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PRICE Cts. Cy.
FUNCTION Gaskin And The Melo Dramatic Association was the scene ar brave.
present a genius too BLACK PLEASANT Big Demand for Labour BABY In the Republic of Cuba Born at Wembley Caus Marks Inauguratian of es Excitement New Band Four Hundred and Fifty Millions Thọ black baby boy who was Last Tuesday night, DeLessep Gives Constructive Criticism On born in the Nigerian section of the Park of To be Spent on Building Roads West African Walled City at enthusiastic and gay throng who Milton Garvey Two Plays Wembley recently is progressing jouraeyed thither to witness the favourably. He is the son of Sergt. inaguration of the Band of the Under the above headline the JAMAICA HERALD pub. Major Joshua Ajayi of the West Beneficent and Athletic Association lishes an interesting article by John Soulette who said African Police, a charge of the a new organization formed for the The wisdom of the world said unto mentally he is fitted for such an police detachment of the Walled primary object of training, youths Go forth and run, the race is to the balt that be has in his walk adds among other things: City, who comes from Oshogba, a in the art of Music and Athletics The 80, 000 West Indians over in Cuba are looking village in Southern Nigeria, and This new ir novation is fathered by Perchance. comes honor tarrieth for away at pianta mecha cortina to him. Without pose puffing forward to the commencing of the road to be built from belongs to the Yuraba tribe. Mr. Robert is :Dowson Habana to Santiago.
With thees liues from Dowson, pla the part. Nelly and the Great interest was taken by the President and General Managet. address myself to the Melo Drem. Prince are shining stars, but too The (The Carretera Principal. with many smaller roads West Africa natives in the new inaugural ceremonies were self. They wear midstand all the to have been performed by Asso. When this connecting up on this grand Boulevard.
afternoon there wasst, sed do y pro vificials ancluding the Presis staged The Prince of Wall Streets their lustre with the enton or Weber Aud vet the highest In all 1, 200 miles of roads the Cuban government cession to the inspect the baby dent of the Municipal Council who on the night of the 14th of July Banker.
contemplate building at a cost of 450 million dollars. Such Master Ajayi at birth weighed was to preside at the function, but last, they met with a thunderous heights were reached by these two an undertaking which is to run into 10 years must attract seven pounds, and was not so black were unable to be present and sent was taxed to its capacity. Just as bind. With wreckless abandonto unavoidable causes they success The Cristobal Clubhouse players. It was when Nelly hurled se her defy at the Prince, her bus.
a goodly number of our labourers; especially when it is ab amight have been expected, but excuses requesting that the pro great idea to the greateist success with ment she touched the vaulted buc receive. said doctor accorded Association on nothing unusual. Native babies their absence.
night of the 19th of the with Here are dollars per day.
my lips kiss them are never quite black at birth, but it you dare.
Her bustand dared Labour conditions over in Cuba have improved, capital even a few tours make a differen band playing a libero me wrich after repeated. Me. Garvey should feel hoge. de while weto de rust en trai The function began was punishment has been reinvoked in the Republic and gun ce to their Mr. fixed an carrying, especially in the cities, carries with the offence The birth took place in one of which more. Lors alejandro Vietor with which his efforts above been cude of daring defiance For fully beavy tine and imprisonment. Jamaica representative, men village. The baptism of a as a hotu the rative buts in the native the proceedings with a neitt Ittle stand ready to acknowledge. four 8900nds the house did not well known Panamanian opened Title received Speaking for Mr. real realize the situation it was spellHarry Dignum, has done well from since our government West Africa is usually the occasion the objects for which the band bound, then su idenly it urtot appointed him to the job. little while before the appoint for great rejoicing. It takes plrce was formed and the endorsemen creator, but for his compilative app into loog and shuuderus ment the relationship between His Britannic Majesty eight days aíter the birth of the it received from Panaman outbori. The Prince can be an und and understands the stage psychoacts applause. Isabel is a tine player government and the Cuban Government was very much child and the feasting which ties, who strained on account of conditions existing between the accompanies it lasts as a rule for lies, who are ever willing to enblushing comparison with many have to see more of Kithrya un logy. Soe should go far will Cuban people and our Jamaica labourers. who went to work often come hundreds of wiles to we received by the large audience value. It is out of time with the three days, Relatives of the family dorse and further all such veatures plays of its kind. The fourth and Foster.
tor good. hie brief oration was last act does not sust»in this high mostly on the sugar plantations. With tact, judgment, and a attend it.
The Cabaret girls are happy jat the conclusion of which the knowledge of the situation our representative has helped to breach and conditions are more promi shaved for the ceremony, its yes anthem.
As a rule the baby head is struek up the Panamanian National proceeding acts, that, is, it does not bunch and a loi is due to Lom weld and cement harmonize. That attempt at took. THE RAMBLIG suicide is fulsome. It is only in ROSE last night. have been sing for our labourers over there just now: The Foreign coloured with antimony and its Another lively air was next played real life that one bungles at uicide told that was loud in his Oftice look to him for the protection of all the other natives cheeks cut in the distinctive marks after which Mr. Walrond of An artist would have succeeded. praise of this play. If that is from the other British West India Islands. don know of the tribe to which it belongs the Workman at the request of the Attempting to be real, art has sut wonder what his master, Mene, whether the foreign office or the other British West India enlightened mortal. He refuse to cience explaining the absence of the ling briefly ad tressed the au fered. The act dragged along ken, would think of bum for praisIslands contribute silently anything to the pay we give him allow any of these writer use bedieninge e patronen het bos de la boda lingered superfluusly on the stage, ing such poor tuff? Be ware when but it is only just, that the labourers from the other Island performed on his child, though he stated that the musical port of the endest parts of the dramatie art. 88 somewhere that. It is not am conscious of the fact the gods. would rewho enjoy the protection our Protector gives them, that himself is marked with the sign program would be proceeded with of a play is one of the mind Mr. Garvey that Meredith their government give not only an honorarium, but some of the courabne triber six slanting the American National Antuem. It takes years tn produce a Shaw good for a man to b: praised tangible consideration by augmenting his pay. Eighty cuts across the cheek. was next played, or a Dunsany Work hard air much in his life time Personally, With this lastest arrival Sergt.
thousand labourers to look after is certainly not a joke, Mujor Ajayi is now the prøud The program, consisting of some Garvey, the raae is for the brave. am op my guard against this especially when we take into consideration the remuneration father of five children. optioued on na To my miad all the players have Ku Bian flere. The cold truth ability. But some have got. or this, the success of The he receives from us which includes office attendants. These should say, some are mere Rambling Rose was borne on the labourers have invested in one of the Canadian Banks adaptable to the stage than others. wing of The Prince of Wall St.
operating in Cuba over one million and a half dollars. Gamboa Settlement, Excursion Train have selected, the Prince, the Rose and Rose only sustained goodly lot of that amount is only lodged for safe keeping Banker, Nelly and Isabel as stars high value in this play. Still there receiving no interest. Good for that Bank, bad for our poor The Gamboa Settlemeut is not of the first magnitude. But think is that self conscious smile. Even labourers.
widely known to many persons. It the rush at the lost minute!
Get your tickets in time to avoid that the Banker shines with a more when singing that she is sad and singular coruscation, only marred blive, which shows that she is Miss is hidden behind the hills and can Iris twinkle into The management of the Labor now and then with George more than she is SPARKLETS and fro by rail. Much, however, is Day Excursioa Iran has every his native brogue, which can be Rambling Ruse. Net 80 thing arranged, and on Monday overcome with a little practice. He Geo. Take to heart Shakespeare BY JACK on the road to Gamboa Settle. nent which is an enjoyable drive from pull out from Panama Railroad others; he is about his own business words. Bear in mini that if ever lack of sauvity of language of my Commissioner, a Seeretary General, under cultivation by the peasati ts The abstruseness and, may be, among such dignitaries as a High Panama City, one secs the banana Station in Panama for Colon, with as a banker, the audience does not you have to play at The America at Balboa Heights, Red count with him. Physically and. Continued on page 8)
weekly pen pictures, as they general secretaries, pre idents of wnose small houses are built on the Tank, and Pedro Miguel; returning it leaves Colon at pm.
appear to my New Providence Divions and Chapters, Chaplains, sud.
contemporary, make them more a lawyer, Preesmen, ladies of The Excursion will be under the ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN superficial than had really meant culture and refinement and over a the Chagres, a beautiful picture is auspices of the Grand United Order them to. therefore, they. formed; on left banks of Od fellows, and the management Honorable Mr. Glaw sailed from here should be treated Woralor readers work dedicated to for the general areas cultivatisht. and behet borko guarantees teine, there could be boy Chang, Chinese Charge to join his wife on their with contempt. But at the same improvement of is peopleand it be element hen other conception des reprise be infrinbox Affaires to the Republic of annual vacation just one day tine if the scribe thinks that they especially while refreshments will be Panama, on softer than butter but are event follows closely upon delion sale from the starting off until The Colored School established the return.
last on drawn swords and that they berations bearing upon the work the steamship merit a place on the king plat With reluctance, writer by the Government of the Canal This wil be a good opportunity Mongolis. He goes back to to cross the Isthmus, bave a good China via the United States, pany, after having delighted that he was one of the Zone is neat in every detail.
The London Comedy Comorm. there is even greater hopes must for them that had dreamt of; honored guesis of the banquet Gamboa excels every other Color. time with your friends and rel Mr. Chang is succeeded by hundreds at they will acquire judgement in tend sred delegates and Pressainen ed District on the Zone, for its lives and return, at little cost the National the Honorable Lee.
clue process of time. Be that as it by the N. at Liberty Hall, size, ia music. In almost every Theatre in this city, has nay, Dalrymple Lencock and Divisica 17 on Saturday evening home therr is a Musical Instrument decided to play at the Canal are making arrangements to last, after the 10th and last session with someone capable to play; bePersonal During last month the Zone visit New Providence in the near of the aonual convention of the aides, there are several Brass In Gold clubhouses.
future, for the specific purpose of Association, scrumeuts and players capable to Panama Canal collected tolls after which, is is learnt, the looking over the people and form a baod. With such talent it is We congratulate our esteemed leave the developments there If my jour. INDICATIONS POINT TO BETTTR nalist friend is at the time fully. friend and contemporary Mr. John to the amount of 1, 656, 944, Company will THINGS.
no wonder why the St. Simou Vynfred Gibbons, Editor Proprietor 15. Of this amount 50, 25 Isthmus for Kingston, Jamaiqualified, he may before leaving Having attended all the sessions tion, the choirmaster being the well of the Barbados Globen op bis ber was collected froin 13 small ca.
that place blant the red, black and of the Convention the banquet knowo Jack Mapp whose pains ing made Justice of the Peace of launches; the balance on 372 green flag of the Universal Negro proved to be a very happy climax, taking is in every detail to bring to Colony.
Barbados by vessels. The William McPherson, who Improvement Association in a Tue program of the Convention, perfection the little band under bi average daily receipt for tolls should have been the star conspicuous place; and have us mapped out by the delegates, guidance, was 53, 480. 45 on the com witness in the case of the six eason to believe that brother is believed to be a mouthful some Sm Whyte of the Panama Ca what too big to allow proper mas of Scenery and Music; the St. Si There is somthing for all lovers Christian Endeavour Consecration mercial transits.
silver employees of Cristobal Indian Employees tication which is necessary for mon choir and Sunday School will Meeting.
commisary who were charged Association will be pleased to uabampered digestion, but it is be staging a Concert on Sunday clothe me with authority to bear also taken as a wonderful change September 13th, and this should The sad news of the death with stealing and conspiring greetings of theoretical The monthly consecration meet on August 21, of Mrs. Flor. to steal 3, 500 worth of goods practical employees to their fellow West work. One thing is certain is tivat drovide a rare treat to those atteo is iets the Cesilexian Ege en quatence Glaw, wife of from the commissary, is held SocietyMethodist Indians pioneers in that institution the problem of collecting funds to city and enjoy come beautiest bi bat burch will take ploca on Wed Glaw popular and much liked in 3, 000 bond on a charge of Alterum alterius auxilio eget. The carry on the work is already solved; cure a coupley thoitheacticexcellent nesday, Sept. Och at 7:30 Mr Paymaster of the Panama grand larceny. Four of the one needs the assistance of the as the members of the Association Musical Program, Harris, President, will de Canal, was received here other employees have been other. have truly dedicated themselves to liver the principal address. Mem during the week. Mrs. Glaw set free, the charge against REGAL HONOR.
support their cause; they are a bers are urged to attend meetings died at her nother resi them having been dismissed; Have you tried the New Beer and come active in proxressive dence at Freeport, Illinois.
It is a great honor for one to sit (Continued onpage 8) KRONÉN BRAU Ask for it. Work of the Society. Cued on page 8) a The not be seen by those who travel to Miss to be seen on a visit to this place, next at 15 a. the train will is less self conscious than the dictum. Suit the clio 10 the stops The SO when such an South iure the a a na) West to


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