p. 8


Races! Races!
thir, JUAN FRANCO TRACK CLASSY RACES. Oh Un (Continued from page 1)
Last Sunday race card at ROOT OF THE WHOLE EVIL.
Juan Franco Park was up to all the white man has built up great expectations snappy and enter. nations, even when he has done taining. The abnormal condition by using the enslaved blacks of the track, on account of pre and he does not intend to share vious showers of rain, apparently alike with them in the benefits to did not affect prognastications, and so the evening turned out to be derived by citizens of a great nation, caring not how you pray be one of real enjoyment.
to him, and petition him. He has Fenomeno lived up to expecta: built up trade, commerce and large tions in the race for class industries all over the world, even native horses, a distance of five in the black man land, and be furlongs, although jookey Carril does not intend to give Negroes an lo bed to force out everything in equal opportunity in his economic him, as Zapo and Baby Pepey and industrial life. If the Negro is were each determined to lower pot satisfied to be usod as a peon bis colors. Fenomeno paid 10. 70, or a cheap labourar, he can go out the biggest pool for the day. and conquer and build like the Pereque of the Stud Carmen, white men. The yellow and brown favorite in the batting, easily wr races realize tha selfish attitude of the feature event of seven for the white race and they are emulongs for imported borses. ve lating him in wvery particular hundred and twenty five of the Now, Mr Black Mo, bow long 101 tickets sold in this rac: do you expect to close your eves to were on the winner.
the realitics, and solve the Hard D ctador won, in degraded condition of your race by splendid from the first race of Sumping the racial fence?
tive furlongs for class native The Negro masses are to be horses. Ridden by More. Dic pitied but the false leaders are tador pulled away from his field worse than murderers who tell at the start closely chased by you that miscegenation will cure Repulse. Candlewood who was your ille That by gradual wholerunnlog third came up at a fost sale aborsption of the blacks by the pace and unplaced the leader in whites, the former will come into the second turlong; ctador their glory, and enjoy all the bene.
then ran in second place until fits of weite civilization, lazy, goodnearing the bɔme stretch when for nothing, as we are looked upon Moore took him iron bebind with by the whites, in the highest ideal bursting speed and beat Candle to which you can aspire?
Must the wood by a length. pulse ran salvation of the race le is the extinction of the race? No, God Wilo 425 of the 1005 straight forbid that we should lose sight of betting tickets sod in this race the Divine purpose of our creation.
un ber, Gallitita got the best of the start in the five urlong race for class imported borses STORY OF and made every post a winning Ost.
Super Zapo performed splen (Continued from page 1)
didly with Jockey Munoz up, reporter saw a large number of when he won the 64 furlog people from Tower to Barry event for class native borses Streets still waiting for the easily beating Chioui, Ruso and appearance of the woman over Star Shell in the hume stretch.
whom this miraculous change had Ob Pah showed good running taken place.
in the mile race for class B shop Creighton once said in inported borses, beating Mary commenting in the words of Ten Erb alter the latter had, to all nyson.
appearances, the race all her Arise and fly The reeling Fawo, the sensua!
Result of the day events: feast; First race for class dative Move upward, living dowa the horse; distance five furlonga beast.
ur e 8:25. Dictador (Moore) And let the ape and tiger die, Candleword (Navarro) Repul that after min had got rid of the He (Aranguiz. Pool paid 60 ape and tiger, he would still have and 80 on the first horse, to contend with the ass, which was the third.
terday incident seem to confirm Second race for class the Bishop remarks, for even if imported borses; distance fur the mule bad nut changed the Jongs ourse 225. Antonieta personality of the alleged woman. Aranguiz) Celia (Schultz) its cousin the ass hai certainly en Kerman (Carrillo. Pool paid throned bimself in the brains of 90 and 300 on the first horse the big crowd which had to be and 70 00 The second horse. forcibly ejected from the grounds Third race for class Da of the Jamaica Institute yesterday tive pories; distance fu longe afternoon.
turs 150, Fenomeno (Cacri MULE STORY DID NOT COME Ilo) Zapo (Francisco) Baby FROM MANDEBILLE Peggy (Casas. Pool paid 10. 70 and 50 on the first borse. 00 Sandy Bay, September 11. The story about the mule. woman did on the second and 63 on the pot originate in Mandeville as stattbird.
Fourth race for class im parts for several weeks now. And ed. The story has been in these ported horses; distance furlong this mule woman story came purse 450. Pereque (Escobar) just in time to eclipse another Rolando (Schulz) Chamba acredible one going the rounds Loca (Munoz. Pool paid 40 on here. That story runs thús: the first borse. man was driving a car on a Fifth race for class gative poniee; distance 64 furlongs road leading to Montego Bay and purse 150. Super Zapo (Mu when he reached a certain soot he 2) Rusu (Francisco) Star saw a woman standing still in the Shell (Cowa. Pool paid 650 road. She had a basket on her and 30 on the first horse. 00 head. The man blew the horn of on the secood and 10. 60 on the would not move. He took oaths, the motor ear, but the woman tbird.
Sixth race for class im. but with no result. He then came ported horses; distance five fur out of the car and went un to the longs parse 250, Gallineta woman who turned out to be a (Aranguz) Starry (Vizcaino) dead person. In the basket on her Tigre (Quiroga. Pool paid 20 head were a soase and a puss.
and 83. 00 on the first horse and 50 un tbe second horse.
NEXT CONCERT Seventh race for class importel horses; distance one mile; purse 400. On Pah (Muncz) By Beneficent Association wary b (Scbultz) Marcela Band (Quiroga. Pool paid 4, 10 on the winner. No place tickets sold.
For the convenience of the public the Beneficent and Athletic AssociBirth Night Party stiou will give its next Band Coo cert, at the DeLesseps Park on An enjoyable party, on the Tuesday, 22nd inst. at 8p. m, occasion of little Miss Dorothy instead of Sunday 20th inst.
Dolgres fourth birthday anniver PROGRAM sary was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs Maynard, La Boca, March Yankee on the Rhine on Wednesday night last. The Bennet.
Isthmian Syi. copators furnished Overture. Verna Beyer.
music for the occasion and dancing Waltz Waves of the Danube was indulged in up to midnight, Ivanovici, after which refreshments were Selection. Sulituele Mer.
served. Among those present were: cadante.
Misses Harris, Brown, Serenade Paloma Yradier.
Clarke, P, Huson, Mrs. Black, March. Flagship ConnecMr. Mrs. Manor, Messrs ticit Sebuman.
Johnson, Harris, Racide, U, NIBBS Dixon, St. Omar, Dircetor.
Cycle and Athletic. The Silver Club School Electrical Work (Continued from page 5)
Offers the best advantage for the secs. flat, with Jean 2nd and Gordon 3rd.
training of Coloured children House Wiring We Install on the Atlantic end, 177 Mile Cycle Sprint.
Electric Fans and Repair Speculation was high regard. ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC Ing the winter of this event.
COURSES At the click of the pistol OmphBell Work All kinds of roy darted to the front and malatained the finish with Mike Some of the leading subjects are: Motors and other Electrical Lizarus 2od and Beecb 3rd.
Shorthand Typewriting Time 45 5 secs.
Electrical Apparatus Equipment 220 Yards Handicap.
Book keeping Commercial Law All got a good start but on the Algebra Geometry OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT homestretch Beckford took the Chemistry Physics lead tinishing 1st with Loa zı 2nd Music Spanish OUR WORK GUARANTEED and Wallace 3rd. Time 22 5 secs.
Social Ethics Domestic Arts Let us give you an estimate on your work Mile Cycle Novice Debating and El cutionary Exercises Although only entrants in this race it was very exciting. Logic and Parliamentary Procedure.
Watkis and Morrell fell at the NIMBLEY SANCHEZ start and were eliminated. Tbe Terms Reasonable Electrical Shop pac. was lively on the 1st and CHARLES BURKE, 2nd laps. Oa the bell lap Browo got a way with the sprint but was Principal over taken by Smith who MRS. DANIEL. Wire for us. we ll Wire for you finished with a strong sprint ist Associate.
McCallougu 2nd, Brown 3rd.
Time mios. 42 5 secs Cristobal Silver Clubhouse.
Half Milo oys Under 13 Cycle.
This race was well looked for and on the sound of the pistol HORRIBLE TRAGEDY. Primo Hoad dosbed to the front.
Defrietas took ad place and (Continued from page 1)
Martin 3rd. This position was Despite there terrible injuries maintained to the Anisb with Guy swim to the shallows where Mikey trying hard to overtake he was dragged out of the water Primo but failed. Time min, by his companious.
34 secs.
First aid was given, ligetures beOne and a Half Mile Cycle ing applied in an endeavour to Handicap staunch the flow of blood, but bis life was fast ebbing away. Guy This was the hottest race for was conveyed to Bacolet House in the day. The handicapped me a lorry.
TO MORROW took advantage of the situation aod darted away for dear lite with Numbley, Omphing and To Morrow Races Sunday, September 20th 1925 Atberton on scratcu line, with band. caps as much as 150 yards Hard Was he pace and heavy The race program to be was the track but the boys made presented at Juan Franco WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Its lively and the race finished. Atherton 1st Atherton 2nd, Park tomorrow afternoon and Beech 3rd. Time mims. consists of four races which 1 secs.
will bring out no less than 440 Yards Dash twenty five native horses The Start again was lively and three races in which no with about 14 boys, tinisbiok less than fifteen imported witib Beckford 1st, Thomas thoroughbred horses will take Races For Imported horses 2nd and Stevens 3rd. Time 51 part. 5 secs.
and for Native bred Ponies Mile Flat In the native division, This race was the liveliest Dardanela, carrying a top mile ever run in Colon with weight of 126 lbs will take Harrison and dark and shoulder the field over four furlongs ing for supremacy. Oa the bell with Zipi Zape 117, Repulse lap they tackled each other and 11, Dictador 11 and Can.
about yds from the tape Maik. dlewood 108, in the first land tell from exbaustion. Track Everybody will be there. Don miss it. Steward Weiso reported Harri event; while the third event son jstled Majkland and the will bring out seven more Judges di qual fied Harrison, native horses to face the First Race Starts p. Sharp but Markland on falling at the barrier for a five furlong distape was assisted to his feet to tance. They will be Liandro, finish 2nd and was also disqualiADMISSION: Morle was therefore Super Zapo, Ruso, Cholito, awarded the race as he came in Chiqui, Top Sargeant and Grand Stand Ground 50c.
tbird. No one received 2nd Peligro.
3rd prizes. Time (Harrison s)
Two big events will be the Mios. 1 see.
second and sixth in which Mlle Scratchmen Excluded Chomba Loca 130, Oh Pah The Bates Silver Cap donated 108, Mary Erb 108 and Marceby Bates Limited, Leicester. la 103, will run over a sixthrough Wes. ern Auto Supply furlong dtstance for a purse Co. was the gal with a puofold of 300 and Alta Mae 128, founurin pen donated by Mr. rey Hoad and a regulor 1st Tigre 118, Gallineta 119, 33 prize of a lovely wa ch. This event Capitana 118, Auracana 16 was bot. On the third lap and Starry 112 will be given Atherion led a bot pace which was taken up by Dixele. On the an equal distance for a purse of the same 9th lap Williams darted away size.
Corner of 22nd Street and Central Ave.
These from his crowd by almost half a horses are in the imported (NEXT DOOR FULLER JEWELRY STORE) lap and was overtaken on the bell division, lap with Morrell and Beech anb Beech but bebind him. Kernan and West Meath will Guitarra, Antonieta, Celia, On taking the bill, Beech anfor: be given 1 furlongs for LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF tunately lost control of his machine and sustained a bad fal, the fourth event.
Notions And Novelties with Morrell dashing home for In the fifth, Fermin, Star all he was worth. Beech Shell, Tigrillo, Gloria, Barba tinished d and Williams 3rd. Roja, Roamer and Checkers Prices Ranging From 2 cts To 25cts. Time wins. 49 5 secs.
are booked for five fnrlongs.
High Jump Carlos Dia won this event very bring out Fenomeno 125, RiThe seventh event will Also a Complete Assortment of the easily at 10 with Marklann 2nd Dias also gave an exbibition jump alto 116, Caribe 125, Renown FAMOUS HO RO CO PRODUCTS of ft. us.
120, Baby Peggy 116 and At this stage the motorcycle Zapo 156 for a four furlong Pay us a Visit and be Convinced.
exhibitioa was staged and it was race. purse 175.
very thrilling. Scottie was the hero with bis several stunte.
Wilkins did not perform his Items of Interest British Consulate Notice.
daredevil stunts due to his machine being under repairs, from an ace. dent. Continued from page 1)
Why pay double price The Acting British Consul at a total of 57 persons injured for inferior imported Colon would be glad of information at to the present whereabouts of Bennett Improves of whom 29 were persons Boer when you can Lucille Williams, age about 13 yrs, After a successful surgical riding in the vehicles involbuy a superior Beer whose inother, Mary Ann Hamil. operation in Ancon Hospital, ved, 17 were adult pedessuch as BALBOA for ton, died on the 17th March, 1924. Bennett is reported to be trians and u improving satisfactorily, and inwere child half the price. Advertise in the Workman discharged from that institution in owned vehicles were licendications that be will be pedestrians. 3, 910 privately IT PAYS.
the next few days.
sed during the eight months. Another big day of sports tied.
JUST OPENED La Escalerita


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