
London Correspondens Egyptian Visitor To London BRITISH FINANCE AND COMMERCE RELIEVED OF 600 BY CONFI.
DENCE TRICK Up to date Jewelry You ll like Chesterfield Cigarettes for their freshness, their fragrant aroma and the delicious taste of their blend of finest Turkish and American tobaccos.
Asked to ore wakebulo tiene Fuller Jewelry Store They Satisfy Chesterfield CIGARETTES Pain Enemy of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended Mr. Charles Gerald Chapkour, an Egyptian visitor to London at present residing at 16. Barnens street, was robbed by cotdence tricksters of Bank of Eng: In every form can be seen land notes of the value of 630 here at its best See our Five men are said to be impl.
cated in the theft. One of these Wrist Watches giving the name of McLougblio.
when told that Mr. Unaukour, Bracelets, was to attend a meeting of the Internatioral Breeders Associ ation, said he also was going to Diamond Rings the meeting, and discussed horses and cattle with the air of an ex and a hundred other adornpert.
ments and you ll recognize Subsequently the four other why this is the LEADING meo, with all ged similar interJests, jɔined the two, ard after JEWELRY HOUSE in town the party bad dined together ask prices and you ll find still several times a proposal cooceri LR a deal in animals was made.
another reasonstability, Mr. Chukour withdrew the money which he has lost from bis bark. He banded the 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 notes to McLoughlin at an hotel, and they were then passed to one of the olbers, who said he would examine them.
He left the room, followed by McLoughlin. and when both failed to return Mr. Chaukour reporte: the matter to the police.
The old story of a fortune to be dispersed led to the victimisation of Mr.
Edward Nicholis, an American visibor, who has been relieved of 500 by two men wbo called themselves Patrick Con.
nor and George Adams.
Mr. Nicholls made their acand handed his money to the in a restaurant when told that he SLOAN i would be given funds to distri.
claimed the world over as bute to charities in the Uuited being Pain greatest enemy.
Multitudes of people use and recommend it.
Rheumatic aches and pain Further Success of Mr. Sam instantly obey its command Crawford.
and disappear.
It penetrates right to the sore spot. No need of rubbing.
Recent news of Mr. Samuel It does its work thoroughly.
Crawford who is pursuing the Give it a trial.
study of Dentestry at the Mehar.
One bottle will convince you.
ry Medical School, Nashville, At all druggists and dealers.
tell of his brilliart achievement and success at the end of bis second year, as will be seen from SLOAN the marks below, obtained by LINIMENT him at their examination. PAIN ENEMY)
Comparative Dantal Analogy 85.
Experimental Physiology 87, teria Medica 88, Organic. siological Chemistry 89, Prosthetic Technic 93 Physiology 95, Operative Technic 93. Laboratory HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA Technic 96, Bacteriology 90.
This gives an average of over CANAL ZONE.
pinety per cent obich is certain Office Hours: a. to p. m, very creditable.
This paper joins the many to p.
friends and well wisbers of Mr.
DAILY Crawford in congratulating tim PHONE 1288 BALBOA and wishing bim continued suc eese.
Specializes in all the branches of Dentistry, Why pay donble price for interior imported DR. HOFFMANN Beer when you can buy a superior Beer Has removed his clinic to such as BALBOA for No. 39 Central Avenue. Enhalf the price.
trance between La Mascota and Chong Kee Store.
LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO. BY INNES. London, August 1925. In a recent article on the Cal Vade suggested that the Goverment mizot reaso ably defend the grant of a tempor. ry subsidy by pointing the sgos of a general revival. It is, of corse, always the case that the chares of recovery look Dever so din as when they are ac ually begirniog to materialise, and it may seem sanguine to discover sig of an approaching revival in ut e present position. But the evidence is available. It my be exaggeratad, but at any rate the direction in which it points cannot be questioned.
Take tirst of all the peoploy.
ment figures. We have been on the verge of a stoppage in the mines during the last mintb and yet the volume of unemployment fell during July by about per cent. This is an extredely encouraging fact; aod now that the coal crisis is over there should be a still greater sbrinkage in the unemployment figures.
If these fail wbile numbers of mines are closing down, they should fall still mora when the Goveroment are guaranteeilk the payment of wages whicu sporld allow many to reoper.
Another encouraging symptom of an improvement in the trade outlook is the reduction of the Bank Rate to 45 per cert. Tois is moreover one o: tbsr bigos which tend to britg about the conditions they indicate. When it is cheaper to cb. ain credit the incentive to put more money into industrial expansion good.
The reduction in the Bank Rie is therefore a direct incentive 10 industry and trade. But it is also an unmistakeable. go that, in the opinion of those most competent to judge the inwedlate prospect justities contidence.
It is interesting to note that the very night before the duction in the Bank Rate was announced a speaker in Parliament was inaintaining that the Rate would have to be increased! The return to tbe gold stadard has found so many critics that some have been driven to absurdity in their desire to make a case against the Government. It may at least be said in favour of the latter that the tirst change in the Bank Rate since the return to the gold standard is a reduction, and that 10 Berious a periodical as The Statist inaintains the soundness of a further reduction to per cept.
It is necessary to pursue this point turber. Taken witb the decline in unemployment ligures, it must be admitted a very welcome sign of improved trade prospects. And these are not the only symptoms of a revival which has already begun. In the monthly review published by Barclay Bank, it is suggested, that the trade balance for the tirst balf of the year is better tban for the corresponding period of 1924. The tigures published for imports and exports were not enco araging and the only way in which the balance could be made greater thao last year would be by placing a greater value upon our visisible Xparts.
Increased freights and increased foreiga investments. The review alres y referred to suggests that Bit sh investments abroad have in greased, and that, the improyement in world conditiva, bas involved increased interest upon these investment. Suggestions of an authurity such as Barclay Bank deserved serious attention, and it will be seen that they are consistent with the sigas already referred to 83 indicating a trade revival.
There is one aspect of them, however, tbat is peculiarly interesting. They point to an improvement in foreign trade and this is the more remarkable since the e can be no doubt that the relative values of home and foreign trade bave changed since the war. The distribution of the national locoma bas changed.
Tbe abelterea industries e.
those which are carried on without foreign competitionhave secued a mach improved position while that of the exporung industries has deter: iorated. The appreciatiou of our exchange has caused the prices of bome manufactures to be raised in relazion to world prices.
Toese factors have all tended to change the pre war balance between home and export trade in favour of the former mere change bas been sufficient to afford a basis for much ATTENTION!
try 81, Dental Histologis 38, bly Dentist Howell House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies pessimistic criticism But within limits such change is WILKINSON far from undesirable. There can be little doubt that it would Contractor conduce to industrial stability.
But while England depends and Builder upon other countries for the bulk of its food and raw materials we must mantain a certain volume of House No. 20 exports and foreign investments.
It is for this reason that the 28th NOV, STREET, views of the monthly reviews of SAN MIGUEL Barclay Bank are so reassuring.
It mantains that the country: Box 411, Panama, capital is increasing and when it proceeds to suggest that this is taking place through the growth Plans and Specifications Free of our and through the devolopment of those First Class Workmanship services which we render to other countries we are entitled to Guaranteed conclude that not only is our economic improving, position bat it is even improving in the best way, having regard to our national necessities. The interest payable on foreign LIBERTY HALL Investments or the paymente for services rendered to other 29 Street, Panama countries appear in our national ENGLISH CLASSES balance sheet imports of food and of raw by Day and by Night are material. The signs of a trade re. now opened for the vival, therefore, though slight Sammer, are unmistakeable and teey appear to suggest a recovery in our For particulars apply on the spot to foreign markets where Improve BARTON, ment is cost desirable.
Principal CAN BE HAD AT Private Academy The Workman as Stationery Store Tbe


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