
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1925 THE WORKMAN Rinse they an up to dry and your stockings are likes Ik but a few minutes toote or it you Hacking with RIT Subs ADAM AL Electrical Work SOSOKOSO:55 Have you tried the new Beer (6 Kronen Brau The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1925.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso THE BRITISH HOUSE OF LORDS.
Priest in Charge.
Once every three or four years there is a more or less 11 Matins and addres. Catechist serious agitation for the reform of the House of Lords. The p. Church School.
Upper Chamber as it is still technically called, though the Keep the Dainty Garments 30 Choral Evensong addrese name is becoming increasingly unpopular, is tneoretically of Intimate Wear Always Rev, Canon Melcber.
quite an indefensible institution. In no other country in the Bright and Fresh!
Mr. Osborne Catechist.
world does the mere accidert of birth constitute a qualifiLingerie soon loses life and colour.
St, Matthias Mission cation for the exercise of legislative authority. Today the Have RIT always at hand to keep LAS SABANAS House of Lords is actually a larger body than the House of pretty stockings and other articles (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Commons. which has only 615 members, while the Lords of lingerie looking their best number over 700) and all except the few who have been by tinting or dyeing them with Priest in Charge RIT. There are thirty one p. Church School. created peers (which means nominated by the King, at beautiful shades and colours 30 pm. Evensongend address the instance of the Prime Minister, to a seit in the House of all equally good for treatThe Rev. Nightengale.
Lords) are there simply because they happen to be the sons ing linens, silk, cottons or woolens.
There are 31 colours Mr. Richards, Catechist of their fathers, who were members of the House of Lords When garments or hangings are Canary Yellow Lavender Dark Blue Licht Brown before them. Down till some fifteen years ago the assent of spotted, sun streaked, stained or Purple Sustand Eero faded, take out all the old colour with the house of Lords was necessary before any measure St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Te Dark Brown WHITE RIT. Then the material Dark Green Pink (American Episcopal)
approved by the House of Commons could become law. At Light Blue Light Grey is ready for the desired light or dark Rose Salma Eichleenth Sunday After Trinity the present moment (as the result of a measure passed in Orange Golden Yellow shade of colour.
Emerald Green Flesh 11am. Marius ad addres, Mr.
1910 and called the Parliament Act) a measure passed Sold Everywhere Chartreuse Yellow Tangerine Huster. the Layreader will officiate.
Light Green by the House of Commons in three successive sessions Hartleship Grey Hea Church School p.
become law even in spite of the veto of the House of Choral Evensong sermon 30 Trape Lords. It is dislike of that provision that is inspiring T. MULCARE, Rector: SUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO.
endeavours on the part of a section of the Conservative Chicago, St. Barnabas Church, Empire Party to get the House of Lords reformed. Everyone knows MONTEZUMA Sung Titany, Holy Eucharist and that there is no prospect restoring the power of veto to DRUG STORE Sermon 10. 45 a. Celebrant Preacher RIT Rev. Mulcare the House so long as it consists simply of hereditary peers WASHES PANAMA Anniversary of the GFS. Preacher but hopes appear to be entertained by some of its members AS IT DYES that if the constitution of the Chamber can be made more Rev. Mulcare, erdial invitation Pg is extended to members and friends to democratic it may be placed once more on the same level as this service, the House of Commons as regards legisiative powers. Hence SSSSSSSSSSS SWSOWSCASSESSO SEXOXO Choral Evensong and addreep p. a.
Mr. Jubasor. Lay Reader, will the various proposals for the reform of the Hɔuse of Lords officiate.
now under unofficial consideration, Th Gvernment itself MULCARE Priest in Contge has promised the appointment of an official committee on ernment did not any more St. Bartholomew s, Church the subject, but there is no sort of agrement as to the lines repuire an Eaglish teacher; LAS CASCADAS reform should follow and no one entertains very serious consequently, be (Mr. Noel) RU hopes of any change at all.
Mstins, address 11 a un, Mr. Joseph disgusted and left here on the 1st of October. The Government Beatbwsite will officia to.
House Wiring We Install (Spanish) school here is not an Church School and Confirmation Class ideal school, but any hon, officials at 30 Singapore.
Electric Fans and Repair and governmeor en Inyees will Beine Prayer and Address p. to not be needed from New Poi Mr. Skeen (Lay readir) will officiate.
dence. MULCARE, Priest in coarce.
The question of the much discussed British naval base Bell Work All kinds of St Jude Mission, Summit.
at Singapore has once more been raised in Parliament, this Evensor and address Mr.
time in the House of Lords, the Labour Party challenging Motors and other Electrical The contractors have started Brathwaite to run out the telephone wire the whole policy of extensive expenditure on the stringth The Litany. Holy Communion and ening of Great Britain naval position in th Pacific. The Electrical Apparatus from this end of the road, and address, a. Rev. Mulcare)
Equipment it is expected that communicaJ MULCARE Priest in Charge situation of course is well known and speakers in the tions will be effected some time debate in question could find little new to say about it. On OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT during this month. So far as the St. Simon Mission, Gamboa leptone is concerned, the Matins and address 11 a. Mr.
the face of it there is everything to be said for the contention OUR WORK GUARANTEED Government means business; McCarty wiil Officiate)
that if ships grow bigger, as certain types of them cruisers the entire work of bewing down Grand Sacred Concert at 3p. by in particular do, docks must be made bigger to accommo. Let us give you an estimate on your work trees and clearing the trail for the Choir. Members and friends are date them. That is in reality all that is projected at Singapore te line is completed, but the heartily invited. Liberal offerings in sid though the extension will make the base of such importance lephone posts at the very near of the work will be gratefully received at that large protective fortifications are neceseary. On the curves are out of plum and the door.
should not be allowed to remain other hand, though the purpose of Singapore is avowedly MULCARE, Priest in Charge.
80 until the current is put on the defensive, and could be nothing else, there is only one Electrical Shop he wire, for it would be dangerous naval power in the Pacific, namely Japan, against whom to both man and beast travelling Wesleyan Methodist Chur: such measures of defence could conceivably b: needed, and along the road; it must be under (BRITISH CONFERENCE. Wire for us. we ll Wire for you stood that the soft earth was not there is obvious objection on psychological grounds to sugParams Suoday School Anniversary.
sufficiently rammed around the Services at 11 am, and 30 Rev.
gesting that Japan intentions in the Pacific may be such as PHONE 1059 OR CALL AT 124 ANCON AVE.
posts when they were erected, Surgeon. Special Hymns. Musical to make new defences against possible attack by her desir and it is the strain of the wire Cantata at 3p. Silver Cullection.
able. Opinion in Great Britain is sharply divided about the which has caused the posts to Tuesday, at 30 Deligbtful programa Singapore extensions, Labour and Liberals being altogether be out of plum.
of songs and recitaions by the young opposed to it, while the Conservative Party, which at present people. Choruses by Juvenile Choir.
Suivr Collection taken at the Door.
predominates politically, is solidly in favour. There is no The weather conditions bere Colon 11 Mr. Harrison, 30 doubt that the work will be proceeded with by the present this season is excellent, even Mr. Jones.
Government, and it is possible that they may remain in surpasses the year 1922; we are La Boca. 11 a. Mr Reid. 30 office long enough to see the extensions carried so far that a having just enough sunshine and Mr. Walters.
succeeding Government can hardly abandon them.
rain alternately to ensure a good Parsiso 11 a. Mr Laynis; 30 mo.
harvest this year but there will Mr Kennedy.
be very little to be barvested as New Providence 11 am, Mr. Airall.
most of the people bere neglected NEURO RAILWAY WORKERS BEGIN Corner of 22nd Street and Central Ave. all other cultivations in favour of the bonana industry which is The Salvation Army ORGANIZATION DRIVE (NEXT DOOR FULLER JEWELRY STORE) not very prudent. Several of PANAMA CITY CORPS.
the older folks bave said that Sunday 11th October, Harvest Festithe months of August and val Sunday for the Senior members of New York. Within the short time of two weeks 7, 000 LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF September this year, have been the Corps.
Pullman porters who reside in this city are reported to have the driest they bave seen from Services are as foliowe: formed a union for the furtherance of their work welfare.
Novelties their youth.
a. Early Prayer Meeting.
This, it is said, is the beginning of a nation wide movement 10 a. Children Directory Meeting to organize the 136, 065 railway employees in the United Prices Ranging From 272cts To 25cts.
and Brigade United Open Air Meeting 11 am, Harvest Festival MeetingStates, 20, 224 of whom are in the Pullman service.
Similar to be conducted by Commandant Martin, drives are said to be contemplated in Boston, Chicago, Why pay double price p. Special Harvest Festival Ser Philadelphia, St. Louis and other cities where railway and for inferior imported vice with rongs and addresnes.
Also a Complete Assortment of the Pullman employees make their headquarters. It is preBeer when you can 45 m. Beparate Brigade Open Air Meeting sumed, also that the 97 Negro telegraphers, 11 engineers, FAMOUS HO RO CO PRODUCTS buy a superior Beer pm. arrest Altar Gift Salvation 6, 498 firemen and other hands comprising the 136, 065 total Meeting in the Hall to be conducted by will be formed into appropriate organization units.
Pay us a Visit and be Convinced.
such as BALBOA for Commandant Martin.
half the price.
Monday, Life Saving Guards and Sunbeams Parade at 5pm.
SHIPPING STRIKE AT AUSTRALIA Open air at p. and march in the NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES dails; but the beavy rains which Hall at p. for the sale of produce often fall bere prevented school and gifts from the Harvest.
Causes British to Make Big Purchase of Sugar (From Our CORRESPONDENT) and again, the work often between and p. o. Church Services. All are invited to attend and make in Cuba.
these meetings a fuccess, English elementary education torcibly made too long for the Band of Love Work Class Direct West India cable despatch from New York bas caused (at least for the time children: then the parents got AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 30 Anglion Communion dated September 8th says:Wednesday, 5p. Life Saving Scoute (being at New Providence. Tue dissatisfied, and some of them conditions under which the com neglected to fulfil their financial Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity and Chume parade. Harvest Variety Because of the shipping strike in Australia which has monty School was operated for obligations. Some time in August St. Paul Church, Panama Entertainment at p. Come and see were last, the Scbool Inspector offered delayed sugar shipments from that country, British import the past three months Sam and hear the Drunkard give you most unfavourable; at first, to take over ers have purchased between 50, 000 and 60, 000 tons of things went on nicely, then camel School for the we Community (Rev, Nightengale, Rector) his tws Commandments; also the ProGovernment and a. Holy Communion The Rector, fensor and his deaf friend. Come and raw sugar in Cuba for October and November deliveries, persecutious. The School In pay the teacher salrry, and 10. 15 a. Matins, bave some good fun.
This is the first time in years that the United Kingdom had spector came in and offered 10 in order to relieve the children 10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist sermon Thursday 18th, Penevolent Ssciety purchased sugar solely in the Cuban market and it has arrest and imprison Mr. Noel it of the fatigue to which they were Preacher The Rector Meeting at p. Members are asked to 12 Holy Baptism.
turn out in large numbers and bring attracted considerable attention in New York and Cuban be dared to teach the children in subj :eted, his offer was accepted p. Church School, new member with them.
sugar circles. The price paid was about 38 cents for the school before pon, on any but at the end of September, be Cuba.
day, consequently, the children(through the principal tercher) 30 Choral Evensong, sermon MARTIN. Commandant.
bad to be in school until p. advised Mr. Noel that the gov. The Rector. Continued on page 7)


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