p. 8


The Silver Club School Offers the best advantage for the training of Coloured children on the Atlantic end.
Great Reduction SALE OF MEN SUITS ELEMENTARY ACADEXIC COURSES Some of the leading subjects are: Shorthand Typewriting Book keeping Commercial Law Algebra Geometry Chemistry Physics Music Spanish Social Ethics Domestic Arts Debating and Elocutionary Exercises Logic and Parliamentary Procedure.
AT The American Bazaar Terms Reasonable CHARLES ES BURKE.
Principal Mrs. E, DANIEL Associate.
came Cristobal Silver Clubhouse.
in brilliant Osbourne, SUITS at 15, 18, 20 25 Selling for 10. 00 VISIT WILL SATISFY Notice Martio, of Races! Races!
83 90 SC It was not before dark on Sun Schools for white and coloured The Canal Zone Government oay atu rason last when Celia chlldren were reopened on October won the furlong race for class first. School for white children imported borses at Juan are located at Aneon, Balboa, Franco Park, besting Argeutina Pedro Miguel, Camp Gaillard, a new blood on local track 3d Gatun and New Cristobal, and alse a favorite in the betting, there are two high schools for these paying ber backers the tidy sun children, one at Balboa on the of 22. 00; Tigre and Guitarra Pacitie end of the Canal and CAư là cond and thiad, res the other at Cristobal on the Atlanpectively tie end. There are no high schools The ferture event of the day, for colored children a nine fuilo race for a fourpurse, between Eight Perique, Marceland Moy Terb, lished for coloured children where was won by Maroela with Jocky as high as righth grade work is Moore up. Taking off at a good representatons have been made to tanght. It is understood that start Marcela quickly assumed the lead which she held for the Panama Canal West Indian the Canal Zone Government by furlon vs when Mary Erb. caine ployees Association asking the up and challenged one nathe Goverameat coasderation in the Pereque in third position. In next iurlong the three horses matter of the establishment of either a high school or but in a trade were racing together taking the bome bend Marcela school for coloured children.
again broke away and assumed Forty zeven coloured West Indian the lead which she maintained teachers are a sigued to the col and won held in hand. Pereque oured schools for the current term, cond. The pool paid as follows. La Boca: Eleven. 30 No place tickets were sold Walters Principal; Pedro Miguel in this race. Red Tank. Seven S. Jobo.
Fenomeno won ston, Principal; Paraiso: Four style the tive rurlony race for incipal; Empire: class native ponies. This Four Reid, Principal: Las race was a well contested one; Principal Gatun: Six. Webster Cascades: wo Leaving the barrier at a good Principal; Cristobal: Eleven B.
start, Rialto, as customary, took Kionimouth, Pr. ncipal; Gambou: the lead and kept this place fo: Two 1. Myers, Principal.
two furlongs wben Caribe caugot up with him. and Zapo also in Including in the teaching staff e se touch with both. They are fous lad. es, assigned as follows: raced in this position into the Miss Amy Williams, La Boca; hume streach when Fenon no Miss Patton, Gatun; Mis came from behind with a wbirl. HR Webster, Gatun; and Miss wird dash and won the prettiest Ivy Myers, Gambos.
a for the day. The pool paid 30 and 80 on the first horsTHE ASTRAL CORD. 3, 10 on the Becord and on the third Both Caribe and Zapo showed Rialto their heels!
in the home stretch and came in (BY C, MOULTON)
in order named Oh Pabsprang a surprise in Oh! may those sounds of life the of furlong race for class from me vibrate: imported horses, winning Mi Sweet melodies of Love Follera with apparent easse after to please my Lord; Gallineta feil ack owing to her May not those Hibres of saddle having slipped, Mi Pollera my Astral Cord was favorite in the betting, with That bind me to Him by Gallinela second, Gallineta tout His Blessed Word the lead at the fall of the flak Be weakened to a deadly followed by Mary Erb and On worthless state!
Pab, with Mi Pollera in the rear; and they raced in this order for II three furlongs when, on account But, may earth Tempting Bil.
of truble with her saddle, Galli lows pass away neta began to fall back; Mi Pol lera bad then Just like the Breeze that shrills come up in the the Forest k; group. In the home stretch the Trce was only left to Mi Pollera No other spurit but and Ob Pab, the latter winning the Good, invoke To play upo the Cord with apparent perfect ease. The of which spoke pool paid 23. 90 aud 20 on the So that they pass with Changes first horse and 80 on the and decay. second horse.
Colia III the furlong race won, for class imported horses Thus, may live until with Guitarra a good second and the Fibres break Antonietta third. Tae paid From Strains of Harmony 30 and 60 on the first borse beneath the Dome; anu 50 un the second horse.
And when my soul reposes in Suger Zapo with Moore up won the Astral Home, in goud for in the furloug race The Dryness of the Oakter native ponies. Zivi Zape tok the Earthly Tomb the lead after leaving the barrier Sweet echoes of those Strains followed closely by Dictador, may keep awake. Liandro and Super Pso. Super March 1922.
Zap. caught up with his field in une home stretch, challenged Dietador and Liaudro, oveatook MAN TO MAN them in the last turlong and beat Dictador at the post; Llandro Prtained th place. Pool paid 50 and 80 on the first borse (BY MOULTON)
apa 60 on the second berse. It makes no diff rence wno the mau won the first race, a mud in fact is a manly man, four furlong distance for patie Woetler bebe dark or bl ek or tan po ies; Candlewood and Peter Caucasian, Indian or Afircan; ilan came in in the order named. lo stretching him the friendly naa Pool paid 29. 50 and 70 on the If he is truly a manly man!
first horse, 10 on the second II and 70 on the third.
Chiqui, the favorite in the This man is he that sees beyond other four furlong he pigment lay of the black race for native borses, lived up to expec or blond, tations baving won, with Tigre The man who sees not black or aod Roamer taking 2nd and Brd wbite But reasons along the lines that Diac, respectively. Pool paid 20 and 80, 83. 20 and 00 re right ou the first second and third He is that kind of mauly man horses, respectively.
Caucasian, Indian or Airican. III Rent Receipt Bouks in Span Outstretched into thy brother ish and English for sale at the Workman Printery Caucasian, Iodian or African, Thine hand is symbol of the heart The impress of Love not hate DOUDOD00000000000000000000 to dart, Be he that manly kind of Man TRY His heart your impress would surely span KRONEN BRAU Cartagena, Nov. 1923 ON DRAUGHT ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO OR BOTTLES THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF BODODO0000000000000000003 JUAN FRACNO TO MOROW. EXCITING RACES Another Big Day of Sports Doul The Officers and Members of the Past Grand Masters Council No.
9879. S, working under the jurisdiction of the Coni mittee of Management in England are hereby summoned to attend To Morrow Races Spcial meeting which takes placu at the lodgeroom the Isthmus, Colon, on Saturday There will be races at mount importance will be transac 3rd October next. Business of par.
Juan Franco Park tomorrow ted and ail members financial or afternoon: four for native otherwise, are requested to be horses and four for imported present, horses.
By Order ERNEST BEST, In the native Division, class JUAN FRANCO TRACK Grand Secretary Fenomeno 128, Caribe 113, Rialto y lo and Infimo 94 TO MORROW are booked. The distance will be furlongs.
Why pay donble price Sunday, October 4th 1925 Class native horses for interior imported will include Zapo, Repulse, Bee when you can Dictador, Toto, Super Zapo, buy a superior Beer WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Zipi Zape and Liandro for a furlong race; while the class such as BALBOA for event will bring out half the price.
Hero, Candlewood, Chiqui, Lipac, Peter Pan, Ruso and Cholito Roamer, Tigrillo, Top Sergeant, Toy, Wormwood BRITISH MINISTER Races For Imported horses and Barba Roja will take the field. The two latter races (Continued from page 1)
and for Native bred Ponies will be furlongs.
made by Major Wallis, who after In the imported division he had pinned them to his breast, Mill Boy 128, Pereque 128 and congratulated the ex soldier for Marcela 103 are booked fo the honour conferred on him by one mile; while Oriental 123, followed iyx splendid display of the Kog. This was immediately Celia 122, Guitarra 106 and sout Vork in First Aid and Sigoul Kernan 90 will take on fivefing. The signalling was done by furlongs.
cuts of the Third Panama Tro Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
Another five furlong race Commissioner and read as foliowe: The message was set by the Chief First Race Starts p. Sharp will bring out Gallineta, Tigre Send help immediately, a man Oriental, Capitana, Araucana, woundel at Pinanna by a cer; six Revoltosa and Celia: and Mi Scouts are wanted at once.
ADMISSION: Pollera, Chomba Loca, Pipio. Ao address was then delivered lo Mary Erb, Oh Pah, Galli by Rev. ER, Wade, Superinten.
Grand Stand Ground 50c. neta, Marcela and Alta Mae are dent of the Wesleyan Circuit, who reiterated the Chairman marks booked to run furlongs. relative to the vital interest showa by Major Wallis to British subjects in Paoama, and concluded by INTERESTING WESI. giving the Scouts sful hints for the development of good physique. Continued from page 7)
mentality and eharacter. This wis Mr. Burton back agaio. think Mr. Bolt, Wolf Cub Comm followed by soother address by you will all agree that the term arranged by our delegatea ar guardians to support the Scouts sioner, who urged parents and STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR excceaingly favourable to the moven colony. have mub pl asure in movement, with particular refer.
ence to Cubs, moving the following resolation to be sent on to the Government The foll win ex service men together with a covering lette opentad to Major Wallis, Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off acknowledging their commani who spoke to each one and shook hands with them: Sergeant Franeo, cation of the 11th July NON INJURIOUS Shaw, Sterling, Games Be it resolved that the Cham šiley Forde and ber records its thanks to the Forde, after which Lieutenant Officer Administering the G)
ernment for his courtesy in Boca Girl Guides, was presated to Pinranna Jones, leader of the La No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required supplying it with a Mrs. Wallis by Commissioner the Reciprocal Trade Agree. Harris.
ment cabled to the Giverninen The pleasant faction was brought MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, as having been reached at th to a close after vote of thanks recent Ottawa conference.
SMOUTH AND SILKY have been nffered by District ComThe Chamberviews wit. misioner Harris and the singing of satisfaction the terms arrived a the British National Authem.
on behalf on the colony by tb SOLD EVERYWHERE delegates who attended the conference and respectfully recommends to the Govenment the Experienced Canvassers Investigate ratification of the modifications Have you tried the and alterations of the existing Agreement that have been denew Beer LOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD Mr. Groves seconded and the Kronen Brau resolution WAS unanimously carried Lic Contra Crespo CODY Man cided on.
0000 000


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