p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races Triumphant Star Lodge Cider Champagne 10a Races! Races!
JUAN FRANCO TRACK Exciting Races. To Morrow Races Athletic Meet. EL GAITERO No. 28, M.
THE ONLY ELABORATED Race fans are in for (Continued from page 5)
The Sport of Kings at Juan Resolution Of Sympathy: another big time at Juan the bappy recipient of a lovely Franco Parkon Sunday afternoon last was a good attraction and Whereas it has pleased Almighty Franco Park tomorrow after silver cap.
the attendance was also an im God in bis infinite goodness to re.
Spanish Cider with its noon; as the Panama Jockey Elemental condition were very provement over the past three move from our midst our Worthy Club has arranged a splendid unfavourable. Rain fell the preor four weeks.
friend and Brother David Anderown Carbonic Acid program of seven races which vlous night and made the track Merry Kiss, one of tbs Irisb son, who departed this life August promises to be of unusual the events was therefore under very beavy. The time done in throughbreds who made their 15th, 1925. Whereas this Lodge debut on local track over four lur has lost a link, and an illustrious high standard.
trying conditions. Immediately longs for a five hundred dollar Star. Be it resolved that we the Araucand, the Chilean mare preceding the mile cycle race, purse, sweepstakes, won this members now assembled stand that showed up so well with laced the starter and though the rain fell heavily but the boys race with Jiogoe, another Irish with bowed heads for two minutes horse and Arcueans, Chilean in token of our irreparable loss.
the Irish thoroughbreds in a every one of the 11 starters mare, who also made her debut Be it further resolved that the four furlong distance last sustained falls through the mud, on local tract, me in for second Dispensation of our Lodge be URETIC AND REFRESHING week, will take up 124 lbs in It seemed to have added more to and third places, respectively. draped in mourning for a period of Trade Mark a five furlong stretch with finishing. The condition of the the pleasure of the race, five The Starter experienced much thirty days.
Alta Mae 128, Tigre 119, Starry track in the 12 mile was worss tries and there were several false copy of this resolution be recorded VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ 108 and Gallineta 106. This but with brute force the boye starts; Araucana broke the tape in the minutes of our Lodge, a promises to furnish a well plowed throgh to the finish Once and ran a furlong and Merry S, contested event.
only of the 13 finisbing the race.
Kss alsс ran more than a farlong copy be forwarded tthe Work VILLAVICIOSA in another false start with Jingoe and a copy be sent to the relatives In the event for class and Araucana. The final art was of the deceased, with a covering SPAIN imported horses, Cicero, Over 2500 persons were presstragriing with Meery Kisg pet letter impressing the condolence Chomba Loca, Pereque and ent at this meet, and the Management of the Cyclone Cycle Club ting the best of it, and Jockey and sympathy of the members of ESTEBAN DURAN Rolando will form a quarter is to be complimented for the Aranguiz who rode her did not this Lodge with their irreporable to run seven furlongs for a way everything was arranged, hesitate to send ber ahead with loss in this their greatest hour of SOLE AGENT full specd. Jinge, with Moroz up, sorrow in which we loved him well, purse of 450. This weight with the excep ion of hundreds chased her and finished a close but Jesus loved him best. He is at For the Republic of Panama will be 128, 110, 120 and 108, the flashing point, thereby of spectators gathering around second, while Araucana, riddorest.
respectively; while in the preventing the Grand stand by cobar, got oft bidly but Resolution Committee.
class event for imported occupants to vlaw anything of came up and forced Skid, anutbar GRANT thoroughbreds, the following the finishes Police participation thoroughbred, from third posiJ. E, JOHNSON five entries are booked: is useless and the only remedy tion. Of the number of tick will Funchal 128, Rolando 124, Around the specified area.
be to CLARKE provide a fencing ets sold in tbis race, 1, 246 were on straight betting of wbich 393 Marcela 112, Oh Pah 154 and were on the winning horse; place: CONVENTION Result of events will appear Mary Erb 102.
in our next issue.
644 of wbich 194 were on the tirst borse and 77 on the borse. Continued from page 1)
The class native event Intimo of the Stud Carmen concern to be capitalized by the will bring out Caribe carrying Wesleyan To Musical won the class event for na Association at 100, 000 128 lbs against Rialto 122, tive borses and paid his backers under the laws of the Republic of Fenomeno 120, Baby Peggy Evening 18. 80 for each ticket Þought on Pacama are to be orfered for sale him to 119, Infimo 107 and Zapo 103 win.
to members of the local Division The curtain will be raised On Wednesdav evening SeptemRenown won the first event, a and Chapters under the jurisdiction Domioion Charter at an TO MORROW furlong distance for native class of the with a five furlong race for ber 16th the Wesleyan Young Peo horses. Fenomeno, wioner early date. native ponies, and the class will hold a Musical evening. La Bo ple Society of Christian Enbeavor in this class for the past three ne deliberations were conducted Sunday, September 13th 1925 the fifth event on the ca Wesleyan Society will be we ks, ran badly.
under the the leadership of Con.
day program, will bring out special guest. All members and Ke nau, with a fine ride from missioner Bryant who was elected jockey Schultz, won in good style Speaker at eleven horses to face the friends are cordially invited.
the first session, Immediately before the rising of the sweepstakes in the four forbarrier.
WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE long race for imported borses the Convention, the following On the whole the seven paying 15 90 for each ticket Resolution was unanimously adop.
races have been well arranged bought on him to win. ted, foilowed with votes of thanks Why pay donble price Dad of the Stud El Aguila was sociation legal adviser and Miss and this snappy program will to the Press, Delegates, the As.
in any event, be wintessed for inferior imported sent out to step the five furlongs Earnest, a member of the As.
by a large crowd.
Boer when you can In the event for class impor sociation, who acted as official red horses, this race having interpreter to Dr. Guill, the attor.
buy a superior Beer resulted in a walk over for the ney. who spoke in Spanish: Races For Imported horses Wesleyan E Society, such as BALBOA for Stud El Aguila.
half the price.
The four furlong race for class and for Native bred Ponies imported horse was easily Whereas: The annual anniversary service won by Alta Mae; getting the The Honorable Charles Bryof the Wesleyan Sunday School, best of the start sbe held oft ant, High Commissioner to PanaParaiso, will take place to morrow Capitan and Marcela. the latter ma. Costa Rica and Nicaragua of sports at the Wesleyan Church, at p. her stable companion, safely to has ever since his appointment to Delegates from many of the ofiTEMS OF INTEREST the post.
his present position the NI ther Sunday Schools on this Result of the day events were A, proved himself a Pacific end will be te king part as follows; worthy representative of the ParOn Monday night the 14th at (Continued from nage 1)
1st race for class native sincere ambassador of the UN ent Body and a zealous, gallant and Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
30 m, the school will also read from a 38 calibar resolver borses; distance furlong. er a beauliful service entitle Our and penetrated Abbott head purse 200; won by Renown Be it Resolved: that this ConFirst Race Starts p. Sharp, Loving Father Come and enjoy from above the left eye. The ridden by Casas, second Caribe vention place on record a Vote of the evening with the children (Escobar) third Fenomeno (Carri Confidence in him as our Commis.
women is being heli pending llo. Owner of winner White. sioner and honoured representative Died At Jamaica further investigation by the ADMISSION: Pool paid 20 and 40 on the of the Parent Body and that a coColon Police.
firet horse and 20 on the py of this Resolution be placed on second horse.
Grand Stand Mr. Morais of the Lu Ma Ground 50c.
copy furnished Jour minutes aad cota received the sad news on 2nd race for class native to the High Excutive Council. Thursday last of the death of his Strike officials in Canton, borseg distance furlongs purse ring the regular sessions of Dering the brother Arthur William Morais China, have passed a resolu. 150; won by Intimo ridden by the Convention messages of cheer which occurred at Jamni a on the tion not to allow British ships Hildago. second Dardanela (Es were forwarded by cable to the ABD. EL KRIM. LIBERIAN MINISTER 3rd inst He was for many years cobar) third Dictador (Smith. Hon. Marcus Garvey, President a (Continued from page Continued from page 1)
Owner of winner: Stud Carmen. General of the Association.
clerk on the staff of the Chemi to load or unload at certain Pool pad 18 80 and 40 on the cal Hall and was very popu coast ports: they will endea would challenge the French Labour is very cheap in Literit lar with a large circle of friends, vour to embargo non British first borse and 60 on the DEATH OF. to state that they have captured and strong, healthy men work for the news of his death came as a ships calling at Hong Kong Becond horse.
100 Riffians. If the French army 25 cents a day.
The language sho to his brother here who had and Macao. The Canton gov3rd race for imported horses. Continued from page 1) could show to a disinterested com of Liberia is English. It is a counrecently heard of his illness. Our distance four furlongs purse Rev. Nightengale; Attorueys mission that they have captured try for young man, and any of the spmpathy goes out to him in this ſernment naval forces have also seized a British ship 250 (Sweepstakes Won by Todd and I, Carrington, more than 100 Riffians, will be colored people who wish to so there hour of his bereavempat.
Kernanby loaded with foodstuff, having seconde Tigre (Quiroga) third amin Cumberbatch, Charleo by sending them ten of the French. illy welcomed and given grants of Schultz Prof. Barton, Louis St. Hifi, ken willing to exchange every Riffian from America to live will bə heart(
also on board ten thousand to Concert at Gamboa men F.
Owner of winner; Townsend March, Noel, ex Sergt.
Johnson, dollars worth of bullion. If French Do ydu include Marcus Gurvey Post Prod. 16. 80 314. 40 on the Major James Stewart, Georges tell the truth he would take that and his site in this initiation tirst horse No Minister replied. The spleadid prograin that is be second borse. Yearwood, Phil. since attack Cablegraphic reports from lips, John Ferreira, Rouse, Col. upon us, we have captured 75, 000 cided tones. Neither Garvey nor ing provided by the st, Simon rifles, enormous ammunition and any of those Sunday, 13th instant, is 4the race for cloutience native Jackson, Maj. Ed. Trotman, Capt. izo machine gune. We have brought fired with him would be received in one worthy the hand om Maps are still awaiting an apology Arici horses; distance furlongs purse Forde, Jones, Mayers, down thirty two of their aviators Liberia.
5125. Won by Chigui ridden by Cook, Browa, Lowis, with their machines is leaving nothing undone to give rare treat to those who will attend from the Chileans for the Moore; second Peter Pan Griffiths, Bayae, Mrs.
The writer had the privilege of list. latter unwarranted assualt (Schultz) sbird Cholito (Rodri Bridgett Aird, Lady President of SIXTEEN FRENCH POSTS CAP.
ening to one of the practice and can on members of the Peruvian RU Pool paid 40 and 80 Chapter 14; Washington Boyke, TURED.
assure the public that they will not workers in the Tacna Arica on the first borse 70 on the Alexander, Walters, Mrs. France in her communiques Have you tried the be disappointed in their expectasecond and 60 on the third. Edwards and many others. has so far admitted that we have new Boer tion of having a pleasant sunday boundary question, before 5th race: distance four furlongs The funeral obsequies were per capturud sixteen of their posts, afternoon if they will make their resuming active participation for imported thoroughbred formed by Revds. Thor and these communiques always road lead to Gamboa Mrs. Thomp. as members of the boundary horses purse 500. Sweep bourne and Kronen Brau Anderson, state next day that these posts son Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Barnes are Commission.
stakes. Won by Merry Kiss ridden by Arat guit; second Jin thers and other relatives at Trini French.
The deceased leaves two bro have been recaptured by the splendid in their soprano and Mrs Chase Miss Shan and Master Ford goe (Muvoz)
tbard Araucana dad to mourn their loss, to whom The truth is that my soldiers alto is sweet and distinct, The bass (Escobar) owner of Wiger Stad this paper on behalf of the West attack the French posts, not to they would not dare to marshal 25 of the Messrs. Mapp and Edwards The naval seaplane Alaido on the first horse and 600 on sincere condolence.
Pool paid 70 and 50 to PN which was reported the second horse.
material stored in them. When combat, because they are not cer. Come and hear them! The West ko. missing over a week ago, the Rifians capture these posts tain of the loyalty of some of dian Band, of which Mr Mapp is a during a non stop flight from these troons. The French use member. expects to lend their aid ted horses; distance furlongs sold. race for class impor on the winner. No placa tickets they carry away the guos pative troops as a front screen for to the occasion. Mr. Sban, the Assis San Francisco, California, to.
purse 450Walkover for Stud and if there is. any 8th race for class impor. satisfaction in the French tromps French regular troops in action. tant Superintendent of the Sunday Honolulu, was located day Aguila; tirst Dad.
ted norses; distance five furlongs after reoccupying these posts we While realize that my brave School, is also busy with his little before yesterday off the 7th race for class Impor parse 250, Won by Gallineta are satisfied, because during the Riffians are fighting two powerful ones. drive to Gamboa is a treat island of Kauai, Hawaiian tea horses; distance P4 farloags ridden by Aranguiz; second two months we have denuded some nations, before the season is ouer it is indulged in by those in the Islands, with its Commander purse 300. Won by Alta Mae Celia (Schultz) third. Peti (il of these posts of their equipment France will realize the folly of her higher sphere. Come out and be John Rogers and his four ridden by Escobar. Owner of dago. Owner winner as many as four times. course, as Spain would have realize convinced of the beauty of Camboa winder Raul Espinosa. Second Hildago. Pool paid 20 and 80 The French command knows it had the French financiers not in and also listen to a musical pro companions, according to reCapitana (Carril) third Mar on the first horse and 50 on that although the French forces in volved their couatryin the gram of merit. Doors Open at ports reaching here. All were cela (Qairoga. Pool paid 600 the second horse.
Morocco number more than 200, 000 dispute. p.
found alive.
Another big day Aird, bave come to timander could


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