
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD sixteen million lems prosperity exported.
THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders gubernatorial position in the JAMAICA TRINIDAD wbole Empire, for reason into which it is not necessary te delva at the moment. We trust that Sir The Island Exports Intercolonial Cricket Graeme in bis new environment will enjoy better health than was Tournament.
his lot bere and that he will be Tbe Herald of the 5th inst.
spared the endless irritations states that the service Bureau o and annoyances to which be has Tbe West India Committee have been subjected duriog bas stay supplied to an enquirer statis. PLAYERS INVITED TO PRACTICE.
here, To Lady Thomson, also, we tics regarding exports of bid a regretful fasewell. She has bapanas aod sager from Jamaica from the year 1897.
The WEEKLY GUARDIAN states done splendid service daring ber two years in the colony, and will Several interesting facts are that with the view to selecting a be very much missed.
revealed by a study of the table. Trinidad team for the forthcomPo the new Governor we offer The peak year for Jamaica ing latercolonial Tournament to respectful and sympathetic bananas was 1903, when our be beld io Demerara early in welcome. His previous experand ball October, the following players burcbes were exported. Since are invited to practice at the Recommended for Removing the Humors of iences sbould enable him to redder very useful service to the the war the bighest figure was urea Park Oral:Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, colony, as he has bad first band four million bunches lower Achong, Aleong.
experience oi East Iodian than that total. Of sugar, on the Browo, Const. Boland, Boyack, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Chinese and Nigro labour prov: other band, Jamaica shipment Bain, Cipriani, ConstanRheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disand of the administration reached their highest develop tice (jar. Diaz, Fraser, of contries which derive their chief ment in the record year of 1922, Garcia, 2 Hugte, cases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
from agricultural when more than 50, 000 tors were Hamid, King Lynch, pursuits. Io Soutb Africa, too, be With the increased Maingot, Olivierre.
and stabilised Preference now Pascall, Preddie, Roach, An Alterative recommended for purify.
must have learned much about given by both the motber Coun Razac, St. Hill, S. HM.
mining conditions, and it is for ing and enriching the BLOOD.
try and Canada, is it too much to Small, Sealy, St. Clair, this reason that we regard bis selection as an admirable one.
hope that this total may once Telemaque, Turpin.
Like Sir Grreme Thomson in gomore be reached to the not for Waddell, arwood Yeates.
ing to Nigeria, he makes a condistant future? The tigures gire From the above it will be seen For Sale at all Drug Stores siderable step in the guberna the death blow to the common torial world.
supposition that the banana in that not only prominent first dustry, bas in somo measure class players but a few second clss cricketers bave been selec.
And in Large Quantities by ousted sugar produ ion in the island.
Whilst for the past ted; and it is left to players to BARBADOS 27 years, with the exception of prove their rit to the Selection JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy ibe years 1916 20, the banana delow of Constabulary and Committee. Probably Lidindustry, has been the more Grell of LI may be inclu.
AGENT Visit of Team valuable, measured in terms of money received, sugar produc ded although the list is a big one.
to the tion bas Dren fairly constant soiceSWASOK cloooo)
during that time, with a ten.
dency to increase.
Big Fire at Tunapuna The GLOBE of August 10tb says: Issue Between Public Serbio na dodendo We bave recrived nothing from COCTAGE COMPLETELY DES.
with vice Company And apy authorized course TROYED.
reference to the men beinginvited Corporation.
by the to visit the The beautiful, unoccupied cotWest Indies during the coming winter, but we have heard enougb As stated in the GLEANER of tage on the southern side of the the 2nd inst. the Kingston and Eastern Main Road, near St.
to place us on our guard for one OFSt. Andrew Corporation have agustine, the property of Me.
of the sirongest invasions ever before seen in these parts. All started work in West Street in Carlos Napis, a shopkeeper car connection with the reconstrucrying on business at Pointe 1the stars, including Hobbs and Woolley are mentioned as likely to tion of the streets. They are Pirrie was totally destroyed by be on the team, and every care is expecting, in accordance with a fire during the early bours of a. m, belog taken to see that the the Public Service Company, while Detectives Maynard and combination is suđiciently well that the latter should pave with Blandin were on patrol they obIS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF balanced to make success sure.
asphaltic cement on a ken served big flames leaping bigh To render the visit to Barbados stone foundation that portion of into the air and, with as litile de.
tinancially capable of meeting ibe demands such a team must the road way or street which lies lay as possible, they reported th: within the tram rails of the matter to Sergeant Rolins.
make on us the island team company and extending 18 inches the in charge who, with must be good enough to offer suficient on either side of the outer rails, other members of the Constabu opposition in all the Corporation baving decided lary.
departuents of the game to pave the street with asphaltic bory, hurried to the scene. Corporal Cambridge, of St Joresult ia crowded gates through cement.
seph, with some of bis men, out the tour and not for two or The Gl aner understands were also quickly on the spot and three days only. We can produce the batting, and that the Public Service Company soon after the Police arrived.
and fielding just now have been seriously consideriog much bard work was in evidence is not to be despised. Fortune bas sent us in the nick of time a their position in the matter and but despite their efforts aloog stumper wbo can do in in the course of the next two with the assistance of other will the best of company, but it is in or three days, they will be send iog bands, the building was com ing bowling that we are not strong. communication to the pletely burnt out. The Paliece Corporation, pointing out that were, however, successful Mr. Griffith of Empire and Frania AT THEciu, we can depend up on as fast in their opinion the nature keeping the fire off the adjacent bowlers and Mr. L. Hoad of the work woich the corpora alosured dwelling house of Mis of the Pickwick can carry a bost tion propose to carry out is most Fitzgerald which is just twenty on bis shoulders with Mr. Adams extravagant and the Tramway feet fron the destroyed building Company is not likely to join The origo of the fire is unknown.
to command respect from vicious batsmen. but it is in the mediun in it.
The cottage was insured for 600 class that we are weakest and with the Palatine Insurance Cum will bave to take risks with pady of which Messrs. George 1000 og gang mga magogogogoga ago go go go go go go google mango gangageantried Coffin Unearthed Huggins Co. L:d. are the local material. One such should be obtainable among the agents, many professionals to be encounIN SAV. LA MAR STREET.
tered around the various grounds something like the well known xossos, and care be taken lo due time to willow pattern. Tbe procelain The Gleaner special correswas lily white and the blue Improve his form as a batsman It must not be forgotten that pondent at Sa la Mar writing pictures are as bright looking as was the West Lodies and no row that place on the 2nd if they had never been buried in Barbados alone that made that instant says: the earth. There was ne mark great name in the old country in Great orge Street. theor figure on the pieca of pottery 1923. The task now. will be up to great high street of Sav In Mar wbich could Vindicat the age.
individual colonies alone barring is being dug up to lay down Toe rem 1103 were carefull rethe tests, and each of us must do the new water main which will interred by Mr. Chambers.
our best to sustain that reputabe a valuable asset to the Fire tion.
Insurance Compacte, doing busiThose who have some know.
ness in Jamaica as far as Sav la ledge of these things assert that Mar is concerned.
the body must bave been buried Police Petition on Yesterday, when the excava. more than 150 years ago. The tions had reached the centre of bones were quite black and the Pension.
the town, where the store of oak casket crumbled on being Mests: Norton and Company: terment was not made since the removed. It is quite clear the in In a recent Issue the GLOBE Limited stands, Mr. Robert writing Editorially says:Chambers, of Clarendon, the preseot town was laid out.
foreman of works, under Mr. Previous to the year 1780 the Petition with the santionpot the Inspector General has been Hart the contractor, made a town rao East and West follow rathar startling discovery, forwarded by the non comHis lag the sea coast. In 1780 the sea missioned officers and menu.
attention was called to what bursting its ancent limit oyerlooked like a box buried about whelmed the uobappy town and the Barbados Police Force to a tbree feet below the surface of swept it instant ruction, og Excellency Executive in the street. Bev la Mar baing leaving not a vestige of man, Committee praying Dear to tbe firot Spanish capital beast, or babitation bebind.
that as public officials, they be allowed of Jamaica istana. as it was participa then called the idea of buried was laid out, North and South cougratulations to Sir Graeme disheartened with experience by Legistreasure naturally occurred to the old Parish Church and Thompson upon his appointment in this colony aud we spould not lature to effect all branches of those standing by.
With great to the bigbly important post od bave beed surprised to learn that the public service with care the foreman of works Court House were built after the unearthed the casket Departure of the Governor. Nigeris perhaps the greatest he had accepted bafar less impor: exception of their own and other which catastrophe, so, that a burial in in Service tant post than that at turned out to be a coffin, con what is now the main street, in which we do not include the His oppolatment must be regar, service. The Petition we presume taining the bones ot what must wilch was previous to 1780. The Commenting on the departure self governing Dominloos, norded as a mark of appreciation of has been properly worded and have been a child. The coffin was most ramarkable thing is the made of oak, in it bewides the wonderful state of preservation of Str Grace Thompson the of course de alte scutirles as India, the British Government of the will no doubt at an early date and. was broken mug of in ARGOSY of the 12 Inst. says. Egypt and the Sudan Bad Pales results of his labeurs in British considered by the Executive and wbite porcelain decorated in blue as Ivaud. On behalf of the people of tine. It was on open secret that Galada perbaps the most ditficult aaaaano maging maruparan ngomong mang MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS maggggggggggggo ng gagogoganggo pega o will 88 Suitable for Lodge Business us credit Paganig Workman Stationery Store Qid HAND IRONERS Wanted APPLY AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY the Governor Alter 1780 the present to wa BRITISH GUIANA British Gatrons we ersten dhe me Sish Graemed was discussed and thing in the liberal peneton system (Continued on page 7)


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