
KRONEN BRAU Electrical Work PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1925 OS essexa Church Services.
Seventeenth Sunday Afur Trinity The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JENUIS SUPPLIED BY St. Paul Church, Panama SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1925. Rev. Nightengale, Rector) a. Holy Communion, The Rector, The Panama 10. 15 Matin WILLING WORKERS MAKE GOOD 10. 30 a. m, Holy Eucharist sermonPreseber The Rector LEADERS.
3p. Church Sebool, Brewing Refrigerating Co. 30 Choral Eventong, sermon The Rector.
The road of life is strewn with the bones of drones.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso Modern society counts in its ranks thousands of those who strive to do as little as they can, critics of all change, oppois brewed from the best CANAL ZONE. Rev. NIGHTENGALE, sers of every good movement, constitutional malcontents.
materials obtainable Priest in Charge The universe never suits them. They cry for action, and 45 Holy Commuion. The Rev.
when action comes they hark back to conservatism. It is this F, Nighteogale.
inert, unvielding mass of individuals who constitute a It is specially suited for this climate p. Church School strong opposition to any endeavour for the betterment of 30 Choral Evensong addrese conditions. They receive the reward of their insensate is superior to all imported beers sold The Catechist.
prejudices. They are pushed aside, forced backward or flung The newly confirmed members will out of the way, that good may be done.
here and it sells to the public at make their Piret Comunion tomorrow morning.
Leaders count on the presence of this element, just as HALF the price.
Mr. Osborne Catechist.
an engineer or contractor figures on the amount of rock, or St, Matthias Mission quicksand or other natural obstacle to an edifice that is to LAS BABANAS be erected. The man who bores a tunnel or who digs a canal estimates the opposition to his purpose, calculates TRY OUR NEW BEER (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Prieet in, Charge what will be needed to overcome it, assembles his forces p. Church School.
and carries the undertaking through. 30 Everong rad address.
When any one takes the lead in a project to eradicate The Rev. Nightengale.
abuses or promote better methods, when a man comes to Mr. Richards, Catechist town to inaugurate some needed improvement, opposition may be expected. It is part of the work. There are first certain people whose selfish interests must give way be.
SUPERIOR TO ALL St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca (Amerions Epinoopal)
fore public good, others who resent any change, and a large Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity number who without rhyme or reason prefer to leave soos SESSICSKSSSSSSSSSSEXSO Holy Communion 30.
things as they are. The shopkeeper who is accustomed to Holy Baptism 30 a.
carelessness in the sale of meats, the dirty dairyman who Sung Litany, Holy Pucharist and demands the right to sell typhoid milk for a good price to Sermon 10. 45 a.
St. Alban Church Church School p.
consumers, both resent sanitary provisions. The death rate never bothers them while their bank account remain good.
Choral Evensong sermon 30 The Rector will be the preacher at Fortunately such people though united in a vague way PARAISO, both morning and evening services, for disorder can never reach an agreement. They are too Misses Doris Campbell and Gwendolin selfish to compromise for their own interest even. They House Wiring We Install Sunday, September 20th was a service. cordial invitation to all.
Clarke will sing a Duet at the evening resent or complain and stop there. Thus their numerical Red Letter Day at St. Alban importance is discounted by their general weakness and Electric Fans and Repair Church, Paraiso, Canal Zone, MULCARE, Rector.
known uselessness.
when the Rt Rev. James Crail St. Barnabas Church, Empiro But no leader can do much alone. He must have Bell Work All kinds of Morris, Bisbop of the Panama Canal Zone, consecrated Matins, and address 11 am, willing workers, who are in sympathy with his hopes and of Church School, and Confirmation clan.
the Church under the name of plans, and who give loyal and honest service to the cau e Electrical Motors and other Preto Martyr of England. The at p.
in which they are enlisted. It is indeed a part of leadership Choral Evensong and addrere p.
Rev. Nightengale assisted.
Electrical Apparatus Equipment Mr. Johnson. Lay Reader, will that attracts men of good will as the magnet draws iron.
The Service commenced a little officiate.
after ten o clock to the morning, Such a body of men has cohesion, clear discernment and MULCARE Priest in Obargo the special Form of Service for well directed energy. This is the secret of success. The OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT the Consecration of a Church St. Bartholomew s, Church soul of an army is its esprit de corps. The advance of a OUR WORK GUARANTEED being used by the Bishop.
corporation or business venture depends on numberless After the actual consecration of Morning Prayer, and addrese 11 a. to.
employees who are imbued with a sense of responsibility. Let us give you an estimate on your work the building Maties were sung, Church Sobool and Confirmation Clase Thus the manager of a railroad, the owner of a factory is followed by the Omce of the Holy at 30 Communio Evening Prayer and Address p.
present by proxy in his humblest employee. It is the ci plined army as against the unorganised mob.
The music of Wilkin Com Mr. Skeen (Lay roader) will officiate.
munion Service in Flat was MULCARE, Priest in care There is a measure of service in every line of employElectrical Shop nicely rendered by the Vested St Jude Mission, Summit.
ment that cannot be purchased for mere money. There is a choir of the Church.
something in the breast of a normal worker ich leads Eventong and address p. Mr.
The Bishop preached a practiBrathwaite.
him to give more than is rigidly demanded by gulations. Wire for us. we ll Wire for you cal sermon in which be treated JT MULCARE Priest in Chargo He has a joy in well done work and claims th: victories on the uses and purposes of the won and the result obtained as in part his own. It is from PHONE 1059 OR CALL AT 124 ANCON AVE. Church building dedicated and St. Simon Mission, Gamboa consecrated to the Honor and Morning Prayer and address 11 a.
the ranks of such men that leaders are recruited. Wherea Glory of Almighty God, con Church School and Confirmation Clase the drone workers have no heart in what they are doing, clnding with few stirrior n, no interests in progress made and give the minimum of exbortations and suggestions for Choral Evensong and address p.
0000000000000000000000. 00 Service and exact the last cent of pay, the willing worker, on practical religion. Mr. McCarty Officient. ma Why pay donble price TRY the contrary, diffiuses good. He rejoices in his employment The congregation was large, MULCARE, Priest in Charge.
for inferior imported every seat in the little church he encourages his companions, he benefits the public, and is contented himself. Men of this sort earn their bread by having been occupied.
KRONEN BRAU Boer when you can At Evensong the sacred little Wesleyan Methodist Church the sweat of their brows, but to them the bread is sweet buy a superior Beer edifice was again filled when the (BRITISH CONFERENCE. and the labour joyful. Each day brings to them a satisfaction ON DRAUGHT such as BALBOA for service was conducted by the Panama 11 a. Rev. Wade to be obtained in no other way, of good and willing service Rev. Nigbtengale, Priest Parade of Boy Scouts. Holy Communion.
OR BOTTLES half the price. in charg loyal co operation and the consciousness of upright 30 Rev, Wade, SubOn Thurday night, September jeet: Wrong Ways of Righting Wrongo life. Pilot. 0000000000000000000000000 24th, a service of Holy Confirm. Holy Communion.
ation was beld when the Bishop Colon 11 and 30 Rev.
lald hands on a class of four Surgeon, Holy Communion at Prince of Wales Sails for England. British occupation of Montevideo a hundred years ago.
males and ten females presented both services.
Uruguay has long prided itself on possessing the most by the Rev. Nightengale. LA Boca. 11 a. Mr. Johnson; advanced Socialist institutions in the world although the Chh su The Church was again filled 30 Mr. Waiters, Cable advices during the early part of the week state Uruguay type of Socialism has no relation to Bolshevism. and the congregation joined Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Walters.
that the Prince of Wales has left Argentine for England after People political opinions here incline them in large major beartily in the service. The 30 Mr. Walters, and a forty day tour of Uruguay, Argentine and Chile. This ity to criticize all foreign Royalties. But the socialist of Bishop deliver class The Salvation Army tour of South America by Britain future King has un Montevideo took an immediate fancy to the Prince demo which was also well directed to PANAMA CITY CORPS, doubtedly done mere to coment the friendliness be ween the cratic ways and voted him one of the brethren.
the whole congregation.
Services are as follows:British Empire and these countries than all other mediums, At the opening reception several Socialists were close Mr. A, Osborne, Principal Early Prayer Mooting.
diplomatic or otherwise for the many years of past inter to the Royal visitor when he showed that he expected no of the Paraiso Public School is 10 a. Children Directory Meeting course servility from anyone. He had left his bearskin headgear the Catechist of St. Alban efficient work in conduct and Brigade. United Open Air Meeting The Prince of Wales, by his free and affable manner to all of the Welsh Guards, the uniform he was wearing in an ing the services and training the 11. Holiness Meeting to be conwith whom he comes in contact, shows that he possesses outer room; proceeding inside with President Serrate, he choir in the absence of the ducted by Commandant Martin.
not only those requirements that are necessary for the found that the occasion was one which required a hat. Priest is fully and pratefully p. Y, Company meeting and making of a King but that he is endowed with all the quali Instead of asking someone to wait on him, he called to the racognized by his Priest and by BrigadeoOpenelope p. Junior Air.
ties of the Statesman, the Diplomat, and all that tend for President, One moment while fetch my hat, and he 45 m. Separate Brigade Open Air Empire building pushed back to where he had left it, waving aside the The organist is Miss Gladve Riley of Paraiso, whose careful Mooting 75 pm. Salvation Meeting in the Hall Wherever he goes, the Prince of Wales leaves a permanent offers of seyeral attendants to get it for him.
and timely playing contributed impression that will scarce be ever erased even with the Now that may appear a small thing said a Socialist greatly to the musical part of the to be conducted by Comde Martin.
All are invited to attend these meetpassing of time, but on the contrary will live on through the leader next day, but we regard it as significant.
services on Sunday and Thursday. Miss Riley is one of the ingo.
ages and be handed down from generation to generation Speaking at a State dinner the same evening the assistant teachers at St. Paul Monday, Life Saving Guarde and who will often refer to it as the Prince did this and the Prince referred to the occupation of Montevideo by British Graded and Grammar School. Sunbeame Parade et p. o.
Prince did that.
Tuesday, Band of Love Work Clace at 30 Even in politics the Princ attitude has won the esteem troops a century ago as a passing incident obliterated by Panama City.
he subsequent sympathy between our two great nations.
and respect of political factions who are opposed to royalties, Wednesday, p. Life Baving Scoute British Consulate Notice The popularity which the Prince so easily won with and Chums parade. Home League, and in this connection such was strikingly accomplished the Socialists here came to a head in an extraordinary pm during his recent visit to Montevideo as will be amply borne display of enthusiasm at the docks before the departure The Acting British Consul at Co. Thursday Holiness meeting in the out by the following:where thousands of Socialists gathered cheering wildly and lon would be glad of information Hall to be conducted by Commandant Montevideo. The Prince of Wales has left a number struggling with the Police to reach the quay side near the concerning Cyril Absalom, from the Martin at pm.
Parish of St. Ann, Jamaica, whose Sunday 11th October Special Harvest of permanent impressions on Uruguay, smallest of South Prince. He saw the struggle and suggested that the crowd mother is Sarah Wright. Festival Services will be conducted in American Republics. He won over the Socialists of the be admitted to a broad space which had been reserved for the Hall all day. At pm. Special country by his democratic manners; he has introduced the Government officials. This was done and the Prince held an ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THE Service with special songs and addresses.
simple life as applied to the daily rite of luncheon and he amusing ten minutes, reception with a long line of Socialist POPULAR JUAN FRANCO PARK MARTIN, Commandant.
has mended up all trace of the old wound caused by the friends and well wishers filing hurriedly by him.
TO MORROW. Contioned on page 7)
NIMBLEY. SANCHEZ 11 fatherly


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