
PAGE WO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD says:be THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders JAMAICA BARBADOS only a small proportion of ques.
Fises tions. Both, however showed a fairly gocd knowledge of Botany.
Strike Drives Away The Barbados (English)
The work of Dowding in this subject was more consistent Trade.
than that of Pinder, wbo Scholarship 1924 25 bowever, showed bere and there some signs of ability. Both Elders and Fyffe Steamer NIcandidates tra: slated ad quate y AS. CUMBERBATCH, cya Unable to Load 70, 000 the passage in the general paper THE WINNER, but there was not much to comStems of Bananas Here, Desmend their essays on the chem patched to Costa Rica.
cal and botanical subjects, while The Barbados (Eoglisb) Scbotheir compositions on the physilarship. 1925, bas been won by The Erald of recent date Mr. Cumberbatch cal subject were very weak.
ENGLISH ESSAY student of Harrison College, The strike of Longsboremen is eldest son of Mr Julian Cumber: wide choice of subjects was having an ill effect upon shipping batch, Cniet Clerk at the Barlin set, and all the canididates It is true that certain of the dos General Hospital, and Recommended for Removing the Humors of eemed to bave topic to their Hiking. In all but two of the wbarfowners bave been able to nephew of the late Grabam ComScrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, bave their ships unloaded, but berbatch, Esq, Assistant Inspec essays, bowever, there was little the disaffection bas extended to tor of Scbools. The candidate Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic evidence of imagination or of the fruit trade.
took Casics. Young Cumberan attempt to think over the Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Dissubject chosen. There were few The Elders and Fyffe steamer baich, who is jast eighteen, was mistakes of spelling as compared Nieoya arrived here on Thurs fortunate in winning the Scho eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
with the essays set up in this day itom Garston. It was larship at his first attempt and Examination in recent years.
arranged that she should load the report on his work is decided.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
The two best essays were those fully 70. 000 stems of bananas ly creditable. We congratulate here for England. Toe United the young student and his of Cumberbatch and ing and enriching the BLOOD.
Fruit Company got wind that parents on his success. He will B. W, St, Jobp. The former certain unreasonable demands in all probability read law as a showed some power of thought were being made by the workers porfession.
and of forc ble epigrammatical and the result was that the sbip Toe Examiners Report fol.
For Sale at all Drug Stores statement. The latter would have written a much better essay bad was promptly despatched to lows:bis English style been less turgid Costa Rica It meant that large The Examiners appointed by quantities of bananas were not the Syndicate to conduct the And in Large Quantities by and difficult. He needs to cultivate Toaded at this port, and fully Barbados Scholarship Examinapractice of stating his 000 which would have been tions were as follows: thoughts clearly, concisely, and JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy expended was held up owick to Berry, Fellow of in simple language. fault that the foolish agitation.
Downing College, in was that of oratorical repetition AGENT COAL CARRIERS STRIKE. Grose, A, Fellow of mark sbeet showing the reFollowing the attitude of cer. Christ College.
sults of the Examination is sett tain of the Longshoremen and Lachlan. Sc. D, late Fellow herewith banana carriers also went on of rinity College, SOWOOX003 05 Oooooooo Sewell, A, Queen Sigoed on behalf of the Syndistrike yesterday. At present cate, th men and women are paid College, Thirkill, A, Fellow of SEWELL, about one penny a basket, but Clare College, Assistant Secretary they are demanding double pay.
Din vided to Syndicate Buildings, They refused to coal the Derby. Wadham A, Christ Cambridge, shire which arrived here yester. College.
July 1925 day foom Southampton via Ber.
They report that seven canmuda; but arragements were didates were examined, the made for the vessel to be coaled same number as presented them TRINIDAD by the military authorities last selves for examination the prenight.
ceding year. Four canidates took OFClassics, ope Mathematics and Changes Proposed. Or Greek two Natural Sciences. No latin Strange Cattle Disease Verse Composition papers were set in view of the fact that it is some years since TWENTY THREE DEATHS RE Important Recommendations any candidate has attempted these PORTED.
of the Director of Railway papers, Neither of the two caoIS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Will Come Before Advisory worked the Practical Physic didates offering Natural Sciences Experts Inquiring Into Cause, Board on Tuesday: Cut in paper wbich was set in accordance with the regulations. strange cattle disease bas Passenger Fares.
They recommended for elecmade its appearance in the island of Trinidad and is causing 00 ThHERALD is in a position to Cumberbatch (Classics)
tion to the Scholarship Ittle stir in the community as and announce this morning that Mr. wish to commend also the work the following extract from the Powter, the Director of the Ja of St. John (Classics)
WEEKLY GUARDIAN will showinsice Government Railway, has which reacoed sufficient standEnquiries made by the Trintprepared an important memo ard to justify his election to the dad Guardian on Tuesday, in randu in which he will submit to Scholarship if there had not been respect of the cattle disease now Aspoconly.
Suitable for Lodge Business meeting of the Railway a candidate of greater promise.
prevalent in the pubhe pastors visory of the City necessitating the Since his arrival in the Colony competed before and is persumimmediate removal of the anithe new head of our Railways ably a younger candidate than mals on the instructions of the has been making bimself ac St. John; it this is the Director of Agriculture, di: quainted with conditions pre: case the weight of the Examin. AT THEclosed that the number of deaths vailing bere, and he has come to Jers recomendation for tbe to date total 23 out of which the conclusion that there must award is increased. Neither the occurred on the Queen Park be a revision of the Railway Math Mathematical candidate nor the on the Mucurapo freight rates.
He has discover Natural Sciences candidates Pasture, at St. Ann The ed that motor trucks have been reached the Scholarship stancº disease, it is stated, was tirst competing most successfully ard.
Weakness In Pbysics is a observed during the latter part with the Railway, and it Mr. striking feature of the Natural land aan de grond go go go go google logo go go go go go go go go go google googago ngagogogogoanga of August when a few stockPowter recommendations are Sciences work and the Chemisowners discovered that their rried out, then some motor try work was also very disanimals had been attacked with trucks owners will find it ex appointing.
a strange sickness, the symptremely difficult to reap the The examiners have the follow toms of which were quite un.
harvest they have been reaping. ing remarks to make on the familiar. The first public intiThe Director has also been work in the different subjects.
mation of the disease was, howstudying the returns with regard CLASSICS.
ever, made at the City Counril to passengers who travel on the meeting of Thursday, August 27, St. John obtained Rulway: and in order to attract when Mr. Potter, in refermore people to patroniza the more marks in the Latio and ring to the analysis of meat for department, he has recommen Greek uopreparad Translation the months of June and July ded that the present Railway papers but it seems probable drew attention to the loss susfares should be halved. In other that bis due in part to bis having tained by certain stockowners words the department shoula read the difficult passage from whose animals had been attacked return to pre war days Thucydides which was set. His by the disease.
There has been a marked in. distinctly inferior to Prose Composition, however, was Unlike the disease whicba creast so far in the amount. Cumberbatch that of whose few years ago affected the cattle freight handled by the Railway work seemed to be more capa.
in the Queen Park Savannah and in order to cope with in ble of further advance than did and wbich called for the immec eased business th Director dhe that of the more experienced APPLY AT diate removal of the animals bas recommended that tive en from these public feeding gines in the comotive shops candidate. St, Joho has ja betgrounds, the present one is not should be thoroughly overbauled ter vocabulary but his style is as virulent in its attack and the and the Chief Executive will be turgid and at times obscure.
animals affected are said to asked to sanction the expenditure, and an instinct for Latin and Superiority in Prose Composition linger on for four or dive days, Greek style marked Cumberbut death is almost certain. The dissase apparently attacks the MR. HECTOR JOSEPHS batch as the better of dates: with a wider vocabulary nervous system of the animals he would be an excellent Latin SSC CROSS oooooooooo which are said to stagger and To Leave Shortly.
and Greek Prose writer. His growing giadually worse until they are relieved by superiorty is confirmed by his The Herald has been officially work in the general paper; general paper death. The Department of Agriwhich they bis work showed intelligence and regards their Theoretical Che culture are carriġing out a sys informed that the local Gov uaiortunately be only attempted attempted.
some initiative and retlected a mistry work, whick was weal. tematic campaign with a view to ernment have received word dive questions in all, instead of MATHEMATICS from the Secretary of State for No. and tive others. The other sound knowledge of principles. Their low marks cannot be tracing the cause which is beThe Colonies Intimating that Hi three candidates did very little The work of the one candidate little Pare Geometry, and to paper was rather difficult for grass disease. The services of He appeared to have read very attributed to the fact that the lieved to be attributable to some Honour Mr. Hector Josephs, that was commendable in the was fair in Algebra, Trigonome hive covered only the more they fail as noticiably in the the Goverment Analyst have also who is now acting as a Pusiue general paper and it is remark try, Calculus and Mathematics lewentary parts of thetreatment more elementary work as in the en res quitioned in the analysis Judge of the Supreme Court ot able that boys who have attained He stowed weakness in Analyti.
by analitycal methods.
more advanced parts of the sub on the carcasses of some of the Jamaica Should proceed as early this standard of proficiency in cal Geometry and his answering NATURAL SCIENCES ject. The candidates a. templou otios; meanwhile the precauas possible to British Galans to unseen translation and composi in Pare Geometry was very poor.
assume his duties of Attorney tion, should not have had more to Bl. range of reading appeared to There is nothing to choose be only the Theoretical paper in tion is taken to restrict the General of that colony. say on some of the questions the te limited, but within his bounds ween the two candidates as Physics and sent up answers to (Continued on page 7)
MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Savannab, Workman Stationery Store HAND IRONERS Wanted ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Sof the canditremble


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