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British Minister Decorates Ex Service Man PANAMA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1925.
DISCOVERY TAX ON OF NEW HORSEMEAT Treatment of West Indian Labourers in Cuban Republic Attorney Carrington and with the Scouts forming the curve liobs and are racing on font to the pal crisikely to cause a muni鱼 uring promised in some Diamond Region Cro Threatens to Create a atos Stampodo in Political Crisis In Johannesburg Paris.
And Donates Handsome Silver And Appointment of Protector The diecovery of a new Diamond Gup to Panama Boy Scouts region at Oersonkrail, South Africa dated September 20th, states that Cable despatch from Paris, Commented on by Barbados has caused stampede among the increase in the price of horseworkers in Johannesburg where Newspaper. dual function, presided over by formed a in the spacious ha. thousands have abandoned their flesh seems Paris. Since the war, Complaints from Jamaicans of illtreatment in Spanishhot oured by the distinguished in the Among other things diamond fields where it is said as a consequence of the ever increas presence of His Britannie Majes the Chief Commissioner said, several valuable finds have been ing substitution of motor for hors: American countries (says the Barbados Advocate. have sty Minister to Panama, Major have a very pleasant duty to made.
transport, he price of horse meat been common incidents during the last thirty years, and at Braithwaite Wallis and Mrs perform tonight. bave a silver cup Wallis, the work place in the school. recently received from England stared off and diamood buyers and is more largely eaten than ever has tended to rise, though it is still times the question has been considered of appointing a Already 3, 000 claims have been below that of beef and mutton, Jamaica official, known as the Protector of Inmigrants to room of the Panama Wesleyan and which is to be donated to the are said to have purchased atones in the poorer districts of the city consider complaints and to take them up with the GovMethodist Church, the orly all best Troop of British Boy Scouts are asid Now the city fail ernment concerned. If there were some such official in Cuba, British religious organization in in painama. The conditions upon which were much do 28 carats caso, bers have attached a tax of about cent to is it possible that much of the trouble complained of in the the city of Panama, on Thursday which this cup will be mainta ned when there found ooly 18 inches evening last; the outstanding fent and for which it will be competed Hundreds of athletes trok pounds sold. Naturally, correspondence would have been obviated. The Protector every two of the program being the for are: Good Scouter ft, discipline, part presentation by the British Minis good manners and general efficien in the rush, running several miles thiebore batehere be ve raised their would probably investigate complaints and know all about fer of a beautiful silver cap, suit ley. He then briefly outlined some of to stake claims. One of the most asided to recover or the taxi y with the antecedents of the parties, when he decided to move in ably inscribed, to the Panama Boy, the underlying of the margin themselves The Scouts Local Association to be Scouteraft and exhorted the Scouts off by a champion runner on behalf tax bringe in several hundred a matter his position would be clear and strong. But this for by the various Troops to live up to these high standards or a one legged war veteraa who thousands of francs into the City cannot be the case when the correspondence is carried on and the presentation of war medals of discipline. He eu phasized the could not keep up with the other Treasury but seems likely to cost through ordinary diplomatic channels.
The necessary atmos.
several Councillors their seats at phere for a satisfactory settlement is lacking.
to Forde ex service man of the fact that there is no good ia this comnetitors.
the next elections.
Third Battalion, British Westworld which is not difficult to Cuba is one of the few remaining outlets for Jamaica Indies Regiment and continued, in part: As many dough boys learned over flow population. Of course, if Jamaica was more fully bon your Band Concert The main program was preceded have a high sense of duty and during the war, except for the developed there would be plenty of work at home for ber sweetness of its flavor. horse mest by an inspection, by the Chief. of Honour of Scouts after they had make some progress: there is no concert at the Lesseps Park and French doctors sometimes re enter upon development work. Hence the Jamaican has to by Guard hief honour; have a determination to The Beneficent Band will give a is ither uopalatable nor injurious. sons. But such is not the case; and labour unaided cannot siven him. GENERAL SALUTE voching that alloding standing, eller tomorrow night Sunday, October, commend it because of its nutritive take his labour and sell it abroad, and he gets a much higher qualities.
is either on.
price in Cuba, than he can get at home. Moreover, America going forward or backwards.
has prohibited immigration, and that avenue of employThe Chairman, in bis opening Fight hard and do your best. Seek ment, which was so largely anů beneficially availed of has remarks, pointed out the particular to rise high and keep before your SPARKLETS attention paid to British Westminds the sense of duty. Act your been closed, with disastrous consequence to these colonies, Indians in these parts by Major part well, and however bumble Cuba alone remains. The Cuban Secretary despatch states Wallis; how the Minister has your duty is, do it well. JAMAICA ACCUSED. from now on till the end of the that there are sixty five thousand Jamaicans in Cuba. If we demonstrated his true friendship part in The cup was presented to Mr. In a leading article re Rela year he sports to keep in close take it that the inmigration started twenty years ago, and West Indian functiors; offering, A, Harris, District Commission tions of Canada and the British touch with this he can do martere of the made allowance for those who have died or returned home went inedionifon ta oma ble ferieb es who, after accepting it on be West Indies. the Demerara Aroosy dissociation on her hanno biste des that period, some idea will be formed of the magnitude of balf Local Associa says that, according words the continuation of yearly for the proper conduct of Britian tion, requested the chief comer is of oral Bure barn og neto the water thesia on the pros and coms of Litne exodus to the Republic. Correspondingly there will be. but Bloger to retain also offering encouragement to the until it had been wou by a Troop. communications of Great Britain Fortunate Tuing.
some appreciation of the tremendous penalty Jamaica it in his custody is quoted as saying that the sea Boca and the La Bocans.
would pay, if a result of the correspondence over the comruns uppbysicalhoty pa ba indemiten: Major Wallis in consenting to be with the whole of the West Indian It is a very fortunate thing for plaints to ill treatments of her nationals, an end was put to selves and mentally Al hough there may be some of you custodiso to display the colonies are most discreditable our city not to have found itself immigration to Cuba.
who are not able to appreciate the establishments in the city and at communications are not amended destruction for having altogether trophy of the jewelry to Great Britain. nd if these sea condemned and tagged for eternal Of course, the ill treatment of British subjects cannot watchfulnerife Great Britain cover cue Hotel Rivoli. The cup was and improved it will end in their failed to assimilate in any tom any and should not be allowed to pass with impunity, but the us, Dr. Carrington said cluding his remarks, the British Minister (the West Indian Islands) drifting portion of Christianity. Thai threat held out to secure redress was an idle one, and could fear in de ying that you are loyal order by the Army nod Navy towards an American connection despicable act a erand juve only be carried into affect by the action of the threatened British snbjects London. the drifting the Argosy says nile contest which party. That is to say the only thing that can effecively stop Upon introduction, Major Wallis, to ex private, Forde was then maica, but it is very far from and perpetrated on our young. Cuban Government. Prohibition by the Jamaica Government The presentation of war medals Lay be true as regards snould have been second to none immigration from Jamaica to Cuba is prohibition by the in a few well chosen words, being true, as yet, with regard according to a local contemporory would be disregarded by the Jamaicans.
addressed the gathering which (Contioued on pam 8)
colories on or the Times. the South American continent. been TEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN believed that the Argosy wholesale butchery was averted COLOR BAR BILL IS DEFEATED BY has pointed a fingure at Jamaica, by the uatimely publication for not without reason. There is to which may notor ous but not incor SENATE OF SOUTH AFRIGA. new innovation at Juan Polls on 388 commercia no doubt but bat Jamaica is jurt rigible friend is responsiFranco Park is the placing of vessels which, with 14 smal 500 miles rom the Panama Canal ble.
Zone S. territrry. that the a clock at the pari mutuel lauuches, made up the total Press despatch from Capetown South Africa states that native Jamaicau takes readily AN INADVERTENCE.
to board, and the time pools are transits of the Pamama Cana speaking Americao. that tue It is noted that one of our most the Senate has rejected the Government Color Bar Bill, on a black board. Turfites are ed to 1, 602, 723, 11, or an tain professions finds a ready field delu Robertson, now Acting however cultured, to compete with a white man in a skilled to be closed is now written for September 1925, amount average Jamaican a pirant to ver popular Clubhouse men, Chester a measure that would have made it penal for any native, greatly faciliated by the im average of 4, 362, 65 on the in the United State. that traue Secretar mer Glupoche trade. The bill fathered originally by the Labor Party, which was not mentio. ed commercial transits. There between the golden we having serves on the managine has consistently refused to recognize that the real laboring provement.
in. aud were seven marchant vessels greenbacks are accepted at fue staff of La Boca Clubhouse since man in South Africa is the native and the colored man, had Several soldiers who arriv fewer than September 1924 value, without question, in Jamai the days of Neely: With the general approvai of the Nationalists Party. That party is to and on the United States and a decrease of 140, 212. 22 ca; triat the young men of Jamaic ed fol. largely composed of the least cultured an most conservative Army Transport Somme in tolls from September 1924. Homo emigrate e musuly through insufficient inducement si has probably men tie netied more active duty as muda portion of the electorate, and it finds its chief strength in the during last week were de.
United States or tained for days at the Bal The combination where the influence of the United there is A, Hunter who also did advocated and on many occasions carried into practice.
other places ger of La Boca Clubhouse than any Free State and the Transvaal, where a policy of native reof Secretaries. Chen pression has, from a time long before the Union, been boa Quarantine Station, due which will tour the British States is prominent, etc. therefore, cocoseso to the death of one of the West Indies is reported to it things coutinue this way, inde relief work oo many oo asions; and finitely, it is not uolikely that the there may be others too. But in Biblo Lesture Sunday men on board on their way include the following: Hon. young Jamaicans, the men aud point of fact, the two menowboare Wosloyan Christian Ento the Isthmus, the cause of F, C, Caithorpe. War women of tomorrow, who must the real pioneers of this movement Evangeliet Seale will speak at the deavour.
death havin gbeen claimed to wickshire. Dales (Mid earn their living via the American and whose names should not be International Bible Stud uts Hall, be meningitis, dlesex. Captain Jamesson dollar, some of these days elect to left uncalled, are Bernard Ellis 156 Aneon Avenue on the subject On Wedoesday Evening, October (Hampshire) Hon. H, take up communistic ideas and and William Jump. These addition Worlds Distress Its Mxining Wesleyan Methodist vote for the mighty dollar aud al names which, it is presumed, Sunday, Oct. at 30 The 7th, the Resolved. That Capital Tennyson (Hampshire. C, T, the like have been inadvertently left off public is cordially invited. No col. Christian Endeavour Society will Punishment is Justifiable. Bennett (Cambridge Unirverthe despatches, are mentioned only lection will be taken.
meet a 30 The program inin passing cludes the subject Why we Bapthe subject debated at the sity. Astill (Leicestershire. AN APPRECIABLE HELP.
On Tho Siok List cize which will be treated by Rev.
La Boca Athenaeum on Tues. G. Crawley (Cambridge so that may be able to carry BURIAL O, CORTEGE.
the letter obligation to ER Wade, and a Vocal Solo Miss Lena Richards, member, of The sonouncement in a day evening last, attracted University. SmRoot us worcement to see more anal Weste indica contemporary pewspaper that all the Panama Weslevan mense by Mr. George Richards, entitled a large audience. The affirma stershire. Smith (Warwick. Employees Association, Mr. Geo. cortexe would leave somewhere Society has been in the Ancon Jesus Calls us er the tive which was supported by shire, Hammond (Gloucester. Richards, native of Liliput, has in the city at a certain hour in the Hospital, Ward 20, Bed 25, ier All members are requested to be Jump, G, Neely and shire. Holmes (Yorkshire, given me a reasonable assurance of recent past, for intero ment at some weeks, having undergone a present. Cyrus, won over the Collins (Kent. Watson (Lan bis help. Heretofore assurances in these matters were ly serve to discourage would be to report that she is coowelscing: British Consulate Notice George the Herrera Cemetery, will probab successful operation. We are glad negative which was taken by cashire. DeSouza, Bayne but scraps of paper. but since mourners from accompanying, to and hope that she may soo, resume and Wesley. The diciNotice to Correspondents.
bis applicution for membership in the graveyard, their loved one ber place among us.
the Society, of the Elite has been who have cros ed the Great Livide.
sion was arrived at by the Contributors and correspondents approved, and be has thereby beea The announcement may bu ve been more without a break in too close The British Consulate General audience who voted by bal. tions not later than Tursdays to think for the thselves and jealously use in the member of the literati are Failure to consult, more regularly from Lilian Ophalia Ferguson of asked contribu fellows just lapsus. proximity City would lots at the request of the issure publication. This is impera guard their words and hont, he also due to mental deterioration on the revised compendium of Mr. Jamaica who is urgently needed reAthenaeum.
tive and must be adhered to. bas been forcibly reformed. la fact account of residence of 10 years or Webster released vocabulary. quired at that office.
made to. execution to the at if

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