
Attractions at the Theatres tion on soul with much applause.
were of the coming El Excelsior plause WE Stanley THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1925 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE West Indian Employees ge Association.
West Indians Cristobal Colon Bapdesiring to take advantage of superior opportunities regarding tist Church. Activities. HOLDS INTERESTING MEETtheir children (high school and ING, business) education, with board aod lodging if desired, should The Sacred Concert held at the Cristobal Colon Baptist Church West Indian Employees AssoA special meeting of the CECILIA AMERICA write at once to Mr. FitzHenley, PC, Excelsior on Sunday afternoon, was a buge ciation took place at Cristobal on Schools, 19 North Si. Kingston, success viewed from all angles. Friday night the 28th ulto. and (PANAM. COLON)
The big Gburch was crowded there was an unusually large Ja. B, TODAY SATURDAY, Sept. 5th TODAY Saturday September 5th long before o clock, and when attendance.
and TOMORROW Sunday Sept. 6th Harry Carey In the Chairman was ready to give Please mention this paper, his introductory address there The most interesting feature TIGER H Ps N.
Jack Holt in was bardly vacant seat.
of the meeting was the address The Program of some 21 items of President Whyte who THE CHUNDERING HERD TOMORROW. Surday Sept. 6th was rendered with precision, spoke at length and outlined the Raymond Griffith in CANAL ZONE NOTES The opening Anthem. Blow ye activities of the organization. He MONDAY, September 7th FORTY WINKS the Trumpel by the Choir with told his hearers of some very Pauline Starke in Cornet Obligato by Mr. importont steps that had already THE DEVIL CARGO MONDAY, September 7th Smith, was bautifully rendered been taken, wbile communica.
La Boca Pars.
This was followed by a series of touching the bighest welfare of other short matters, Antonio Moreno in Solos, Duets, Trios, and Instra: the West Indian employees were TUESDAY, September 8th THE BORDER LEGION The Executive officers of the Pr.
men al numbers that will long be Lcis Wilson in nama Canal West Indian Emremembered by all who beard at present being engaged in, TUESDAY, September 8th ployees Association held a meeting them. The Rocitation, The Si Allwbo were present felt CONTRA BAND Richard Dix in on Wednesday evening last, the len Communion by Miss much gratified at what they TOO MANY KISSES nature of which could not be Morgan, was given in fine style. heard and left the meeting feel.
WEDNESDAY, September 9th lesent. It is understood, however, The Soprano Solo, Some of ing very bopeful of the future Aona Nillson in that the As ociation has been these Days WEDNESDAY, September 9th ne and with the determination to by Miss McFarlane quietly doing some good work. It proved that this young lady bos induce their friends to join. THE TOP OF THE WORLD Jack Holt in is expected that the Board of Li.
a wonderful voice. Mr. SteThe regular monthly meeting THE THUNDERING HERD rectors will meet before the end of phenson Tenor Solo, Thou was announced to take place on THURSDAY, September 10th the yar to elect Officers for next Pilot of my was received Friday night the Iith inst. and Raymond Griffith in THURSDAY, September 10th adjournment taok place at li year and to review tne Associa tion work and compile a Pauline Starke in FORTY WINKS report Sp. cial mention must be made for the present year. THE DEVIL CARGO of the friends from the WesBASKET BALL leyan Church who contributed FRIDAY, Sépten ber 11th FRIDAY, September 11th Eighteen pupils of Teachers liberally to the program. Mr, H, Three Interesting games of Antonio Moreno in Lris Wil on Ellis Shorthand Class have been Lawson, the Organist was basket ball took place at the THE BORDER LEGION CONTRABAND awarded second class or theory kept very busy througbout the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse on certificates in Pitman phonogra.
program playing the accompani Saturday night the 29th ulto.
toents to the Flute Solo by Mr. Excelsior met and defeated SATURDAY September 12th phy, they having satisfactorily SATURDAY, Septembar 12th passed their examination taken Smith. the Soprano Solo, the Lyceum for the thrid time. Richard Dix in Anna Nill on in There is a Green Hill by Mr. The scores were 30 in favour recently. Te certificates TOO MANY KISSES THE TOP OF THE WORLD received on Thursily from the Lowes from Christ Church of toe winners.
Pitman Phönetie Institute, Bath by the sea, the Violin Solo by Toe Panama Juniors lost to England, by C, King who gave Mr.
prano Duet: Jesus Lover of my loosers quitting minutes before the pupils their test lesson. It is Joseph, the Alto and for the Colon Juniors 23 15, the learnt that the certificates will be Foul by Misses Martin and the end of the last quarter.
presented to the successful pupils Ellir gton, the Cello Solo by Mr.
Due to certain misunderstandBowler after bowler was changed week. report of the presentation during the early part Luwrence, the Cornet Solo, ing during the progress of a Dream of Paradise by Mr. game between the Colon and in the effort in dielndke him, but Smith, and the Musical Selec the Silver City 5, it was declared to no avall. He held his ground and the womes of the successful tion by Messrs. Joseph (Violin) a forleit.
confidently and played a mas pupils will appear in our next Smith (Flute. and Law week issue.
terly hand for 50 runs, not oy. Toree other interesting games rence. Cello all of which were have been planned to take place Otber prominent scores were Harding 18, Eastmood 16, Sim The La Boca Panama District received with eachusiastic ap tonight.
JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP pson 10. Liyne not ou. of the West Indi. Employees Violin Solos were given by Mas Correction, wicket captured by Wallace Association will hold their regular ters Rodney and Davi. Corner 12 Street East Avenue for 23 runs Lambert for 33, monthly business meeting at the White for 15, Clarke buth of which were accompanies for 24. Community Hall on Friday eve1 for 23.
It was stated in our issue o on the Ogan by Miss Ridney ning next, the 11th instant. Accorth illant Organist of the Wes. last week that the Court Brock We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also Westmoreland replied with 84 ding to information gained from 1:y Oburer.
Lodge would cel brate their 40th for wickets and from all ap officers of the District, the atten.
anniversary The watches. Our prices are the lowest and our statem nt Miss Browr reelted in her should have been the pearances bad the time been dance at meetines has been falling 45th Workmanship is guaranteed.
usual elegant manner. The anniversary instead.
longer they would bave made off considerably, while the mem.
Church and the World. fuch Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you Sussex regret declaring at the bership has been steadily growing, fall of the 7th wicket, The bigbon interviewing the District credit is due to this young lady for ber splendid memory, and we News Notes may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may st individual scorer for The Secretary as to the prob. ble cause no longer wonder why she is drsire, provided the monthly payments of loping was Lambert who of the non attendance of members, termed the Star citer of the interest are duly met.
contributed 29 not out, which our correspondant was informed Baptist Church. The Tenor Trio The Rev. Surgeon arriv was followed by Yearwood with that there is no known reason, as What is Thy will for me by Ted from bis va sation in Costa Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall 27. Only wickets actually fell, very at. sisfactory work is being Messrs. Stephenson, Noble end Rica yesterday after having beer be pleased.
and they were all capske done. It is only a matter of getting Weeks for 30 runs Quarles, was rendered in gojo ab ent for nearly two months, and tired easily when doing work for Bovell apparently became excited which all the resul stvle, the three voices blending and will occupy his pulpit at be to perf. ct harmony.
Colon Wesley Churen throughand were run out in succession cannot be readily ob tained, on out the day omorrow.
for and run respectively.
he said The District is working Chº Authem The Lord ReignThis maich was well attended quietly und effectively and it is eth. by the Choir brought the program to a cluse, and in bis Unconfirmed rumour says that and was very interesting, but only those members who know many were dissatistied with the that this kind of work is the least closing address Pastor Thrift the Silver residents of Gatun commented on the perfect be will soon be called upon umpiring, which was done by admired but the most effective will t: Alleyne and Farrell, be prepared to hold on baviour and appreciation of the vacate as the settle uent audience. He stated that the wanted for military purposes.
þull dog tenacity. There will be purpose of the Concert was to Three Cup Matches For extra special vuisess, however.
he continued, which will be dealt help in raising 2, 000. 00 for the The Gatun Roa was re opsuTomorrow, with at the business meeting on renovation of the Church, and ed to traffic on Friday the 28 notified his bearers that very of last month a ter baving under LABOR DAY, MONDAY SEP. the 11th, and notices are being soon he will be on them Three cup matches bave been sent to members to that effect, fixed for tomorrow as follows: From Panama to Colon and return with request that they make it to come again to help the csuse, kone extensive repairs for about it a months.
He tben moved a vote of thanks Wanderers vs. Silver City at point of duty to attend.
to the Wesleyan friends for their Victoria oval. Kent vs. Sussex at kind assistance in belping to Mr. Anderson erst Gatun. Westmoreland vs, Pick It is ran oured here that a man make the Concert such a success, while of the Panam Canal Press UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE wick at Mt. Hope.
entered the quarters of one of the to which the audience responded Mount Hope, and now in New GRAND UNITED ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS Navy officers of the Balboa Radio with a prolonged applause. The York reports that he success EDUCATIONAL station on Tuesday night last with Doxology Benediction fully possed a recent test exam and intent to steal, but was discovered brougbt a well spent afternoon ination with bonours. His before he had a chance to lay hold to a close numerous friends join in con Train leaves Panam 15 a, with stops at Balboa gratulating bim Heights, Red Tank aud Pedro Miguel, returoing Jasmine School Makos Good officer there shand was prove the at probably CRICKET leaves. Colon p, sbot while making his escape. The The 3rd Colon troop of Boy The annual examipation of the police have questio ed several Scouts under Sooutmaster Jasmine school, operated in the employees who live near the Staold Zone school building by tion with a view to cop the Victoria Wins From Thompsom celebrated their 7th anniversary on Sunday 30:b The management guarantees there will be no conMesdames Ella Jobnson and guilty one.
Pickwick ulto.
In the morning tbey gestion. All will be comfortably seated Barnett, was recently examined attended Divine Service at the by Mr. Thompson of the Master Loyd Whyte of the Quar.
Cristobal Colored schools Pupils The Victoria Pickwick cup St. Joseph Church At 30 match on the victoria oval on there was a grand proces REFRESHMENTS ON SALE FROM THE START of the middle and upper stand antive Annex, who has been in ards were examined in Reading, weeks, suffering from an attack of Ancon Hospital for the past two Sur day, the 30th ulto. was won sion headed by horse guards, ING OFF UNTIL THE RETURN Arltbmetic, Grammar. Composi malaria, is gettinz along nicely and by the home team by a score of from their headquarters, 3rd and runs and Wickets.
tion, Geography, Hygiene, Scrip will probably be back home in the Broadway to Silver City, and on Pickwicks batted first and their return to headquarters, Get your train Tickets early to avoid the rush ture and the results on the whole was found to be very next few days.
played a fine inning for 61 runs addresses were delivered and feeling confident that the game refreshments served.
satisfactory would be their s, The leading The 1st Colon and Silver City Following is a list of the suc Worrell Passes Away scores of the inning were Beo: troops were represented and the the teams in the competition Westmorelar Draws with Sus cessful pupils id our order of nutt 22 and Niles 20, while wick. Ewen Shield was exbibited dur will be represented.
sex Nurse Puts Up Halt a Bowen. 2) Urla Headley (3) Oiga merit: STANDARD III (1) Sila La Boca was thrown intr deep ets were captured as follows:ing the parade.
Coleridge for 17 runs, Bolana Century Not Out.
Edwards (4) Druscilla Young surprise mingled with sorrow on for 24, Bovell for 10, Thorpe Mr. Handel Lawson, of the competition cup is now a Mb The Surprise Cricket STANDARD IV (1) Velona Tuesday morning last, when the for International Banking Corpora. Lindo sporting goods establtsh Bowen. Marels Rose. 8) se news st the desth of Worthe regular Due to the stiff resistance and Purcell. 4) Gladstone Smith. 5) rel, much loved resident bere, thend Vänta sirom the took set iting, musicians of the Atlantic Market Streets, in opposite the moreleid u. their cup match 47) Lorenza Brown, 13) Medors sal where he breathed his last at the victorianotook their ton who is also one of the lead mental poble Corner 11th and cool playing of the boys of West Suivay Boland (6) Meritta Aimes, was received from Aacon Hospi.
the could be seen that Layne, ond0 Wednesdag och hand Port Cristobal Commissary. It stands with Socket Mt. Hope on Sun. Sangster. STANDARD Medony o clock that morring. 2) Claude The deceased worked over bis the 1st pair had the determina: Limon where he intends to spend 19 inches high with lid, and in the soed uit, ended ibie droom Hubert Francis, to serve bis team a.
They played remarkably good Greene. 3) William Jackson. 4) desk at the Mechanical Division weighs nearly pounds.
ability. He played remarkably game which suprised ever: body Louise Boland. 6) Rubey Beres office up to Saturday evening well. beading the list of scores and tended greatly towards ford. 6) Archibald Bailey. 7) last, although he complained raising their prestige. Ralph Reid.
with 29 ruas. Warner came next benefft Cricket match in aid bit during the week. Still feeling with 24 and Parris 18 not out. of the family of the late Mr. Why pay double price for Sussex won the toss and went The examiner wts very favor upwell on Sunday and Mopaay Shortly after the falı ot the 4th Henry, who was president of the inferior imported boer when to bat making a splendid 125 or abiy impressed yoth the work bis connitiou grew worse oa Moowicket the score board showed Wanderers has been ar you can buy a superior Beer wickets. As usual, all the boys presented in all subjects and day night which necessitated his 68 runs and the game was de ranged to take place in the near suck as Balboa for half the d well, but the batting of with the moral tone of the removal to Ancon Hospital at clared with wickets to spare.
future. It is expected that all. price.
Nurse was simply fensational school. Continued on page 5)
expested We Buy and Sell Pearls Excursion Train with calling.


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