
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres CECILIA tade into the grounds en El Excelsior ATLANTIC SIDE family of th late President Hen ry of the Wanderers bas Have you tried the been announced to take place on Sunday the 11th of October, CRICKET now Boor wben they will meet combination representing all the other Kronen Brau teams of the competition Interesting Contest Ends in a Draw, Tennants To Strike It is understood that the rent AMERICA The La Boca Athenaeum held The West End Victoria cup payers of Colon are much dis (PANAMA. COLON)
their weekly meeting at the Clubmatch in concection with the satisfied with the condition under house on Tuesday evening when Surprise Cricket Cup Competi wbich apartments are rented to TODAY SATURDAY, Sept. 19th TODAY. Saturday September 19th stories, fables and anecdotes were tion of Sunday the 13th instant, them. It is the general feeling Harold Lloyd in given accordi ag to the fixed and TOMORROW Sunday Sept, 20th one of the best contested and that advance rent payment is GRANDMA BOY monthly program. Next Tuesday most interesting matches of tb unjust, while the price asked for Lillian Gish. in will be round table discussion and seasop ended in a draw.
the rooms are exorbitant. THE WHITE SISTER TOMORROW. Sunday Sept. 20th a good subject is selected upon Reports from various quarters It was only to be expected that state that a general strike of the Pola Negri in which the opinion of members will a great crowd would be at the tenganta is to take place on the be expressed. The subject Re.
MONDAY, September 21st EAST OF SEUL Victoria oval, for there were Ist of October, and no rent will solved That Capital Punishment Thomas Meighan in is Justifiable will be debated on circumstances that lent unusual be paid until the proprietors MONDAY, September 21st interest to the day tixture. In THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW the 29th, Little Miss Edoa Smith the first place, West End won Rrapt, some coasideration in the Eugene Brien in and Aminta Jump contributed a matter.
their last engagement song and piano selection, respectwith On Saturday night tba 12 Inst.
TUESDAY, September 22nd FRIVOLOUS SAL Westmoreland on the 23rd of ivelv, at Inst Tuesday meeting.
Lila Lee in Little Miss Hortense Dixon will August, gaiping 21 points lead in a very enthusiastic mase meet the competition; secondls, Vic took place at the corner of 9th TUESDAY, September 22nd ing by the UNION OBRERA ANOTHER MAN WIFE sing at next Tuesday meeting.
Tom Mix in toria eleyen were determined WEDNESDAY, September 23rd THE HEART BUSTER to put up a good fight, in order street and Broadway when tnis The Orpheus Musical Club to break the record of West End grievance was aired. There was Gareth Huges in WEDNESDAY, September 23 Social comes off at the Club who up to the present are the an unusually large crowed, and many addresses were delivered house this evening. It is under apparent winners of the season DON WRITE LETTERS Lillian Gish in stood that a program to consist of This determination was fully including some warm ones by THE WHITE SISTER Various games, singing and dancing realized. Coleridge and Emanuel members of the gentler sex.
THURSDAY, September 24th is arranged and several friends gave a very good account of Pola Negri in THURSDAY, September 24th have been invited to take part, themselves in batting. They FOOTBALL were together for over an hour. EAST OF SUEZ Thomas Meighan in THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW The Summer School which is and the separation came when Lovers of football the latter was caught by Peters treated to a fine display of the will be FRIDAY, September 25th being cooducted by a few of the off Geneteau. They were enthu: game toinorrow at the Victoria FRIDAY, September 2ith school teachers will be terminated Eugene Brien in siastically cheered for tbeir Lila Lee in during the coming week, it is Park brilliant performance with the beader in which the Rovers of B:oad way, in a double FRIVOLOUS SAL ANOTHER MAN WIFE learnt, as the regular sessions of the willow.
school will commence in the early Colon will meet the Panama Rain bad fallen heavily on the Heardware and the InterSATURDAY September 26th SATURDAY, September 26th part of the coming month.
preyious day, but the wicket national also of Colon will try Thomas Ince Presents Gareth Hughes in a quick recovery, and the corclusions with Panama.
The Women Life Problen Club ENTICEMENT DON WRITE LETTERS game was started at the usual The Rovers are the Chamwill observe the ninth anniversary bour before a crowd fully 1800pions of 1925 while their of that organization at the Club.
strong with others still pouring apponents, the Panama Hard house on the 24th instant, next ware took a good third place, So Thursday, Victoria on winning the toss and this contest expected to be send West Ead to the at, and keen. Panama who finished Words have been received from mainly through the success of second in league, feel they can RESOLUTION OF.
Alonzo Robinson, former Geneteau, Clarke and Burton, always administer a whipping to sloyee of the Balboa Quarantine wbo contributed 41, 19 and 14 the Internatwnal, but this team (Continued from page 4)
Statico, wbo left for the United respectively, West End aggre is prepared to sbow otherwise.
States short time ago, Mr.
gated the magniticent total of 111 Thousands will avail them Lodge No 40 now in sesian extend Robinson has arrived safely in Uns selves of the opportunity of witto Brother Wilkinson their Ney York.
Bowling for Victoria Blandnessing these matches and a deepest sympathy in this his hour KOL wickets for 18 rupe, Black lively time will be spent. JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP of bereavement; and may the Onor upan for 32, Coleridge for 25 The first game starts at 9, a.
potent who don all things well Big Time at Gamboa Last and Thorpe for 33.
Once or Corner 12 Street East Avenue imbide him with that strength and Sunday.
twice during the inning ralo fell BASKETBALL fortitude to stand the preat test in but fortunately held off to give which he is now placed. We realize the spectators a chance to wit: St. Joseph Lyceum won a We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also that you loved her, but Jesus loved The concert given by the St.
Dess the game.
brilliant game against Excelsior watches. Our prices are the lowest and our ber Choir At 25 Victoria took their on Tue day night the 15th; at the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse Workmanship is guaranteed.
Night until that Resurrec day was a decided success. The tion morning, when you shall again performers have justified all that stud at the wicket and found coros 13 The game Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you see her face to face.
conditions very unfavourable for rather exciting, and from the had been said of them Toe pieces rendered by the choir Resolved, That a copy of this batting The first halt of the trst quarter had the exceptionmay keep the pledge pawned as long as you may resolution be sent to Bro. were a credit to them and show learn fell for 26 ruos. By watcb aily large crowd numbering jak the ball closely and takinx nearly 500 on their toes to the end drsire, provided the monthly payments of Wilkinson, of skillful training on the part of the advantage of everything to the of the last. Waterman was a good interest are duly met.
No 40, a copy be spread on the choirmaster. The duets were full of minutes of this session, a copy to melody, Mrs. Barnes and Mr. EdDatore of loose delivery, Alleyne guard while Zorillo and Ramon, and Coleridge succeeded in car showed themselves in good form Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall the Odd Fellows Jurnal Nid a wards were excellent in their rendibe pleased.
copy to the local press for publication rying the score to 45, but the giving some long terows from Mrs Thompson Mr. Marp, as partnership was dissolved when the center of the ball.
Fraternally also Misses Hilda Wilkinson Lula the former got caught by Lyaton off Gittens. Emannel took his Silver Five was postponed.
The game between Colon and Committee Shan, were loudly applauded for their duets Mrs. Ford in her solo place and they were together for TI. HEADLEY, and also Miss Handiford were over an hour, during which time WH. MILLER several bɔwlers were changed News Notes sweet and impressive, and bat it was not until nigh the call PETER PAINE. much praise. Miss May Owen and Lola Sban in their organ solos ot time that Geneteau got Em brilliant and instructive sershowed careful musical training, manuel caught in the slips by mon was preached by the Rev. EL GAITERO Piters. Boland joined Coleridxe Nigbtingale at Christ NOTES The organist Mr Urie Chase deci and added a three, mazing the Churcb by the sea on Sunday THE ONLY ELABORATED thought of music as a profession, he is a capa.
total 71 for wickets and the morning the 13th inst. Taking as game ended in a draw ble organist, and hopes to one of his text St. Luke 12:14 Maa La Boca Pars.
much merit. His mother, a lady of Bowling for West End Gene who made me a judge or a divider Spanish Cider with its musical talent also in the swee teau cuplured wickets tor 27 over you? The Rev. gentleman uns Portr for 6, Gitteas for clearly showed the relationship The dance held at the Clubhouse alto of the choir, own Carbonic Acid 1, while Lotyn, Myers, Mootno, between spiritual and worldly 00 Saturday night last by young Mr. San Gooden on the Cello in The choir was ably assisted by Barton, and Prillips were unsuc affairs.
ladies of the Catholic Community Cessful.
House was a splendid affair; it was the singing of their pieces. Mr. remarkable scenº took place most orderly, having beeo well Shan recit tion as edifying. Th.
Little Miss Roberts of planned. The hall children of the Sunday school after the game. The crowd, Silver City entertained a number decorated and the atmosphere was acquitted themselves nicely in cheering madly, rushed to the of her school mates and other field lifted up Coleridge and friends at her residence house most congenial. Among the dies their recitations and dialogues.
responsible for this pleasant aduir The horn solo of Mr. George carried bim to the pavillion, No. 601, apartment on Mynwere Misses Cicily Cumberland Eight members of the West India Williams wae creditably rendered where be was the recepient of day night the 14tb inst. The little URETIC AND REFRESHING and Rose Cunningham and Mrs. Band, including their leader Mr numerous congratulations. tots enjoyed themselves immensely.
Trade Mark Gladys Rance. Sam Gooden, enlivened the Postponed Match Tomorrow proceedings with suitable selecThe Silver City Kent Cup The monthly meeting of the VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ match which was among the fix Colon Teacher Association will Frank Reed, Canal Zone tions. Mr. Brathwaite, Lay Reader school teacher, is expected back of the Summit Mission, was present tures of Sunday the 13 th inst to take place at the St Joseph S, from vacation on or about the and gave a very stirring address be played on the Mt. Hope Oval School, Broadway, at the corner middle of next week Mr. Reed which was much appreciated. Mr, has been postponed, due to the 8: street today. Among the VILLAVICIOSA has been in Jamaica during the Edgar, McCarthy the Lay fact that the grounds were not in business on the agenda will be SPAIN school vacation. He expects to sail Reader presided, and at the close good shape, and will be played at arraogements for the coming from Kingston on the 21st. of the program thanked all those Camp Bierd tomorrow inter school examination of 23rd.
who had so ably contributed to Cup Fixtures For Tomorrow inst.
The Women Life Problem Club the delight and happiness of those Pickwick vg: Wanderers at Mt.
SOLE AGENT has started to ſeeue invitations for present.
Hope. Victoria vs. Westmoreland a repetition of their Charity Ball In the name of the Mission, and memorial service for the late at the Victoria Oval.
For the Republic of Panama Leld some time ago, the purpose of the Rector who was unavoidably Prince Harvey, who Both matcbes promise to be it will be remembered passed which is generally known. absent, he beg to wish for Gamboa very lateresting.
circular letter is now beine sent out a bright future. The Doxolozy wae Wanderers away on the 5th of December last having been humilitated by Sil. year is annouoced to take place with each card asking for a dona sang, and an invitation extended to ver City in their march of two at the Gabriel Union Lodge Hall the increase, and new celestials by Mrs. Archibald, representing tion to the Club charity funds in all to attend evening prayer whic weeks ago will do all in their corner, street and Hudson are to be seen day by day Judith, with the amount of 59, cases where the cards are not was most heartily responded to.
power to regain the prestige Lane, tomorrow evening comwbile Pickwick will endeavour to mencing at 80 o clock.
Mrs Surgeon. wife of the and Mr. inland for David purchased for the purpose of the Surgeon of the Olon Wes: and Mrs. Tavior for Ruth follow dance or for the good of the cause.
Cycle and Athlet. repeat the dose. Wanderers and Victoria on the other band have leyan Church is spending fewed with 27 and 25 respectivls.
E, Williams, clerk in the office both been makiug rapid strides Mr. Lawson of the Inter days with Mrs. Wade at the of the District Quartermaster at Meet.
in their efficiency since the national Banking Corporation, Wesleyan Mission House PadaBalboa Heights, returned on Tuesopening of the ball season. They vacation in Costa Rica on Sunday Colon, returned from his short ma.
Why pay donble price day last from a two month (Continted from our last Issue)
bave both by cool playing and The rally of Prominent Bible vacation spent in Casta Rica and good judgement given excellent the 13th inst, and is looking much characters in aid of the St. Vin for interior Imported contiguous place. Mr. Williams The events were as follows: account of themselves against benefitted. While there, he recent Cathalic Church, Silver City Beer when you can Teported having spent a very en 100 Yards Dash.
There bas been much dispute top notch teams, and it is plaiolyceived the buy a superior Beer joyable and profitarle vacation.
seen that they are coming to the father was dying in Jrmaica, but took plree at the Cristobal Silver He returned to bis office on Thurs as to who is our best sprinter front. keex contest is there later reports state that he is in the 16th inst. Tha characters such as BALBOA for day and will in the next few days Wallace bas been dousilating fore expected.
were Joseph, David Judith, Ruth, half the price.
resume his duties in the different recently but Beckford masBenefit Match For October 11 Abrabam, Joshus, Ann, Esther.
organizations to which he is con tered this event, finishing in 10 Tbe Benefit match in aid of the Chinese store in Colon are on The list of collections was headed Dected. Continued on page 8)
was tion.
We Buy and Sell Pearls received CANAL ZONE Cider Champagne ESTEBAN DURAN proving

    FootballSpainUnion Obrera de Colon

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