
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Sexo JAMAICA Eletric Light For Montego Bay Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD Operations To Start Soon Power House In Barnatt Street; was The NOTHERN news of Montego Bay says: The anxiously awaited visit of a representative of Messes Henriques Bros. of Kingston, who are now about to install electriciRecommended for Removing the Humors of ty in Montego Bay, was made Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, on Monday of this week. This representative was done otber Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic than Mr. Veroon Henriques, one of the leading members of the Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disprogressive firm, who eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
accompained by Mr. Glenn Campbell of the Jamaica Public An Alterative recommended for purify.
Service Company, Limited of Kingston ing and enriching the BLOOD.
From what can be gathered the hindrances to the operations being started long ago bave now been removed, and accordingly For Sale at all Drug Stores the earliest possible start is to be made, which it would not at all be surprising it this takes And in Large Quantities by place during the coming month.
Already the site for the power JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy bouse has been secured which Street, and which site is regarwe are told, will be along Barnett AGENT ded as ideal for the purpose.
To the people of this town we os sexo 30 ss will be news more than right are perfectly certain that this welcome, as electricity here is to be regarded not only a blessing in afloring that cheaper and Soooo better light than that now in use, but as a material aid to industrial developments.
Messrs. Henriques and Camp bell left for Kingston on Tuesday afternoon being perfectly satisSUPPLIED BY fied with the prospects, and we learn that in the next few days the principal of the firm will be here when outstanding matters will be finally settled.
THE BEER street Outrage In The Manchineal Court.
TRINIDAD summoned for its discussion, an ultimatum was received from Mr. Harding in which be notified the Council that the lighting con Port of Spain City tract expired on that day and advised them that the rates Lighting. would be increased by per cent, as from the following day.
The matter came up for discusDEADLOCK BETWEEN CITY sion befora, ibe Council on CORPORATION. August 5, when it was decided that the manager of the Trinidad Electric Company be informed And Trinidad Electric Co. that the corporation would pay for electrical energy at the corrent rates, pending further From recent exchanges to negotiations as to the basis on hand says the Demerara Ar which the new contract would be gosy of recent date it is evident concluded that the municipality of George CASE FOR THE ELECTRIC COM.
town does not enjsy a unique. PANY.
position in the matter of its light The case for the Electric Coming contract. deadlock recent ly arose in Trinidad between the in a letter to pany is stated by Mr. Harding the Trinidad municipal Corporation of Port Guardian of the 16th ult. He of Spain and the Trinidad Elec points out that the framing of a tric Company over the same contract on the lines suggested question.
by the Council would be a com Briefly put, the Port of Spain plicated affair, it being exceedcity lighting contract expired on ingly difficult to arrive at a July 31st, and in view of the charge satisfactory to the city fact that both the houselighting officials and the Trinidad Elec rates and the prices charged for tric Company as to the initial street lighting qoder that con cost of the installation the tract were both considered ex. street lighting system. He draws cessive, advantage, was taken attention to the fact that the by the municipality of the pre contract wbich has now expired Hence in that colony on behalf was the result of negotiations of Government of a Me. Parry, extending over a period of three a representative of one of the years and that in the case of the most important engineering contract by which it was precedfirms in the British Empire, to ed eighteen months had been ocobtain his opinion on sevaral cupied in negotiations, and for poiats of the contract including ther that the company had the the rubsidy to be paid to the unpleasant experience of having Trinidad Electric Company. faced an expenditure of 741 The views of the experts were dollars. 11 cts. plus 50 per ct.
received on June 20, and imme of the aribitrator fee 359 dols, diately after a small committee only to be informed later by the to investigate and Council that the decision of the report on the general points arbitrator was declined. He fails raised in the report.
to see why consumers should EXCEEDINGLY HIGH STREET participate in the saving RATES.
obtained thro gh the enterprise The committee bave reported modern and efficient machinery of the company in installing that the rates at present paid for lighting 27, 810 dollars, is and enquired whether had there been a loss through the installa under present day conditioos.
exceedingly high.
tion, either the Council or the general consumer would have The main cause for contention been disposed to augment is the fact that under the coo: their contributions. He also tract which has recently expired traverses at length the various the rates to be paid by the complaints made against the corporation were based on sliding scale, dependent not on which have been successfully on system, cites the difficulties the consumption of fuel oil by overcome by the company and the Trinidad Electric Company the enthusiasm wib which the but on the price per ton paid by Acn. Mr. Brassinton while the company for that commodity. en route for England, expressed Further, while there has been a his pleasure at the many im.
decrease in the price of fuel oil provements which had been and consequently a correspond effected in the city of Port of ingly decrease in the subsidy Spain, and in its suburbs slace paid by the corporation, it is his previous visit, and the excel maintained the municipality lent lighting and tramway serthat the changes made by the vices which the people of Port of company for the erection of Spain enjɔyed.
additional lights in various parts of the city bava been such as to FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS render almost nugatory the The council having remained advantages derived from the firm in the attitude adopted by falling price of fuel oil. them from the outset of this.
It is also contended that the re, instant, in reply to a further matter, Mr. Harding on the 12th Qent installation of an internal combustion engine has reduced communication from the Town fuel consumption by 66 per cent, Clerk stated bis inability to and it is claimed that in accor interpret to the disadvantage of dance with ordinary commercial bis company section 31 of the principles, the consumers shoula Trinidad Electric Lighting and participate in the saving, in the Tramway ordinance, under which form of a reduced rate per unit the council claims that the comfor pany has no authority to charge energy supplied.
an increased rate even though a With a view to arriving at a contract bas not been arranged, basis on wbich the new contract and expressed his willingness to would be drawn, the Council, consider not only the proposals through its Town Clerk, invited outlined by the Council, but also Mr. Harding, general man the recommendations made in ager of the Trinidad Electric Mr. Parry report.
Company to consider the vairous points raised, and suggested a settling controversial points, the BRITISH GUIANA plan of the Council being that the terms offered to the com pany should be such as would Bay Rum at British Guiana defray the actual cost of the services and also allow a profit In order to control the trade of twenty per cent.
of Bay Rum för external use at The attitude adopted by the British Guiana it has been found general manager of the Trinidad pecessary to order that no Bay Electric Company has not met Rum will be entitled to entry in with the approval of the Council. the colony Daless it be deIo reply to the invitation he natured. It is complained that brushed aside the variour sug Bay Rum is used in large gestions submitted for his cousi quantities there for alcoholic deration by the Counsil and ex purposes. The assurance is given pressed the opinion that he saw to users of Bay Rum that the no need for a prolonged discus denaturants prescribed are in sion. He also intimated to the no way harmful so long as the Council that bis company was Bay Run is used externally.
prepared to enter into a new lighting contract for a period of five years on terms exactly similar to the old contract, and Have you tried the that for any shorter period than five years the company would new Beer expect an increase of per cent (6 on current rates. This letter was Kronen Brau dated July 13, and on July 31, before the Council bad been The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
ës brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
TRY OUR NEW BEER KRONEN BRAU SUPERIOR TO ALL Fur:her details have been received in Kingston of the outrage in the Manchineal Court House on Wednesday when an East Indiau named Frederick Amair is said to have shot Raphael Alexander with whom he had suit.
It is said there is a boundary dispute between the parties which led to a law suit. While evidence was being taken and the men standing close together Amair, it is said, suddeutly drew a revolver and fired it with the muzzle slanting downward at Alexander, wbo is a well known and much liked resident of that section of the Island. The bullet entered Mr. Alexander side near the thigh and plunged downward and backward. Quickly Amair fired again at Alexander face but the latter ducked the shot and with his fist struck his assailant to the ground. Alexander wrenched the revolver Amair hand, and hit the laiter with the buut on his forebead.
People fled from the Court room at the shot but soon returned and Awair was arrested.
Mr. Alexander was taken to the Hordlev hospital where up to yesterday the ballet bad not yet located.
It is expected that a Resident Magistrate from one of the other parishes will be sent down to Portland to hold the preliminary examination into the charge of shooting with intent to murder preferred against the East India Frederick Amair.
The incident occurred during a sitting of the Resident Magistrate Court at Manchineal, wben His Honour Mr. Burrowes had to move quickly from the bepeh in self protection. As be will be a material witness in the case it will be necessary for another to take the enquiry.
from been Too HAND IRONERS Wanted APPLY AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Store Fire In The Corporate Area ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays On Saturday night last says the GLEANER of the 28th ulto. a fire occurred at the store of Continued on page 7)


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