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OF WALES Harlem Again Split Up Over Garveys Injunctions BRITISH THE PRINCE Procession of Unemployed GOVERNMENT Mile and a Half Long Plans Radio Talk With Gets Big Reception on World.
Arrival in London.
Marched to Ask Coal Grants For London, Sept. 14 The new wiro. According to fixed plans the His Orders From Atlanta Dethronof Approaching Winter. less station which the British Gov in England yesterday tha 9th ist, ing Weston Causes New ernment expects to open next year Great plans were on foot for his at Rugby will make it possible for recepti n: Dissension Direct West India Cable despatch from London Great Britain to talk to the entire The Duke of York plans to meet world aid of states that benners inscribed with slogans as work or diaries.
hun at the port. The King and maintenance, and better be fighting than starving were From Atlanta Federal Prison (says the New York World)
Queen will await bim at the Viecarried in a procession of five thousand unemploved a mile with twelve Eiffel Towers as also will be greeted y other mem Marcus Garvey, President General of the Universal Negro Trials will start in Nover ber toria Station in London, where be where he was sent for frauds upon members of his race, and a half in length which marched to the office of the the giant masts, which rise 820 feet bers of the Royal Family, including Improvement Association, has made an announcement which Westham Board of Guardians yesterday for the purpose of in the air, are called. Never before Princess Mary and Princess Henry has riven a considerable part of Negro Hariem.
asking additional allowances of coal during the coming win has the Eiffel Tower in Paris, which as well as the Cabinet Minister is 900 feet high been approached and high officials Garvey, displeased with that official activities with ter months.
so nearly within the British There will be a State reception on respect to the universal body, has issued a ukase dethroning Before the procession moved off the demonstrators Empire.
the station platform after which Weston, President of the New York Division of the were harangued by speakers which included several local Communists. More than 200 mounted police officers were re among the tailest in the world, givinz the crowds along the route The masts at the Rugby station the Prince wil drive alone to St. formerly a beloved lieutenant. his. Stationed along the route of the procession but there was no being twice the height of St. Pauild the opportunity of adding their parent body has placed as many mortgages as the structure Weston, it is said, investigated and learned that the disorder.
done. Five other stations are being After a representative, deputation had been assured by bult simultaneously with Rugby ereetings. The Lord Mayor and te will stand upon Liberty Hall, the 13th Street Shrime of the Board that their demands would be submitted to the at Bodmin. Bridgewater, Skegnees, Cuix coorporating her we inweited the Garvey followers, a 75. 000 property owned by the local Dorchester, banquet at famous Guildhall.
Ministry of Health the demonstrators returned to their starting Great Britain confidently bopes point and dispersed quietly.
Garvey learned of Weston doings and from his cell to lead the world in wireless deve. Before receiving the deputation the Guardians appoint lopment and link up with the Card Of Thanks ordered Peters to proceed from New Orleans to New York to succeed Weston. Petersis here, giving out ed a deputation to interview Neville Chamberlain, the mother country art only the far take this medium to thank Minister of Health, on September 29th with reference to his flung dominions and colonies but the many friends from far and near statements. Weston holds on and gives out statements.
Board the difficulty arising from the refusal of the Guardians miles long, half a mile wide and of te Graud United Order of Odd Garvey without his gilded suit and cocked hat, or whether letter in which he expressed the desire to discuss with the every other part of the world. The the Isthmian League of British Monday night local məmbers of the will meet in Rugby serial will be one and a balt West Indians the various branches Liberty Hall, and decide whether Garvey will still be to accept the Ministry conditions for a loan for poor relief. have, in all twelve high masts the fellows and District Grand Lodge Dr. Peters with go back to New Orleans.
The Board also adopted the report of the Finance Com tops of which are often visited by No. 40, all for their expressions of the cloudsfwhich spin the country symp«thy to me in my bereave It will be dyed in the woo! Garveyites against the mittee, which stated among other things that no funds were site.
available for the payment of accounts and salaries ment trough the deatu of my wife, independent element. Weston pleads for nuity, peace and The dominions and colonies are WILKINSON.
concord within the association. Peters pleading for the building stations to correspo. w. th this immens mother statsame, evokes Garvey greatness, declaring: SPARKLETS ion. The old systom by which Notice to Correspondents. The man Garvey whom we worshipped and its the messages have been relayed across Contributors and correspondents same man in jail. It want you to know that no one can the world will now be supplanted.
In tian Communities here. And so, and idelay in time of peace or tions not later than Thurselays to Christ, to Mohammed, to Buddha, so shall the Negro people MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS.
sre asked to send in their contribu. replace Garvey as our spiritual leader. As men look up to Regardless of what scientific re. we have been in the midst of some will be eliminated.
there is very little excuse for us wilful inierference iu time of war insure publication. This is impera of the world always revere Marcus Garvey.
searches have revealed to Dr. of the most progressive peooles tive and must be adhered to.
Chase Salmon Osborn with regard for twenty years, and during this to improvement of the piement time, very few of us have lost ou.
Order of Druids ST. Alban Church INTERCOLONIAL CRICKET TOURNAMENT in mat and the possibility of chace, intellect.
jo course of time, the color of The Paet Officers Aus ociation in The Rev. Lovis Chester Melcher the black man to that of the white Our Worst HANDICAP. connection with the Pauuma Dis will be the preacher at Evenosng Between Barbados, Demerara and Trinidad mall, and thereby establish a Lack of ability to effectively trict, Order of Druids, will tomorrow at 30. This will be the medium by which mag may dress organize and co operate, intelli the Druide Grove, 201n Street Alban and it is expected that be held on Sunday October 11th at fisst visie of Canon Melcher to St.
BARBADOS BATS FIRST IN MATCH AGAINST un his skin is whatever colour he gently, with one another, is the Central, at Members are members and friends will give him DEMERARA.
black man in general, should not and thereby unconsciously helps requested to be on time.
hearty welcome.
begin to promote sleepless nights others to set up them elves in (Special by Cable 00, to the and the side was out at 11, 46 for business them fullest Jamaica Gleaner)
230 runs.
the ailairs of the world. What we tured labourers, must be satisfied change that may come about in support, and, as if we were inden: ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN Georgetown, British Guiana Oct.
For the homesters, Fernandez, seriously concerned about is with woat is handed to us.
the means by which we may bold Great Britain has recently Catholic Priest in London, is The intercolonial Cricket Tour who made such a good showing our own and improve our position WE NEED COMMON PLATFORM completed super speed said to have declared that the sament started here to day with with the last West Indian team to England) batted br:lliantly, miss Barbados, exchampion colony, try as a distinct coloured section of now a days While we are able to get together airplane which will probably cabsrets are ing couclusious wich Demerara, to ing bis century by 11 runs. He this community Together with in small groups in a dozen and Doe compete in the Scheneider reeking with seduction and decide who shall meet Trinidad, the found a useful partner in Dale, the dozens of other races and peoples lodges, churches, clubs, we (West Indians) contributed organizations, and so forth, we in Baltimore, United States, clad girls indulge in the Ground, and the opening day shaping well, and has so far 21 not labor cup race which is to take place sensuality and that under. preseat chanpions. Play is taking pair putting on over 100 runs for place on the beautiful Bourds the third wicket. Phillips is also largely towards the introduction have not yet come to the full on or about the 24th of the wildest acrobatic contortions brought out a big crowd of en out to his credit. The inning start and establishment of nearly every understanding that there is stumpe were local, lucrative project on the the greatest necessity for us to present month, It is reported close to wine tippling specta thusiasts.
draws at 30. The game will be Canal Zone and in the Republic of organ ze on a common platform that the machine embodies the tors. The proximity of married Barbados won the toss and continued to morrow.
Panama; and today we fiod out To lay dowo, after we have at very last word in aeronautical middle aged men, whose elected to but. Agaiust excellent Present scores:selves principally in the capacities tended our respective churches and construction. The winner of wives are full of alcohol, to bowling and keen fielding, the erst of manual and financial contri hodime and elabos ete moaned depend the Scheneider cup will have attractive semi nude chorus while champions, despite a bril: BARBADOS to those advancements on great God to work out the balanse for us, seems to be our to do better than four miles a girls cannot help but breed liant start, were only able to put Tarilton up the moderate total of 236 runs Hond WE ARE SLIPPING BACK motto: but thú liw of nature will minute as the British plane is passion.
for the loss of wickets at the call Kidney In fact, believe that to a cer. surely work things out against us, said to be able to make better Walcott tain extent, we are slipping back. Io laying dowa we are simply time than that.
Tourists and others should Hutchison trying to hide our inertness behind Tarilton (captain) and yieldmg ground as there were the alibi, They are keeping us Bartlett 14 times when we could boast of up down. be careful where they deposit Hoad opened the innings, and the to date saloons, restaurants, cigar According to Press reports their mail when in a strange centura ribad but a few truns away Muson factories, grocery establishments CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE. from Bankok, the King of city. Recently one Thohin not Griffith was disposed of. Kidney did Adams and the like; ana these were to be That they are keeping us down Siam, who is said to be a Andruchk, a recent arrival in trouble the scorers for long, but Greives (not out)
in some of the most popular is true to a certain extent; they. graduate of Oxford Univer the United States, wrote long Walcott helped Houd to appreciab Extras. Total 230 one, they have either disappeared ing tu be kept down; but in the against mixed marriages be telling them of his safe arrival named left. Hutchinson went for or are disappearing, being oubstituted by well organiz den ensibutors to the terracedo coop tween Siamese students and in the land of promise. He rower 23, carried the total just cypher, but Bartlett Buwling Analysis keeping down of MR.
terprises of the Indian and the ourselves. Ia nearly every country Europeans. Don not, on any walked to the corner of a over 220 when they went one after Browne. 39 10 77 Chinaman.
admit that the Uhinamaa civilizated free or has the minimum of course, we must the British West Indian is admit. accout, take a European wife street to a red box, removed another. Griffith and Mason were Hunte 224 51 of tion dates back centuries aco and obstacles placed in this way. This he is quoted as having said in a pane of glass, proceeded to at the wickes when play was Greena his concerned while farried business is the osposite with the Chinaman, a message to Siamese students pull down a lever which he adjourned till tomorrow morning Dale Georgetown, Oct, As a result Jones.
is concerned, while strictly speak: He is almost totally prohibited we have seen a number of thought would release a catch Georgetow. Demerara, Oct. 3, but at the same time we must face kiuds ut ubstacles and restr at are them result in any lasting the door. To his astonishment colonial tournament, Demerara is play in the inter colonial match by ournis but eighty years old from some places, and in others all cases, but we have not seen on the letterbox and open of the second day play in the preliminary round of the later. At the close of the third day the one to the brought up child the placed jo biste way and upon bis happiness Never despise your the result was that in a very in a good position against Barbados between Barbados and Demerara, facts that if one our home of the Rockefellers or that of activity; but the greater the ob own people, and remember few minutes the crews of half the homesters, with six wickets ia to decide who shall meet Trinidad, stacles the Mr. David Lloyd George, the victɔry. But tuere is no gains that neither the Siamese nor a dozen fire engines appeared hand, being ouly 25 runs on the the present champions, the home enviroument. of either of those act team holds a big advantage, Barsaying the fact although we the European respects one on the scene. He had set off tirst innings.
in hand in homes would produce a decided say When play was continued this bados with wickets we who marries a member of a a fire alarm.
improvement on that child over a e tha leust prograssive, apparently the happiest, different race.
morning the Barbadian tail col their second innings still requiring another of the same parents who and bappiness certainly counts ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO lapsed, the remaining three wickets 90 ruas to save the inniaga defeat.
had been brought up in Chorrillo THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP going down for four runs in 16) British Guiana, who overnight or Guachapali, centers of West (Contigued from page 8) Father Dengen, a popular JUAN FRACNO TO MOROW. minutes. The game started at 11. 39 (Continued on page 8)
ing auticipation are ed 48 79 of time.
40 Browne 23.
seen 15 3 2 14 0 20 037 are


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