
Attractions at the Theatres is no that the 3rd very El Excelsior THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1925 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Athletic and Cycle West Indians Meet at Colon.
Another Commissary desiring to take advantage of Scandal.
superior opportunities regarding Great were the castles that the their children (high school and bome team built, high were their business) education, with board bopes, mysterious were their It is reported that on Wednes and lodging if desired, should Bensational tinisbes over the day evening the 9th an ex emwrite at once to Mr. FitzCECILIA AMERICA ployee of the Cristobal retail Henley, PCT, Excelsior Panama es clists in their minds, but from Padama, they came, com miesary was found on the Schools, 19 North Sk, Kingston (COLON. PANAMA)
premises with a large quantity they saw, and they conquered.
Ja. B, Never in the annals of Isthmian of butter and arrested. sal sTODAY SATURDAY, Sept. 12th TODAY. Saturday September 12th sporta, bas Colon received such a man, who is rumoured to be an Please mention this paper, Richard Dix in Anna Nillson in genuine whipping as on Labor accomplice in the matter ap TOO MANY KISSES. THE TOP OF WORLD Day Sports. Some would parently got wise to the situation marvel at the superiority of the Panama before the police reached him, and TOM RROW Sunday Sept. 13th TOMORROW. Sunday Sept, 13th cyclists and athletes, but there walked out of the commissary, as well as their opponents. The and has not been beard of since team fell fer 118 runs, the princiis one remedy to be sought and Lon Chaney in Warner Baxter in pil scorers being Sobera 25, until then, Colon will never be HE WHO GETS, SLAPPED. THE AIR MAIL Brown 25, Davis 21, Bell able to boast of a defence. There EDUCATIONAL The bowlers of Wanderers MONDAY, September 14th MONDAY, September 14th Do unity among them and they had a hard time ridding tbemride to eliminate each other. THE LIST BATTALION selves Corripe Griffith in Inter School Examination, their There are some very promis.
of opponents, and ing cyclists many changes bad to be made LOVE WILDERNESS and athletes in TUESDAY, September 15th througbout the inning. Wickets Colon, boys wbo, it they were to The annual inter school ex. were captured as follows: Jetta Goudal in TUESDAY, September 15th dispense of some of theinbigotry, amination under the auspices of and cast of the yoke of conceit the Colon Teacher Association for 40. Reid for 11, Jobn for Clarke for 10. Sambleton SALOME OF THE TENNEMENTS Glen Tyron in and work towards the end of is announced to take place on 24, Phillips for 11. BATTLING ORIOLES improvement, their eforts would Friday the 25th iost.
WEDNESDAY, September 16th be well rewarded. Again there is As usual the examination is Wanderers perbang underHarold Lloyd in WEDNESDAY, September 16th too much mouth work and too open to pupils of non members rated the evening and started a GRANDMA BOY Lon Chanev in little foot work. Tue game of retort, The Inning bad athletics requires toot work and of the Association, and a fee of bold, THURSDAY, September 17th HE WHO GETS SLAPPED brain work. Mouth work only 50c. is charged for each candi bright opening, the first wicket date. Three prizus will be given falling for 14 runs, and bad the Waroer Baxter in comes in to the silly nonentities THURSDAY, September 17th in each grade to tbose king the pace been kept up it would have who must make a noise in order THE AIR MAIL ended well for them, but things bighest places. THE LOST BATTALION some bute can be taken of Number of candidates accom wicket which tell for and the slowed down from FRIDAY, Séptember 18th them.
panied by fee is to be sent to th: 10th went for 48. Only two bow.
FRIDAY, Septembar 18th Several surpris. were spraog Corrine Griffith in seottery, Mr. Conrad Witting, lers were used, Small and Jetta Gcudal in on Labour Day Sports. NIMB LOVE WILDERNES ham Eementary Private school Green, capturing wickets LEY, Panana erstwhile cham; No. 7899 Street not later than for 25 and for 21 runs rés SALOME OF THE TENNEMENTS plon met his Waterlo. He tried Saiurday the 19.
SATURDAY September 19th and bard but was outclassed under pectively.
SUNDAY September 20th SATURDAY, September 19th tavourable and uglavourable conLillian Gihin Harold Lloyd in ditions. He was to be admired, News Notes bowever, for be lost tighting.
Sussex Wins Tight Match THE WHITE SISTER GRANDMA BOY. CECIL LEON, that congenial by Two Runs.
and admirable Colon cyclist.
The Grard Lodge of the whose practices spoke so bighly Wahl: Panama District of the Grand of the siucerity placed to bis Uuted Order of Oddfellows celeThe cup match between Sugwork, was a sore disappoint brated their 14th Anniversary at sex and Kent on the oval of the Durat. Great was bis perform the Colon Wesley church on latter at Gatun on Sunday the Woodruff, Horace Nurse, Peter ance in the last Meet on 30th Monday the 7th (Labor Day. 6th was a pretty tight one and Neblett, Charles Gooden. Pred May which be lailed to duplicate.
effective Bermon was resulted in a win for Sussex by Campbell aod Vivian Flynt. With 70 yards bandicap in the 11 preached by the Rev. sur the near margin of runs. The mile cycle and bis team mates Reon, who ustd as his text ist visitors won the toss und sent abead of him, he sbould have Grand Musical Program been an easy winger, but be Samuel 18:12.
the other side to bat, bowling them down for a total of 87 ruos.
at St. Peter s, La Boca never even placed, but when a The chief contributors were biking party consisting of White and Earle who made 14 JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP man does bis best, angels cannot Messrs. Cur bir gham, and 13 runs respectively, and Corner 12 Street East Avenue To all our members and do better, and he is to be enWiltshire, Quinlan, Waitbe, much credit is due to the former couraged.
friends in ca. Caurillo, Pac. McAinster, Flowers, and his partner who as the last nama, Red sok, Paraiso. Sum. Big Beech as he is popularly McLao, acd Durant journey. pair bravely withstood the terri We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also mit, and Empire, we extend for knowo sprung into prominence ed from Colon to Cativa on de bowling of Atberley and the last time very cordial almost overnight, Loud were his Saturday evening. Starting at brought the score from 62 to 87 watches. Our prices are the lowest and our invitation to the Grand Musical proclamations and on at were his 30 pm, they reacbed their All the wickets except two fell Workmanship is guaranteed.
Program which will be rendered practices for the coming of the in St. Peter Church tomorrow 7th.
debcitation at about o clock and to Atherley who captured for No lower bloomed more spent we following day and 22, while Weekes captured for Our rate of interest on Pawnsis moderate and you lair than he and in one little afternoon.
night in the woods and started 30 and Harding for 15.
twinkle be has faded away again may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may This rare musical treat will be as suddenly he had bloomed on the return march at about 10 Sussex started out expecting a a. on Monday. the 7th, reach walk over job, and very nearly drsire, provided the monthly payments given by the young people of the forth. His efforts Uhurch, assisted by representa dut be was not in his class. He were great ing Colon at noon.
lost the match Fine progress interest are duly met.
tives from other Sunday Schools was tbe principal figure in the was made up to the fall of the The object of the effort is to raise it mile with 70 yds. jump but Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall Mr. Cedric Milue of the 5th wicket at which stage the money to get new spplies for he never even finished. In the to Panama Ca al Press, Mt. Hope total was 65, when there was a be pleased.
the School and to enance the Mile he was ou classed and in coming New Year Day treat Mile Scratchmen excluded, he the salled for Kingston, Jamaic. on standstill up to the 8th wicket the sus. Carillo vu Thursday, which brought a feeling of anxiefor the pupils and teachers.
list bis heus and cootiol of his lasi, aod wul rotura att two ty over the batting team. Nurse, machine on the delil. BRYAN and Weekes were all Week with bis son and daughter Alberned RED TANK and au LEGORE Pavilion for also Wilham and Ruble.
disappointments as better cipher each, but Simpson and was of them. man wbo Harding at the crucial moment Hurtus Rydney brother of rose to the occasion and brought not materializ.
It is said that the time of going to press it could not MeBayne Pearl Island trip did music for dansing, but up to the Grand Entertainment at quits a race without encounter Miss Doris Rodney, ana ing an Rad Tank Clubhouse.
accident or physical to by disability is a coward or Juudeat at the Calabar College Wickets were captured by Labor Day Excursio, to Colon wis be ascertained what plans have slacker and no champion can Jamaica, returned to Kingston Lynton. for 18, and Earle for responsible it is learnt, however been made in chis direction.
The residents of Red Tenk and ever reveal the yellow streak.
by the Carillo ou hurs 21 and Baker for 20.
that he may reor anlize his efforts day the 10th inst, after spending for another attempt in February Words have been received by last Paraiso are about witness a Bryan had the greatest opporbis vacuuon witb his parents in next.
Thursday mail from Frank A, great display of musical and elu tunity in the 12 mile but could Coljo.
Reed who is Jamaica on vaca: cutionary talent at d Tank not stand a little punishment.
tion. Tea her Reed is having a fian Monday, Seps. 14. 1925, in which of the. Pana Ompbroy, our veteran Sport, News of the death of Sydney Why pay donble price The Women Life Problem time in the le of Springs; be bas ms, La Bock and Red Tank will and once contander for Isthmian for interior imported 17th next of life and after Nelson of Kingston, Jamalca bas just been received from Mi.
for the repetition of the Charity is now in Kingston enjoying te last take part. It reported tha: years relirement from the Boer when you can Ball. It will be remembered thay days of a glorioase vacation. He three distinguished medalliste otack, staged a mouceesseur and Sarab Cunba bis mother well.
known in Silver City wbe recept.
for the purpose of helping deser expect to lave for the Can1 Zone line to cullock the gates vol e loco creditable come back. The buy a superior Boer ly left on a short visit to Diw.
such as BALBOA for being cases in the contenitore they can the 21st of this manier van bebe tion, and open the treasuras of the so the clic Whet attendarios She found bim ailing, and despite held this Ball on 15th of last time to take up duties at the Cove public when be half the price.
coveted art long hidden by Shake all medical aid be become worse unfortunately it proved a failure as Octover month at the Clubhouse: but school when it re opens in early speare, Buron, Byron, Pope and away with the mile cycle race.
and tinally Buccumbled on the others to ad appreciable audience tried hard to overtake him but aud Nimbley and others 5th inst.
far as the objects were cover ved Music lovers will also be enter be outclassed them on the spring.
as most of those wbo Sept 6th was observed at CANAL ZONE NOTES Deving for what purpose the mo writing Clas on Thuret wise others to the tenetul notes of the cards either returned them or failed splendid function was held at tronnegu awitom prevedeng paths to also finished 2nd in the to pay for them. apparently not Teacher Ellis shorthand und Typr from rush. composers, as Bach; mile and 3rd in the 12 mile.
Liberty Hall DvorakGetz, and Headley Smith, for the first Garvey Day. tice program ney was needed. betursystem of last when seventeen of bis short. ione of music and addresses was given.
by and pupils received La Boca Pars.
the Club eo that collections my that they have 18 edertifying and other pieces of the orchestra. cycle is to be complimented for be frates in phonography, enjoyable time awaits all bis marvelous perforicance in made for all cards given out These riding against a dield or at least The Colon basketball experienced cyclista and The La Those taking part are, Mr. Boca. Mutual and whom will again be sent to those examinatixu in Pitmans Shorthand those who attend.
defeated the Excelsior team Friendly Association, a societv app it is assumed are that success been regisof 18 by a score 16 at tinishing sprint. Tois youth, it appreciate the good they are able tered towards the completion of a Clao MeKenzie, ar Fereira, Mi shaking them all off on the Silver Clubnousu on Saturday Boca Community House in Janua circunstances. It will not be possible lady, Miss Estelle Jackson, who, Miss Lilias Cragwell.
ube which was established at the La to do for those in distressed full certificate. There was one y vang Mix Renalderen we Florence Smith be sticks to the game, may one day rally for chapionship Dight, the Inst, and on Tueo ry of last year, is now devoloping to resch all who will be willing to on account of being in the United day nights tbe won again into what promises to be a most contribute to the Club funds for States was not present to receive Irud tue Silver Five. the scores useful society in the community. this special purpose, and so Charlton Morrell made himself belog 17 the her cercificate, and it is understood The primary purpose of the Asso: good ladies will not refuse a con that it will be mailed to her there, Have you tried the a great favourite when h: bea.
his field of 15 in the mile ciation is to afford releif to its tribution from a friend who may The presentation was mueby now Boor in of the scratchmeo excluded and is to be CRICKET bigbly complimented for his make provisions for the burial of de over. good band of music wil La Boca School who, among other ceased members. The foundation again be secured for the dance. Kronen Brau superb form in winning this race, thin 28, expressed satisfaction over members were but seven, and memand finishing 2nd in the 12 mile Wandererers Collap bership grew slowly until three or the progress of the pupils and enmud race.
couraged them to continue to be four months ago when the members ses to Silver City The Orpheus Musical Club studious in thei work which will Watkis sprang the orgonized a get together move Social. comes off at the Club ultimately fit them to be seful World Wide Lecture Sunday won the mile seratct cycle.
biggist suprise of all when be what is considered the most in getting new members and at pre 19th instant. committee. com the pupils were present and showed ment. This proved very effective house on Saturday night next, the men and women Many pare ts of This youngman has the deterremarkable uappening in the sent the membership is over fifty posed of lady members of the Club expression for The International Bible Students mination of a champion by stickcricket world of Culoa took place with ne enrollments to every meet are making arrangements for a pronounce success of the soury Association will conduct world wide ing to the game through bard.
wbeu ine Wannureis ao. cul ing. The constitution of the Associ. good time for the marbers and sters, ſhe successful pupils were: lecture on Sunday September 13th. ships and continued failures and lapsed to the Silver City in atioo is very simple and there are their friends. The Social will Mrs Gladys Rance; Misses telle The subject of the lecture is The now that the receives bis due the cup match of Sunday the 6tb no formalities to go through to be consist of a short musical program Jackson, Emelda Nelson, Doris Year of Jubilee. Mr. Louis St:Hill reward, onder whatever condiat the Victoria oval.
come members! All La Bocans are to include voenland intrumental Evans, Eaa e, Woodruffe acd Eme will speak at the Panama Capital tions the race was won he is to batung first Silver City play: invited to visit the meetings, which items, after which different games lia Ribertson; Masters Ruben Friendly Society and Mr. Charles be congratulated upon his suced an exceptiorally brilliantly are kept at the Community House will be played and refreshments Stewart, Ralph Elie, Everard Sangster at Court Erook, Colon. cess and hope this will be further Inniug for 118 rans. surprising twice a month, on the first and served, It is undertood that the Forbes, Egerton Burnett, Clifford The lecture will begin at 30 o encouragement for bim. Be was themselves anu their supporters thịrd Friday evenings. Club is making efforts to secu. e Johnson, Edgar Bascombe, George The public is cordially invite. Continued on page 8)
We Buy and Sell Pearls Were to the paul team laurels.


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