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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races Great Reduction SALE OF MEN SUITS The American Bazaar SUITS at 15, 18, 20 25 Selling for 10. 00 Races! Races!
mount JUAN FRANCO TRACK been THE LONDON COMEDY The Silver Club School (Continued from page 1)
The grand stand was pretty Monna, lonnging, carelessly, indif.
Offers the best advantare for the well occupied; the track was ferently backed by all the wizardry muddy; the starter bad trying of a woman cunning. And John training of Coloured children times in initiating a few races; Brown her husband in name only, on the Atlantic end.
the crowd was enthusiastic; the venting his spleen in the most biting winners pay an average of eight language on this woman who repels ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC dollars for each winding ticket; all of bis marital advances. leave COURSES Jockey Aranguiz rode Gallineta Lloyd Davidson part as a filted and the six furlong race for and drunken lover to those who class imported horses and ca paint the lily. To morrow Some of the leading subjects are: pald the biggest pool for the night, will go to mee Peg My Shorthand Typewriting day 18. 00. These were some of Heart. features that helped to make Book keeping Commercial Law As promised went to see Peg last Sunday afternoon at Jual Algebra Geometry Franco Park one of the most My Heart last night. In this enjoyable times spent at that play we have wit, humour and at Chemistry Physics times wistom. Peg is one of plac. AT those plays thit carries a very deep Music Spanish After the six larlong race for philosophy. And show us the spirit Social Ethics Domestic Arts class imported borge, which of the age It is a direct nit at the was won by Gallineta, Mary Erb social system that obtains in EnDebating and El cutionary Exercises won the next biggest race, gland. As Peg, Irene Kelly proved Logic and Parliamentary Procedure.
another six furlong for class her versatile talent Time and imported horses. With an again with a most tantalizing and Terms Reasonable excellent ride from Schultz, sbe sardonie laugh sbe scandalized the took away from ber tield in the reford taste of her aunt Share CHARLES BURKE fourth furlong and won easily. volted in true Irish fa hion against Principal Marcela was well bandled by the accepted social order of the MRS. DANIEL Moore who brougbt ber up from house of the Chichesters. She Associate.
an doen viable fourth position to sneered at the cant and hypocrisy beat Chemba Loco for second of their superior airs Her father Cristobal Silver Clubhouse.
place was the very man made perfect Rouplse won the first race His was the standard by which all four furlong distance for class things social were judged. For Peg, Rosolution of Sympathy native borses with Dicuador it was always mee father this and a close second mee father that. In direct contrast Cholito made a game effort in to her was Ethlen Chichester, VISIT WILL SATISFY The lethmian League of British the third event in which the Here we saw the English upper West Indians at a meeting held at starter bad much trouble i, middle class in all the glory o its Paraiso on Wednesday September getting oft the competitors, bu saobbery Ethel snobbed Peg to 15, offered the following resolution was set back by Roso with her heari content With what of Sympathy: Hilcako up. Ruso le1 the way in awful oisdain and patronizing tone Whereas it has pleased The Alwith Cholito close second; she oke to Peg. Miss Doris Liandro and Top Bergeant having Cooper benumbed us with her civil APPRECIABLE COMMENT mighty Father recently to call away from us the wife of our highly got off badly, came in behind cutting cold indeffernce Gloria (Continued from nage 1) esteemed brother and ex. President the others Lawrence as irs. Chichester as the Isthmus is fraught with many Wilkinson: Celia took off after Keroan in only another edition of her Ethel insidents. More than enough of Be it resolved: That we the the fourth event. 6t furlong She lived up to the tradition of these have dictated the neces officers and members of the Istbrace for Class imported disdain that the rich have for the sity of sinking their petty differ mian League of British West Inhorses. Kernan dropped back and poor. And although Peg was ences insignificant that para disos tender him our heart felt ceded his place to Autonie: alter paying her way, her auot acted to necessity that calls for sympathy for the great loss: Celia bad first displaced him and her as if she were an object of effecting a system of homogeniety And be it further resolved: That subsequently won without much charity. These three players were that would make of that peole in a cop of this resolution be ricor effort.
superb along their own special a constructive seose, a contributing ded in the minutes and a copy be Biar Sbell, with Cowan up, and line. And they met with a suffifactor to the economic and social for warded to the press for publiafter a spectacular race with his cient appreciation. Jerry was the TO MORROW provress in a land where they have cation and copy be sent to our stable companion Tigrillo, won lion of the display. think th sojourning for more than a beloved and esteemed brother and the five furlong race for class we pay an actor a high tribute decade.
ex president M, Wilkinson with dative borses by balf a when we say that we will see him Sunday, September 27th 1925 But there is little tendency ons covering letter expressing the length. Roamer rap in third place any time in that role. But the most (the part of the masses to concern condolenct and sympathy of the while the four others: Gloria, striking part of this play is when themselves in a positive manner members of the Isthmian League Fermin, Barba jt, and Check Peg and Ethel met in the mid night ers were eitber leit at the start scene. Here we sce Peg a mere WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE with those surrounding; causes of British West Indinds for the that effect the necessity of stand irreparable loss he has sustained er ran badly.
provincial showing that she knew Renown, in the class event more of the philosophy of life than ing all together on one economie if not one social platform. Is this FOOTBALL. for native horses, with Casas up, the cultured but sophisticated not due to the lack of faculty to beat Fenomeno who came in Ethel. She rescued her from think enough and create ideas by second and Baby Perry, third, taking that step, that fatal step.
which actions would imply intel in an exciting tin sb.
How many of us do not those the (Continued from page 7)
lectual and material progress? If necter teams gathered around dark tg in our pleasures, the the answer to this question is not the upp Rial and would abideth for a mo.
To Morrow Races ment, only to reap corrow, that Races For Imported horses in the negative then no other decision endureth forever?
the masses are indifferent to things ting in and disharmoniziog the sion can be arrived at but toatno is the reteree a chance to Derfor his duty without butand for Native bred Ponies There are eight races on tbe Many of my friends disagree ctual players, as whatever the program for tomorrow. four for with me for saying Peg My It is this kind of journalism that referee decided they volced the native bodies and fourt for im Henrt. is a better play than Tiily our people on the Isthmus needs posite opinion. It is unsportported thoroughbred horses. The Of Bloomsbury. They elaim that stimulate them from the psychic anil ke and ungentlemanly, program promises to be su ex Tilly has a higher lesson to rench waning of themselves on to a state and an atrici vus breach one ceptionally good one and there is Now this is not so But even if the that should make it inevitable for etiquet e of football. The crowd no doubt but thats big crowd lesson in Tillv was higher than them to live among living and can applaud th ir favourite, but will be at the popular Park.
that in Peg that fact alone would to think with the thinkers. This is for heaven sake give th. fe.
The first race will be four dot give it superiority. They seem Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
the Ouly means, venture to say, ree a chance.
furlongs for class. native to think that a work of art must can assure the resurrection of the horses, and Apother inconsistency in SuoObolito, West Indian soul to itself as a day match was the ut called for Hero, need have a moral, and the higher First Race Starts p. Sharp Candlewood, Peter Pan, Lipac, the moral the art. The truth is, distinct people wortby of positive quarrels between and among Raso, Hero and Star Shell are bath plays attempt the same lesson recognition in the economic and players of both teams. The best booked up for the start.
But Hartley Manners uses less social phases of Isthmian life.
effort than Ian Hay, Pereque 128, Mary b 107 and more gripping, more smooth, less Peg is football matches have been playADMISSION: Thanking you for space, am ed in almost absolute silence, as Marcela 90 will rum nlas lur circumlocutory, the wit more sub Mr. Editor, bickeriors distract the concepe long race for the second evenl. tle and the philosphy just as deep Grand Stand Ground 50c.
Yours very truly, trating abilities of respective purse 400; while in the thrid te players and lowers the playing event nue native ponies, Chiqui, as that in Tilly of Bloombury CHAS, MOULTON. morale of the teams. Play the Wormwood, Peligro.
Gluria In a word would say, too much game for the sake of the game Roamer, Patrick, Bən Battle, scaffolding. The players were as THE SALVATION ARMY lo get the maximun amount of Barba Raja ad Tigrillo are good as unual! Geoffrey Lovat as pleasure out of it, the spirit booked to run four forloogs for Lucien Welwyn was second to none London Comedy Company will includes education, amɔng other in this play. At one time Dick and long be remembered. stand by my things, and the dissemination of should be decidedly friendly and Panama City Corps. purse of 125.
agreeaole, The Ul. 89 native borses Tilly looked as if they were compe first judgment that Irene Kelly is the principle of economy and On Sunday October 11th The race will be over a distance of ting for Earth against Mars. Tais the best thing that ever touched thrift, can be preached to good game between the Rovers advantage at these meetings, and Senior, Harvest Thanksgiving and the Cables should prove a turlongs and Renown, Penowe presentation was first class Poor these shores, general community welfare work Services will be held. All friends most exciting encounter as from no, Rialto, Caribe. Intimo and Abe was dominated upon by an done under the most favorable are ask to assist in our Harvest in the early part of the last league Zapo will take part.
aristocratic wife wbohad DO SPARKLETS conditions gathering the Rovers defeated the Mi Pollera 130, Mary Erb 118, sy, pathy with the working class.
On Wednesday night Oct 14th Cables. they have not yet had The drawing room scene was Gallineta 108 and On Pab 102 will the climax Billy native ability DISINTERESTED LEADERSHIP. Continued from page 1)
our Harvest Variety Entertainment a chance to meet, and the public With honest and disinterested will take place. all those who are is deprived of that assured rul 61 turlongs; while starry wrs pitted against the schooling the air about them and crack a leadersh the Panama Canal West expected to take part in this enter excitem nt. Another mateh with 128; Cella 116, Aatontesa 116 and of Lady Mainwar. ing. When the few scalps.
And so when the Pana, Iridinn Employees Association will tainment is working hard for a the Hardware Gui arra 116 will take on fur aristocratic party was about to ma Canal West Iadian Employees not find it a very hard task to repetitions.
of Panama longs, take its exit, Tilly to each one Association effected a conference enroll almost all of the seven or against the Rovers would Five native horses will run to offered, a chair; when they were with the Governor of th: Panama eight thousand West Indian prove equally exciting the seventh event and in the last seated, in the most stirring lari Canal, with a view to ask the Chief employees of the anal and railNotice Footballers should always inrace which will be for class dulge in playing friendly native horses, Argentino 128 lungo she explained the terrible Executive to take a closer look, rond; and that Association should matches. Suppose. passing Gallineta 128, Alta Mae 123, 11 situation, and as one consciuos that which means a truer look into the see that this and only this kind of condition or the men who did so leadership is mai The Officers and Members of the team of footballers were to drop gre 117, On Pah 120, Capitana she had done her best to 116, Araucana 112. Celta 95 and a new inpression she said with a much to make the Panama Canal to my superficial observations the Past Grand Masters Council No. in trom Jamaica, Costa Rica op Guitar 95 will lace the starter wave of the band, Now you and Canal Zone what they are maintenance of this organization 9879, 8, working Cuba? The local teams should may go Owen Baxter as Sheriff today, one nannot but think of with even half of he total number under the jurisdiction of the Com always be in shape to offer tur a 61 turlong distance.
Stillbottle would take a whole what a blessing intelligence of employees wil be a dominant mittee of Management in England creditable competition. Suppose column to himself, He played There is every reason to believe factor in helping to impory are hereby summoned to attend a Peru or Chile of Columbis were his double role with consumnate that the employees case has been conditions of not only Canal work special meeting which takes place to exrend a friendly invitation Why pay double price skill, of course, he drank with the properly put to the Goveraor.
ers but the rays of good will at the lodgeroom of the Flower of to Pagame or send over her rare ability which shows bim as a spread over all West Indians both the Isthmus, Colon, on Saturday Coampionship team to play in for Interior Imported true Baxter. He is not related to COMMUNITY MEETINGS.
on the Canal Zone and in the 3rd October next. Business of para series of games, it would mean Boer when you can our Job by blood You can know The Community meetings which Republic of Panama, mount importance will be transac that they would have to be up to bim by the Totem of, a fish, this is bave been promoted by the Assucited and ail members finaucial or their zenith In playing ability buy a superior Beer the mark of the tribe. Owen is a ation, and which each District otherwise, are requested to be and endurance.
such as BALBOA for comedian of no mean ability. He holds about once a month, is present.
ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THE By Order only has to come on the stage, and another very good feature of the half the price.
Advertise in the Workman the house is happy. Just hear him program of the Association. Then POPCLAR JUAN FRANCO PARK ERNEST BEST, PGM, Grand Secretary say, Not in the mornings. Tue the Association platform which TO MORROW.
IT PAYS. ATTRACTIVE RACES literary: Another Exciting Program kick

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