
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres CECILIA acd as The succo mumeric. ily and JUST OPENED La Escalerita News ATLANTIC SIDE Notes CRICKET Using as bist xt Psalm 104:5.
Sussex Wins From Silver Guiding Star Lodge Who laid the fundacions of the City Nurse and Weeks earth so that they sbould not Installation. removed forever the Reva Score Half a Century Each Nightengal. preached a very effective sermon ht Christ In a well contested match Amid vast concourse of Church by the sea on sunday AMERICA uko. showing played on the Sussex oval on Gauleats, the beautiful ritualis eight the 27. tic installation (PANAMA)
ceremony of clearly to his bearers that no Suoday the 27th ulto. Suspex (COLON)
tbe scored a brilliant victory Independent Order of man however versed a scientist TODAY SATURDAY, Oct. 3rd TODAY. Saturday October 3rd over Silver City by wicket and Galilean Fishermen loc, ander be may be, knew the pths of Loie Wilson in 73 runs. Though worsies in the the authority of the Supreme the work of Gd. There was a and TOMORROW Sunday Oct. 4th Grand Lodge of Philadelphia. Pa large ratheriuk, and the Red ANOTHER SCÁNDAL. match, Silver City played a good Marion Davies in band from every point of view, was duly and neatly per gentleman bas de highly comand showed to the public that form by Bro. James Drum mended for his instructive ad YOLANDA TOMORROW. Sunday Oct. 4th the team is making rapid promond. lostalling Master dress.
Adolphe Menjou in on Saturday Sept. 26th in the MONDAY, October 5th gress, which it continued at the THE SWAN Bethany Lodge Hall, when the same pace will land them in a Onicers lected for the term tomorrow in connectio with the At the Colon Wesley Church Jacqueline Logan in short time among the top notch.
MONDAY, October 5th ers. They wer determined to Sept. 1925. Mar. 1626, of the morning service at 11 o clock FLAMING BARRIERS Guarding Star Louge No 14 there will be a recepti noi new Antonio Moreno in put it over on Sussex as they did on Wanderers a few weeks ago Were invest with their membes, TUESDAY, October 6th HE HUSBAND SECRET when about twenty result they played in a au bority. Bro. Kitchin, souls will be added to the mem Constance Talmadge in TUESDAY, October 6th Special Supreme Depury for this way which called forth the most bersuip.
Jurisdiction favourable comment of all who THE LOVE EXPERT.
assisted in the Jack Hoxie in witnessed the match.
function, beside Past Rulers of the various sister Lodgs on this Annual missionary service WEDNESDAY, October 7th THE RED RIDER Winning the toss Silver City side.
bave been announced to take Clara Kimball Young in went to bat on a perfect wicket WEDNESDAY, October 7th Criswbal Colon The following Officers were place at the of which they took every pos.
Baptist Church on Sunday the CORDELIA THE MAGNIFICENT. Marion Davies in installed.
sible a vantage, making a total Sister Binnom, RW or the day wili be the Rv 11. inst. The special preacher YOLANDA f85 runs. Among the pret THURSDAY, October 8th pal cor tributors were: Good Bro. David Chambers WA, Wade of the Panama Wesleyan Bro.
Adolphe Menjou ia THURSDAY, October 8th ridge 27, and Brown 19 The Saunders, RW. Church. Mr. Wade is a favourite most successful bowler for SusSister Loretta Sett W. lo Colon, and there will be a THE SWAN Jacqueline Logan in sex was Weeks who captured Bro. Johnson, Sister large gathering to bear him. FLAMING BARRIERS wickets for 28 runs Maud Hawkins Sister FRIDAY, October 9th Terelurgue Brother FRIDAY, Octobər 9th Sussex in return made 158 Brandford RW. Brother It is persistently rumoured Antonio Moreno in runs for wickets and declared.
Constance Talmadge in James Reid, RW. Brother that the labour sin between HER HUSBAND SECREI Nurse top scored made 51 runs not out, and was Henry Felix, THE LOVE EXPERT Colon and Mount Hope is ebo tly followed by to be discontinued. Sborld this Weeks with 50, while Atherley The Guiding, Siar Lodge No 14 SATURDAY October 10th SATURDAY, October 10th and Blackman made 19 and 13 Is the voineer Lodge of the Order bapen it will be a ditficult pro position for on the Isthmus having been the employees Special Cast in Clara Kimball Young in respectively. THE TOWN THAT FORGOT GOD planted on the 13ta of October, especiaily when it is rainy, but it CORDELIA THE MAGNIFICENT successful bowlers for Silver City were small, whose 1911 and is theretore the mother way be good for the jitneys, bowling was particulariy good, Luuge. Iis present membership maintaining a good iength is over 100, and ranks head and shoulder above other Gililean defeated the Lycun at th The Excelsior basketball team o thr rugbout, capturing wickets for 30 rans, and Brown wbo got Lodges as the outstanding higure Cristobal Silver Cubouse or for 45 both and final cially Tuesday night the 29 Uito by In the past crists, she stood out score 2:2 10 as th: back bone of the Supreme CANAL ZONE NOTES Arrangements for the Charity Lodge and mainly thru her en Ball, which will be ld at the Clubhouse on the 17th inst. by the Tagement, was able within a La Boca Pars.
Woman Life Problem Club, are SLUIT period to bring about a. What everyone is munal settlement Great praise taking definite form. Aside from and credit must be given to, saying The Woman Life Problem Club the privilege given eseb gentleman Bio. Saotiders for Dis noble has made arrangements for a dance, to take a lady with him, it who purchases a ticket for the work in building up the Lodge KRONEN BRAU 66 to where she is to day.
pleasant Sunday afternoon at the Clubhouse on the 11th inst, when issuing invitations to some more understood that the Club is After the ceremony the mea bership retired to tne banqut superior to all a program of vocal and instruinen ladies. At any rate indications are Corner of 22nd Street and Central Ave. tal numbers will be rendered Mrs that there will be enough music, wall, and partook of the many imported beers Bridget Aird, Vice President of the plenty of refreshments and a libeLice tuturs provided. Speecheal (NEXT DOOR FULLER JEWELRY STORE)
Guachapali Chapter No 14 of the ral supply of young ladies.
were made ou beball of the new has been requested to administration and wishing her deliver an address on the occaSuccess and prosperity. LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF siou. Mrs. Aird is generally known La Boca is credited with having The Guiding Star is the first IN MEMORIAM is one of tha inost eloquent and contributed 20 pounds sterling to Loage to advance the sisters to forceful speakers of her sex in Pathe Salvation Army Sell Denial the Chair. Two served in its nama, and there is no doubt but Efforts for 1925, early KEPPLE CHARLES In con.
history, but sinc, 1922 that her address on this occasion Sisters Daisy Livingstone shu stant and loving momory of my Prices Ranging From cts To 25cts. will be replete with good things for they beloved husband, Charles Kepple, Agatba Hurdle each bad the Clifford Sewell, school teacher the benetit not only of the Club who, during the summer time who departed this life on the 21st turo in the Ruler Chali; and of Septembe. 1624 but of the community at large. thu holidays of the Canal ne Schools Low Sister Biunon turn bas Club extends a special invitation was spending a two months vaca cure. The fuecuon come to a With those forever blest, Also a Complete Assortment of the to the public to attend this program tion in Jamaica, returned last close in the wee hours of the kuow you are at rest.
which is scheduled to begin at bali murning and all expressed thum CATHERINE KEPPLE. FAMOUS HO RO CO PRODUCTS past three o clock in the evening selvua that they were perfectly Dallotted, and it were good to Pay us a Visit and be Convinced.
The monthly busines) meting of teachers at La Boca School fo: Te following compose the staff COLON BOYS INSTITUTE be there.
of the Panama Çaol West Indian the current school rear: Wol.
Employees Association will be ters, Principal: Miss Amy Will.
Plan For Big Excursion.
held at the Community Hall onim; CC Sewell; Walker; PERSONAL Friday evening next, the 9h in Ry olis; L Harry; stant. This meeting promises to be Hunter; Lewis; N.
The 26th day of November next News has come that both Pastor is expected to be a red letter day of unusual importa ace as there is a sicCarthy; Smith and Frank Mrs. Witt, have greatly beue for the folks on the Atlantic side.
large volume of business on the tiet bv their vacation and that when there will be a agenda, among which are: Final grend they expect to return on the xcursion from Colon to Panama report of the Concert Leld recently Harvest Festival Services and Panama, which is due on Sunday under the managem nt om or the purpose of collecting fuous Oct. 4th. Pastor Witt if possible Commander of the Colon Boys for a big Christmas treat for the Grand Musical Program.
will preach at Chorrillo in the losti ute.
children; arrangements for another entertainment for the sume pu. AT ST. PETER CHURCH, evening and plans to visit hi Crair leaves. Colon, 30. a.
Churches as tollows Oct. 5th. Chor Laves Panama pose; checking results of the special st pping rill. Oct. 6th. Red Tank Oet 8th at Gatun and Monte Lirio to and enrollmeat week in counction with LA BOCA.
Caledonia Oct, 9th, Empire. the each from. 100 round trip.
member get a member Tue friends are ask to get campaign and other matters affect Through this diun. we beg Jing the general welfare of the to advise our membe and West End Defeats Kent. their tickets in time and not to District. Represetatives of the friends that the usual Harvest wait until the 26th. Toe Fourth District on the Board are specially Festival services will be held on of Ju y venture taught us a lesrequested to attend.
when hundreis had to be son The Kent of Gatun was turned back because of the great Sunday Novembe: 15th, 1925.
The following Monday night one on suoday the 27th ulto. defeat. downpour of ratu.
Secretary Neely of the Clubhouse of the tinest Musical Programs ed by West Eod Up to the ever rendered at St. Peter will present time things are very Liberty Hall at 8th Street. This announces that a special program is be given by St Peter Church Tickets on sale at the being arranged for the 11:h annipromising for West End. They excursion will be in aid of the versary of the opening of the Labor Choir, assisted by the Choirs of and Sussex are still tying for Coion Boys Institute.
of Boca Clubhouse. Mr Neely informs associated Mission and a few first place, witb Wanderers ruin that the program is being arranged ur old friends. Keep your eyes ning a close second, and the on these columns for more about so as to allow the various organiza: he services and Planning to Visit Bocas spirit of competition is keeu.
tions operating under the auspices Program.
the Musical The Henry benefit cricket of the Clubhouse as will as other match which is to take place at The band of the Colon Boy prominent organizations of La Boca Vietoria uval on Sunday the 11ch Institute under the direction of to take active part on the program. THE SALVATION ARMY inst. between the Combiaed Commander Watson is expected he 11th anniversary will be on the town and the wa derers is to visit Bocas del Toro some time The above is a picture of Mr. Chas. Moulton who is now 15th instant. Further details of being widely advertised by in Oglobe, and will spand about on a vi it to the Isthmus from Cartagena, Colombia He is a this program will a pear in our La Boca Corps.
means of show cards and other 15 days kiving entertainments descendant of the Maroon of Jamaica, and was born in King. next issue.
On Sunday Oct, 11th the Comagencies throughout the city, and adverusing the work of the ston in September, 1891; first son of eight of Mr. Chas.
bines Senior and Junior Harvest and interest is increasing. All Iustitute.
Moulton of Trelawny and Rosina Antoinette Mightly of ManThanksgiving Services will be the teams are working bard in chester who were both married in Kingston, The Acting British Consul at Moulton was On the 11th of this month the beld.
order to secure the best repre: Colon would be glad of information educated in the Public Schools of Kingston and later prepared Salvation Army beadquartere at reulatives and the Wanderers under Professor Beecher but finally took up and specialized At a special programme La Boca will hold its annual Har will be given by the juniors, the concerning William Henry Lewis, CC. is doing its best to be in the the father of George Augustus in Commercial Arts.
vest Festival Meeting. This year pink of condition so to be able wis of St. Lucia and oi Alfred Moulto is among the best English Spanish Stenographers efforts of the local branch of this most interesting part of the to uphold its cigols. This will Lewis of New York City.
will be Farmer programme popular organization promises to umpy Change of Crops. At be a big job on their part, for toe and Arcountants of the race and has been resogized for his genius as an office organizer and systematizer. He speaks, reads very cream of the The Acting British Consulat be a success. Adjutant Wigean is 30 Thanksgiving and ober teams and writes the English and Spanish languages fluently, and is busy visiting his numerous friends Alter Service. All friends are will be pitied against them. Colon would be glad of information na.
also a writer prose and verses.
and circulating envelopes for the asked to assist to make our There is no doubt that there will regarding Alfred Harrison, a His father and mother are active entities in religious affairs occasion. The Adjutant request Harvest ingathering a be a monster crowd to see this tive of Jamaica stated to be em matcb, for the public is con ployed at Cristobal.
for many years on the Isthmus of Panama, among our people.
Fesitval Effert reads: We shall be On Tuesday night Oct. 13th, a viaced that an iolersdog dis.
Elsewhere in this issue appear a couple of poems by Mr.
grateful if our friends will assist grand Demonstration of the ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO play of tho old gate is in sture Moulton a series of which will be published in this paper from us with gifts and thus help in car. Gospel Ship will be given in aid time to time.
for all who a au themstives ot THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP rying on the various branches of of the Harvest Festival.
the opportunity of atveading. JUAN FRACNO TO MOROW.
our spiritual and social work. Continued on page 6)
SUCCESS Notions And Novelties week.


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