
Great Rejoicing Marks Try Again Friendly Society.
Departure of Unpopular Governor of Lagos, Nigeria.
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August the 16th will long be remembered by the members and friends of the Try Again FS when its sixth anniversary and an open Installation was cel brated. At 30 the po cession went from Red Tank to Paraiso St. Albans Church where the Thanksgiving Service was beld. From tbence to the hall where the occasion was graced The meeting was opened in its usual form, singing of the opening ode Onward Christian Sol.
diers Scripture lesson was read by Lady Chaplain followed with prayer.
The Past President after making his opening address announced the installation of officers, All the officers were re elected to office for the next term.
Names are as follows: Piggott for the office of President. Conliffe for the office of Vice; Haughton, Secretary; Lee, Treasurer: Chase, Assistant Secretary: Pond, Trustee; Howard, Trustee; Blackman, Marsball; Boyce, Assistant Marshall; C, Sobers, Chaplin; Gilkes, Sick Visitor; Welch, Sick Visitor.
With the aid of S, Beckles who acted as Grand Master of ceremony Gilkes as Installing Master and other Grand Officers were installed in their proper place. The Past President and organizer Bro.
Benjamin Gikes after making an address introduced Mr.
Crooks 88 Chairman of the eve: ping. Alter giving an interest ing address, be put forth the evening program, which was as follows: Anthem by the Choir, Our Festal Day. Esssy The Life reading of the Society, by the Secretary. Selection by the Band, Address, by the represen.
tative of the Edith Cavell Frien.
Jy Society Vocal Social March, Anthem, Stand Firm, by the Choir. Address by the Rep. of the Tank Star Lodge No. 13. Duet, For Perfect Peace by the Atkins. Address by the Rep. of the Director Star 10. Antbem, Mighty Jehoby the Choir.
11. Address by the represectative Parama Capital S, 12. Song, Little Feet are Passing. by the Juvenile 13 Address, by Rep. of the St. Anthony 14. Organ Solo, by Mrs. Mc Ke zie.
15. Solo, The Heaveņs, by Miss Welch 16. Address, by the Rep. of th fe and Law, 17. Solo, The Bridge, by Mr.
Banister 18. Address by the Rep. of Star of Aaron Lodge, No. 31.
19. Duet, Beautiful Words of Jesus, by Messrs. Nichols and Small 20. Address, by the Rep. of St.
Patrick Lodge No. 2841.
21. Antbem Lead on Eman uel, by the Choir, 22. Address by the Rep. of St. Phillips Lodge, No. 50.
23. Antbem, Perfect Peace by the Choir 24. Address by the Rep. of the West Indian League.
25. Solo, Sweeter every Momeot by Miss Welch: 26. Address by the Rep. of the Elks of the World.
27. Solo, by Mr. Blades.
28. Duet, Mrs. Sban and Daughter Duet, Beautiful Land by Misses Thomas and Otman.
The Chairman in making his closing remarks asked that three cheers be given to Brother Howard for the energetic musi cal skill in preparing the choir for the occasion high gratulation with three cbeers was also given to the organizer and Past President for brioging the Society up to the standard as it is.
The closing hymn was sung followed by the benediction.
Every beart went away glad justified in a well spent evening.
ATTENTION! In great contrast with the regret felt by people Bar Governor an account of wbich is publisbed in another part of this In every form can be seen issue, is the enthusiasm displayed by the inbabitants of Lagos, Ni here at its best See our geria in saying to Bir place who has just been promoted to be Governorsbip of Ceylon Bracelets. Good Bye for ever, to Sir Hugh Charles Clifford.
Diamond Rings Alas he is gone, thank God!
Cowept, unbonoured and un and a hundred other adornsun will be go the way of all governors who have dared to ments and you ll recognize ut wib impunity the wishes of why this is the LEADING.
loyal people.
JEWELRY HOUSE in towa These and similar shouts of praise went up here at the ask prices and you ll find still another reasondeparture of Sir Hugh Clifford, royal governor native rouls in this colony for the Fuller Jewelry Store years.
In remarkably frank and 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 bitter articles the local press referred to Sir Hugh as the only represented British sovereignty in this colony since its cession to for that Pain the British crown, whose administration has been remarkable for official squandermania, YOU can stop excru: intolerable partisanship auto ciating pain instantly cratie obstinacy.
persistent if you will only apply discourtesy and irratianal blunSLOAN LINIMENT der.
ACTED UP IN CHURCH. Sloan Liniment is The governor was so pompous pain greatest enemy, that he insisted that the conand is backed by 40 years gregation stand to honour him of success the world over.
wbenever be att nded church It is an invaluable remservices on Sunday. Instead of edy for taking a seat with the congrega Rheumatism Sentica tion he sat inside the altar raia Sore Throat Backache with the priest and alcolites.
Sprains Bruises, etc.
Chest Pains Stif Neck Specir e complaints repeatedly It penetrates right to filed wi the home government the seat of trouble, by ratives which caused the warms and soothes the recall of the governor were. nerves and tissues, banThat be interfered with the ishing pain.
Mohammrden religion which is Try it now.
followed by 60 per cent of the At all druggists and natives. 2) Sixty years ago dealers.
British soldiers forced King Docemo 10 sign an agreement giving the colony to Queen Vic SLOAN toria forever. Docemo was to LINIMENT get a pension of 5, 000 a year.
PAIN ENT: His son Prince Aleko was awarded a pension of 1, 500 a year, Clifford made the Prince retire to private life and cut ofte hos Dentist Howell petition signed by 17, 000 persons which be declared was worthless document.
Natives pointed out that he Office Hours: a. to p. had received in the past five years in salary and allowances to p. huge sum of 200, 000 and DAILY a be entertained the Prince of PHONE 1288 BALBOA op his recent trip here as he Prince had come to see bim instead of the natives of the Specializes in all the branches colony.
of Dentistry.
Sir Hugh Clifford has been promoted Governor of Ceylon.
DR. HOFFMANN Installation of Officers.
Has removed his clinic to IONIC GRAND CHRISTIAN No. 39 Central Avenue. Ep.
ENCAMPMENT No. 22 trance between La Mascota M, and Chong Kee Store, On Sunday, August 23, being the monthly meeting of the IONIC Grand Christian WILKINSON Encampment, the installation of the officers took place at the Contractor Temple Hall, Chorrillo.
The elected Eminent Grand and Builder Master, Brother Lobban, after baving gone through the preliminaries of the meeting, House No. 20 handed over the installation ceremonies to the Eminent 28th NOV, STREET, Grand Master, Boo Day, of ibe Morning Star Grand SAN MIGUEL Christian Encampment No.
Having accepted the position as Box 411, Panama, Grand Master, he made his grand from Sir Plans and Specifications Free Knights of the Morning Star and Star of Guiana Encampments. First Class Workmanshlp Bros Graham, GIM; Mingo.
GSD; Nichols, GJD; Sandy, G, Guaranteed Sects; Treas Atkins, Chaplain; Burges; GIG; and Butcher Grand Tyler, Hearty congratulations were The officers installed are, Knights, viz: the old veteran, Ter, extended, by the following Sir Lobban, Grand Eminent Sir Jonas Wilson, of the Morning Master; Stewart, GDM, Star Past Eminent Grand Master; Ford, Grimes, Day, eminent D; Smith, Seety; D, S, Morning Star; Butcher, Eminent grand Master Hudson, Treas; Buch Grand Master Star of Guiana; ner, Chaplain; Slack, Tyler; and Lennan, Clack grand secty Star of Guiana; Jacobs, Laurence, Sandy, and At the close of the ceremonies, Slack; the eminent grand master the brethren retired to the of the IONIC S, responded, and bauquet and enjoyed the function came to a close by ihemselves with refresbments singing, Praise God from whom provided for the occasion. all blessings flow.
Van, House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies associates CAN BE HAD AT con: Blackman, The Workman Stationery Store Rent Receipt Books in Span, ish and English for sale at the Workman Printery ball


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