
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCIOBER 3, 1925 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. El Excelsior Cider Champagne We Buy and Sell Pearls The Workman BOOK STORE serious VIGOR TONIC Dews JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
TRAGEDY. EL GAITERO (Continued from page 2)
Five Dead In Family of Eight, THE ONLY ELABORATED epidemic by the removal of cattle THREE YOUNG SURVIVORS JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP from the pastures with a view Spanish Cider with its to observing their progress made Corner 12 Street East Avenue under different conditions. The, HUSBAND FELL WORK own Carbonic Acid animals mostly affected are your cattle between and years old. Succumbs to Self Inflicted We make and repair all sort of Jewelry, and also Injuries.
watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Workmanship is guaranteed.
Gravel Pit Tragedy. After lingering at the point of death for three days from selfOur rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you inflicted injuries to his throat may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may THREE KILLED AT SAN and abdomen, Emanuel Estrada, URETIC AND REFRESHING peasant proprietor of Matelot, drsire, provided the monthly payments of GRE GRANDE St. David, died in the Colonial Trade Mark interest are duly met.
Hospital shortly after o clock Buried By Falling Ledge on the 15th Instant Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall Estrada, it is stated, inflicted VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ be pleased.
The Weekly Guardian of the wounds practically disemS, September 12th, reports the boweling himself, after he had following: killed his wife Mary, 35, and VILLAVICIOSA three of their six cbildren aged SPAIN Evasdale Estate, Nestor Village, hamlet on Tuesday night last tragio accident occurred at 1, and 11, respectively in their Sangre Grande on Tuesday in bac which Joseph Coombs 23, Mal week. He was brought into the ESTEBAN DURAN Winte Lewis 22, and Roseta Mit demitted to patient in the Hoson following chell. a school girl of 8, were pital in an unconscious condition SOLE AGENT CALL IN AT killed while Mitchell sister, about 11 o clock, followed about For the Republic of Panama girl of 15, received slight in juries.
three hours after by the other It appears that shortly after and Constance, on whom he children be bad noon, Lewis, who is a lobourer also inflicted injuries employed on the public roads in During Wednesday night, Es: that district, was shovelling trada regained conscieusnees and The best Tonic in the World gravel from a pit on the estate spoke a little but bis condition and was assisted by Coombs, steadily grew worse and finally No. 93, Central Avenue estate labourer who volunteered be expired in the presence of the his help They had been at works Police Constable under whose This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend for some time when an over surveillance he was kept, He banging ledge of the pit which was of Spanish descent, a man of ed in Dobility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, ASSORTMENT OF bad probably been loosened by about 45 and is reperted to baye Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up recent rains, caved in and covered lived peaceably with his family GOOD a run down constitution.
STATIONERY the workers includiug the two and thus the sensation which the children who were looking on. ghastly tragedy created was It promotes digestion, improves the appeThe was immediately intensified in the endeavour to SOUVENIRS, criculated and estate labourers discover a motive for it. News tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system were engaged to excavate the from the district in which DOSE: One small Wine glass before each moal or victims Mitchell sister was Estaada lived calculated to throw times a day.
partially covered and only sus any light on the insident is not tained minor injuries but the forthcoming and the cause is still other three were dead when in obscurity.
CHURCH SERVICES Tuesday Goupel service at the usual they were dug out. The Police The children in bospital are hour, re notified and the bodies (Continued from page 4)
Bro. WILMorr, Clock in charg were buried on Wednesday after progressing favourably.
they bad been viewed by Dr.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Ianiss, Ebenezer Church of God BRITISH GUIANA this Department can be of any Goverment with its views on the STREET CALIDONIA ROAD Holiness service to your Chamber. Agreement as early as possible.
Yours faithfully. have, etc. near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
THE VALUE OF CALIDONIA DISTRICT Doing Business With (8gd. FULTON. Sgd. OWEN, Sunday Evening 30 PreschFINCER PRINTS.
Assistant Colonial Secretary.
The general public is Officer in Charge.
ing Service.
Sunday 50 clock, Prayer Meetin British Firms.
sordially invited to turn out in large 11 am. Divine Service Preacher Chairman: As far as am The chairman: In this matter Bumbers.
Supplied aware Importers are fairly well gentlemen, would be very satisfied with the methods now pleased to hear your views.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 mm. Babe 3p. Sunday School Superintendent. ESCAPED PRISONER IDENTIFIED TRADE COMMISSIONER p. Programme.
ASKS adopted by exporters from the bave read the draft or summary bath Sobool; 11. 15 sm. Geners! Worship DEMERARA 30 Gospel Service, Preacher CHAMBER FOR United Kingdom. except in so of the Agreement and must conOrdiganes of tbe Lord Supper at 12 Supplied.
Two Years Of Freedom DETAILS OF METHODS. far as Certificates of Origin are fess that it is difficult to form a 30 Spaniel Class Tuesday 30 Gospel Service concerned. but members might very clear opinion on It wishout Thursday 30 o. Sister and Tesexpress their opplnion on the some detailed information. So far 30 M. Society, meeting Despite the considered opinions EYE TO EXTRA TRADE, various points raised. As regards as can gather frem the draft 30 Junior and Senior Standard Limony meeting.
of the greatest jurists in Europe Saturday 30 Choir Rehmale.
No. it rather points to the we ought to be extremely of attainment Class p. Vespers.
and the United States of Amequestion of the cost st of travelling pleased that we have been able Elder ODLE rica, lavmen are get sceptical of Alm to Remove Difficulties in by English commercial travellers. to carry through such an agreeSeventh Day Adventist Church Pataor in charge the value of fingerprints for the Trade Felt by Importers of Their visite are few and far bement, which is a distinct advaopurpose of identification. Finger British Goods. tween, and although we have ce on what we have had in Bethlehem Church of God prints are an infallible guide for built up a tariff wall, neverthe previous years. We did ask for Brd. STREET BROADWAY, COLON identification, the points of disHoliness!
Bunday evening 7, 30 Preaching less it might be desirable to a preference of 25 on sugar, tinction in no two individuals not At a recent meeting of the stress this particular point.
which meant that it would have Bervice. You are cordially invited to even twins, being similar.
Georgetown (Demerara) ChamMr. Groves: would suggest Canada, but do not think any had practically free entry into attend these service and bring your No. MARIANO AROSEMENA East Indian who has been en letter was rend from His Majes that the shipping firms go back one expected that we would get Just recently Ramsaroop, an ber of Commerce the following friends, SAN MIGUEL Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath joving liberty for almost two wy Trade Commissioner in the 19. the old commerical rates it and the one dollar preferenca allowed as in.
Behool; 11. 15 sm. General Worship Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting years, was discovered to be a West Indies:is a very valuable consession to 80 p, Young people meeting 11 a. Divine Service Preacher. man wanted for escaping from Dear Sir, It was agreed that the desired receive. The Canadians bave Supplied prison solely on account of the 30 Vespero I am anxious to obtain the full Information be obtained and for always made point that while Sunday School, Superinten ability of the Police to identity est possible details regarding warded to the Commissioner with they do not deny baving benefit dent.
his finger prints.
the efficlency or otherwise of her nest by the steamshiped through this treaty yet the The Church of God p. Programme Ramsaroop was convicted, and the present methods of conduct. trading to this colony to com value of our purchases from Padams, Arovemena Street, Houne 25, Supplied. 15 Gospel Service, Preacher sentenced to four months im ing business adopted by firms mercial en legitimately traveil them is considerably less than their purchases from us. This. San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer prisonment in September, 1928 in the United Kingdom tradiog log on business.
suppose, is an attempt to have us Tuesday 30 Gospel Service for Cattle stealing.
with your Colony having particu.
meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am.
purchase more of their goods.
Thursday 30 Sister meeting While working in the vicinity lar regard to any difficulties that and 30 Sunday School at p.
As for as by of Government House on 3rd may be experienced Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting and Testimony.
Tuesday at 15 Young People Saturday 30 Choir Rehearsal November of the said year he porters of British goods and also Demerara And The Canada stand to lose any large amount of revenue as a result of the conMeetin. Wednesday at 30 Elder T, C, FRANCIS, escaped from the Warders and to any remedial steps that might Trade Treaty cessions we have made to them Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 was never seen or heard of for be adopted for the better conbecause in the majority of inPastor in charge.
Open air meeting. Friday at 30 almost two years although bis duct of business between the stances they already supply most description was Prayer Meeting circulated exporter and importer of British of the goods.
BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. BEULAH Prayer meeting throughout the colony. Two productions and possibly tend CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SATago, a man giving his name to increase the present ing Mr. Austin: As our ISFIED WITH TERMS AGREED ubbliche Devine Service Preacher as Ramcbandin, was arrested volume of business done with the Red Tank, Copal Zoue, Sunday School ON AT OTTAWA, delegates will shortly be return. p. Gospel meeting on Thursday Supplied.
ing to the colony would it not be at 30 pm. pm. Sunday School, Superinten at Couva and tried on a charge United Kingdom, dent. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher sentenced to six months in tion is particularly doeired are WANT RATIFICATION. We have got their views on the of a advisable to defer the answer The points on which informaSis. GRAY letter Supplied.
Now Providence. Gospel Meetings at prisoment with six lashes. As is as follows:customary, bis 11. 30 sm and 30 Bunday School finger prints tarift? We might have a special Do the methods of conductat pm. Wednesdav at 30 Gos! GAMBOA MISSION p. Sunday were taken on conviction and ing business adopted by Britisb Bellef That Agreement Win is no immediate burry for an meeting for the purpose. There pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer School; 2, 30 Gospel Sermon forwarded to the Detective firms compare favourably with Be Exceedingly Favourable answer.
Department for record and those of foreign competitors. To Colony.
The chairman: do not think Bro. J, McDONALD identification. On September 2, it we can go far wrong in postNote Other Services for the week was discovered that the man e Aro complaints against Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetinge will be given from the pulpit.
British manufacturers and exwas none other than Ramsaroop porters in any way general?
ponlog consideration of the at 11. 30 a. and 30 Runday who had escaped from the Gov. Instances School at pm. Wednesday 30 At a recent meeting of the matter until the delegates ar of unsatisfactory George town (Demerara) Cham.
ernment House gang in Septem transactions should be given.
Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Baptist Churches ber 1923. As a result Ramsaroop ber of Commerce, with Mr.
It was agreed to defer answer.
Pe Meeting will be made to undergo his Are up to date catalogues Farrar in the chair, connection ing the letter until the delegates Bro. GEORGE C, GRIPFITH (Under the auspices of the Southern original sentence and in an and price lists easily obtainable with the recent Trade Agreemen bad bad an opportunity of ex Colon and Streets. Gospel moet Baptist Convention. probability prison apanishment either from the agents of United with Canada the following letter pressing their views on the ings at 11. 80 sm and 30 Sunday Colon 11. and p. Pastor for escaping. It is waderstood Kingdomfirms or from British from the government was reod: Agreement. Arrangements for School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Thrift; Lord supper service at the that a reward was offered for manufacturers and exporters holding a meeting for the pur.
Sir, With reference to my pose were left in the bands of pm. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 close of both morning and evening ser bis capture. Prayer Meeting vices Are the packing methods of letter of the 9th July transmit the chairman.
Gatun 11 a. Leader Wiggan 7p. Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON ting a copy of a telegram from British exporters generally satis the Secretary of Stote for the RESOLUTION PASSED Deacon Rubio.
Colonies giving summary of New Providence 11 am. Descon At a subsequent meeting of Why pay double price Any information on these the Trade Agreement between the Georgetown Chamber of Bethel Church of God Broome.
points will be greatly apprecia: the Canadian Government and Commerce the chairman. Mr, Holiness Chorrillo 11 am. Supplied. D. mn for Interior Imported ted.
the British West Indies, etc. ID: Austin sald: Arising out Pastor Witt.
Boer when you can RIO ABAJO, LAS SABANAS take this opportunity of re am directed by the Calidonia. ii a. Lender Tait, Officer of the last minutes, the ChamBanday am, Prayer Maetig.
mi ding you that this office is Administering the Government ber has had an opportunity of 17 Eupplied.
buy a superior Beer always glad to afford all possible to inform you that the matter hearing Mr. Walcott on the Cana 11 Divine Service. Preacher Red Tank 11 a. Denson Reid such as BALBOA for assistance in the intrests of will come before the combined dian Trade Agreement and am 3p. Sunday School; Superintendent p. Leader Crooks.
half the price.
British trade and trust that Courl as early as practicable in glad this morning to welcome 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher Empire 11 am, and p. Supplied.
you will not hesitate to commu August and to ask your Chamber Buppied.
Puebo Nuevo 11 a. Deacon Stewat nicate with me, if at any time, to be good enough to furnish (Continued on page 8)


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