
Canal Zone Notes Championship Cycle Road Race. Continued from page 5)
RED TANK seep Clubhouse Activities.
Young Men Gym. Class Up to date Jewelry Holds Grand Physical in every form can Review.
here at its best See our On Wednesday night. Sept. 16th. Wrist Watches, the Young Men Gymnastic Class under Physical Director De Bourg Bracelets, held a physical review in conjunetion with moving pictured at Red Diamond Rings Tank Clubhouse.
The program ran as follows in and a hundred other adorn.
three part :ments and you ll recognize PART why this is the LEADING Two reels of comedy with Charlie Chaplain starring in Pay Day JEWELRY HOUSE in town PART 11 ask prices and you ll find still Musical Selection by Red Taub another reasouTrio Song by Mr. Stephen William Fuller Jewelry Store. Musical Selection by Red Tank 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 Trio Recitation by Mr. Charlie Chesterfields represent the highest quality in cigarettes.
They contain the finest cigarette tobaccos in the worldrich, aromatic Turkish and American tobaccos.
You ll surely like Chesterfields.
There Isaacs, They Satisfy Chesterfield CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended Well Doer from does more to drive away rack enemy.
In every popular country in the world, there have been prompted spectacul Rjad races both Marathon and Cycle, and Motor cycle, and Panama is to have ber Road Race also.
This road race is to be known as OMP ROY ROAD RACE, being promoted and financed by our ve. eran Cyclist and a blete, Obroy. This race will be held in Panama, starting from Bella Vista to pia and return, on Sunday, Octob 18:h, 1925, at 1p. in order facilitate the cyclists coming over from Colon to take part in it.
Due to the great variety and grades of cyclist, and theires.
pective ridiny, ability, this Read Rice, in order to establisha record time by the winners, who will eventually be th scratch men, will be a handicap race, ranging from one balf minute to five minutes, the distance being 38 miles in all is much speculations to who will be the winner of this ruad race. Colon boasts sone cf the most dangerous cyclists on the Road In fact in Colon it would be hard to pick the present winner of this race so keen are the abilities of about me cyclists. In the front rank are: Cecil Laon, premier of all and a veteran of the old days, with his contemporaries Ligore. Beach Brothers, Norman Browo, and Bryan. Then closely follow these are the young flash Char Abrahams, Walters, Mike Lizirus ad several others. Panana a close view, boast a 80 what stronger team numerica y but can their best stand the grid of the Colon Tiger? In the ti there are Ompbros, veteran cyclist of the earlier days with his surrounding temporaries Atherton Brother Nimbley, Gerald Williams who are like panthers after human blood, then closely following this tean are Watkis, Morrel. Dixie Green, Headley Smith and others.
This race promises some grand excitement. It will be fast, and kneenly contested. There are four prizes to be donated, so there will be sufficient encouragement for all. The bandicaps should not really be a matter of importance to the scratchmen as an easy way to have a minor cyclist eliminated is to give him a baodicap and believing he can retain the same, he tries to outdo himself and is easily overtaken. If permitted to start with a scratchman, the latter would have the bardest trouble sbaking him oft.
Terms and Conditions Any cyclist is elligible to take part. Any machine can be ridden Each cyclist will make enquiry of Omphboy, Drawer An.
con, 2. or telepbone 280 Pana. ma. An entrence fee of 75 cents will be charged per entrant.
Entries must be in band by the 12th of Ostober up to P. so that handicaps can be arranged and published in time and so that other arraogements can be made.
No cyclist will be permitted to ride bebind a motorcar, Chiva.
motorcycle or any other motive vehicle. There will be ten stewards placed at different places on the road for the purpose of entorcing this rule and any cyclist reported riding behind any vehicle, will be disqualified from the race. Esca cyclist reaching Tap a wil be banded certificate in some form to make sure be arrived at Tapis Bridge, and this must be banded to Juage by the cyclist on arrival at the winning tape. Any cyclist not having this in his pessession will not be considered as having reached Tapia and will therefore be considered eliminated from the race.
It might be well to mention that the Panama cyclists have started to train for this road race since Monday, and it is wise for the Colon cyclists to take up their traiping immediately as it will be a great strain on their physical resource it they are not in the best of shape. Much is expected of each cyclist. Any one can win this race. The track should act be taken as an index of a cyclist road ridiog ability.
Hollis was the Champion of the Republic of Panama, on the eyele track, but on the read he ranked about 20 Mention should also be made of some erstwbiles; Cecil Abrabams idol of Colon, who in his days was regarded as the Rapublie best cyclyst, but who has dropped out of cycle promine, ce recently. The most dangerous of bursting with huehter, through to Dentist Howell a House Rent Receipt Books Shadow Boxing by Mesr Mosely and young Arnold Allen.
Oration by Mr. Noel Hawkins, Song by Shine.
Physical Drills and Stunts by Young Men Gym Class.
Physical Exhibition by Directo: De Bourg Musical Selection by Red Tank Trio Physical Stunts by Messrs Isaacs, Jarvis young Mario Song by Shine.
Buck and Wing Dancing by Shine.
DR Closing remarks by Director De pains and aches than any Bourg.
other known remedy: that is why thousands of people the PART III world over call it pain Six reels of moving pictures Rheumatism, sciation, stiff starring Lionel Barrymore in neck, sore and tired muscles. BOOMERANG BILL lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, It can be said that the above sprains and bruises are instantly relieved by program prepared by Secretary Small and Director De Bourg was SLOAN LINIMENT well rendered by the boye and was Nono lezitimate without portrait well enjoyed by those attending the show. Special mention should be made of the perfect manner in At all drurists and dealers.
which the young men gym class went through their drills to the SLOAN tune of waltz and fox trot time played by the trio, Mr. Noel HawLINIMENT kins held the audience spell bound at the commencement of his talk on ambition and European affairs up with audienes usual humor. Director DeBourg his exhibition used a couple mov ments of Bennard MacFadden HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA famous exercises for building powerful spine acd neck and Earle CANAL ZONE.
Leiderman cables for the muscle Office Hours: a. to p. of the arms, chest, etc. These to p. exercises were done to music and commanded the attention of the DAILY audience Mr. De Bourg must be PHONE 1288 BALBOA highly complimented on the ahle manner in which he is training the youths of the Canal Zone in the Specializes in all the branches rare and development of their of Dentistry.
Classes are held at Red Tank WILKINSON Clubhouse for young men and boys every Wednesday and Saturday vening from to O Clock. All Contractor welcome.
and Builder Have you tried the House No. 20 28th NOV, STREET, new Beer SAN MIGUEL Kronen Brau Box 411, Panama, R, Plans and Specifications Free all is this young man. His sprint First class Workmanship in his days, was almost unequalled and be might be able to Guaranteed duplicate it for Colon. Then there is Icall Schloss, member of THE PANAMA CANAL chosen team of cyclysts who went to Jamica and who honourably acquitted himsell Tanker Traffic in August against the Islands best cracks.
He should not be regarded too lightly although he has left the game so long. Another terror is Daring the month of August Nathan Baptiste who was re 1925, 71 tank ships transited the garded as the Lion of Red Tank, Panama Canal, with an aggregate along with Sborty Taws. These net tonnage of 423, 251, Panama two boys have given all cycliste Canal measurement, on which tolls very disagreeable entertainment of 383, 858 was collected. In point when they meet on track or on of net tonage tanker traffic for the read, with their heart rending past month was about 60 percent pace work and no man knows of the same traffic for the correspol where they are coming from ding month a year ago, says Tie with a burst of speed. Few there Panama Canal Record, while the are who will be able to stick cargo tonnage was approximately them when they once get started 63 percent of the cargo tonnage for Last, but not least, is our con August 1924.
genial sport, Grossett. He was Tank ships comprised 19. peronce contender for high honours cent of the total commercial transits and his pace work is excellent. of the Canal during the month; and bis sticking ability unflinchwade up approximately 23. pering, and is regarded as anothe cent of the total Panama Canal det trouble maker. series of arti tonnage; were the source of 23. cles will be written on each percent of the total tolls collected man individual ability, so follow ud carried 22. percent of the the line and take up the start. total cargo in transit through the THE ROADMAN Canal.
SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies CAN BE HAD AT The Workman Stationery Store


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