
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1925 PAGE SEVEN JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH WORKMAN PRINTERY Interesting West. Whener it comes it wakes a tenr.
CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE No. 93, Central Avenue Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products were nigb; Elegy for ThompThe best Tonic in the World son, VIGOR TONIC (By ARTHUR HYLE)
Persistent Neture strikes the cord.
This elegant Fonic preparation is highly recommende Which caus a dreary mournful ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, sound, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up The Master called each one by name, a run down constitution And mortals hear the Awful Word. It promotes digestion, impruves the appe Thy life on earth is but a span, tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system passing glance for these, o Man!
At sunset, midnight, or at morn, DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or We listen to the dismal dirge; times a day.
AT THE That plays its tune upon the air, When friends or relatives are gone, JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy. Hush. and be still, all System cries: Death ends Man toil beneath the skies, On wings of haste, in silence too, Unconsciously the summons come, The sentence read, Oh! how complate. No more lifes jaded path for you. solemn sound to fall on. PROF. INYANG And so earth journey ends for (Continued from page 2)
thee, Great occult. Latest master its prayer be recomended to Death enst the body in the tomb; Juet in thy manhood lusty prime, the House. Under the uld law by Thy spirit soars at Liberty.
mind of South Africa. Master which pensions bave been for many years granted to non comA winding stream through sunless glade of inystic science. Can help missioned officers and men or the Barbados Police Force the Receives the soul within the shade.
you in case you are suffering conditions are almost inhunanly What great experience here below ASSORTMENT OF severe and the rate of pensions This prisoned soul has to contend!
in love, in business or other affairs shamefully measre. These men But when it terminates its time are required to put in some Gone GOOD STATIONERY the follies and the of human interest.
thirty years of continuous service with planets, orbs and blazing sun and must then be med calls Rejoicing when Man work is done SOUVENIRS, recommended as unit for further Consultatior, in person or write for price service before they can lsy claim Man always sbrinks at death list. Strictly confidential to meagre pittance of Ten alarm; Dollar a month or very little who think not of a life beyond?
Address: 206 129th St. New York City, more. These bardships they have But follow Christ and thou shalt borne long and contentedly, but find conditions bave 80 much changed The Realm in space a perfect charm; that they find it impossible to Then all may say aloud to you get through now o days on such Go! rest in the peace, say adien!
CHURCH SERVICES Tuesday Gwel service at the usual reasonable and we hop, they will paltry tigures. The grounds are hour.
receive WHY WORRY?
Bro. WILMorr, favourable consideration Clark in chate at the bands of the Executive. Continued from page 4) Regular Assortment of who have been extrem ly liberal Seventh Day Adventist Church Ebenezer Church of God of Irte in their recommendations THERE was a man that loved to borrow. care STREET CALIDIRDID on behalf of honest and faithful Holiness service and to whom the drudgery Wherewith to worry. If the day near Isthmiso Park. PANAMA.
and bealth destroying influence was fair.
CALIDONIA DISTRICT Sunday Evening 30 Preachof police duty day and night in He feared twould rain; and if it SUCH ASin Service chanced to rain The general public is Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin fair or foul weather on land or He deemed the sun would never and ally invited to turn out in large 11. Divine Service Preacher. sea are well known.
shine again.
Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, un ere.
Supplied p. Saday School Superintendent.
If he was well he feared ill health sattath (turday) 45 m. SabSalve, Talcum Powder, Asperine p.
do tb School: 11. 15 sm, Genera! Worship 430 mp. Gosperos service, Preacher All the World Goes I? he was sick, of course that he 3, 30 pm. Spanish Close; Supolied.
would die!
Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, 30 PM. Socity meeting to London. He worried over troubles small and Toesty 30 pm. Grpel Service 58 to. Junior and Seni Sendird vast, Thurdy 30 a. Ristor and Tes.
etc. etc. etc.
In every tense; the present, future, of tuindeut Class p. Vespers.
timony terting pastReturday 30 pm. Choir Roh (sals. cable despach from London, dated August 14, says: And worried day and night, in Seventh Day Adventist Church Elder ODLE More foreigners are staying in dreamland, too; Pateor in charge London at present than has been He worried human beings whom he 84 STREET BROADWAY COLON known since pre war days.
And lost, at last, his friends and Sud y Evening 80 Preaching Bethlehem Church of God That is the unanimous verdict 93 CENTRAL AVENUE ev rything dervie. You are cordially invited to of hotel proprietors, tradeunen Except the pleasure of just worry. Holiness strend these services and bring your and every body concerned Loning don bas never been so full, they Don ever worry over what may Panama City.
friends Sabhath (Saturday) 45. In Sabbath No, MARIANO AROSEMENA add.
be, sch1. 11. 15 Girol Worship SAN MIGUEL We bave a record number of Most troubles are the ones wə Poles, Sweedis. Japanese and ne er forsee. Exchange) 307, Young people meeting Sunday o clock Praver Meeting Chinese here, said West End 30 Vespers 11 a. Divine Service Preacher. hotel proprietor to a Daily ExSupplied press representative yesterday, p. Sunday School, Superinten and more arrivr every day. Walcott Looking for Fight The Church of God deat.
French and Spanish visitors are D. Programme in tremendous numbers. 15 Guepel Service, Preacher ca An inspection of the UnderA New York press dispatch Panams. Arosemena Street, House 25, Supplied sround trains and omnibuses states that Joe Wale itt, a ne Why throw away your old, but no Nip Miguel Sinday At a. Prayer Turday 30 pt. Goepel Service. showed that the number of for phew of the great tighter who doubt interesting, books when you mresiog and Gospel geprinos Thursday 30 Sister meeting eigoers travelling was immense. made the cane famous, arriued and 30 Sunday School at pm. and Testimony.
There were nine of them among bera from Panama recently and can have them neatly bound at Moday at 30 nm. Tertimny Meeting the fifteen inside passengers of immediately made the announceTerday at 15 pm. Young People Saturday 30 Choir Rehearsal an omnibus making for the City, went that he was here for the sole Meetin Wednesday at 30 pm Elder T, C, FRANCIS, while outside were seven more, pupuse of tighting ang body who Gospel meeting. Thurs tay at 780 Pastor in charge. Poliecemen said they had never ever wants bim. Walcott relation( en sir meeting, Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting koown anything like it. dont ship to the famous Joe of other 93 CENTRAL AVENUE BEULAH 6a. Prayer meeting mind being asked the way to his mother, Julia Walcott was the days comes from the fact that BRO, C, Pessoa, in charge. Wembley, and. 11. Devine Service Preacher the Tower, twenty times a day, original Walcott sister. Young Opposite Cecilia Theatre Red Tank. Cipal Zo. Sunday Schoo Suprlied. D. Giepel meeting on Thursday p Sunday School, Superinten said one on point duty in Holborn Herbert and he has adopted his at 30 pm dant. 30 Gosp. Service, Preacher but when you are asked in nine uncle name in the beliet that differant languages It a little the inspiration derived thereSis GRAY Supplied.
Now Providroce. Gospel Meetings at The general opinion among the from will cause him to emulate Kitchenmaid To Wed is situated in so wild a part of the country that it was leared 11 30 od 30 Sunday School the exampla of his esteemed relaAt pm. Welnesdav at 30 School; 2, 30 pm. Gospel Sermon GAMBOA MISSION p. Sunday foreign visitors seemed to be that live.
that by the morning the lost Millionaire.
August millionaire might be dead from pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Supplied best month in which to visit EWalcott is a lightweight, but exposure.
Note Other Se vices for the week gland has several victories over welters Bro MeDONALD The chauffeur found Mr. Annat Your climate, said Chilian, Panama, where he was born, and All of his fights have been in London August 18 Betty Dan Lying bebind rock, practically etin. Canal Zone. Gospel Mootinge will be given from the pulpit.
better then, though it does in Para.
lop the 23 year old kitchen maid unconscious from fatigue and 11 30 a. and 39 Sunday not look like it today, he added, of an hotel near Alyth, in Perth. exposure. He was carried back School at pm. Wednesday 30 Baptist Churches sbeltering under bis umbrella.
Bbire is to be married next to the hotel and there Betty Goep Meeting. Friday at 30 October to Mr. Hugh An. Dunlop saw that Mr. Ancat was Prayer Meeting. Under the nu pices of the Southern coloured y digsatisfied man was al gentleman from TriniBro. GEORGE GRIFFITH nat. a Scottish American milliou becoming seriously ill.
Baptist Convention. dad. ve saved for years to Have you tried the aire. They have become engaged Dolno and Streets. Gospel meetColon 11 a. Mrs. Thrift. Special how miss my hone, and the come here, he said, but ob!
She wrapped him in blankets new Boer atter courtship of the most romantic type.
and made bim lie before a blazing ings at 11:30 am and 30 Bunday School at 8pm. Wedne day at 30 Young Peoples Servie) Girl Reserved palm trees, and the sun.
fire in the kitchen. In this way m. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 and Buy Scouts will attend. Kronen Brau Mr. Annat was spending a sbe prevented a serious illness. And say, do you ever rest pm. Pastor Thrif.
holiday at the botel wbere Miss Mr. Annat became interested in Prayer Meeting.
here? You hustle worse than the Gatun il. Descon Crawford; Dunlop works. He set out une bis self appointed nurse and fell Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON p. Leader Bowms.
Americans. Never, no, never, do day a finsbing excursion in a deeply in love with her.
Now Providence 11 a Pastor see an Englisbman taking a lonely glen, and when be was a Thrift, end Lord Supper.
long distance from the hotel a ber and will go to live in Florida.
They are to be married in OctoBethel Church of God Chorrillo 11 am. Supplied. p.
Rogular Meeting great storm broke. Blinded by Their honeymoon will be a tour Holiness Suuday Eohool Anniversary Service; Notice to Correspondents.
the rain, Mr. Annat lost his way found the world. p. Tocher Waltera, and after wandering for some tIO BAJU, LAS SABANAS Calidonia 11 Leader Gallimore.
The Isthmian League of British hours fell down exhausted.
Sunday. m. Prayer meting, p. Supplied.
Contributors and correspondents West Indians will hold its Un Divine Service. Prachar Red Tank 11 a. Deacon McIn Pre asked to send in their contribu meeting in this City at Geddes Night came on and ti e proRent Receipt Books in Spana Suoday School; Superintendent Yosh; p. Dancon Smith. tions not later than Thursdays to Hall, i5th Street East tonight prietor of the botel seriously 30 pm Gospel Service, Preacher Empire 11 m, and p. Supplied insure publication. This is impera. Saturday) 19th. All members are alarmed about his guest sent ont Ish and English for sale at the Puebo Nuevo 11 a. Leader Twit tive and must be adhered to.
asked to be present and on time. a chauffeur to tind him. Teg en Workman Printery The Workman Printery knew, Book Binding!
coming 11 Am. THE WORKMAN Meeting regular supius.


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