lord Supper; p. m, ade Crooke.
been plied by the electives. We tively is one which may well British Consulate Notice, Long before gunpowder, bow.
Red Tank 11. Lrader Crooko say extraordinary, not in any encourage the hope that, after ever, the Chinaman invented Bethel Church of God 3p. Pastor Thrift Lord Supper number; but simple as compared the ways of legislative demem by criticising money. And when he did that he their some years gradual training in Holiness Service. Cummings The Aeting British Consul at immediately put the world to the RIO BAJO, LAS HABANAS Empire 11 a. Pastor Thrift wards the interests of the people strate their ttness for the grant as to the present whereabouts of trouble was invented with the bumdrum apathy to blies, our people may demon Colon would be glad of ioformation bad. When money was invented Belute Sanday. a. Prayer Meeting Lord. Supper Service, Um Divine Service. Prenohar p. Supplid.
which was so often characteristic of the second stage of new James Beresford Greendge, that, only a part of the human 3p. Sunday School; Superintendent Puobo Nuevo ii. Descon Lip of the Legislative Council in this constitution, that in wnich there native of British Guiana, who is race were slaves. Now, and ever respect in the past. And while shall principally be some really stated to have been working since. all men are slaves. Mouty 30 Gospel Service, Preacher ton. p. m, Bupplied we have on quite a number of effective control of the financial during Construction Days, et San makes them so.
occasions been at variance with administration of colonial affairs. Phe. Continued on page 8)
The Workman Printery control a lor:


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