
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1925 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Attractions at the Theatres assured Men for Plantation work on News Notes The La Boca Clubhouse Missionary service are announ CRICKET ced to take place at the Cristobal Colon Baptist Church tomorrow.
ITS PAST AND PRESENT when the Rev. Wade of Victoria Silver City Match Panama Wesleyan Church will be Stopped by Rain the preacher. By our La Boca Correspondent)
CECILIA AMERICA The establishment. eleven St. Charles Lodge No. 2252, yesrs ago, of a community center The cup match between Vic F. will celebrate (PANAMA. COLON)
as La Boca (formerly the La toria and Silver City their 31st anniversary tomorrow: Boca now the La on the Victoria oval on Sunday. There will be a musical program TODAY. Saturday October 10th TODAY SATURDAY, Oct. 10th Baco Clubhouse. dates back to the 4th had to be abandoned, due and address will be given by and TOMORROW Sunday Oct. 11th Clara Kimball Young in the year 1914, and is the direct to the interference by rain. the Rev. Wade on CORDELIA THE MAGNIFICENT Special Cast in outcome of representations made Vletoria went to bat and made Christianity and Social Reform.
to the authorities by Ellis, 90 runs for their inning, and THE TOWN THAT FORGOT GOD TOMORROW. Sunday Oct. 11th William Jump and Joseph An.
during the intermission a beavy derson, three of the first coloured shower of rain fell, which ren foot ball match will take MONDAY, October 12th Jacqueline Logan in residents of that place, with a dered further playing impos. place tomorrow at 30 between James Kirkwood in PLAYING WITH SOULS view to secure respectable sible. of the 90 runs made, 33 the St. Joseph Lyceun and the were contributed by Thorpe and Amateurs, on the Victoria WANDERING HUSBANDS locality where the ploneer dwel.
MONDAY, October 12th lers of what was at that time 23 by Coleridge. The bowling of grounds.
Richard Dix in Green and Small for Silver City TUESDAY, October 13th known locally as Silver City. MEN AND WOMEN could meet after working hours was very good; between them, Seventh street, between and Owen Moore in for relaxation and pleasure.
they captured wickets for 29 ure CODE OF THE WEST TUESDAY, October 13th The La Boca Social Club. with runs. Both these men are show. Broadway to the rear of the Laura La Plante in Ellis and Anderson as President Ing themselves up as good bowl. America theatre, which has just WEDNESDAY, October 14th THE BUTTERFLY and Secretary, respectiv ly, was ers and are attracting the attenbeen paved was opened to traffic tion of cricket loving public.
tirst organized. The Club funcduring the early part of this William Farnum in week.
WEDNESDAY, October 14th tiloped for several months when WOLVES OF THE NIGHT Special Cast in at the suggestion of Mr. Jump, one of its members, an inter West End Defeats Pickwick by The musical service at the THURSDAY, October 15th CHE TOWN THAT FORGOT GOD view was effected with Colonel One Wicket and One Run.
Colon Wesley Charch bas beun Dixon, then Secretary of Clubs definitely announced to take Jacqueline Logan in THURSDAY, October 15th and Playgrounds, wbo place on Tuesday night the 20th PLAYING WITH SOUIS James Kirkwood in the interviewers, Messrs Ellis Last Sunday cup match be inst.
tween Wesi Eod and Pickwick on WANDERING HUSBANDS Anderson, that their request FRIDAY, October 16th would be given due consideration.
the Camp Bierd oval resulted in Clarence McAllister assist Richard Dix ia win for the former by run ant scout master of the 3rd FRIDAY, October 16th Within two months Col. Dixon informed the men that a build and one wicket. MEN AND WOMEN CODE OF THE WEST one Colon troop of boy scouts and an ing, which was formerly used as West End won the toss, bu employee of the Panama Canal Owen Moore in a clubhouse at Porto Bello, would the wicket not being perfect, Press, Mt. Hope, bas been conSATURDAY October 17th be tranaferred to La Boca and they sent their opponents to bat. Goed to the Colon Hospital for and SUNDAY October 18th SATURDAY, October 17th remodeled to suit the con.
The Inning lasted for one hour the past week suffering with Leatrice Joy in William Faroum in Venience of La Bocans.
and yielded 41 runs.
fever. THE DRESSMAKER FROM PARIS After the urual recess West WOLVES OF THE NIGHT. NEELY APPOINTED Eod began thelr inning. Toings It was about this time that were not easy for them througbBaptist Church activities Neels, the pioneer Silver ont, and appeared at one time Clubhouse Secretary of the as though the match was to be Canal Zone, was requisitioned lost, but Gittens and Baptiste, held at the Colon Baptist Church Missionary meetings will be the last pair, and Myərs one from the United States by the of Canal Zone Government, to take tbe on Sunday and Monday. Rey early players gave good Wade of Panama will be the. they generally help financially, as charge; the Government having account of themselves and the preacher at the three services on a rule they seldom attend these cecided that coloured Secreta score was carried to 42 after hibe Sunday and on Monday night WANTED meetings in a large numbers as the ries would be best suited to fall of the 9th wicket, at which the speakers are as follows: Dr.
women. The program will com. bead the venture. The building point the match was stopped by Austin the New Pastor of the mence at 30 was then practically naked, as rain.
Balbos Heights Baptist Church, far as fixtures and the like were Rev Wade of the Wesleyan Mrs. Teribio Vetez is enrolled as the valuable cooperation of the concerned, and Mr. Meely with Wanderers Meets All Star Church and Pastor Witt. Pastor a pupil of Teacher Ellis Shorthandsforementioned three men and Team Tomorrow in Benefit Thrift will occupy the chair.
aud Typewriting Class.
other pioneers of the Silver Match will be Church anniversary services the Canal Zone City set to work on improvebe held at Rod Tank on Sun ments.
day. Mrs. Witt is expected to special meeting of the Board No cup matches have been preside at the exercises of Directors of the Panama Canal MEMBERSHIP AND IMPROVE(NOT GATUN LAKE)
fixed to take place tomorrow, but and Sergeant Binkley preach West Indian Employees Associa MENTS all the teams in the competition at the night service.
tion is announced for tomorrow Paid membership was tben will be represented in the HenThe Chorerillo Church is looklog wben, it is understood, much im brought into effect, and members ry benefit match which will portant business will be transacted. were entitled to many benefits take place at the Victoria Oval. forward to a function of unusual More than usual interest is cen: new organ is to be dedicated interest on the 19th when the APPLY: such as free movies and access newsboy, who is a real live followed in quick succession, and tered in this match, and it to the library. Improvements expec ed that it will be witwire, is now selling she WORK amoung these were, bowling Lessed by record crowd. RI sing Sun Lodge Installs MAN Dewspaper here. There are alleys, ten pios, and duck pins, Twelve men instead of eleven Officers.
hundreds of people here who would which were equally enjyed by will be used and the alignment of the all star team is as follows: Muller Big Building, Calidonia be glad to get a copy of the only men and women; aiso basket Negro, journal in C. Weeks, Nurse of The Installations of the Rising which is not avaliable most of the goals volley ball, indoor tennia, time. It is hoped that this service end dance on Saturdays, while Bussx; Warnner. Boland, Sun Lodge. 19.
of Ryon class for ladies, weekH. Layne of Victoria; Porter, took place on Friday Sept. 25th, will be kept up, as not ouly is a on Sunday evenings religious Clarke, ot West End, Erle At Gabriel Union Hall. Corner copy of the paper appreciated on services were bela in 6th and Hudson Lane, Colon. The Kent, Bowen, Pick wick: the every Saturday or Sunday morn auditoriam The Hoodoo DancBrown, Silver City; Clarke, Ceremony was ably performed ing, but La Boca news is always ing Club and the famous Silver Westmoreland. Wanders will be by Bro. Corbin, anxicusly looked for.
Over 300 Galileans witnessed represented by Wentt. capt. City Band were also organizad, both of wbich became defunct. Phillips, Hamilton, o MC, the ceremony, and it seemed as principally on account of tbeir Donald, Ruberto, Clarke though the installing Master All preparations have bern made members having changed resiD. Sanbleton, Nter, Barnett was at his Best. The Installing STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR it is learnt, for the Charity Ball at dences or left for other countries. Cook, Mottley, Johns. Masters, Officers, and members the Clubhouse on Saturday night With such representation from the Various Sister Lodges, next, the 17 instant. As on the (Continued on page 8)
there is no doubt that their will also assisted to bring the fuations first occasion this dance will be be a rare display of cricket, and to success.
given under the auspices of the Buch match will be worth Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off The following Officers were Woman Life Problem Club; and travelling miles to see.
Installed:also, as on the first occasion, Bro. Aubrey Brown, NON INJURIOUS Why pay donble price John Murray Orchestra will be present with the latest hits. The Sts. Henrietta Henry, for Interior imported CORRECTION.
R; Sis. Partioa Saape, RW.
net proceeds of the dance will be Boer when you can Treasurer. Bro. Davis, devoted to charity work which the In the memorial of the late Mr. Secty: Bro. Gayner, Asst.
buy a superior Beer No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required Club has undertaken for this year.
Charles Kepple which appeared Secty. Sis. Walsh, ConIt is felt that ready response such as BALBOA for in our last week issue the date ductor. Bro, Francis, should be given to the caused, and half the price.
of death should have been Octo Advisor. Bro Artburs, that tnis will be forthcoming, as MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, the Club Secretary informs that a ber 4th fostead of September Instructor. Sis. Lewis 12th as was stated.
SMOUTH AND SILKY Messenger; Bro. Anderson, seperti each io vitation, to the effect At the close of the Ceremony, that in case EDUCATIONAL the ticket is not versary of the opening of the Clubmany addresses were given by SOLD EVERYWHERE needed for the purpose of the dance bouse. It is expected that each the Installing Masters from the a donation in any event is expec. organization will contribute in its Government Opens Free Night lent behaviour of the entire com Sister Lodges. Upon the excelExperienced Canvassers Investigate owa way to the program. Secretary Neely will furnish free movies and School For Colon Public.
will also deliver a special address.
Arrangements are being made to It is learnt that the Secretary of the After the closing address by Many are taking advantage of Bro, Browne, Light RefreshLOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD guarantee a full line of La Boca Panama Cana! West Indian Emthe very generous offer of the ments were served and the Sing.
while publishing social, religious proached on the subject by Secty. been apGovernment in the boys public ing of the Doxology Brought the and otherwise, and it is under. Neely, and there is a probability school building at Second Street function to a close.
stood that in our next issue definite that organization will be representand Hudson Lane. The scbool information will be given in this ted. At any rate, next Thursday was opened on Monday night the British Consulate Notice connection, 27th alto, with 100 pupils. In promises to be a red letter day in CANAL ZONE NOTES been so informed and will, no addition to the six regular doubt, the annals of the Clubhouse, grades there is a class where The Acting British Consul at Co: phase of the Club activities in The La Boca Basket ball Team, the Spanish language is taught lon would be glad of information her address. Mrs. Aird is con under the captaincy of Mr. George The Annual Harvest Festival and everyone who cannot speak concerning Cyril Absalom, from the La Boca Pars sidered to be the foremost orator Hunter, is to journey over to Cris. Efforts of the local branch of the this language should endeavor Parish of St. Ann, Jamaica, whose of her sex in Panama; she is force tobal this evening to engage in a Salvation Army will be conducted to take advantage of this oppor mother is Sarah Wright.
ful logical; a to friendly in Hall tomorrow, The are Mrs Bridget Aird, Vice PresiMonday, Wednesdays, and Fri SOROCCOBOLLSS000 dent of Guacha pair Chapter heuni Association and to the cool Basket ball team of Cristobal 1:0 Share that the more on Indicar munity large. good days, from to o clock. There 14, of the Universal Negro Inte musical program bas been arranged will be great, as Adjutant Wiggam TRY is no age limit and adults and provement Association, will be the for the occasion. Seen yesterday, has been dring some real work minors mix freely, feeling all Secretary Neely of the Clubhouse wbich should not fail to bear good special speaker at the Woman Mrs. Olga King, president of the like children once more.
KRONEN BRAU Life Problem Club pleasant Sun Club, said the Club will be most has announced a meeting of the fruit. The Salvation Army, like The Government is to be highday afternoon which will be held grateful for the presence of as various organizations functioning most other well organized religious ly commended on such a move, ON DRAUGHT at the Clubhouse trmorrow maby people as cao conveniently at the Clubhouse for this evening. organizations, has done and be doing which will do incalculable good. Sunday) afternoon. The Club has when definite arrangeinents will be much good among the people here Tie and it is hoped that a spirit of made in connection with a program and the support of the community OR BOTTLES under aken special charity work make it possible to attend.
for the balance of this year, and it men, she emphasized, are specially to be beld next Thurday night in to their barvest festival offores appreciation will be shown by the entire public.
00000000000000 is understood that Mrs. Aird bas invited, as it is observed that while observance of the eleventh anni should be freely, ginen.
Panama Bargain House Layne, Contra Crespo 66 tet.


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