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PRICE Cts. Cy.
LIBERIAN NEWSPAPER New Immigration Restriction NEW YORK Imposed by Cuban Authorities MINISTER Young Girls Being Lured To Houses of III Fame is generation ago between the two be one on the anal Zone and the city. Frenchic hand Seader is quoted Tue DibparaGER Says Nogro Gaining Pays Unofficial Visit To Rocognized Placo in United States.
Regulating White Slave Traffic New York, August 31. The Hon. Shocking Stories How Victims are Commenting editorially on the tentiary for the Republic uf LibeEdwin Barelay, Minister PlenipoInto That Republic.
Induced to Leave Home.
subject a Negro Literary Remais. ria, arrived yesterday on the ance, the New York WORLD French liner Paris, on an unofficial Havana. The following translation of the regulation of Since 1920 there has come fo: special representative of the State apparently respectable girls in this city to destruction; and in its issue of August 23rd says. visit to this country. Henry Carter Fine clothes and shoes are leading quite a number of the Cuban Immigrantion Law and White Slave Traffic, is ward a group remarkable for its Department, met him at Quaran. an investigation by a representative of the Jamaica HERALD published vigor, originality and racial flavor. tine. The Liberian Minister will Article runs thus: In fiction it includes Jesse Fauset Washington after spending a few discloses the fact that the Social Purity Society should withsa Women less than 21 years of age shall not be allowed There Is Confusiou and The Fire Mr. Barclay i5 43 years old and unfortunate young people.
out delay start an active campaign to rescue many of these. whose New York to land in Cuba if they are not accompanied by their parents, Flint, are able studies of rice pro has been in the service of his GovOnly the other day the writer came across one of these a relation or authorised guardian. When they are accom blems. In the short tory it has ernment seven years, part of the panied by relations who are not their parents or by guardians produced Jean Toomer. It counts time as Attorney General. He girls, and when he remonstated with her for the life she was they should present the parental authority duly legalized such poets as Claude McKay, the peaks English with scarcely any leading this was her reply: What am to do?
and in any case prove the parentage or guardianship of Shadows, and two of the spin cated at the old college of Liberia what he discovered. Many of these young girl (fair for Jamaica born author of Harlem accent and said he had been edu The Pressman was bent on investigation and this was those who accompany them. In all cases they will only be gara prize winners. Countee Collen in Monrovia, the capital of the the most part, and good looking) are induced by friends of allowed to land at the discretion of the Immigration Com and Langston Hughes. These and Republic.
others are gaining the Negro a mission. Are you coming here the house to visit these haunts.
to nego.
They are shown fine recognized place in contemporary tiates o, Hoeplied the Minister with easy money can be earned. Introductions are given easy a loan? be asked. dresses and shoes and are told all sort of stories of how ARTICLE No Married women coming to Cuba should be provided In this literary movement New smile. We do not need to borrow to certain aliens or natives; and soon the girls is induced to with the husband outhority and if the husband resides York may feel a special pride. We money from the United States just leave home and join the band.
When she gets there she in Cuba the said authority should be approved by the Immi. bavê 175. 000, colored residents be asked for to develop the railroad finds that she is merely a pawn in the hands of unscrupu.
gration Commission with the accompanying documents 100, 000 more than in any Southern Leyte my eirmod borbit to America is to have decided to continue the sordid life. In some cases men packed into the Harlem district, or bysteme in Liberia, ang muition in lous women. Some of thes girls have run away: others duly legalized.
These regulations were passed by the Cuban Goy center. Here a people whose Amendeavour to cem at the friendsbipare associated with women in the managment of these history till ernment sometime ag: but they are only now being strictly was exclusively rural have been two countries.
given the stimulation and cultural What about the rubber copies. houses of ill fame. They flourish and flout the Low, and it advantages of the metropolis. They The Firestone Rubber Company why theseplaces enjoy immunity, as it were, from the Law.
sions? he was aske would be a startling revelation if the writer were to disclose baye now a number of therowo. social has a concession one million acres Death of Blanch. Abd El Krim Makes leaders to guide them. The ress and can have as much more ubed the country, are induced to enter these dens; and an Not only girls in Kingston, but young women from financial as it field Thompson Startling Revelations neady striking, mana promines are driving well siberiu pand interesting story was told to the Herald representative a already to affect the Negro all over the United there will be a good crop this season few days ago.
States. Other arts music with Fifteen hundred acres, planted by It appears that the case of a promising young girl, who Well known West Indian Lays Down Rules by Which Burleieb, Roland Hayes and Ne the Firistone concern as an experts. was in a destitute condition, was brought to the notice of Lawyer. Prisonors of War Captured thaniel Dett; the stage with Paul ment, have turned out esse ceow, the civic body. She was sent to an orphanage wherr, it Will be Treatod. Robeson have welcomed Negroes, and twenty thousand acies are now was felt, she would be properly cared and fed. It was The West Indian community in but perhaps naturally they fiod under cultivation, Panama was somewhat startled on discovered that certain relatives were endeavouring to get In a statement published in the their fullest voice in literature. Contioued on 8)
Wodnesday morning last when the New York American from Abd Elthe girl out of the institution so as to sell. her as it were, news was circulated around that Krim, a graduate of the University to certain white slavers in Kingston.
Blanchfield Thompson well known of Madrid and leader of the SPARKLETS The civic authorities got wind of the matter and they lawyer who practised his protession Riffian forces fighting against the Spanish Morocco, promptly advised the orphanage authorities of what was of Panama, had passed away. It the proposed. Needless to say, the relatives were debarred had not been generally known that saying that because France controls less; for as we are living to help from seeing the girl and so far she has been saved from Lawyer Thompson was ailing as he all the news of the operations of Healthful discussions are always each one of us work for the comand be helped, it is necessary that ruin.
was seen about the city the evening the war, it has been represented good, but the disparager whose mon good, using a clear conscience The facts narrated above are quite authentic, and it before his demised, but on enquiry that France is fighting the Afri. every purpose is to vilify the merit to temper the workma aship We remains to be seen what action the Social Purity Society it was learnt that although pursu.
menace ing bis usual vocation the lawyer civilization.
western of those rising or those trying to are our brother keeper, for the will take.
was under medical treatment, have been informed that a that dangerous specimen of human illiterate for his upkeep and vice rise in the esteem of muukind is intelligent depends upou the Lawyer Thompson et receptive Broap of Armenian aviatore have to whom the humana family must verst, and so it is in the strong Convention Items of Intrest Local his early education he held several Freuch Air Service to fight the looked upon as bad policy and of made applicatiou join contend with. It always and the rich poor, and He Moruccan harbarians. the leader distasteful manners to condemo and fully recognized by the one as should be kuown Ends With Project.
government appointments, And Foreign came to the Isthmus in the early wrote; and coatinued in part; our fellowmen, construction days of the Panama The French Foreign Office of of them and relegate them to of going around with oue head For Capitalizing Huge In Banana ludustry Makes disparagingly well as by the other. The idea and eventually became War may have induced some the pile of undesirables and full of egoti is out of harmony dustrial Program.
identified with the law offices of Americans to go to Morocco incorrigibles when they happen with the desired smooth ess with Rapid Stridos.
the late Carrington, where French airships But whether it is not to agree with us on points we which humau affairs should be right or wrong. This carried. that is so guilAfter the tenth series of serious mean while pure ued the study of that the war now going on between unfortunate state To Being a leger must necessarily buffer thereby and intelligent celiberations, each The development of the Iaw. He later went to the United the Riffians and Spain and France beclouded spurner, many of us are of which was arked with a high banana industry on the IsthStates and entered Howard Univer. is not a picnic, and that in confor bec standard of instructural and inspi. mus is most gratifying, the ty, graduating th bonours and mity with the battle standards set enslaved into and our conduct is Exchange Is No ROBBERY. to go throuch life with minds The statement which was made rational opening address bearing on largest single shipment of the the of the Negro reurned to the Isthmus where he by France the Riff republic pregnant with bombast searching by a native of Johannesburg, South Race, by High Commissiooer San Blas Developing Com the time of his death.
brave Berbers would have hesitated and overlooking the good with. Thompson was a man of unusual to adopt, namely: which to sppreciate and help.
one of the correspondents who ability and possessed (wany bona fide Frenchman Specimens of humanity se intoa: went to Atrica with the Prince of of the Parent Body of the Associ: 22, 000 stems a week ago. Of Wales, qualues which are rare in every cantured by the Riff forces will be cated spell failure for themselves came to South Africa we had of the Association supplied 3, 000 stems and the stion the anuual Convention of the this number the Gatun region day life. be held war: own among all with whom he came Any Moroccan or Moslem emboransment to the parties of the bande dhe bible a Bable: todas. and was followed in the company a farms om were obtained in contact, He was studious and North African, fighting on the side second part, have and he me land, sounds pretty loved writing for the press and of France, when cuptured by the mediately with a banquet for visitagainst Delegates, Pressmen and other Mandingo. The shipment connected with one or two erstwhile Riffians will be treated as a traitor The EGOTIST.
the missionaries over there, but prominent persons attached to the was consigned to San Franpublications in Panama. Не was to his race and faith; the Then we have also the egotist Went is to be a portion be the poli Association. recapitulation of the cisco by che author of a book entitled Any mercenary. foreigaer who is a thorn in the human tamsaud other precious metals that reception and Chinele disposition of Pacific Shipper.
steamship blem result of Silver Employees of the Canal fighting for pay or adventure on Zove and was just completing the the side of France against us. when ily. He makes a dangerous leader South Africa grouuces, according the various reporte of Committees manuscript for another such publi captured generally disrespeots the views and Minister at the last annual United States sailor concluded his tramples upon the feelings of ary meeting at the Panna Wales into operation different projects, from Coco Bolo Naval Air best ways Everett Abbott, Abd El Krim ladians in the Republic of Panama. and entire make up. be used in marked and the Canal Zone.
statements as follows: Lawyer Thompson was the foun But assure the French people make filled with the contents which also paying for the missionary work among those heatheus without The program decided on by Station, was killed by a shot der of the 1st of August. Emancias well as the whole ci ilized world make up the disparager and ville having to collect orkels and dimes the Convention promises a bright from a revolveron Saturday pation celebration in this city and that the Franco Spanish armies in and tries to pounce his ideas on fatare not only for the members night last in the room of one (Continued on page 7)
of the I, but for the Amelia Guerra at 12, 174 organizations. He was an active vere checks. They have kept from cessful spouts streams of belittlcommunity at large, as some of Bolivar Avenue, Colon, and member of No 14 Chapter N the French people the fact that ing epithets caring not on whom the principal things approved according information wbich organization took charge since France started the war against they fall, Human society is made Christ Church Colon.
were the establishmeotot ele of his funeral.
us they have lost 000 French and up of various factions whose views mentary and high schools, to be which is alleged to have been His mortal remains were laid to 14, 000 Colonial soldiers on the and opinions at times are dimanaged by a Board of Education: given by the woman, Abbott rest in the Herrera Cemetery on field. In addition to these, have ametrically opposed to each other; The Rev. A, Nightengále, trade schools, grocery and provi shot himself after she intimaThursday afternoon last to which captured over 5, 000 French soldiers but it is no use for one faction to Rector of St. Paul Church, sion stores, bakeries, drug stores, ted to him her refusal to live place it was followed by a large while 25, 000 of her Colonial troops unfiinchingly maintain that the Panama, will visit the Atlantic side dry goods esiablishments cortege of friends and sympa. came over to us with all their equip cause for wbich it fights is the tomorrow morning and preach at agricultural projects.
Common with him any longer. It is thisers, among whom were: noblest and best, and that the Christ Church, By the Sea, at the stocks at oue dullar each in a said that the shot was fired (Continued on page Continued on page 5) aims of all the others are worth. 9:30 a, m, serviee. Continued on page Continued on page 8)
against weak Speak Canal found many we leaded at hard what cation of the activities of West tant by us, will be shot ins and be refuses to be led; for bej to a statement read by the British pointed to study and recommend mission The egotist perches on to and ment.


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