
KRONEN BRAÜ Stop and Listen! p.
Why pay double price THE WORKMAN for interior imported Boer when you can buy a superior Beer Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applicasuch BALBOA for WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all matte si half the price.
of Avenue, Panama, de public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Pasama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy, the writer, not necessarily for publica 30 mo. Choral Evensong, armen Six Months. the Bishop 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three EMBER DAYS Wednesday, Friday ble.
We do not undertake to return roand Saturday One 2je.
jected correspondence.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS CANAL ZONE. Rev. NIGH PENGALE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1925.
Prices in Charge is brewed from the best 11 a. Matide and addres WE MUST UNITE TO STAND p. Church School materials to be obtained 30 Choral Eventong addrese Nr. Osborne. Catechist.
The slogan of the present era in all circles business, labour, political and racial is one for all and all for one St, Matthias Mission and the colored race, at least that section of it on the Isthmus, should be determined now, more than ever, to It is specially suited for this climate LAS BABANAS focus its strength on the well being of their own. Rov. NIGHTENGALE, is superior to all imported beers sold Priet ia Charge.
The man is belated who continues to blow his time p. Church Sebool.
worn old horn with its mysterious blasts to be interpreted by here and it sells to the public at 15 Eventong rod addres.
the scattered initiates who felt that the whole world belonged to them and all else was a negligible factor in the HALF the price.
Mr. Richarde, Catechier count.
St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca The world is whirling now swifter than before, and (American Episcopal)
progress moves on so fast that it takes only men with open Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity eyes to see and appreciate the changes as they come.
TRY OUR NEW BEER Matine, Litary and permoon 11 a. The Rector.
Despite all that may be said to the contrary, there still Church School Musical Program p.
lurks underneath that devised scheme to establish factional Choral Evensong and we mon 30 tn.
differences between the peoples of the various islands. This Preacher, The Rev. Louis Chester propaganda is being worked out covertly and is being Melcher, Canon of St. Luke Cathedral, Ancon. This will be Canon thrown on the nerves of the people rather than on their Meleber first appearance in the pulpit reason, as the latter method would easily be exploded and of St. Peter s, and we are extending the disguised wolves brought to light.
SUPERIOR TO ALL moet oordial invitation to the entire city of La Boca to welcome and bear bim.
Segregation and racial suppression stare at us and MULCARE, Rector.
challenge our very existence as an independent people.
The voice of opposition is stronger now than ever, yet the chances for defeating this opposition have never, before St. Barnabas Church, Empire been as great as they are at present.
Matins Litary and address, 11 a.
Church School, and Confirmation clan.
We believe in the doctrine Unity is strength for it is at p.
more than a doctrine, it is a maxim attested by universal Evening Prayer and address p.
experience. But unity must be real, it must be solid, it must MULCARE Priest in Charge be lasting.
St. Bartholomew s, Church If some sections of our colored population believe that (LAS CASCADAS.
they can get along successfully; without the co operation of Morning Prayer, and addren 11.
the rest of the vast crowds, let them bolt out of the course.
Church School and Confirmation Clare What difference will it make if we believe otherwise? we would not be able to deflect their line of thought, nor could Evening Prayer and Addreso 30p.
we stem the course of their actions.
Mr. Skoen (Lay reader)
St Jude Mission, Summit.
But the plain matter of fact question is this; Is a part Morning Prayer and address 11 a.
greater than the whole? The attitude of the isolationist says Church School 30 yes even when this is contrary to both fact and logic, and Evening Prayer and address 30 is indicative of the presence of the seed of disintegration. AT THE (The Layreader)
What we do expect and are laboring for is the soldiarity, T MULCARE Priost in Charge reality and permanence of our aims, efforts and deterSt. Simon Mission, Gamboa minations. We are already in the fight, not because we Matins, Litany and address 11 am, wanted to but because conditions have made it so that we Grand Musical program by the Choir cannot do otherwise and we find it necessary to propose to p. All are invited OF THE ourselves and all others the questions; How are we fight.
Choral Evensong and address p. The Layreader will Officiate)
ing? What are we fighting for? How shall we finish the MULCARE, Priest in Chargo figiit. Nothing but solid co operation can strengthen our Wesleyan Methodist Church plans in the campaign in which we have enlisted: a high (BRITISH CONFERENCE. morale is dependent on high efficiency and high efficiency Panama 11 a. Theo. Fuller. is impossible without general clannishness. We are either Corner Street, No. and Central Avenue Supplied ready or unready for the fray. Those who are unready can Colon 11 am. Mr. Jone; take no profitable part in the cause; but the race does expect p. to, Revd. Surgeon, Subject the fit and prepared to take part and act in concert. The GREAT REDUCTION Signs of the Times. The Jew.
isolationists are the unready and as such they can contriLa Boca. 11 a. Mr. Walten. p. u. Mr. Lindo.
bute nothing, anyhow.
Now Providence 11 am. Rev.
The reality of our claims is so patent it is unnecessary Suageon (Sacrament of the Lord to discuss it. We know that whether we be British or Bupper. Parsino 11 a. Mr. Airall; French we are the subjects of the first powers of the earth, p. Mr. Kennedy: transformed in these parts, into objects of discrimination Empire 11 a. Mr. J, Payoo.
and oppression.
Our capabilities are not taken into count but are still NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES CORRESPONDENCE and brotherly love among the The Salvation Army spurned by illiterate crackerism and we are still receiving brethren here, rather than sow seeds of discord among them.
PANAMA CITY CORPS, the mouse share for doing the lion part of the work. From Our CORRESPONDENT)
New Providence, de Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for weeks begins.
Sunday 18th, September, Backslider.
There is nothing vague in our deinands; we are not cry.
Dead Body Found.
September, 7th, 1925.
ing out for the fulfilment of secret pledges made to us by a space.
TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: Services are follows:few and ignored by the majority whose vote is cast against Desr Sir: Please permit me to remain yours faithfully. a. Early and Prayer Mooting. MARKHAM. 10 Children. Directory Meeting us; but we are demanding an heritage granted to all men. The unrecognizable body of a say a few words through the and Brigade. United Open Air Meeting alike by nature, but denied us because we are not Caucasian dead man 00 Friday last the medium of the WORKMAN which 11 Holine Meeting to be connor Mongolian. We are neither and we don want to be 4th instant fpating on the may be either. We are satisfied with nature hue, because she never lake near the sbores of New your readere resting to some of Church Services. ducted by Commandant Martin, Providence Colony. The matter 0a Mouday the 31st ultimo, 3P Company meeting blunders and we don wish to change her work even if we was reported to the Canal Rev. Joseph Thrift, Pastor of the AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Brigadea Open air.
could. We accept with racial pride our color whether we Zone Water Police at Gatun: Union Baptist Courco, visited (Anglion Communion! p. sh. Junior Open Air. 45 m. separate Brigade Open Air be called negro colored or mulatto and we want with it the meanwhile the body remained in bere and gave Holy Communion Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity Meeting accompaniment of the freedom and justice which all the the water until the Police arrived to th, members of the church, p. Baltation Meeting, in the Hall other races of nature children so lavishly, enjoy. We do same away. It was already in infants, children of members of on Saturday morning, and towed previous to that be blessed two to be conducted by Comds Martin.
not wish the crumbs that fall from tables We want the state of decomposition, both the church, and Wesleyans ware St. Paul Church, Panama Monday, Life Saving Guardo and Sunbeame Parade p.
real bread of life like the rest of men for our families ar. bands, and also the intestines sponsors of one of the infants. Rev. Nightongale, Rootor) AC p. special Cake Rally will ourselves.
were absent, and the skin of the During the benedictory cere. a. Holy Communion The Bishop be held in the Hall. Come and join the And to accomplish this we want to see everybody, who isbes, and it was beyond recog as follows. And Jesus took face was eaten oft probably by mony, the Rev. gentleman suid 10. 15 a. Matine, winning side.
10. 30 Holy Eucharist vermon Today, Band of Love Work Clone is anybody, in line with, us parson, doctor, lawyer, nition whether it was the body them in His aruas, and sprinkled Preseber The Rector at 30 teacher, policeman, mechanic, artisan, craftsman, farmer, and ot a coloured or white man. little water on their faces 12 Holy Baptism Wednesday, p. Life Saving Scoule everyone who hail from the biggest to the tiniest What is strange about the and blessed them; the con. p. Church Bobool. and Chums parade. and p.
speck on the map in the islands of the Carribbean to whole matter is, that no one is congregation replied, Thrift said make mis lantern service in the Hall, illustrating unite. This is no ephemeral campaign designed to entreat) missing from the coloniaedt we take then the confregation the Life of Paul, By Com, Martin, of of Thursday Holine meeting in the and make supplication to those who may possibly not listen drowning at any of the neigh replied, yes, and the ceremony to our petitions; it is intended to be permanent force bouring settlements. Whether it proceeded.
Have you tried the Hall to be conducted by Commandant The statement is unscriptural, Martin at p.
inevitably created by circumstances and destined under the was a case of suicide, or murder, now Boor All are invited to attend these meatapproval of heaven to last alongside all other movements can say, and no unoccupied boat would be a good thing if the Rev.
or accidental drowning no one and is therefore anchristian, It that have as their sanction the indellible impress of right was seen on the water any where gentleman would endeavour to Kronen Brau. MARTIN. Commandant.
Dear this colony.
cultivate a spirit of fellowship (Contioned on page 7)
You get good value and save money when you buy BRANCH STORE The American Bazaar IN PRICES inge,


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