
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands GOOD LUCK HERBS Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD neeting THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders JAMAICA ca Fruit and Shipping Company xos bought fruit, and procured about 2, 400 stems, The Atlantic Fruit Working of the Shop Company purchased on Monday and Thursday, procuring 1, 600 and 1, 800 bunches in two shipAssistants Law ments. The United Fruit oCmpany purchased on Monday, package free with each 50c order The GLEANER say; a meeting Tuesday and Thursday. This Loadstone 50e; magnetic sand, 50c.
things kept secret from foundation of waa bel in Kingston by persons company got about 500 stems.
the world, 75c; private lessons for me wbo are interested in the Shop diums, 75e; East Indian spirit healing, Assistants Law. These persons NEW GOVERNOR 50e; the secret of Hindu visualization, contend that the law is creating 50e: the reader of souls, 50; the hardships on the people, espe.
priesthood of India 50e: the drugless road to perfect health, 2: Manta Yoga, cially those of the working class, May Not Arrive Until January.
50e; a physician in the house, 50: on account of the Chinese five finer grass, package free with groceries closing at o clock in His Excellency Sir Reginald each 750 order; Mantram words of the afternoons. And the idea of Stubbs, the new Governor of Ja.
power 2: the master key book, 3; these people is to consider what maica, is still in Hong Kong and signet and seal symbol rings for ladies Recommended for Removing the Humors of and gents, 14 karat gold, only 20; sbould be done to alter the when he arrives in England he lucky seven stick pin for men, o; one present situation wbat move will be going on three months Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, package John Conquerer Root and tbay should make, whether they leave of absence. He is therefore One Adam and Eve root free with each Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic order: Jucky seven ring for ladies, should take steps to endeavuor not expected to come to Jamaica 7; lucky sevea ring for men, 9; three to have the existing low amend until the end of this year or in Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disheaded snake ring. 18; the under ed.
ground treasure book, 4; hair dress.
eases caused by Impurities of the Blood ing for ladies and gents 50e; perfume We understand that the matter It was understood that in the 02. 50e: face cream, 50e; gloss oil 50e; was discussed, but nothing ordinaay course of events there face powder, 50e; greater key of Solodefinite was reached at the would be an Autumn session of An Alterative recommended for purify.
mon, 16; the silent friend book, 25; the Leg islotive Council this year.
Egyptian secrets book, 750; lesser key On the other hand the vast In fact several of the matters ing and enriching the BLOOD.
of Solomon, 50. long lost friend book 75e; fortune telling cards, 25; the majority of the public regard which were on the orders of the sealed book, the great book of the law as a very good one, and day at the regular session this magical art, 15; the sixth and seven they feel sure that it has come to year were, towards its close, debooks of Moses, 75e; gazing crystal, stay. It is one of the most ferred until tha Autumn session.
For Sale at all Drug Stores inch, with stand and instructions, only 5; de la Sphinx Hindu temple ineffective means of dealing with In view, however, of the fact cense, t; secret of black art book, 1; the alien question, a subject that that the new Governor may not And in Large Quantities by parchment paper, 75; special ink as was discussed in real earnest at arrive in the faland until next used on parchment 75 candles all colors, per dozen 75; genuine parchthe session of the Legislative January, it is doubtful now whetment skin, 50; lilly rose vanvan, Council this year.
her an Autumn session will be JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy oz. 50. With any order for ten dol.
If the Chinaman elects to sell heln. At any rate, nothing has lars worth of goods at one time we will AGENT dry goods in his shop, then be been decided on this subject it is send you the following goods absolute ly free: package devii s, the famous must close at p. in the same too soon to come to any decisios seals reprinted from the six and seven way that the dry goods mer about it.
books of Moses, on old time parchment ebants are compelled to close at Somero OSONSORS with gold ink, Fig. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; lode stone, magnet sand; also the origi4 o clock, and it is only a matter nal lucky glass with full instructions.
of time when the Chinaman will TRINIDAD Address all orders direct to De larealise that he cannot afford to Herb Agency, No 2802 Cottage Grove Ave. Chicago, II.
open his shop at a. and close on to do in order to ridon at pm. In the meantime the Proposed Pact With groceries are doing a bir irade, and rightly so. The China Dominion of Canada exists to a certain extent, still man there is no doubt that, if the cannot acord to retaliate on the public too lɔng, and it is to matter is properly taken in band, it should be possible to grow and be boped that in the future the PORT OF SPAIN GAZETTE EX.
ship bananes in large and profpeople of Jamaica will remember PREESES OPINION ON AGREE OF this action on the part of the table quantities from here. It MENT.
seems that it is clearly to the interests of the colony to make It is pleasing to observe that whatever efforts are possible to the Government intends to stand In its issue of July 22nd, the by the law: Neither the Govern Port of Spain GAZETTE says:galn all the advantages offered by the new agreement, and we ment nor the public are going to One of the clauses of the trade would urge on the government, allow themselves to be bluffed by agreement receptly arranged at IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF these aliens. They bave been Ottawa, as outlined in the cable the Agricultural Society, the Chamber of Commerce, and all allowed to obtain such a hold on reports which have thus far proprietors of suitable lands the trade of tue colony that they reached us, indicates that a throughout the Island, to join are in a position to retaliate.
special effort bas been made to an endeavour to Speaking to gentleman in encourage a direct fruit trade Kingston on this subject yester from these islands. Fresh fruit establish on a firm footing a ban.
day, be remarked to a ana trade with Canada, wbich Gleaner is admitted duty free into this sball prove reporter that only a selfish per colony; and in future Canada will remunerative and sou could condemn the paesent admit West Indian fresh bananas provide both employment and a amended Shop Assistants Law, free of duty, as against tariff means of augmenting their and that the Hon. Altamont Da of 50 cents per stem to be la a large number of small men. banana trade is esCusta, is to be com mendposed on foreingn fruit. that is, sentially one that can be taken ec for the determined efforts in effect, American grown bana. Suitable for Lodge Business which he put forth to have the nas. Other West Indian fruits, up by the holders of small as well as of large areas of land: law passed pine apples, citrus fruits and 80 and we trust that the opportunity on will also be given special prewbich bas been secured for us in ferential ter is in Canada. And this respect under the trade To Manufacture Motor it is a condition of the subsidis AT THEagreement will not be cast away Spirit Here. ing of the new steamers that through the neglect of those who they are to maintain, at the disare able to make it useful.
posal of the West Iodies through The GLEARNER understand out the year, cold storage cham ibut there is a proposal on foot bers sach as are essential to the to establish in Kingston a plant conveyance of frbit. It may Sentenced To Prison be For Life.
spirits from Cassava and steam concession to budanas is somecoal.
thing won by Jamaica, the From what a representative greatest banana growing and Port of Spain, Tuesday. Atter was able to gather certain party exporting island of the group.
a trial lasting four days, the represenung a company trom But that this is not so is evident SSKOKOSOWSEXOCOS charge of arson on wbich Dunabroad bas been cegotiating for from the fact that there is no can. Victor and Paul Dyall, brothe purchase of a big property restriction as in some other in Kingston, on which will be cases, to the islands whose prothers were indicted at the Crimi.
inal Assize Court before Mr.
establisbed the manufacturing ducts are to be tbus dealt with.
Justice Thomas, came to a plant, and on which cassava will some islands have given perfer: also be grown.
dramatic and on Thursday, when ence certain articles which two of the prisoners, Duncan and Another big property will also differs from that Victor were found guilty and be purchased in the country for But the free admission of baosentenced to life imprisonment Krowing cassava and cassava anas with a discriminating tarif the younger brother Paul, will also be purchased from other against foreiga growing of 50 per is was acquitted. For nearly, an Krowers.
hour succeeding the Judge The motor spirit will it is said, entire West Indias. There is a be manufactured and sold at a proviso to the offer; but it is one summary the large number of spectators who crowded the very cheap price. It will also be that should be easy to avoid Court room waitd with striking the means of Adeveloping an incurring, In the event of Cana silenced the decision of the jury important industry of the colony. da finding that through the AT and listened to the Judge stricoperation of a ring, she is being tures preceding the sentence.
deprived of a fair supply of the Riversdale Notes.
The removal of the prisoners fruit at a reasonable price, she from the dock was the sigpal for retains the right to impose a loud sbrieks from the realtives of The GLEANER correspondent remedy by admitting foreign the prisoner: that had to be writing from Riversdale on the fruit to make good the shortage.
silenced by the police.
14th Aug. says:It is for us in the West Indies. During tbe past two or three and more especially in Trinidad SEXSO 055 voo: Xoxo Railway Being Run At in the tield bere, procured this fruit trade otter. In a recent weeks the three fruit conferences pour to take steps to secure the fullest possible advantage from Loss.
large number of stems of banana speech on the subject, Mr. Logan at each shipment.
stated that the average yearly or not. In the past it has been endeavour to create a fruit trade bardly to be expected that the The United Fruit Company got importations nf bananas iato complained that even if the West here, and through whose efforts new boats can take up the ser The management of the Triniin the hon share, banding both Canada tolalled roughly 400, 000 Indies grew the bankoas, the a great deal of pioneer work was vice under a year; but a year is dad Government Railway. says rouod fall, and three quarter full bunches wbich is estimated to be uncertainty of adequate cold done, the complaint of the ne ample time to grow bananas, at the Trinidad, Guardian) in the bananas. Their orders are now more than sufficient to give cargo storage accommodation would cessity for cold storage as a pre least to show that we are apx past has been the subject of unopan, and no longer limited.
throughout the year to the cold prevent the materialism of the liminary bas been beard. ious to establish a trade in them. favourable comment in the LegisThe price generally to all storage chambers of the West trade. Since the days when Mr. Now we are to have both cold That Trinidad can produce ban lative Council, and while it may sellers is 3 per bunch, but in Indian mail service boats. And Russell Murray inany years ago storage and a free market anas is well known: and while ot be truly contended that the some cases there have been we are to bave this cold storage agitated for a fruit trade since offered for our bananas. Are we course the old cry of the absence present conditions of this service small increases.
at our disposal in tuture whethe days when Mr. Symington, going to make any effort to of good roads and cheap trans have been very much improved, Last week Monday the Jamai ther there is the cargo to fill it who came out from England to produce and ship them? It is port facilties from the interior (Continued on page 7)
in bands MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS living for Workman Stationery Store mamma. mao man yra gana and ananananananas con papan adanao nao au au anap ana e on given in others HAND IRONERS Wanted and APPLY ESPERANZA LAUNDRY

    EnglandSpainWorking Class

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