
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Immigrants in Cube, receives Feiseise Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD annum two of the take SOSKOKOS to quantity a THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders JAMAICA field and packing shed; be a salary of 800 per apdum, but means of disseminating advice as the cost of living in the Caban to fruit cultivation in general, republie is bigb, and Mr. Dir.
varieties to plant, and methods Escape Watery Grave, num finds that it is a dificult of planting, arrange for a central proposition to live on that salary packing shed for the packing Die on Land. and to be in a position to indeof members fruit so as to pendently carry out the duties of insure uniformity, or in the case bis office.
of members who are resident too Under date of September 3, Consequently be has been mak.
far from the central, a packing Mr. Augustus Walte of Coley. ing representations to the Jamaisbed to arrange for inspection and ville, writes the GLEANER AS ca Government with a view of repack where the first packing did not meet with the Assofollows: As previously reported increasing bis salary, and he has.
in the Gleaner, a boat carrying asked that same should be in.
clation requirements; see that nine persons passengers and creased to 200 per a All packing is done or supervised by skilled men and furnish crew, and loaded with the island land. The contention of Mr. Dignum, Port market statistics. These ar rangements would ensure the Royal last Wednesday and was so understand, is supported by was the British Minister in Cuba wrecked. It is now known that Mr. Digoum asked that this Recommended for Removing the Humors of shipping of fruit under a uniform passengers got increased salary mark and the standard of quality should downed Mr. Clark, shop leffect from the 1st of October Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, offered on the other side would keeper from Plowden, and Aaron and the Jamaica Government Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic create a good name for the Gordon of Ballard Valley. Three bas been moving in the matter.
Colony fruit. The proposal was of the unlucky passengers were They have sent a circular letter Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disalso approved of sending out rescued by a fishing boat and to the elected members of the questionalre persons interestsafely landed The other four, Legislative Council setting out cases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
ed in fruit growing 80 as to consisting of Ballard Elliott the position, and asking it the obtain a useful idea as to the (captain, Charles Elliott, and elected members will give an An Alterative recommended for purifygeneral feeling on eo operative two others, reached a place assurance to the Government ing and enriching the BLOOD.
marketing and of the called Rock Bay oo the Thurs that they will support this inand quality of fruit grown in the Colony; also the support that day, and tried to make their crease of pay to Mr. Digoum.
would be given to a Growers way through the woods to some This course has been adopted Association It is considered settled community: Soon they by the Government as it is not jost their way. The captaln wbo expected that there will be For Sale at all Drug Stores that there should be but one was greatly exbausted lagged session of the Legislative Counanswer to the invitation to form bebind. All day they wandered cil before October (indeed it is an Association unless there is no through the woods and late in not likely that there will be any And in Large Quantities by aim behind the energies now being directed to fruit cultivathe atternoon climbed a high bill further session this year, seeing and unto a tree, from the top of that the new Governor will not JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy tion. Once an Association is which they saw the sea. They arrive in the island until January)
founded there should be no slept on the hill and started next and as the Protector would like difficulty in arranging the necesAGENT wry finance. The principal thing morning to walk in the direction in wbicn they thought Spanish increased pay from the 1st prox ction to start drawing the proposed is to get all fruit growers to see that it is Town lay. That alternoon they imperative to work What atititude the elected reached Spanish Town where sokeroes together.
they were given money and membees will as: ume on this clothing by the Inspector of Poor subject if left to be seen. BRITISH GUIANA search party was sent out to look for Captain Elliott. They video ini didad EVENTONE found the unfortunate man dead TRINIDAD and the greater portion of his Relations of Canada body destroyed by crows.
The late Captain Elliott is a and West Indies married man and leaves several Fruit Growers Association children, two being in New York. OF THE DEMERARA ARGOSY SEE3 Canada I, Trade Agreement TIME FOR GOVT, LAY.
The boat which sank, was a new vessel and the property of Gives Stimulus to Industry ING DOWN DEFINITE LINE Mr. Lewis Elliott of Ballard In Sister Colony.
Coroner Inquest Into There is every reason to be IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF That Colony Needs Cold StorGirl Death lieve that the steps now being taken by the Agrictltural age to Europe Rather Than Society for the formation of a to Dominion.
Fruit Growers Association, in Sav la Mar, Sept. The Cor. com with the experi The Demerara ARGOSY in a oner enquiry into the death of conjunction Etheline Joseph for which four ments on foot to find a banana of commercial possibilities, and the leading article in a recent issue pesons are held by the police on extension of fruit cultivation said :a charge of muder, was continued The very interesting discusin the Whitborn Court Horse to generally which bas been going sion in the Horse of Lords on day before Bis Honour Lieut. Colon steadily for some time, proC. Ogilvie, Coroner for the aged question whether Trinidad mise a definite answer to the July 8, with reference to the Suitable for Lodge Business improvement of shipping comparlsh, with a jury comprising can grow suficient frult under of Mr. Edward Samuel Morris, conditions to promote successmunications between England and the West Indies and British as foreman. The four persons tal trade. It is the feeling in Guiana. brought to the light wbo are held on the murder little that is at all new, but it charge are drs. Florence Arm certain quarters of the agriculthree marked features to ani not altotural communioned that the had strong and her daughter Daisy AT THEgether wbicb attention should be directRuddock, also two servants of subject can get no further than ed. The first and most importtheir. Gustavius Watson and the the stage that has been banded ant is the statement by the Earl Zelpha Adina Clarke.
down to this day by long succes of Clarendon. the new UnderMr. Wesley Gammon appes red sive years of discussion and am Secretary for Dominion Affairs, for the accused bitious, but short lived plans who will also obviously repreQuite a number of witnesses and experiments. We do not go angagapanga magogogne sent in the House of Lords the testitied to day, including Stan subscribe to this view, basing agoggagogogogogogoggage Colonial Ofico as well as the lay Lawrence, a tailor from the our opinion on the fact that the somewhat nebulous Dominions department, that the GovernWilliamsfied d! strict, wbo testi goal of a fruit industry is now tied to the effect that Gustavius the ment are always ready to conWatson told him on the 22nd of of debate, and in support of this the object, more of action than socy sider any practical proposals put Jals this year at his workshop, state etatema statement, we point to the small forward by the West Indian he hit the deceased, Ethe but regular fruit trade batween colonies. The second is the imline Josephs on the forehead, but this Colony and Barbados, which pression conveyed by the speech be did not know that the blow opens up a field offering consies as a whole that the West would cause her death. The derable scope for future imIndies means Jamaica that witness further stated that provement, while it is no secret the problems of Jamaies are the Watson asked blu not to reveal that many farmers are paying problems of all.
The third was e the story to any one else. more attention to the cultivations the apparent beliet of the speak ers that the discussions at Oitawa Witness was subjected to a and addiog fruit plots to their have a special and particular rigid cross examination by Mr. regular crops, muchase being bearing on the general situation Wesley Gammon.
made of the supplies offered by At o clock the enquiry was Experiment Stations.
the nursery of the St. Clair and that nothing could be done until all the details of the new adjourned to Friday the 11th inst.
Trade Agreement between CanaThe accused parties are still in The comparative statement da and those colonies were custody at the Whitborn lock up issued by the Agricultural DeAPPLY partment and published in Field AT Yesterday the number known in London. It appears to be time that the witnesses still inyolved in the and Farm in Sunday Trinidad Guardian shows that for British Government should lay proceedings is stated to be over period January to July 31 a definice line of policy as twenty. 064 citrus budded plants were regards the relations between sent out as against 2, 590 during Canada and these colonies.
Protector of Immigrants in the same time last year; 870 Theoreticatly, of course Great Britain is in favour of pleasant avocado budded and 1962 mangoes Cuban Republic.
relationship between the various grafted compared 1, 059 and 1, 084, last year. Miscellaneous Sexoxoxos Domioions and Colonies of the fruit plants numbered 091 Empire, and no doubt no oppor tunity will be lost ot strengthenMr. Dignum Desires An In against 1, 112 last year, the total for crease of Salary Owing to the year, so far, being 3, 987 the keen interest aroused in the fruit growing as a trade pro of cultivation and export of fruit. encouraging the ing the bonds of Empire by High Cost of Living.
plants, a decrease on last year planting community in fruit position, been blessed with better exchange of supply of 5, 795 plants, which is growing as a sub industry. The auspices, everything co operative Association on products between its various accounted for partly by the being the lines suggested by the Com parts, in In considered.
splendid GOVERNMENT AGREE. lateness of the rains delaying preference to trading STIMULUS OF THE MOMENT endeavour to seize the oppor pittee of the Society would be with the foreigner. And Imlifting which could not be carried is the liberal concessions offered tunity with both hands the Ag just the body to guide the indus perial Zollverein many come Circular Sent to Elected Mem. The figures, however, show the Canada West Indies Agreement. thought to the organisation or a the Colony as a whole. It would, leading statesmen of the Empire.
out in the main until this month. fruit industry by the proposed ricultural Society has given much try along the proper road to the some day, and even to day it is material gain of planters and the shining ideal before many bers Asking for their Approval. lively demand that continues to It can truly bu said that at no Fruit Growers Association, the as was decided by the Society on The principal objections to such be made on the Department of time in its long history of confers At the present time, Mr. Agriculture for fruit plants and ences and of brief practical cooperative principles of which Thursday, arrange for co oper a union of interests will come the (Continued on page 7)
Dignum the Protector of Jamaica reflect better than anything else interest, has the question of are essential for the development atiye ordering of supplies for MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Workman Stationery Store god HAND IRONERS Wanted of be last down a ESPERANZA LAUNDRY with


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