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PRICE Cts. Cy.
To Strengthen the Ties Betwecn to the Editor the Worxmax: to the Editor Tue Workman: Not to be Scoffed at Says Gold Dear Sir: am organizing the Dear Sir:Britain and Other Countries Coast Newspaper.
Pan American and Mest Indian On my arrival in Pinama on the Educational Society of Panama 19 instant Tenincidantally pro: of with the object of uplifung cored a copy of the Workinan of The visit of the Prince of Wales to South Americas! tne moral and educational standing that date in which is cantuined self puts it, continues to send cheering messages to his folMr. Marcus Garvey from his prison cell, as he himcreating remarkable interest in Great Britain. The Prince of rebildrenbore per Train your enlit Trial entitled Indiference lowers, and his influnce among them seems to be as great the Republic of has been a great traveller in these last few years and his pare to Thiogs Literar as ever; small wonder then that they are hard at work to One of journey to the different British Dominions have had a view, in to foster a better undertake the liberty of extending effect his release. We may not agree with his methods nor striking effect in strengthening the ties binding Canada, standing between Antillians and to you my heartiest congrat tilation with all what he says: but we do not belong to the class of Australia, Sou Africa and the rest to the Mother Country. Latin Americans ant to educate for said editorial. In sense it has But the visit to South America strikes a new note.
Far too without limit in all branches, the the semblance of a diagnosis on Africans who praise as the white man praises or condemns little is known in Great Britain about the civilization and members and chiliren of this some of those arhealthy syroytoms as he does. Wherefore we have not found in Marcus Garvey that manifest themselves an ong so much of sin and blot as imputed to him by white men, the national characteristics of the Latin republics. In society.
There is one thing that all Anthe misses of our people on the After all, what is the man ideal? He stands for the emanparticular there is no adequate realisation of the extent to illian who resides in this country Isthma based on an betero. cipation of his race froni alien thraldom which is but the which the principles of arbitration and international law must realize, and that is that niety of insularism.
task that leaders have set themselves since the days of have been developed on the South American Continent, children of How lamentable it is to know, through contact between States on both sides of the Panama Republic of Panin, rentove everything else. ao insuf Moses, andif there are Africans living wdo do not chərish the Atlantic at the League of Nations Assembly is doing Panamanians with all the constitu ficiency of consciou se:s in regard hope that in course of time there may arise in Africa great and privileges and to the state of the Negro as a and powerful States occupying position similar to those Something to remedy that It is clear moreover th it trade those who are citizens tuve got the prople on the Isthmus; especially now held by the European States, then such people are not connections between Britain and the different republics are same rights, except that of being in connection with things touching a valuable asset to tne race since they lack the only ideal capable of a good deal further development yet, for the President of the Republic, only their empesc a ceduratible avec toute that matters and are content to continue in their serfdom to manifest benefit of both parties, For all these reasons th those who are of birth without any No other reason could be attributBritish people are taking the opportunity of the Prince destination of class creed, reli ions, clue for this state but the the end of time. We must set this ideal before us, com bo or colour are eligible to that posi Negro lack of identifying himself bequeathed from generation to generation until it is realized journey to learn a little more of what South America is ioa. It should also be un terstood, in living among the livine. How in the fulness of time, the ideal that in the course of the though it is publishing a good deal about the Prince of Wales entitled to 10 hostares of land free times if it lacked the knowledge of and masters in their own household, and develop our doing and thinking. It is a pity that the British Press, at euch head of a family are can people from one with me or centuries Africans will also become absolutely independent and the reception awaiting him, contains ordinarily much eicharge jedica continued person med Marcosdóke sir. willip Gibbe selves towards that state.
what men less news about Latin America than certain great South js country of great Hart, Arthur Brisbane, Thos ideal, for history does not show that any one race or one residing here, is of land Frank Simonds. Rollio Lyndell We have history to encourage us in adopting this high American papers do about European affairs opportunity, where every amster Fortuna, Willian Ferris. et are constructive group of races, has ever succeeded in keeping another race The London Comedy imbito be condemuplift hins Witbulinode; and it lacked not the under subjection for ever. If Marcus Garvey, therefore, Attention. must that without sincere unit and without educknowledge of the ideas of the fore talks of founding a native empire in Africa, it is not an empty Company.
tion nothing can be done: therefore going thinkers and there is a dream although it may be characterized as trying to build Tne American Bazar Stores all West Indians who want manifest indifference to set their Rome in day. Africans have got to build their Rome but Panama popularly know as The part in the enterprise are cordially houses in order according to not in a day, and our work now should consist in making (Contributed)
Walk Over Store. are offering asked to communicate with Isiah Lyst night, laid aside my pock great bargains in the reduction Yours truly, our estimates, preparing our plans and gathering up materShe history of West Indians on ials for posterity. When the Babilonian and Egyptian Emet edition of Mix Nordau Con men suits, beginning from today; LUIS ALEJANDRO VICTOR (Continued on page 8)
ventional Lips of our Civilization, so get a move on your boys, fall 16 pires, among others, flourished and their monarchs were to attend Bluebeard Eighth Wite. Iline and secure a first class suit building hanging gardens, pyramids and sphinxes, it could as staged by The London Comedy ten dollars from suits that were not have ocurred to the people living in those remote ages, Company After reading Nordau, formerlv sold for 20. su2 SPARKLETS nor would they have believed had they been told that in is in a mood for any of the various higher social phaces of our civilization. This will be a great bargain sale these latter days there would arise in Europe the existing need not po ay immensely. The whole atmos the Ame ican Bazaar Stores frm Questions or First Import absolutely nothing to do with, and that Europe was unknown in the day of the ancient Egyp great empires, kingdoms and republics. It is a dead certainty enjoyed the and ail we have to say is Visit phere of the Theatre was conducive today, as you cannot afford to miss was equslly unable to do anything tians and other great nations of the east, and it is doubtful to a fine uight entertainment. It a real opportunity to save money It is good for us to read about for Panama Canal Negro workers) whether that Continent was then inhabit :d. We know from is said that the Greeks prohibited and dress right. See the ad on the little exciting news, such as resuscitated the writinga of Julius Caesar and others that as late as the women from their theatres. If that page the refusal of the United States The Old Silver Emp. Associa first century before Christ, Europe was inhabited by races is true, bad Eschylus cr Oristo government to admit into their phones or any of the Greek country Communist member of more surk in barbarism than any that can be found in Africa The old Silver Employees AssoPlaywrights visited the America Cuba Getting Rid of Unde the Englis House of Commons on the night in question, be would sirables who was to have attended the ciation was regarded as the logical today. And if Europe has emerged fron the deptbs of barb. ve said that we have the right to Interparliamentary Union with mouthpiece or representative of the barism to its present standard of civilization no thinking raise the social ban But this is not Cable advices from Havana other Envisa parliamentarians the West Coadian workers of the Pana African would follow the white man to scoff at Garvey the general Netisedong ang at states that on board the steumer bayonets. Hver si ven thousand although short lived, its cood need munn Turks of ma and Railroad; dream Pair of. That EspagneChristians of country will immortalized and carried en who kept up a ratiling conver meat of undesirables who were the Fredri, night sat behind a bunch of over port for Spain was a select assort. Jeho príbulo defeat the the life by forward in the history of West ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN stion about domestic affairs Spaniards a few Indians adhievements here in a They only found time to applaud inciude labor agitators, radicals, ithmetic in eff fits to work out greatest amount chased out of the country. They mental single organization which did the of good for the For the first fifteen days of having caused the death of and to remark how cute Harry White Slavers and proprietors of figures in connection with the inter WAGES Annual (see page 20. the present month 203 ships One Manuel Moreno on August Dockery looked in bis battler houses of ili repute.
suit. oh, how wished that the allied war debt, and then hold Report, Silver Employees Grecian ban was still in vogue Association soap box speeches at every block transited the Panama Canal 3rd last; it is alleged that 1918. Last night, one could not desire Birthday Party.
on the affairs that least oncero good being the outcome of sober and paid 910, 352 in tolls: Angulo pushed Moreno out betur When the curtain was raised us as West Indians on the Isthmus. and intelligent presentation. And the daily average in tolls of an empty frieght car at we were on the sen coast of Ostend. pleasant evening was spent in be It is thought that our time nicht yet that organ zat on died! most being 60, 690. 15 and in Cristobal on July 31.
From now on we were. treated to study. the finest bit of artistry that these thinhome of Mr. and Mrs to the rese profitably spent if devoted appartem organization was no more, transits 13. 5209 Found guilty of burglary in last, sinores ever saw. May ourselogd 19ch inst. when the 13th birthday earning of our bread and butter COMMENDABLE FORWARD STEP out of our local the first degree, in that he Davidson and Rayson Cousen can universary of Miss Myrtle Morais and, our general economic and The steamship Paris The bridging back to life of such with French Minister Joseph puokets of William Bolz, an find a match in any of the went through the trowsers panies that ever came here, but was celebrated.
The function educational problems or rather an important instrument is regardwas indeed an en give first attention to them. Believed as a commendable forward Step Caillaux, head of the French American living in bachelor don know if will have to joyable one, and there were about ing that our major discussions It has once more awakened the debt commission, arrived the United States on Office, around half past 11 o quarters near the Ancon Post change my judgment as the sights ifty. one children who attended should be along the latter lines, thousands of West Indiaa workers in go on, But her interų retation, yea. Liubi refreshments were served and think it opportune to give in a nut on the Canal and Rilroad who or about the 24th instant, clock on the ninth instant, her life of dissimulation on the dancing was indulged in, stage, looks like art holding up her Miss Morais was he recepient of of the Panama Canal West Indian a temporary defeat or after defeat: funding of France fourbill: manian, was sentenced to shell my superficial observations have been taking a long sleep after and negotiations for the Faustino. 17 year old Panamirror to: real life, and saying, many useful little presente. Employees Association.
themselve this is the way it is to be done actual competition in efforts to win ion dollars debt to the United two and a half years in the WORK INTERRUPTED Then bread and butter under modern States started immediately Gamboa penitentiary. Fausdon remember if it was ShakesNotice to Correspondents.
peare who said Frailty, thy name LAID IN DORMANCY.
tino was tried and sentenced is woman But am sure that it On the 13th of Jupuary 1924, the INTELLIGENT REPRESENTATION.
Schopenbauer who said, Contributors and correspondents old Silver Employees Association by the Judge of the District Dissimulation; thy name is are asked to send in their contribu. which became defunctor was American Negroes that their only President Coollidge once told woman. Last night, Irene Kelly tions not later than Thursdays tº swallowed up or drifted into Mr. salvation lies in education, and ment in the murder Failing to come to an agree Court at Ancon on Thursday morning last.
as Monna was excellent, witu the insure publication. This is impera Howard Severs Maintenance of Arthur Brisbane is sure that the against Juan Angulo on Tues.
He writ large.
tive and must be adhered to Way Employees and Railroad Shop Ant lizent French man must ulti. day. last in the Cristobal London reports that news Laborers union (a labor organiza, mately defeat the Riff; and it wall Division of the Canal Zone from Bagdad indicated that Had the play ended in the first aet, Rayson Cousen would have British Consulate Notice tion into which was forced be remembered that superstitious though mental weaknees to swear appeared to us as a mere player.
But in the two last acts Mr. Rayallegiance, and to which paid natives of Africa with their primi District Court, the jury was thousand Christians have been son Cousen stood The British Consulate General about genuine American dollars tive war methods and materials discharged after deliberating driven from their homes in at Panama City would lọke to hear under cold swest, as it was of the wore quickly subbued after a few for seven hours. The jury had Goyan, Turkey, and are forehed of success. The oigbt was his. Never will eyer forget Beeing from Lilian Ophslis Ferguson cf opinion that both the USAIN, men rifles started to penetrate two o clock on that morning. the country in destitute intelligent bullets from English. taken the case shortly after arriving in other sections of Jamaica who is urgently needed re Severs, and the North Americau (Continued on page 8) quired at that office.
railroad men organization had (Continued, on page 8) Angulo was under trial for condition.
or practice that methods.
was case on the very


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