
jusbut who Take Notice rest, we Ho Ro Co Famous Products The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 21 Knight of the Mos: Distinguished VIGOR TONIC Order of St Michael and St.
George, and so you can realize This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend the pleasure it has been to me to ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Bordform ay Knightly duty to my God and Savour in the Cathedral Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up dedicated to St Michael. mena run down constitution tion these associations as explain.
It promotes digestion, improves the appeing our very real interest in the Cathedral and its services. tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system would like to associate myself with you all in our thanks to the DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or Almighty that our beloved Dean times a day.
has been restored to health, and to take bis great part in the Cathedral Services. We will long remember his cheering helpful words at all times.
We will value this address and can assure yon on Festival days and other occasions we will think of you all and the orderly procession of worshippars CALL IN AT advancing to the altar.
Sparklets THE GOVERNOR SUCThe Workman PROF. INYANG CESSOR. Continued from page 1)
BOOK STORE Great occult. Latest master from the very poor beople else Commenting on the departure where. It may be a simple matter of the Governor of Barbados and mind of South Africa. Master to comprehend but on account of his possible suceessor, the Globe the superficiality of my ander says:No. 93, Central Avenue of mystic science. Can help standing the problem still remains The Governor bas gone. Evto me.
erybody is agog to sen whom we you in case you are suffering Negro LEADESHIP shall get in his place. One theory, ASSORTMENT OF which is strongly held, is that One of the questions we gave the Colonial Office will only send in love, in business or other affairs passing mention on Monday last men at the tail end of the GOOD STATIONERY (Labor Day) was the Franco Span ers to Barbados becaus the Gov of human interest.
ish Riffian Moroccan war. had ernor has so very little to do. SOUVENIRS, Consultatior, in person or write for price this colony. So Price observations of the native who hope ior a strong, brilliant, list. Strictly confidential African in South Africa their manners and their probable future vigorous man under Atty. hope conduct utare with very little heart indeed.
toward their English There does seem to be some Address: 206 129th St. New York City, masters to my Panamanian friend who intended to while fway the bados is entering on a new era tificatioa for the beleif that Barevening with me, who fell The restlessness among the laa sleep after had read but one. bouring and middle classes is a third of the article. Rusuming my sure sign that conditions are aCHURCH SERVICES Tuesday Gombel service at the usual voluntary actions after his needed boat to change. young man full hour, agreed among other of energy and enthusiasm might Bro. Wilmorr, Clark in chare things that it was not a hidden make some mistakes, but it be Regular Assortment of (Continued from page 4)
thing that nearly every Negro had been smitten with modern iSeventh Day Adventist Church Ebenezer Church of God would be glad if the Riffs succeed deas of progress and of the detheir foreign foes termination Holiness STREET CALIDONIA ROAD of the people to and retain their lands and prestige. think for themselves, he could (nesr Isthmian Park. PANAMA Our argument then drifted into not fail to leave his mark in BarCALIDONIA DISTRICT whether the time is ripe for bados no less than make a name SUCH AS Sunday Evening 30 Preaching Service Negroes to lead themselves. My for himself.
The general public is Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin cordially invited to turn out in large 11. Divine Service Preacher. friend championed the negative and Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, the affirmative. He was of the numbers.
Supplied Babbath (Saturday) 945. Sab. p. Sunday School Superintendent. opinion that we would, iſ given or Death Of Mr. Jones. p. Programme.
Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine if we happen to win or inherit bath School; 11, 15 a. General Worship 30 Gospel Service, Preacher leadership if the other fellows run recent isgue of the Advocate 30 pm. Spanish Class. on themselves Supplied.
the rocks. reports the death of Mr. Alexanquickly revert back into Haitian der Missiah Jones, which occur Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, 30 Society, meeting Tuesday 30 Gospel Service Barbarism differed. Mankind, ed at his reoidence El Zaville, 30 Junior and Senior Standard Thursday 30 o. Sister and Tes. held, as a rule, does not main Black Rock. The deceased had etc. etc. etc.
of attainment Class p. Vespere, timony meeting Saturday 30 Choir Rehmals.
tain a retrogressive tendency. been an elementary school tea few instances, such as that of the er as early as the 1863. when a Seventh Day Adventist Church Elder ODLE American Indians and the oboriyears of age. In 1867 he Pateor in cbarge where they are practically elimin Applewhaites School, St. Thoof Brd STREET BROADWAY, COLON ated or anibiliated; but on the mas, and six years later be was Sunday evening 30 pm. Preaching Bethlehem Church of God 93 CENTRAL AVENUE whole Negroes or their descendants transferred Montgomery Service.
You are cordially invited to Holiness are constitutionally, sound; they Boy School as its head until attend these services and bring your have a wonderful universally 1886 when he became head masPanama City.
frienda, known physique.
ter of St. Leonard Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath No, MARIANO AROSEMENA RELAPSING INTO BARBARISM He was highly respected by all Bovs School school; 11. 15 sm. General Worship SAN MIGUEL 30 p, Young people meeting It is silly to believe that Negroes with whom he in contact. In 1919 Sunday o clock Praver Meeting will always be bewers of wood and be retired from active service 5, 30 un Vespero obbligom. Divine Service Preacher. carriers of water; if they or their and was enjoying health up to a Supplied p. Sunday School, Superinted Places of abode are needed by the down completely.
when other fellows, it follows that The Church of God dent.
reasonable concessions He must p. Programme be, passed away at the ripe age from of 76, leaying a widow and two 15 Gospel Service, Preacher in return; while they may be with daughters to mourn their loss Panama, Arosemeda Street, Houne 25, Supplied.
Tout the immediate scientific qualifi. To these we extend our heartielt Why throw away your old, but no San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer meeting and Gospel mee ings at 11 a.
Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service. cations to develop things on par sympathy in teeir bereavement.
lac. at St. Ste doubt interesting, books when you end 30 Sunday School at p. Thursday 7, 30 Sister meeting with other races, yet they have Ais funeral took Monday at 730 Testimony Meeting and Testimony.
that latent talent which is surely phens Church, Black Rock can have them neatly bound at Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People Saturday 30 Choir Rehearsal not incapable of development. That are not yet di ciplined may Mr. Reece, A. Oxon)
Meetia. Wednesday at 30 Elder FRANCIS, be taken as an alibi, but if English barrister at law, third son of Mr.
Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Pastor in charge. history is intelligently read, it will W Reece, KC, Solicitor Gener Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Britons a: Prayer Meeting started to build the great British England on Tuesday and was al: arrived in the colony from 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Bro, C, Pessoa. in charge. BEULAH. a. Prayer meeting Empire were at that time pretty introduced to tha Bar the same 11 a. Devine Service Preacher. badly off on manners. Hence, day by his father. The young Opposite Cecilia Theatre Red Tank, Coral Zoue. Sunday School p. Gospel meeting on Thursday Supplied.
am of the opinion that Negroes on Barrister was beartily welcomed at 30 pm. p. Sunday School, Superinten the whole are good enough to rule by the Acting Chief Justice, His Sis, GRAY dent. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher themselves, and that the fear of Honor s Poyser.
their relapsing into barbarism New Providence. Gospel Meetings at is, in the premises, illogical and things continued. Ha feared some Honours in Part II, of the a. 7. 30 Sunoay Sobool the purpose the terrible visitation come as pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer School; 2, 30 Gospel Sermon the more advanced races, after hesitate to have prosecuted any 1925. On 23rd Meeting Supplied.
having lived several years in AfriBro. McDONALD person no matter who he was. ultimo young Cameron had the Noto. Other Services for the week ca, recently wrote that he felt safer Police Court Magistrate who he found committing per: Degree of conferred on Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings will be given from the pulpit. among the Africans than in some jury in any Court over which he bim and it is understoed that at 11. 30 a. and 39 m; Sunday of the alleyways of New York, presided. He therefore, solemaly his success entitles him to the School at pm. Wednesday 30 Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 m, Baptist Churches Result of the debate: Win for the SPEAK: STRONGLY AGAINST warned those appearing befors Degree of Master of Arts three affirmative.
him, whether as complainants or years hence. Mr. Camaron was Prayer Meeting HARD SWEARING AND PERJURY. defendants to be very careful as awarded a special priza in 1923 THE VALUE OF CONSTRUCTIVE Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH (Under the auspices of the Southern he would not fliach from his when be secured 1st Class HonColon and Streets. Gospel meetBaptist Convention. At the conclusion of the evi. duty.
ours in Part of the Mathematiings at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday have no knowledge of my journ dence in a recent case brought cal Tripos Examinations.
Colon 11 a. Leader Bowman; School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 p. Pastor Thrift.
nalist friend opinion of Mr. Gas against four women at Fort pm. Gospel Meeting, Friday at 30 kin critiscims of Mr. Milton Gar Wellington Court, British Gu Gatun 11 Pastor Thrift, to be vey plays; and it is not the writ ana, for behavinx in a disorderby Prayer Meeting.
Young Guianese Gains Have you tried the New Beer followea by Lord Supper. p. Mr. ers intention to unaccessarily em manner on the public road, the Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Miller, First Class Honours KRONEN BRAU Ask for it.
New Providence 11 am. Supplied.
barass our young music and magistrate, Mr. Ruggles, Chorrillo 11 a. De acon Smith.
matic aspirants, but constructive spoke strongly and criticisms as Mr. Gaskin are against the bard ewearing and p. m, Deacon Broome.
Bethel Church of God British Consulate Notice, News has been received in wholesome, and when L: point perjury 80 pervalent among «Holiness Calidonis 11 a. Deacon Broome ed out the onher day where we litigants. He said it was no British Guians, says the Chronicle, p. mm. Descon Yearwood.
are without any orchestration for wonder that the colony could not that Mr. Cameron, 1921 Red Tank. 11. Deacon Linton. the musical saw, and that it is not progress when in spite of the Guiana, Scholar (Mathematics, Colon would be glad of ioformation The Acting British Consul at RIO BAJO, LAS BABANAS p. Deacon McIntosh.
Sandsy sm. Prayer Mzettag.
right to have it play it la fecontest religions and educational advant who entered Fuz William Hall, as to the present whereabouts of 1) am Divine Service. Preacher Empire 11 a. and p. Leader with other instruments for which ages the people enjoyed, such a Cambridge, do October 1922 bas James Beresford Greenadge, a 8p. Sunday School; Superintendent Crooke.
we have orchestration, we are state of things obtained! No been classed a Senior Optime, native of British Guinnen, die in 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher Puebo Nuevo 11 am. Deacon Job. bound to see things in their true country or people could be bless. baving obtained 1st Class Hun stated to have been working son.
ed or make progress while such ours in Part and 2nd Class during onstructi Daon ys, boy 14 The Workman Printery Book Binding!
they are THE WORKMAN. Wednesday at so pom. Goo GAMBOA MISSION pm. Sunday discussional de formen part pose of or BRITISH GUIANA e consequence the would not tons held in June 1923 and June CRISTICISM.
drs bitterly


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