
British Finance And Commerce.
Wedding Bells Up to date Jewelry Chesterfield CIGARETTES LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO SISTENT pointed couple with their noble train Fuller Jewelry Store Chesterfield Cigarettes are always fresh and in good condition. Each package is enclosed and sealed in moisture proof glassine paper.
suggest pleasant little wedding took place Sunday Aug. the 30th at at the Christian Mission of Porama 4th and Street Colon City between Mr. Egbert Clarke, of Barbados, and Miss Viola Thomas of Trinidad. Before the hour arrive the spacious Church was crowded only to get a glance of the pretty little couple. One by one the guests In every form can be seen came pacing in when suddenly here at its best See our the scene was changed when a beautiful little figure came Wrist Watches gracefully up the isles escorted by Mr. Austin of Panama City The ceremony was performed by Bracelets, the Rev. of the Union Church of tbe Colon Circuit who gave a Diamond Rings very warm and timely address to the new couple, Young Miss and a hundred other adornRhoda Gaskin who is member ments and you ll recognize of the Sunday school which the new Bride is a member presided why this is the LEADING at the organ whose musical touch JEWELRY HOUSE in town merited much applause, while a choir of young people peeled ask prices and you ll find stil out a most beautiful anthem. The another reasonceremony being ended the happy Rlided Residence of Mr. Ford in the Sil: 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 ver City District, where the evening was spent in perlect pleasantness. There were also in attendance as Bride maide Misses Clarke, Jones, Smith, Small, Warterman, Jordan, while Miss Trotman of Panama City acted as Chief.
There were also others, such as Messrs. Daniel, Mottly, Joner, Coleman, Nurse, EM Mottly, Clarke, Sobers and daughter, of Gatun, Mrs. Belle, Mrs. Corbin Mrs, Brown. Miller acted as Chaymana warm and pleasant DR does more to drive away evening was spent which shall pains and aches than any linger on our memories. The other known remedy, that is gentlemen gave a few timely why thousands of people the advices to the couple in beworld over call it pain.
half of their new step in life. Rheumatism, sciatica, atif The sticking of the cake was neck, sore and tired muscles, next carried out by Master lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, Motty and Miss Trotman in sprains and bruises are inatantly relieved by new and graceful manner which met the approval of all SLOAN LINIMENT present. The Chairman then Nono legitimate without portrait gave a vote of thanks to those present on bebalt of the couple and brought the pleasant func blon to a close. We wish them At all drurite and dealers real success throughout life as SLOAN they travel on LINIMENT British Consulate Notice.
Chesterfield gland has led CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccor blended of Panama City and many other Well Doer e LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO enemy.
and signature of Dbarlllloan ATTENTION. PAIN ENEMY)
BY INNES London Recent rail way centenary celebration gave English writers the opportunity for one of those surveys of industrial development which are only popular in this country. In England to achleve a reputation for brilliance and secure a real following, it is only necessary to discover that the wbole nation is decadent. In some countries there is much more unrestrained personal criticism but the cristic always imply that the villiains wbom they are attacking are exceptions to the general rule of national excellence. The law of libe) prevents personal attacks becoming too in this country and possibly this ex.
plains why writers devote tbemselves to the congenial task of proving that the nation is going under like imperial Rome.
There are always a number of points which can be made ip such a debate. Everyone in the world realises that England does not lack initiative; but the unkind critice would point in this direction and in that and that other nations now excel us in the very activities which we started.
The railway centenary provided la good text for a discourse of this sort. The first public railway undoubtedly the Stockton and steam Darlington railway. But railways have spread over the world in the last century. The competition in to the evolution of numerous different types and there is an enormous Ivariety in working parts. In size, of course, British locomotives cannot compared with the machines in use abroad. But it would be a mis.
take to imagine that efficiency goes with size. In point of fact most recent tendency is to construct smaller and lighter locomotives as the trials between the types used by different com.
panies showed that the lighter iype is more economical and more efficient. Indeed, this may be said in general of British loco.
tives: they raok easily with any foreign machir es in economy and efficiency. For reliability and safety no railways in the world excel those of the United King.
The reply to a criticism of British railways is therefore comparatively simple. There is no particular advantage in the mere size of the locomotives.
There is no distinct gain to the ordinary passenger in the occasional record breaking. What be wants is to be able to rely on getting from place to place in the shortest possible time; and there are a number of long journeys in the United Kingdom which are made day by day, throughout the year, at a rate of nearly 60 miles an hour.
There is another direction in which Britisb initiative gave the original start that provides a better opportunity for criticism.
The synthetic dye industry took its rise in the work of British chemists. But before the war.
it had passed largely out of our bands. The present state of things bowever, much mora encouraging At the International Exhibition of Decorative Arts in Paris one of the best known English Dress designers gave demonstrations for a fatnight robes, produced in this country. The mere fact that įthe Egolish is should bave invaded Paris is interesting and sugges tive; but it is more important to realize that the demmopstrations were not only daring but also very impressive The robes were chiefly outstanding for their colours, nesigos.
peabaps a little remarkaple for the very dresses which the Persian makere sell to Er glishwomen and to women of every nation are dyed in England The French fabric makers send their dress materials here to be dyed. before making them up, here.
The demonstration in Paris in which 200 robes were shown were an attempt to imitate procedare of the modern French fabric inakars, who took close interest in the varlous steps dyeing finishing, designing through which their materials pass before they become the finished article. The English Exhibitor showed Lancashire Worrall dyed velvets with Yorkshire fabrics finished by Bradford Dyers Association; the and Lancashire artificial silks with Nottingham laces. Tae robes were on the whole moderately priced and even if they cannot bope to shake Parisian Dentist Howell Cuba.
House Rent Receipt Books The Acting British Consul at tion as to the present whereabouts Leopold Russell Brown, contractor and builder, who left Jamaica HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA several years ago and is stated to have lived in this Republic and in CANAL ZONE.
Office Hours: a. to p. m, to p.
Notice to Correspondents.
DAILY PHONE 1288 BALBOA Contributors and correspondents are asked to send in their contribu.
tions not later than Thursdays to Specializes in all the branches insure publication. This is imperaof Dentistrv.
tive and must be adhered to.
This is Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies Why pay double price for DR. HOFFMANN inferior imported beer. when you can buy a superior Beer Suck as Balboa for half the Has removed his clinic to price.
No. 39 Central Avenue. En.
trance between LMascota supremacy it is probable that and Chong Kee Store.
they will capture more of the bome market and attract the attention of foreign buyers. WILKINSON In point of fact the British dye industry is at present mak Contractor ing steady progress: The British Dye Stuffs Corporation bave and Builder now the services of Sir Perkin (the son of the Perkin whose work gave rise to the mo House No. 20 dern devolopment in synthetic dyes) and Dr. Armstrong.
But the successes of British re28th NOV, STREET, search workers are not confined SAN MIGUEL to any one firm. Great advances are being made all the time; and Box 411, Panama, RP ride that our dyes faili dhe tigans! Plans and Specifications Free it is certainly not on the scientific the industry. bad everywhere. Dyeing is being carried on sta loss throughout First Class Workmanshlp the world and the attention wbich Guaranteed bas been drawn to losses bere is simply due to the fact that Eng: lish people do not like to suffer in silence. When there is an tunity for grumbling it is selzed with avidity. British dyes are dow quite equal to German pro LIBERTY HALL ducts. In some respects they are 29 Street, Panama ahead of them. There are shades jade greens; blues and oranges, ENGLISH CLASSES which have been discovered by British dyers recently and these by Day and by Night are have no foreign counter types.
now opened for the There are new dyes for artificial Sammer, silks wbich bave no foreign rivals. For particulars apply on the spot to The sole question for British deyrs is the production of their BARTON, dyes at competitive rates, Principal CAN BE HAD AT an oppr.
Private Academy The Workman Stationery Store


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