
THE WORKMAN THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
KRONEN BRAU Stop and and Listen!
Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all matte St. Paul Church, Panama Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be (Rev. Nightengale, Rector)
written on one side of paper only, and a. Holy Communion The Recter Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 10 30 Matins and addreso.
One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaMr. Atwell Lay Reader Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
a 30 Holy Baptiem Three Ble.
We do not undertake to return re3p. Church School, Сре 20e.
jected correspondence. 30 Cboral Evepeong, sermon. Proscher, Rev. Mulcare. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS Monday Feast of St. Matthew Evangelist. Holy Communion at sm, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1925.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso INDIFFERENCE TO THINGS is brewed from the best CANAL ZONE. Rev. NIGHIENGALE, LITERARY materials to be obtained Priest in Chargo.
10 am, Service of Correoration of the Churchtbe Bishop.
One of the most deplorable conditions extant among p. m, Church Sobool and Confirma tion Clare a large majority of West Indians in Panama is their absolute It is specially suited for this climate indifference to things literary. Men and women go 30 Choral Evensong addrere The public is invited to attend the about this city as unconcerned about what is taking is superior to all imported beers sold Service of Consecration at 10. a. toplace around them as though they were totally inanimate.
BOLTON The craze for gaudiness so ridiculously manifest in them here and it sells to the public at Mr. Osborne. Catechist.
seems to have actually obliterated every particle of taste for things intellectual.
HALF the price.
St, Matthias Mission LAS SABANAS It is of frequent occurrence, for people, from whom one (Rev, NIGHTENGALE, would least expect it, to make the remark Oh have no Priest in Charge.
time to read newspapers or magazines yet, in the same 30. Holy Commuion The Rev.
breath the very individuals will make the most serious TRY OUR NEW BEER Nigbleogsle.
arrangements to meet at a certain billiard saloons or sport3 Church Sobool.
ing house for a game of billiards, cards, or other amusement. 15 Evening end address. The expenditure of say, 10 or 20 cents for a newspaper Mr. Richards, Catechist or magazine and the devotion of an hour or even thirty minutes to refreshen the memory and add to the intellect.
St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca are considered a far greater bore than resorting to places of (American Episcopal)
pleasure where the entire environment and even the very SUPERIOR TO ALL Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity atmosphere breathe corruption and indulging in all kinds of The Litany will be sung at 10. 45 vices to the detriment of health and the impoverishment of a. after which there wilt be a Choral Wealth.
o scosse Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, with sermon. Celebrant and preacher. The These are, alas deplorable conditions existing among a Rector.
great number of our people here, included among whom are Church Sebool 3p.
unany who in their West Indian home would deem it a Choral Evensong sermon 30 caluinity to be deprived of the means of ascertaining all. The Rt. Rev. Jas. Craik Morris information whether local or foreign.
will be the preacher. To alla very cordAnd it is indeed surprising to know thit a goodly numial invitation is ex ended. Mr William ber of these very individuals under observation were Maynard, Prominent member of the Choir, will preside at the organ morning Chord recognized shining lights in literary circles in their native and evening for Mise Stella Westerman, hume but who today have become void of all taste for permanent organist wo will be away literature, being absorped in the scuffle of the get richall day.
quick bunch.
Monday Best in St. Matthew Day There are, however a considerable number who have The Holy Communion will be celebrated at o clock not altogether lost their appetite for reading, but who are worously thrifty. These fellows must know what takJ. MULCARE, Rector, ing place around them but it must be at the expense of the St. Barnabas Church, Empire other fellow, who may be one out of every hundred of such Morning, Praser, Litany and address to buy a newspaper or magızine which will be patiently. AT THE 11 am, waited on to be borrowed by a dozen or more thriftier Church School, and Confirmation class.
ones, no matter how long it takes so long as a free read is at p. Choral Evensong and address P.
to be had MULCARE Priest in Charge The Greeks, Italians, Spaniards and every other kaown St. Bartholomew s, Church people on the Isthmus even to the labɔuring classes, who LAS CASCADAS.
can read the Spanish language must have the news every OF THE Morning Prayer, Lltany and addrees day, to know what taking place abroad and also to be in 11.
touch with lo:al conditions and it is not infrequent to hear Church School and Confirmation Clam them in various places discussing with each other ques2 tions of the momert.
Evening Prayer and Address p.
But among our people with, the exception of a very MULCARE, Priest in charge.
limited number, no time can be spared away from that St Jude Mission, Summit.
which ruins and disgraces, to get acquainted with important Corner Street, No. and Central Avenue Evenson and Sermon p.
happenings even in their native islands, extracts of which T MULCARE Priest in Charge appear in every issue of this paper.
GREAT REDUCTION St. Simon Mission, Gamboa Matine, Litany and address 11 am, Church School and Confirmation Class he Liberty of the Subject. m.
Choral Evensong and address p.
Writing under the above caption a London correspondJ. MULCARE, Priest in Charge.
ent says. It is not often that occasion arises for criticism of the police force in Great Britain, for the police are The Salvation Army admittedly a most capable and discreet body of men: but PANAMA CITY CORPS.
one or two cases have come to the knowledge of the public Sunday 20th, September, Backslider West Indians week end, lately which have frankly caused considerable disquiet.
Also Memorial Service of The first was the arrest of a distinguished army officer, whol for inferior imported Sergt. Albert King, who was promot od to Glory on Monday night the 14tb wa; not at the time in uniform, on a charge of having desiring to take advantage of Beer when you can Office of stolen a sum of money from a woman of doubtful reputation, their children (high school and superior opportunities regarding Box 667 buy a superior Beer Services are follows:who accused him of having committed the theft. The arrest business) education, with board.
Cristobal, z. m. Early and Prayer Meeting.
such as BALBOA for took place late at night, and the otficer was kept prisoner for and lodging if desired, should September, 14, 1925. 10 mm. Children Directory Mepting several hours without being allowed bail because the theft write at once to Mr. Fitzhalf the price. Bro Wilkinson, and Brigade United Open Air Meeting was said to have been committed in a district other than Henley, Excelsior DG. No, 40 11 Holinese Meeting to be conthat in which the arrest took place; and no bail could be Schools, 19 North St. Kingston, Panama, Republic of Panama: ducted by Commandant Martin, Ja. B, p. Company meeting and given till a police official from the former district had been ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THE Dear Sir and Brother: Brigades Open sir.
sent for. The affair caused so much public indignation that Please mention this paper, POPULAR JUAN FRANCO PARK At the fourteenth annual session p. to. Junior Open Air.
a special public enquiry in all the facts was ordered by the TO MORROW.
of District Grand Lodge No 40, 45 m. Separate Brigade Open Air beld on the 7th and 8th days of Meeting Home Secretary, during which unsatisfactory features of September, the members of said police methods where brought to light. Almost at the same District were informed And at 30 Memorial march the death starting from 24th and 15th February time, moreover, in another part of the country another of your beloved wife and which was Street.
arrest took place of a perfectly respectable man who was Clarice Gammon de Preter deeply regretted. committee was p. Salvation Memorial Service fortunately able to prove where he was and what he was therefore appointed to draw up the to be conducted by Comdt Martin.
Takes this medium of thanking the people of La Boca fer following Resolution of Sympadoing on the day the offence with which he was charged Monday, Life Saving Guarde and the wonderful help given to my father in the time of his distress tby which was adopted by Grand Sunbeame Parade at p.
had been committed. It is of course obvious that when a and sorrow, and most of all for the kindly feeling shown to my Lodge No. 40, Tuesday, Band of Love Work Claes man is arrested the police cannot release him merely on the deceased mother in ber years of suffering, and want to tell them that appreciate it very bigbly. The strength of his personal protest that he had nothing to do Officers and Delegates of at 30 District Grand Lodge No. 40 in with the crime. On the other hand there seems to be a real Wednesday, p. Life Saving Scoute Thanking you again, their 14th Apgual Session assem and Chume parade. Home Longue bled this 8th day of September, p.
danger of perfectly innocent and respectable citizens being remain, 1925, regret to learn of the death Thursday Holine meeting in the placed and kept for some time under arrest, without in some cases being even able to communicate with their friends.
Gratefully yours, of the beloved wife of our respected Hall to be conducted by Commat dans Brother Wilkinson and Martin at p.
Procedure is likely to be reformed as a result of the pubCLARICE GAMMON DE PRETER deeply deplore the loss Brother All are invited to attend these me! licity given to these recent events, for the liberty of the 93 Congress St. Wilkinson has sustained.
iars, subject is a matter on which Englishmen are almost obnorBrooklyn, New York. Resolved, ThatgDistriet Grand MARTIN, Commandant.
mally sensative. Continued on page Continned on page 7)
You get good value and save money when you buy BRANCH STORE The American Bazaar IN PRICES Why pay double price Resolution lof Sympathy.
At p.


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