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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Negroes Have Fallen Short Of the Glory of God STORY OF HORRIBLE WOMAN TRAGEDY Mal Treatment of West Indians in Santo Domingo other races have done any other peoples, they are more not to discover serums to prevent enquired the reason. She told him bathing at Bacolet Buy at o clock Chronicle. One poor man, a native space on the fluor into foul mire a tution would he in a bis 5wbite superiority, beheld Changed Into a Mule Ola Bandsman MultiCauses Great Excitelated by a Shark.
ment They Despise Black Skins and Port of Spain, Tuesdav. In the Labourer Contracted by Estate The Jamaica GLEANER of the presence of a horrified number of Use Grease and Hot Irons to 9th inst. prints the followingbathers James Gay, 36, a brods Allowed to Suffer and Die for Yesterday afternoon between six man of the Trinidad Constabulary Straighten Out Hair.
and seven o clock a representative was terribly mutillated by a voro Lack of Attention of this journal approached the gates cious fish despite his grim struggle of the institute of Jamaica in East for life with the monster off the By Mrs Marcus Garvey IN men and women. No. He did not; St. for the purpose of returning a Tobago ccast. His injuries were sorry tale was reeently told bed of any desrription and the only NEGRO WORLD. but Negroes have fallen short book which he had borrowed. To so serious that it was a miracle to the Se retary of State for for place for a man suffering from To study the Negro race careful the glory of God, and instead of his surprise he foand them locked. he was able to reach shallow water eign Affairs by His Majesty severe injury to lie upon, would be ty and to note the lack of initiative, being proud of their black skins and He saw no notice stuck up informando race we assistance from the charge affairs at Santo Domingo upon an unpaddedhardwooden seizing opportu the watcherom operating table which today perspective one is bound to exclaim with a proper economic basis, as time set down in the regulations. Wy denonstrated.
manhood was never striking contr were rotten and broken through and and healthy ont to British West Indian labour Condition some of the floor houtes What mortals be!
and are Looking over the low iron rails he at Angelina estate San there a tap a Lisease and experimentin chemicals that earlier in the afternoon the on Monday norning and were of St named Gilbert Tixey.
physically fit per because of the iniquitous instito protect themselves in case of grou ds of the Institute had been enjoying themselves ok the suri for was allowed no suffer and are few inches below the level of the Then Guv, who was from snaemia and melontri ion, able and it is safe to say that any floor No emergenev kit was av of slavery imposed on them war, but to place on the arket invaded by a large crowd of men, sine time.
tot 90 oreley in this posted on worden er et produs die hele curly or irens probe into the idea who died apparently selected contener: went repede endelike primero babearer ti kogte this tuilding any suffered injuries limited opportunities have not borses, mage, face cream that what had brought them there, they for when there was a rush of foum and contains the following paraInude them indivi ual real think bleaches the skin over night. Look said to at they had come to see a near him and the huge dark body graphs: It should be added that practically a very critical position ers, and given them that price of at God black masterpiece, after woman who, in consequence of of a big fish was seen making an At the hospital it was stated all other sugar estates maintain several years of this straightening having tasen a terrible vath, had attack on him. The startled by the doctor that Tixey should clean race and country, the motivating and bleaching process, and you been changed into a mule, and that swimmer turned and struck out have been sent to them at least for their workers and have provision and well hospitals ambi peoples will see a being that God Himself she had been brought into the deways and apparently escaped three weeks previously. When he for emergency casus.
The average Negro is willing to in stiger and disappointment Museum, as a warning to the the initial rush of the hanghy arrived at the hospital Kis condi mury into any other race, some would not recognize, and white irreligious and also presumably as monster. According to the wire tion was so feeble that it was im dinary labourers were indescribably The housing conditions for or budy too glad so that their children men ridicule, because in trying to an example of the truth of the less message received from the possible to even to attempt a disgusting. Most of the hou es were may be able to pass as white, as look like some one else, you admit theory of evolutiu, The Meseum special correspondent Javanese, or as Chinese as the case the superiority of that person attendants informed the crowd that Trinidad the unequal of the transfusioa of blood. visited Don Felipe Vicini down. In many cases the passage ramshackle affaire almost may be. It is a common occurrence Hence the white man rises to there was no much example of battle between the big fish and the falling to heat conversations like this in power on the black man self latter day miracles in the muse swimmer went on for nearly slive here at Santo Domingo and drew way between houses were so narrow maay West Indian and Americao inflicted inferiority and proclains um, but the crowd were incredulons minutes. Guy hung on to life with bis attention to the case pointing and fortuous that houses on the Negro and would not leave. The aid of angerincess which was desdly but out to him that the attitude adopt. opposite sides of the street could be My brother is passing for a Before white women bobbed the police had to be sought and no one søe med near taongts with a et by the Administrator at Ange, touched by standing in the middle Spaniard down town. He got a their hair black women in this the gates of the Institute closed pole or probably there was no boat lins was little short of inbuman and and stretching out one arms. No good job.
Hemisphere thought it a crime to for the eveni And ihus one to go to his assistance He fought that considered that the death sanitation exists whatsoever and it suppose he is found out?
Tixey was due to direct neglect, is believed that any outbreak of have short hair, and they spent as the strange spectacle of a the fish with his hands and even. Oh, no! He has gone to live on much money trying to make their building whose purpose is en tually both were tora ord at the Eventually the Viciti Estates con disease would quickly becamarekide grow and buving Bio. dway with white people, and hair bruils and switches as they do and Art, being besieged by fish. He was also badly bitten on still flatly refuse to offer any com chase their food at the bodega or false couragement of Science, Literature elbows by the savage attacks of the sented to pay for Tixey hospital spread.
and funeral expenses but they 10 Labourers are forced to puris engaged to a white girl.
shoes incredulous and stockings. Now that the followers Do you visit him?
water white men have declared that it igaorance and superstition for the crimsoned with the blood of the pensation for Tixey death to his canteen upon the estate and there No, am too dark. If saw to The fish evi relatives in St. Lucia.
have been numerous incidents of him on the street with his white black womaer, like howke jong bair. correo euriositisfying their irra untortunate mun.
dently made off after it wad thus monkeys who tioual In view of various complaints este te of persoas who have brought molestation by the guards of the would pretend not to incapable of thinking for them On looking up East Street our maimed its victim.
that have been received about know him. Continued on page 8)
selves, echo the chorus: Long (Continued on page 8)
The above conversation intimates hair is unsanit ry, and they too unsatisfactory conditions at Ange. supplies in Marcoris. In most cases lina on the 25th of March, per the supplies were thrown on the that a Negro has crossed the racial snav, the nape of their necks, and soually journeyed to San Pedro de grounds and aestroyed upon the bzder. He has forsaken sister, treasure the boyish bob.
Macoris and in comoany with the spot.
because she is 100 dark. He wonderful!
It is so stylish, be.
Vice Consul paid visit to the 11 Under the cricumstances it is despises the mother that brought cause white women say it is.
Angelina Estate to inspect con not thought desirable that Angelina him into the worid, because she is dition.
Sugar Estate shonld be permitted to black. 100 black for what, What is the real reason why Why Nor MICABLE SETTLE be easily di erted towards helping you may ask, is she not made is Negroes want to escape their As regards the hospital on the to inport British West Indian MENT?
thir men to promote the welfare ihe image of God? Surely, the race? To be perfectly blunt and Sparklets from Colon Division ial for the bob. But at the same a dirty ramshackle building beside for them without due warning being of the race is trying to get mater estate that was found to be part of Labourers under contract to work Almighty did not make a inistake brief, we say, LAZINESS IS THE 796 LA which is being when He created millions of black (Continued on page 8)
furnished by the Hon, High Com. time if kioky hair ie no more chemist shop. It contains no mis ioner Charles Bryant, scalp of the Negro, it is not wroug appreciated as a decoration for the Mrs. McKenzie Convalescing FARRIER PASSES ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN sal Negro Improvement Association to keep up the fight to dispense for Panama, Costa Rica and Nica fight is a futile one.
that Discovering three West India Racing Associa promises to be a lively strugle, Blessing In Their Field ragua, are working up to what The many friends of Mrs. Irene McKenzie will be pleased to learn hundred dollars in American tion. Martinique has express second only to the Moroccan aftar.
that she is out of Santo Tomas All that is mortal of Daniel money and a steamer ticket ed her willingness to join as Whil that war is intensely inter But when the ladies find their Hospital where she had been August us Farrier was quietly laid had been left in his jitney on soon as a copy of the rules is ested, especia ly to the bourgecis field and work therein, its pleasant contind for the past eight days to rest in the Herrera Cemetery on Sunday morning last by a received. Turf Club is now cause the cout or subsi teoce and surceed with little or no trouble to extent as it may one of these days for all concerned. They invariably She hus improved to such an Sunday evening Sept. 6th followed lady who had, a few minutes being formed at Martinique, raiment for the human family sathe themselves or to the men. For 10 complete recovery within a to give hopes for her ly a roncourse of friends.
The deceased became in some before, paid him, her fare similarly to that of Guade civilized sections of the world to stance: Miss Ethelvn Thomas, days.
time ago and had to be removed to from Balboa to the Panama loupe.
take anuther high level, the Seeretary of the Won an Life the Santo Tomas Hospital where Railroad Station, Panama and trouble between the two factions Problem Club of La Boca, is again an operation was performed which had left on the train for CoOf one hundred and twen boosting the sales o tome is nie alla manyone, cedere betingelevata go mbali mbali mention the ben te die rede is followed the translucent and enter complican Ball recently lon to connect with a steainer ty deaths which occurred in family weekly and other at the La Boca clubhouse for the pleasantress may result in the tons set in and being an old man for the United States, Isaac Port of Spain last the course of the rendition. It appears, having passed the alotted of month dailies, anu tratisfering a few span purpose of funds Engleberg. pulled himself thirty one took place in the fielowe ide the cost for the coor curely attent such efforts, as there young movie goers who most of the Farrier was a real old timer, thousand dollars from the poor philantropic work. Success will also, that a ten and twenty five three scores and ten, the end came ceut entertainment draws mostly quite peacefully.
together. stepped on the City, twenty three in East erament and the pockets of the are few, if any, Misantropisto time refuse to listen er do not at all having lived on the Isthmus for gas. succeeded in getting by Dry River, ten in Belmont lawyers, when the wn le thine among our people. My homincitore appreciats efforts the speed cops. caught the and five in Woodbrook. St. mignt be settled satisfactorily in of philantropists to tickets ordinary.
the nearly half a century. Arriving train near the Army stance of Claír made no return. Twenty that of High Commissioner Bryant on the first occasion worked out MENS PRESENCE NEEDED of President or or might be served with good effect here quite a young man, he devotted his life to the interest of his. a one cases of typhoid fever over couple of splendidly, of approximately five miles from were notified, the City and apologies to B) aud a key of the following is io crder: Geo ponsible men at these entertain first agent of the American Bible The conspicuous absence of res the important position of being the peopie and at one time occupied Panama City, succeeded in Belmont returning six. each, Kronen Brau the latest product Richards, native of Liliput and ments so commooly promoted by Societv in Panama, a position he having the train slow down Woodbrook and East Dry of the Panama Bre wiak and local newspaper critic; Mr. Milton our people, is, believe, responsible beld uatil the coming ition the on order from the Acting River four each and St. Clair Refrigerating Company If this can cac vay solite Panduan Melo Morata for the misbehaviour of the young: Americans when he was forced to Railroad Superintendent who one. No fatal case was repor. prepare and deliver the keynote. friend, atie soetation and my journalist sters. Boys are boys and girls are relinquish the position. As agent happened to be on board, and ed girls, and it is necesary for them fr the Bible Society and speech for the occasion.
to give vent to their childish whims; had a search effected for the Colporter CONCERT PROGRAMS.
ms; many homes in Panama today are but this should not be permitted at influenced for good on account of owner of the purse and ASPIRING WOMEN contents. The lady was loca.
There were four fatalities Trying to meddle ia men work and the like: There was a splendid to enjoy was recode program. Chin the Books be sold them. He also of concerts the other fellows go ted, Engleberg find deliv from vehicle accidents in the women may hi tire succeed in efort put forth by the promoter af drem let loose at these entertain. Republic and costa Rica neh cebis travelled this with the her sincere blessings first to August 30th of this wobieber modern civilization has in tainment at Red lank Clubhouse parents and guardians create. in year, according to a report of contemplation; they are worrying on Monday night last. From my most cases, much unpleasantness. Ass Churchman be was one of and a five dollar bill.
the Canal Zone Police and clothes ur men apparel: whether the best results are often over must wear. the fouaders of the present WesO: THE leyan Mission in this city and took Fire Division. Accidents for to again glory in the flowing curls obtained from a promiscuous Next week will give in a nut an active part in its progress.
The French Island of this period totaled 219, with or promote a clean srave; while selection of items for these pro shell. my observations of the Farrier leaves an only daughter Guadeloupe has joined the (Continued on page 8)
many of our coloured ladies are grams. Unless there is a system by Panama Canal West Indian Em Mrs. E, Grant and several losing valuable time, which could which proper standards of pie es ployees Association.
grand children, It is few above office not


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