
Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica.
WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all matte Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Pagama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three 6Cc.
We do not undertake to return reOne 25e.
jected correspondence.
The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
St. Paul Church, Panama (Rev, a Nightengale, Rector) m. Holy Communion.
10. 30 a. Matine and Address, 12 Holy Baptiem 3p. Church Bohool, 30 Choral Evensong, sermon Preacher, Desa Meredith. His subjeet will be Religious Education.
30 The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS KRONEN BRAÜ Stop and Listen!
St. Alban Church, Paraiso is brewed from the best CANAL ZONE. HE SUMMER TIME CONTROmaterials to be obtained (Rev. NIGBTENGALE, Priess in Charge.
11 Matins and addres p. m, Church School and Confirma tion Clare Public opinion in Great Britain takes a very lively It is specially suited for this climate interest in the question of Summer Time. When the clock 30 Choral Evensong addrese Mr. Osborne Catechist.
is altered in the Spring the extra hour of daylight means a great deal to that great majority of the population, which is superior to all imported beers sold is much more interested in having long evenings for rehere and it sells to the public at St, Matthias Mission creation than in profiting by the hours of daylight immeLAS BABANAS diately after dawn. Yet, though the Summer Time reform HALF the price. Rev. NIGHTENGALE, has taken firm root in this country, there is a recurring Prieet in Charge.
controversy every year as to when Summer time shall begin p. Church School.
and when it shall end. Legislation is passed for each year 15 Evensong and address, separately and no regular system has yet been evolved.
TRY OUR NEW BEER Mr. Richards, Catechist This year a Bill was introduced in the House of Commons by a private member for six months of Summer Time, from the beginning of April till the end of September. Peter by the Sea, La Boca It had the support of the great majority of the House and (American Episcopal)
the Government indicated that it would give facilities for Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity passing the measure into law. Since then, however, the Holy Communion 30.
agricultural interest, which claim that grave inconvenience Holy Baptism 30 a.
SUPERIOR TO ALL Matins and sermon 11 a.
and even loss is caused to them by the curtailing of the Church School p.
early morning hours, appear to have pressed their views Choral Evensong and sermon 30 on the Prime Minister to some purpose, for the Government T. MULCARE, Rector, has discovered now that it cannot find time, after all, to so ossel pass the Summer Time measure into law. The decision St. Barnabas Church, Empiro has caused a great deal of dissatisfaction and it is just posMorning Prayer, and addree 11.
sible that sufficient feeling will be aroused to enable SumChurch Sobool and Confirmation Class mer Time to be carried on to the end of September, instead at 30 of the middle of September, after all. The economic saving Evening Prayer and address p.
in gas and electric light is considerable, and the benefit to MULCARE Priest in Cuatge health still greater. Film Hoax St. Bartholomew s, Church LAS CASCADAS, Matice and address 11 a.
Some amusement and a great deal of indignation has Church School, and Confirmation clan.
been caused by the success of an enterprising film company at p.
in securing a military escort from an Altantic liner at Eveuing Prayer and Address p.
Southampton to Wardour Street, London, the centre of the Mr. Skeen (Lay reader)
film industry for a film declared to be of particular value JT MULCARE Priest in Charg and to need a special guard. What actually happened was St Jude Mission, Summit, that the Hampshire Heavy Artillery met the American Morning Prayer and address 11 a.
representative of the film company as he landed from the Church School and Confirmation Clas: liner Barengaria, marched with his car to the station, took p.
Evening Prayer. p.
train with him for London and then marched again with (The Layreader)
the film through the principal streets of London to its MULCARE, Priest in charko.
destination. An armoured car was to have taken part in the st. Simon Mission, Gamboa procession, but though it actually came to the London Morning Prayer and Address 11 a.
station to meet the film some suspicion on the part of the Church School and Confirmation Clare officer in charge was aroused and the car was sent back 2, to its depot before the train arrived. The War Minister has Choral Evensong and address p.
had to face a rain of questions on the subject in Parliament (The Layreader will Officiate)
and in reply explained at length that all the soldiers MULCARE, Priest in Charge concerned were under the impression that what was in question was not the escorting of a film but the making of Corner Street, No. and Central Avenue Wesleyan Mathodist Church a film. They had apparently been given to believe that a special military film was to be taken which would be of (BRITISH CONFERENCE. great value for recruiting purposes and they accordingly GREAT REDUCTION Pansus 11 a. and 30 Rev. ER Wade. Commuuion after bott formed up and marched through Southampton and London services. Subject at 30 The Greatest in the firm conviction that somewhere out of sight a camera Need of Panama, was hard at work recording all their movements. When the Colon 11 a. and 30 Rev.
truth was discovered the War Office was naturally furious Surgeon. Communion after both and the film that had been so elaborately guarded was La Bocs 11 a. m, and 30 Mr.
confiscated by the authorities forth with. In their hands it still remains and the War Minister has given an assurance Now Providence 11 am. Mr. Daley.
to the House of Commons that under no circumstances will Parsino 11 a. Mr. Theo. Fuller.
he allow it to be exhibited. Otherwise the advertisement Referring to the celebrations of the centenary of th a verse each of the popular thus received might have been invaluable.
treaty of amity and commerce between the United Proe hymns Ooward Christian Sold 730p. Mr. Walters Empire 11 Mr. Headley: vinces of the River Plate and Great Britain, he said the re, and m not ashamed to treaty had inaugurated relations of friendship and commer ment of the entire congregation, own my Lord, etc. to the eojuy The Salvation Army The Prince of Wales At Buenos Aires. Icial intercourse between the two countries which had been she said that a parrot which lived uninterrupted for a century, and which would be prolonged near the meeting bouse. learnt PANAMA CITY CORPS.
and sang, the bymns just as Services are se foliowe:indefinitely LOOKS TO CLOSER ANGLO ARGENTINE quick as the Indians themselves. a. Early and Prayer Meeting.
She said. and we believe her FRIENDSHIP, 10 Children Directory Meeting. that NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES. Neon Providence on Sunday Hordeus Christ, and planted and Brigodo a United Open Air Mooting Direct West India Cable despatch from Buenos (From Our CORRESPONDENT)
the 20th ultoimo, his text was His Gospel among the San Blas 11 be What shall do then with Indians.
ducted by Commandant Martin, Aires states that President Alvear making a speech of welJesus? St. Matt. xxvii, 22. The 3p. Y, Compasy meeting an come to the Prince of Wales, who arrived there recantly. The Household of Faith Union sermon, so very instructive and Brigades Open air.
said that the visit of the Prince signalized the culminating held its bi annual election of interesting, was listeaed to with Master Joseph Chamberlain p. Junior Open Air.
tbe 28th rapt attention. Atter the service Markham was 15 years old on 45 m. Separate Brigade Open Ai.
moment in the life of the relations of the Argentine Repub of ticers on Friday St. Meeting lic and the British Empire. He saw in the visit of His altimo, and the following per the Sacrament of the Lord the 29th ultimo he is a sons were elected to serve for Supper was adorinistered to the Lucian by birth and be possesses p Salvation Meeting, in the Hall Royal Highness, a wonderful opportunity to tighten Anglo the ensuing term; viz Mr. Rib members of the Courch. the spirit of a Britisher.
to be conducted by Comdt Martin.
Argentine amity ert Peart, President; Mr. fortnigbt ago, he requested Sunbeame Parade at p.
Monday, Life Saving Gnarde and The Prince finished his first day stay here by attend. Henderson, Vice President; Miss his mother permission to lov te ing a gala banquet at the Government Palace at which elected, Mrs. Markhaun, at the Union Baptist Church on evening with him: bis request Doris Russell. Secretary. re Missionary services were held a few ot his friends to spend an at 30 Tuesday, Band of Lee Work Clase officials of the Argentine Republic and diplomatic represen Treasurer; Messra. Turner Sunday the 80:n ulto. the was granted, and on the 30th Wednesday, p. Life Saving Scoute tatives of all nations in Buenos Aires were present. and Wilson, and Mrs. Ellon preacher was Mise Annie Coope, ultò. in the evening the folləw and Chume parade.
Speaking before a brilliant assemblage in reply to a we, Trasures. The Uniod to an English Missionary, late frem ing young folks were entertained p. All women from 18 years of welcoming address by President Alvear, the Royal visitor just 25 months old and is doing San Blas, where she has in his honour, viz Master Glas uge are invited to attend.
said he considered himself fortunate while the experiences bars, the membership is opened work for the past 12 years. She Mildred, Rella and Hana ah Hall to be conducted by Commandant excellent work among it mem been carrying on missionary ford Walker, Misses Josephine, Thursday Holiness meeting in the of his South African Tour were yet fresh in mind, to be to all members of the Christian addressed a representative (mix Walker; and Wilbelmina and Martin at p.
All are invited to attend these meet enabled to pay a similar visit to the southern part of the Courch in and out of New Provi. ed) congregation at 30 Antinette Tily. Mr. and Mrs.
and gave thrilling stories of her Robert Peart and Mr. inge, American continent. Both were new lands, he continued, dence Colony.
work among the San Blas In Henderson; were also present all MARTIN. Commandant.
with different problems to solve but both were working dians, she is able to speak in the confidently for human progress and civilization.
Kev Wade, preached Indian tongue, in which she saur (Continued onpage Continned on page 7)
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SK Walter


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