
JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH (Continued from page 2i the fact remains that the Rail.
way is still being steadily run at a loss and that its operation is a continuous drain on the general reyenue of the colony. It is known that the Government have refused more than once to bold a Commission of Esquiry at the request of unofficial members of the Council and it is unnecessary now to go into the history of the question except so far as to prove that public dissatisfaction over the running of the Railway has been one of long standing.
An opportunity is afforded by the promotion of Mr. Powter, to reconsider the question of the appointment of a Railway Bjard.
The best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution It promotes digestion, improves the appe tite, and gives tone and energj to the whole system DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
AT THE JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
WORKMAN PRINTERY CALL IN AT The Workman. BOOK STORE No. 93, Central Avenue Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products The Workman Printery BARBADOS Conven The Governor PROF. INYANG tion.
Great occult. Latest master The Annual Convention of the (From Weekly Illustrated)
International Bible Student As. On Wednesdag morning last mind of South Africa. Master sociation, will be held this year His Excellency Sir Charles in Panama City on Sunday and Brien, who has of mystic science. Can help Monday Sept. and Te gone on vacation leave pendlog visiting delegates will arrive in the expiration of his term of you in case you are suffering Panama on Sunday mornig office as Governor of Barbados, ASSORTMENT OF where the local delegation will and family bid farewell to Barin love, in business or other affairs meet them. They will then pro bados and sailed on board GOOD STATIONERY ceed to the Loyal Victor Lodge Motagua for England amid of human interest.
Hall in Calidonia where the the regret of many.
studies and addresses wbich will At 30 a. a guard of honour SOUVENIRS, constitute the major portion of under Capt. Goddard with Consultatior, in person or write for price an interesting program are to be the band was drawn up opposite list. Strictly confidential beld.
the Chamberlain Bridge to reThe members of the Associa ceive His Excellency, and mean Address: 206 129th St. New York City, tion are well known for their while a company of Girl Guides peculiar belief in the second pre had fallen in at the base of the sence of Christ whose invisible War Memorial la honour of Lady Brien their Commander.
return they assert took place as far back as 1874. They held that At a. His Excellency, Lady CHURCH SERVICES Tuesday Gospel service at the usual the far reading changes in human and the Misses Brien accomhour.
affairs since that time especially panied by Private Secretary Mr.
Bro. WILMOTT, Clark in chare the increase of knowledge and Bailey, and proceeded by Regular Assortment of (Continued from page 4)
education, inventions and means a mounted escort arrived in the Seventh Day Adventist Church of travel are premonitory and Square and on alighting His Ebenezer Church of God incidental to the setting up of the Excellency proceeded to the STREET CALIDONIA ROAD Holiness Messianic Kingdon, which is to War Memorial and deposited a (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
bring equity, peace, and life to floral tribute there.
CALIDONIA DISTRICT Sunday Evening 30 PreachComing to the Guides the SUCH AS ing Service The general publie is Sunday So clock, Prayer Meetin It is claimed that by a know gubernatorial party stopped and cordially invited to turn out in large 11 a. Divine Service Preacher ledge of the Divine Plan of the spoke to each separately bidding Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, bumers.
Supplied Ages a method of Biblical them farewell, and His Excel 3p. Sunday School Superintendent. the late Pastor Russell the Brien and the Misses B ien interpretation discovered by lency proceeding to inspect the Bahtsth (Saturday) 45 a. Sabguard of honour while Lady Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine bath Febool; 11. 15 General Worship p. Programme. 30 Gospel Service, Preacber Bible may be harmoniz fro arried to take a last and affeca 30 pm. Spanish Clase; cover to cover, disclosing Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, 4:0p. Society, meeting Supplied.
steady and persistent interest tionate farewell of her special Tuesday 30 pm. Gel Service on the part of the Almighty in charges.
53. Junior and Senior Standard etc. etc. etc.
oftainment Class p. Vespers Thureday 30 citor and Tes human affairs designed ultimate The party then taking leave of timony meeting.
ly to develop a perfect earıb officials and leaders of Society Saturday 30 Choir Reb reale. inhabited by a perfect peopl. and others who bad a ssembled Seventh Day Adventist Church Elder ODLE By a system of Chronology, to bid them farewell boarded the Pator in strictly Biblical, it has been launch Bruce which conveyed charge Hd STREET BROADWAY, COLON ascertained that the year 1873 is them to the steamer lying in the beginning of the seventh Carlisle Bay the band meanwhile Sunday evening 30 Preaching 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Bethlehem Church of God millenium since the creation of playing Auld Lang Syne. Lady Servier You are cordially invited to man. Holiness attend these services and bring your Brien and her daughters were Panama City.
friends Simplicity of life and full the recipients of many floral and Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath devotion to the Divine program ber gifts from the Girl Guides No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St. are they had done School; 11. 15 am. General Worship among the fundamental for whom SAN MIGUEL 30m. Young people meeting precepts of the Association. That much.
Of His Excellency administhere are many truth hungry 30 Vespers Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting 11 Divine Service Preacher. the celerity with which this already written souls on the earth is attested by tration of tha Colony we have supplied The Church of God p. Sunday School, Superinten world wide movement.
heterodox faith has become a GOVERNOR FAREWELL dent.
As an MESSAGE TO THE CIVIL p. Programme example. at a convention in May this year held at Madgeburg, SERVICE Panama. Arosemena Street, House 25, 15 Gospel Service, Preacher Germany there were 14000 dele The Governor desires on the Why throw away your old, but no San Miguel Sunday at am. Prayer Supplied.
gates in attendance. The lectures eve of his departu meeting and Gospel weetings at 11 a.
express Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service. by the Association president in to the Honourable Colonial Secredoubt interesting, books when you and 30 Sunday School at p.
Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Thursday 30 Sister meeting Barcelona, Madrid and Lisbon tary as Head the local Civil respectively, produced tens of Service. to Heads of Departments can have them neatly bound at Tuesday at 15 pt. Young People and Testimony.
Saturday 30 Choir Rehearsal thousands of requests for more and all members of the Service, Meetin. Wednesday at 30 information.
Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Elder T, C, FRANCIS, his appreciation of the good and Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Pastor in charse.
Among the meetings will be a loyal work that bas been perforbaptismal service on the beach med during his seven years 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Proyer Meeting BRO, C, PESSOA. in charge. at Bella Vista on Monday morn term of office. There can be few Red Tank, Canal Zoue, Sunday School BEULAH m. Prayer meeting ing. The general public will be services of such numbers in hav Opposite Cecilia Theatre P. o. Gospel meeting on Thursday 11 a. Devine Service Preacher addressed at 7:30 P, Sunday which diciplinary cases at 30 pm Supplied.
by delegate Charles Sangster of been so rare. Ucder considerable Sis. GRAY p. Sunday School, Superinten Colon on the topic. The World pressure from time to time all Now Living Departments dent 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Crisis Millions have shown Now Providence. Gospel Meetings al Supplied.
Will Never Die.
Gitting sense of duty and loyalty and ruled, and this demonstra THE MONEY SPINNER 11. 30 am and 80 Sunday School The Loyal Victor Lodge Rooms the people of this Colony. La rison bore every evidence of that to the King Representative and tion, organized by Mr. Har at m. Wednesdav at 30 Goepel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer GAMBOA MISSIO 1 Sunday its enterprising and progressive Excellency wishes secured through the courtesy of bidding them farewell His connection. Chief Justice Orpen Grumble From Wembley Meeting.
School; 2, 30 Gospel Sermon ofticers snd members, form an their families all good luck and ed on the platform by represen them and was Chairman and was support Bro MeDONALD Supplied ideal situation for the gathering that There is only one man this Gatun, Canal Zone Gospel Meeting Note. Other Services for the week Cool and salubrious, pleasing in Service may be fully maintained. here. Speeches were all brimful Wembley who has a grumble.
the high morale of the tatives in every sphere of life! vear in the Canadian Pavilion at at 11 30 a. and 30 m; Sunday will be given from the pulpit. internal disign and conveniences, School at pm. Wednesday 30 will add a welcome feature to the CHARLES BRIEN, of felicitations but throughout He is Mr. Munroe. of Goepil Meeting. Friday at 30 Governor, spiritual refreshment of its could be felt that bitter pang of Ravelstoke, who is in charge of Baptist Churches Prayer Meeting.
Queste regret which was the purpose of the furs section guests.
Government House, Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH While all the lectures and 29th July, 1925.
the meeting. The musical side So busy is be in selling furs of the programme was well sus.
Polno and Streeta. Gospel meet (Under the auspices of the Southern on both days are open to Baptist Convention. ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Sunday visitors and well wishers, special tained and all those responsible and taking orders he has already School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Colon 11 a. and pm. Pasto attention is drawn to the public The Farewell Demonstration for the arrangements are to disposed of over 25, 000 worth w. Goepel Meetine. Friday at 30 Thrift. The Lordo Supper after boek lecture on Sunday night whico, stration at the Olympis on threatice be commended for the success and bas taken orders for very pt Prayer Meeting.
Services. colesual, 13 seats free and 20 to His Excellency the Governor achieved. His Honour Mr. much more that he bas no time Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Orpen, Chief Justice of Barba to see the Exoibition Recently Gatun 11 a. Deacon Crawford collection.
who leaves this colony within dos, is now acting as Goyernorbe complained the the Exhibition p. Mrs. Thrift.
the next few days relinquishing of that Colony. Bxchange.
Manager that time he New Providence 11 am. Teacher bis cemmand as Governor, on had was to cross the bridge to Ellis, Salvation Army Hall.
Bethel Church of God Sunday afternoon, proved a the restaurant, swallow a bit of Chorrillo 11 a. Leader Gallimore; huge success Sir Charles is British Consulate Notice. Holiness food, come back and sell more p. Leader Crooks.
one of the most popular Governfurs.
LA BOCA (OPB Calidonis 11 a. Deacon Linton, RIO BAJU, LAS BABANAS The Acting British Consul at the island Even making money is not p. m, Deacon Smith, 30. Knee Drill.
Banday. 58m, Prayer Moett.
departure from among us is felt Colon would be glad of ioformation always all pleasure Red Tank 11 a. Lader Taitt; 11 a. Holinese Meeting, II. Divine Service. Preacher as much by the appreciative as to the present whereabouts of p. Sunday School.
3p. Sunday School; Superintendent pm. Deacon Linton.
Barbadian as by the Governor James Beresford Greenadge, a Rent Receipt Books in SpanEmpire 11 a. and p. Supplid. 30 Open Air.
The native of British Guiana, who is 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher himself and his family. 30 Salvation meeting.
Puebo Nuevo 11 a. Descon Lewis have bạn working ish and English for sale at the Supplied.
relationship is more of friend stated to We extend a cordial invitaton to with friend than it is of ruler during onstructi Daon ys, Workman Printery so Book Binding. THE WORKMAN studies


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