p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATERDAY AUGUST 29, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE an Cider Champagne man; back at Atherton, in Races! Races!
Caribe Exciting Races. THE TURF Athletic Meet, Colon, Sparklets To Morrow Races LAST SUNDAY RACES.
LABOUR DAY, 7th SEPTomorrow afternoon race THE ONLY ELABORATED (Continued from page 1)
almost generally thought by some card as arranged by the PanThe Panama Jockey Club TEMBER 1925.
Spanish Cider with its own groups thet be was playing to the ama Jockey Club promises program of seven races at Juan gallery. To a certain extent he five races Franco Park last Sunday atterCarbonic Acid for imported was, just as High Commissioner 2000 was voted a success, not Only solitary week is left for Bryant sometimes does when he thoroughbred horses and withstanding unfortunate the staging of the Banner Athletells his audience that he could three for native horses. There occurence in the feature race of tie Meet to be held in Colon on two or three transports with is no doubt but that a big even furlongs for class Monday September 7th. Labour Negroes from Panama who would gathering will be there to imported borses which resulted Day, and the week will no doubu be willing to pack up and go to greet the winners. Minute atin the disqualitication of Frou be replete with earnest and conAfrica But before saying so bel tention has been paid to Frou of the Stud El Aguila, it scientuous training on the part Sad already rubbed in some real weights, consequently there being alleged that Jockey Munoz of the many competitors. Cyclists URETIC AND REFRESHING honest to roodness lecture on race who rode ou Frueque zed and Flatmen.
cchension. While we must admit will be some keen competion.
out Mr. Dinosa Tribuno that Marcus Garvey is a very lame whom Jockv Quiroga had going It was stated in our contembu iness man, it must also be on four native horses in a The screen will be raised strong to win but bad to poilporary by Scout Plane that VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ frankly admitted that he has bacis account of the inter Nimbles of Panama was not rid.
stirred more Negroes to acto furlong race for a two hunference, thereby losing several ing, but it was impossible for S, than any other and dred dollar purse; and they lengths, ad in spite of which him to have kept out of this VILLAVICIOSA tinished just a bead behind meet for several reasons the two the tilting of millions of money will be infimo 128, Renown oves board may after all prove 116, Dardanela 123 and LianFrou Frou who came first. On a most important being (1) SPAIN to be not a very great loss, if there protest from Mr. Espinosa the limpeu the autiful sterling will be a loss all. when his dro 107.
race was warded to Iribune.
Silver Caps being display at race was Omphroy establishment accounts shall have been ball. The feature race will also Fenomen won the class which will be awarded the survi ESTEBAN DURAN native event of four furlones ard cal of the litest and the other anced ithout prejudice. If Milton bring out four of the best imGarvey will employ good busines ported horses to compete Dudanela prank a su pine in the Panama Melodramatic Asso.
SOLE ACENT by widen the class native one (No No 2) is desire to come viation he will have no fear of his over the same distance for a at who almost event of tiv. furlongs thereby people For the Republic of Panama.
continued purse: support. Nom. six hundred dollar rewarur dhe backers 27. 00 on ancibiliated bim on the 30th. Of errealy, West Indians are stronger and these will be Tribuno 128 nine mile each ticket bought ou her to May Meet, in the an nearly all the other fellow Dad 119, Frou Frou 118, and wio.
evert. It will be remembered the here put together educationally Mi Pollera 101.
finish was a very close one, even Jockey Scholtz also succeeded giving rise as to who was the win they are in a position to hold their a In the imported class own when they shall have realized Liandro of the Stud Quten Sab to victory in the five, ner: so it has been learned from fully tbe velue of sticking together event there will be four furlon race forces. native thouxb club nates, reliable source that both boys, entries: Chomba Loca 128, Danie ich paid 34 60 on the get bach other, or die in the ara opt to Rolando 114, Tigre 96 and winner, BIRTH at empt. This time there will be Mary Erb 101 and an equal Perrque of the Stud Carmen no mile race, but it will have to number will comprse the showed bis beels to Tigre and to be in the 12 test of enBorn to Mr. and Mrs Mare Mary b in the 6! Furlong durance and skilltal riding.
tin of Paraiso, in the Ancon Hospio entries for ass imported distance for class imporud Cecil Abrahams and Old Timer al Thursday 20th. a baby girl horses over rive furlongs.
norses uitb splendid ride Orgphroy were seen doing their JUAN FRANCO TRACK Motaer and daughter are getting Capitana 128, Alta Mae 120, from Jockey Escobar.
iuf during the week, but to along nicely.
Marcela 117 and Starry 119.
Gallineta, owned by Espin time or going to press, AbraThe curtain will be osa and ridden by Quiroga wo hams would not disclose his inTO MORROW drawn down after the last th class event for natiye tention. He will be remembered borses in splendid form and as the only hope the Isthmians Mr. And Mrs. Brensley race of furlongs in which after a bad start, paving her beld on to, to offset the super Sunday, August 30th 1925 Entertain.
Cicero 128, Chomba Loca 112 backers 40 on eaco ticket for tiding of the Jamaica boys bought on her to win on tbeir visit bere some time What turned out to be a big juicy Cataclan 127, and Pereque and creamy reception was that 113, will take part.
Result of the day events were ago, but since that time he jied the Happy Band of WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE as follows: tendered several of their friends last Caribe, Baby Peggy, FenoSaturday evening in the commodi meno, Zapo and Renown are First race for class nutive Martyrs and gave up riding, ous quarters of Mr. Gerald Drake booked for the native class horses; distance forlodys pur e but seeing hit on the trans on Ancon Avenue by Mr. and Mrs 175. 1st Fenomeno (Mor) 2nd again, and in shorts, is an IndierArthur Brensley of this city in event distance fur(Valencia) 3rd Rialto tion of his intention to return to honour of their first born baby, ions. Carrillo) Owner of winne: battie Come back if you can, Stud Valparaiso. Pool paid 30 but am from Mirsouri.
Miss Carmen Rosa, to whom the on the winner. No place tickets rites of baptism were administered, special featu: particularly that afternoon in the St.
dary: Two Things wa Have provided for the entertainment Races For Imported horses nurch, Balba, by the Revd.
Second raca of five furlongs of the hundreds who will be Father J. McDonald. Continued from page 7)
for class nativa horses surely in attenedance, is an and for Native bred Ponies Dncing to delightful music In cur times, money has reach purse 150 00. 1st Dardanela exhibition Motor Cycle race furi ished by a five piece orchestia ea its highest peak of power. It (Escobar) 2nd Renowo (Casa. 3rd featuring Daredevils Reggie Candlewood (Schal owner of Wilkins, Scottie, Lieut. Pare dir eted by Mr. Alfred Rouget ar solutely rules the world. Men was the principal feature of the oc talk of nothing else; they think winner: Diez Pool paid das of the National Police Force, casion, the intervales being taken of nothing else. Christ never had 27. 00 and 940 on the tirst and manager Alvarado of the up with speeches and toasts pro penry in his pocket; he never norse and 600 on the second Panazone Garage, all of Colon, posing the health and long life of touched a coin with his hands borse.
Toird race for five furlongs for from Panama, but their there will be two or three cyclists tre darling little one and the con Yet today, the religion he founded class imported horses purse have not yet been names happiness and prosperity of can make a turn without monobtained, Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
ey. It rules and dominates every 275. 00. Ist Gallineta (Quirogo) Reg zie and Scottie are too 2nd Guitarra (Hildago) 3rd Celia koown to enam arate the many First Race Starts p. Sharpl Light refreshments were serve thing in heman life.
during the course of the evening Men break their hearts and (Schultz. Owner of winner: nerve racking heart breaking and when at last the guests retired short their very lives in the and 80 on the first borse. 430 they pull off, but special mention Raul Espinosa. Pool paid 40 and almost miraculous stunts in the wee hours of the morning, struggle to acquire money. And all went away feeling satisfied that when they have acquired it they and 40 on the second and tuid must be made of the new stunt ADMISSION: an exceptionally enjoyable evening tind it a burden that bears them, borses, respectively.
Worses, Scottie intends pulling off, he had been provided them and loud broke, to to their graves.
Fourth race of five furlongs for claims it is original being his own Grand Stand Ground 50c. were their congratulations to the The hopelessthiog about class native horses parse found out and never yet host and hostess for their amiable money is that it is two often a 125. 1st Liandro (Schultz) pulled oft by any other cyclist.
hospitality misfortune to hwait, and a cutFoto (Carrillo) 3rd Super upo Here it goes Riding his cycle at Among those present were Mrs, astrophe to without it. Mart vez. Owaer of winner: a fair speed, bead on saddle, Goodridge and Mr. Burnett. Darth Cain, anyway.
Stud Quien Sabe. Pool paid 80 feet in air and body placed in a spon ors of the babe, Mrs. Why don they stick to invent.
and 80, 00 40 70 on tirst reverse position to direction of Dempster, Mrs. Baxter, the ine ma jongs and ping pong cond and third.
motor uycle. His description is Misses Lydia Capuro, Alice King, and chop suey, and leave a curse Fifth race for class im spectacular enough to arouse Davy, McCallister, like gunpower and a noisance ported horses; distance 64 tur. ac xtety fongst the most docile Adames, Mr. Mrs A, Bell, ke money never to be invented Longs purse 300. 1st Peregue of us, and will surely be worth Messrs. W, Bedeau, Drakes, by anybody. L9s Angeles Times (Escobar) second Mary Erb ing of seeing four or five mortor Why throw away your old, but no while going to see, to say noth: M, Delgado, Williams, Schultz) 3rd Tigre (Vizsaico. doubt interesting, books when you Coombs, A, DeSuze, Owner of winner. Stud Carmen. cycles racing around a 4 mile DeDier and others too numerous LEGAL NOTICE Po: paid 10. Ny place tickets bicycle track at a speed of nardcan have them neatly bound at were sold in this race.
ly less than 60 or 70 miles an Sixth race af? furlongs for on the Isthmus.
bour, an eyent never yet seen Notice of Pendency of Suit class inported horses purse Items of Interest 500. 1st Tribano (Quirog. 2ud for final dope on the Labour Look out for next week issue Mi Pollera (Araegu z) 3rd Dad Day Meet.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE UNITED STATES DISTRICT (Casas. Owner of wionar: Raul (Continued from page 1)
COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE Espinosa Pool paid 350 and Opposite Cecilia Theatre 52. 20 on the tirst horse and an of the National Prohibition equal amount on Balboa Division the second Old Timers Ball Causes Act. Irvin had waived examihorse, nation in the Cristobal MagisCIVIL No: 718 Much Interest Seventh race of furlongs for Coucert For Kiddies Treat a Big Welcome Meetings on trate Court and was held in class imported horses purse Success.
Sunday at La Boca. two hundred dollars bail. LUKE GILLETTE, Plaintiff 300. 1st Rolanda (V zcaino) 2nd Guitarro (Schultz) 3rd On Pab Beginning from P. on SaturGLADYS GILLETTE, Defendant (Munoz. Oxner of winner: Raul day next, the old Pacific Club, sit.
The secular concert held at the Adjutant and Mrs. Wiggan, the Divorce Lt, Melvin Asp flew his Espinosa. Pool paid 70 and wated at the corner of 19th Street La Boca Clubhouse on Thursday new officers for the Salvation Army 83. 00 on the first horse and 90 East Central Avenue, will be the evening last by the La Boca Corps at La Boca, arrived Thurs little Asplane. a tiny flying To GLADYS Gillette on the second borse. scene of a gathering of friends from Panama strict of the Panama day, and their welcome meet. machine which he recently in: You are hereby notified that on Colon and Panama. The Old Timers Canal West Indian Employees ings will be held all day Sunday, vented and perfected, for halt August 1, 1925 Luke Gillette filed in the Ball is offered te the better class of Association was successful. The the 30th. Adjutant and Mrs. an hour over Cristobal and he prays for an absolute divorce from The Prince of Wall Street West Indians as the result of re District contemplates staging one Wiggan are Offerers of long and Colon on Tuesday evening you on the statutory grounds of peted requests for an event of this or two more entertainments for varied service, having been sta. last. He flew at an altitude.
kind. The occasion should therefore the purpose of collecting a sub tioned in most parts of the West. hereby notified a memorable one for the reason An interesting criticism on Mil. that there has not been a balls of stantial fund for the children Indies, British Guiana, and for the ranging from fifteen hundred that you are required to be there foed last two years in Colon.
of Christmas treat.
to two thousand feet.
appearance in writing in the office of the Cierk of said court at Ancon, toa Garvey The Prince of Wall this nature in this city for many They have done over twenty years Canal Zone, and make answer thereto, street, from the pen of months, as a consequence of which as Salvation Army Officers, so they on or before the 23rd day of Septem.
Gaskin of Colon, will appear in our very keen interest has been shown ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO are bringing a ripe experience with!
At tne British Empire Ex. ber, 1925.
issue of next week, it interest by the guests invited. special THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP them.
ing; don miss it.
hibition at Wernbley, England If you fail to do so within the time feature in connection with the ball JUAN FRACNO TO MOROW.
It is hoped that there will be a Jamaica coffee is said to have confessed, and the petitioner will take aforesaid the petition will be taken as will be the offering of sets of priz.
large turnout of members and been es. It has been deemed necessary to friends to Sunday, to give them a pronounced as the judgement against you by default and Rent Receipt Books in Span real good Isthmian welcome. World best by well in applied for in the petition.
demand from said court the relief Advertise in the Workman withheld the manner in which these prizes may be won until the night ish and English for sale at the IT PAYS.
F, SHEIBLEY in duestion.
Meetings at the usual time, formed visitors to the Jamaica Workman Printery 11 a. m; and 15 Court.
Clerk of Court.
Another big day for turfites tinued her parents well Book Binding!
to mention. THE WORKMAN VS.


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