
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD BOX THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders JAMAICA the scbeme are, we are not at June 5, when a few arrests on present in a position to state, charges of arson had been made, but some time ago a ropresentaand when, as it has since transFIRE BRIGADE tive of the company while in pired, a period had been put to Jamaica luspected the site and the epidemic of fires which the negotiations for the purchase of community had come to regard The St. James Parochial were commenced with Mr. Carr, the property mentioned above as endemic. There were as many as seven fires within ten daysBoard Decide on Re. and, as stated above, the deal bas between March 19 and 29. An.
been concluded.
other reason that might be Further developments will be urged in justification of the awaited with interest as is wall punishment that has been meted The HERALD understands that certainly be a great step in out the prisoners in the Belle the St. James Parochial Board advance in have such an oil staEau Road arson case, was that have decided to re organize the tion at this port.
vanadced by Mr. Justice Thomas Fire Brigade of illontego Bay.
in passing sentence. His Honour stated that it was a class of The frequent fires in that town Parochial TRINIDAD have stirred the crime, unfortunately too comfathers to action and in the near Recommended for Removing the Humors of mon and in which, the authorities too often, were unsuccessful in future Montego Bay will have a well equipped fire brigade. Explosion In Oilfields Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, finding the perpetrators, and, so, Tetters.
is learnt that expret advice Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic when they discovered an offender and he was convicted it was not is being taken from outside; and Walter Thorne 51, an engine quite recently an expert was driyer, says the WEEKLY GUAR Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Discase where a judge should take a lenienl view. It is to boped that down at Montego Bay making DIAN. came to tragic end at eases caused by Impurities of the Blood certain investigations as a result of this presecution Leaseholds, Fyzabad, early last and following upon the searchA scheme is now being pre. Sunday morning. Thorne went pared and it is more likely that to work as usual at o clock, An Alterative recommended for purify.
light of inquiry that has been directed to fires occurring in it will be brought before the started the engine which it was ing and enriching the BLOOD.
Port of Spain, fewer fire acel next meeting of the Parochial his duty to drive and fifteen dents will be seen in the future.
minutes later other employees The people of Montego Bay, in the field heard a terrific explo7 For Sale at all Drug Stores Ladies Cricket Club has especially those in the commersion coming from the spot where been organized it Trinidad at St.
cial area, feel that the town Thorne worked. On going up in James and wiil be known as the should bave a well equipped med! ately afterwards they found brigade.
Triumph Entertainments bis dead body with the base And in Large Quantities by of the skull fractured and one of the have been arranged for the gathering in of funds to put the or AMALGAMATION legs ir jured. Apparently the uoJAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy ganization on a sure foundation.
fortunate man must have been burled by the explosion against AGENT The Wesleyans at Trinidad are Movement is on Foot to Have an adjoining wall and the impact fractured the skull, Death, accor building a new church at BelKingston and St. Andrew ding to the report of the post mont, and an enthusiastic band Again Separated. mortem exa inination, was due to BX003 of workers are exploiting a hunconcussion of the brain. Thorne dred sources to raise funds for The Herald has good reason had been in the employ of the the very deserved object.
to believe that a movement is on Company for seven and a ball foot in certain directions to have years. Toe funeral took place oa doo doo doo doo The Queen Royal College Ma the Amalgamation Law amended: Monday afternoon to St. Poule gazine (Trinidad. in its most re.
and that a petition to this etfect Church and from there to Paracent publication reeomends annuwill be presented to His Excel dise Cemetery where the body al inter bollece competitions in lency the Governor soon after was interred.
Trinidad on the lines of the annuhis arrival.
al Oxford and Cambridge field Those who are moving in the Life Sentence For Arson and athletic events. e. Cricket. OF matter assert that St. Andrew is rowing, football and athletics It getting no practical benefit unis an excellent idea that should der the Amalgamation On the STERN MEASURES TAKEN IN take on.
contrary, it is said that the io.
habitants, and more particularly TRINIDAD IN ATTEMPT TO those in the rural area, are suf PUT DOWN FIRES.
BARBADOS fering great hardships. Several parochial road have been taken IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF off the schedule and it is claimed The GUARDIAN of the 2nd Presented With Vale.
that whilst thousands of pounds August says: At least, one of are being spent in the urban and the numerous fires that bave suburban areas, no improve occurred in Port of Spain during dictory Address.
ments have been carried out in the year bas been tbe outcome of the billy districts.
cold blooded design, and the frequency GOVERNOR WARMLY RE with For these reasons, an amend astounding ment to the Law is being sug which these conflagrations took PLIES.
at least a portion of it, would justifies the deterrent sentence gested whereby St. Ardrew, or place up to the end of May The Weekly Herald in its issue look after of life imprisonment imposed by its own affairs.
of August 8th says:Having regard to the commit Mr. Justice Thomas upon the ments made under the Corpora two men who were unanimously Suitable for Lodge Business At the conclusion of the morning Service at St. Michael tion Law, it is not know what found guilty by the jury on Cathedral on Sunday last, His attitude the Government will Thurday. In expressing this take up in this matter.
Excellency the Governor, Sir view we are not taking into account the plausible argument 07 Charles Brien, was presented sometimes advanced, that one AT THEwith a Valedictory address signA Grave Desecrated. man might fare differently from ed by the Dean and Parochial another in similar circumstances, circa Council of the Cathedral.
but we regard the question from Hie Excellency replied as folThe GLEANER Corespondent an entirely different angle lows: at Oracabes a telegraphed that Leaving aside the evidences of am very much touched with paper on August 24tb aa fol avarice and greed which prompt the very great honour you have lows: News has been received here business place with a view to man to fire his residence or mogao paga magagangan gaganga and go go go go go go go go go abalapanyagbaneno maar gaan ge means paid to me, Lady Brien and my two daughters this day. 0!
today of a strange occurrence at acquiring money from Insurance all the marks of kindly appreciaGreenwood, a few miles from Companies, the pictures of horror tion that we have received on our this township. It is reported and distress which, in many departure from Barbadog think that the dead body of a woman, cases, follow upon the sudden Koosssssssooo so this is the one that moves me who was Iva Lean, was dug outburst of fires some times most. am only too glad to have from its grave. The woman accidental and, at other times, been able to assist the Cathedral died and was buried over a year the work of fiends are sufficient Clergy in their arduous labours ago. Besid the desecrated to call down the wrath of the by reading the lessons. rememgrave were seen a few bones and whole community. Let us imagber when was a junior boy at some a public used to listen was broken off. No trace what. residences separated only by the with admiration ever of the culprits has been building space allowed by the Senior Perfect read the lessons; when the discovered. Corporal Young of City Council. Thiok, further, of and for many years past in this station went on the scene families retiring to bed for the India, the Homeland, in South and made investigations.
night mong whom may Africa, West Africa, and in the It is believed that obeah has included helpless children and Islands of the Indian Ocean been the cause of the crime.
infants and the aged and Inflirm.
have taken such part in the SerShink, too of an unexpected outvice as has been required. It has break of devouring flames in the fallen to my lot since quite a To Establish Oil Depot centre of the residences, late at young officer to have read the or last Services over the bodies of in Kingston.
and imagine the distressing many fine soldiers on board stampede it would create and ships during epidemics and on the possibility of pbysical ailactive service, The Gleaner understands ments that would follow in its It has been real pleasure to us to join with you in your service that. big English Syndicate train in addition to the anguish of praise and thanksgiving to the have, througb their local repre of the home, the loss of domestic Sex Sex Dysoico bas become so much endeared to Almighty in this Cathedral which known as Bille Vue, on the Wind and the reader will have a fair sentatives acquired property property, and probably of life us.
ward Road, for the sum of idea of the misery which a desire 000.
to secure. have two very distinct assoCHEAP INSURANCE MONEY The property contains about ciations with this Cathedral, The during the year. It is some such five months.
During the period insured. In 1924 tbere were 24 first that my a in bean 31.
tion de the company to establish nature plays apon the emotions his verdict on the fire which in port of Spain. In six instances this case he found with some 20 years ago, when he was Chief an oil station on the property of the people, but the horrors of took place in Pelham Street on the loss was not covered by confidence that the fire was wil of the General Staf in this Island such as the Admiralty establish the Edward Street fire, for April 26, to pronounce that The insurance. These figures are fully acd maliciously caused by and resided at the Restreat in ed some time ago in the same instance which was proved to be mind of the public of Port of significant when compared with some person or persons unknown close proximity to the Cathedral must have frequently attended vessels of the British Navy. a concrete example of the untold pala has been uneasy on ac tbe fire returns of Port of Spain and directed that the proceed service here. He was a very vicinity for supplying oil to the result of an accident, afford They will also build a pier, it is evils which are wrought by such count of the abnormal wave of district for 1923 to 1924. In 1923 ings be forwarded to the lo devout Soldier of Christ. bave said.
catastrophic fires as have been incendiarism which has swept there were 32 fires, in cases the spector Gen ral of Constabulary. further the) honour to bave not Toese strictures were made on Just wbat the exact details of experienced in Port of Spain over this city during the past property destroyed was (Continued on page 7)
MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Workman Stationery Store Did school, HAND IRONERS Wanted be alght APPLY AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Grandfather, plats med ved deres of land, and in die Societcription of the view which drapelled the devine orary have 1978. ant3. May. Po eres destrorea meta nge the propea General Torence Brendbe trert


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