
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OC (OBER 10, 1925 PAGE SEVEN El Excelsior Cider Champagne The We Buy and Sell Pearls The Workman BOOK STORE VIGOR TONIC sir JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Book Binding!
Interesting West. Agricultural Society Pettions Government EL GAITERO (Continued from page 2)
THE ONLY ELABORATED Bardowell Co. 68 Orange POR GRANT TO MR, BOEELL St. Kingston LATE DIRECTOR OF AGRIJEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP There was somedidiculty in Spanish Cider with its sending the alarm wben it was CULTURE Corner 12 Street East Avenue discovered that the place was own Carbonic Acid on tire.
The Advocate of recent date It appears that some fire says:We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also alarms were not working as they Some time ago the Barbados watches. Our prices are the lowest and our sboulc, aud the alarm was sent Agricultural Society Detitioned oft by telephone.
Workmanship is guaranteed.
the Gwernor in Executive CowIt is said that the store is 10 mittee to send down a resolution Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you sured for 000 in the Insurance to the House granted Mr. R.
may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may Co. of which Mr. Melbado is Buvell. late Director of Agricalthe agent.
URETIC AND REFRESHING drsire, provided the monthly payments of Yesterday Detective Sergeant cure, one thousand pounds in Trade Mark interest are duly met.
Gray was out making enquiries recognition of his service to the of the Island.
into the matter, reply sent back was to the effect Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ that such a request should come be pleased.
BARBADOS from tive Hase of Assembly. S, rosolation bas now been introduced into the House to that VILLAVICIOSA The suspension of the Bridge effect, and will be considered at SPAIN town Tramways service from the next sittiog. We understand Tuesday last unul furtber notice that there are some members of Is an accomplished fact. Nothing the House who hold strongly that ESTEBAN DURAN is knowu locally as to the inter a monetary gift to Me Bayeli SOLE AGENT tions of the company but the should be ma le not from public CALL IN AT ides prevails that the service is funds; but from the private For the Republic of Panama to be re constructed and modern coffers of those who have bºn ised.
Gited by Mr. Bovell Jabour and His Excellency the Acting researches Governor, Hon. Jackson We think that a narrow view has informed the Press that on to take. The men that have Tuesday he rerelyed telegram grown wealthy in rec? ot years The best Tonic in the World from the Secretary of State for one their fortones ant to Mr.
the Colonies to the effect thatBuvell, but to fluctuations in thHis Majesty the King had been sugar market hich they No. 93, Central Avenue pleased to approve of the aproint. were able to take advantage, and ment of Mr. William Charles to the high prices for suger This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend Fleming Robertson. preva ling over a considerable Lieutenant Governor of Malta, as period. It is a misunderstanding ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, ASSORTMENT OF Governor of Barbados on the of the whole question to nix up Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up retirement of Charles Mr.
Bovell with either the rise a run down constitution GOOD STATIONERY Brien, or the slamp in sugar pric It promotes digestion, impruves the appeThe Bill to establish a part: ment of Science and Agriculturelitist. Bovell claims to recogs SOUVENIRS, a, stands on a very different tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system recertly passed by the Legis basis. Toese high and ilac uating lature re organising the whole prices are but recent things. DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or local Department of Agriculture, the result of the unsettlement times a day.
came into operation on Tueeday caused by the war. What Mr.
Professor Albuquerque Bovell achieved bad nothing to CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Church of God is the new Director of Agriculure do with prices, but with producunder the provisions of the Act. tion. By bis labours alone. Holiness or in concert with others. he we (Continued from page 4)
Libel Action Against able to supply cane planters with CALIDONIA DISTRICT a substitute for the Bourbon Seventh Day Adventist Church Agricultural Reporter cane which had succumbed to STREET CALIDONIA ROAD Suoday 50 clock, Prayer Meetin disease, and to keep the ludustry 11 a. Divine Service Preacher (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Supplied not merely alive but to place Stanley Patterson, under a sounder and more stable Mr.
Sunday Evenfog 30 Preach Sunelay School Superintendent. solicitor of Barbados, raceathy footing than ever. This is the ing Service. The general public is p. Programme. Biled with the Registrar, the work that Mr. Bovell has been 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Court of Common Pleas, 10 carrying on all these losg years cordially invited to turn out in large Why throw away your old, but no numbers Supplied action on behalf of Miss Florence The result of his work bas not Babbath (Saturday) 45 sm. BabTuesday 30 pm. Grapel Service May Noble, Headmistress of doubt interesting, books when you of merely benefited the individual Thursday 30 Sister and Tes Queen College, against the planter it has kept the Island bath School; 11. 15. General Worship Barbados can have them neatly bound at timony meeting.
Reporter 80p. Spanish Class; 00 sound financial basis It has Saturday 30 Choir Reb male.
claiming 000 damages for supported and upkept the com 30 Society, meeting Elder ODLE falsely and maliciously printing 30 Junior and Senior Standard and publishing and causing to be munity by supporting and mainof attainment Class p. Vespers.
Pateor in charge printed and published of ber in betaining the single industry by which the communities lives. 93 CENTRAL AVENUE the way of her office as headWe have expressed suprise Seventh Day Adventist Church College mistress of Queen Bethlehem Church of God Opposite Cecilia Theatre certain libels, beginning 28th that there has ben no offi8rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON such im cial recognition of March 1925 and ending 27th April mensely valuable services, and Holiness.
Sunday evening 7, 30 pm. Preaching 1925 inclusively.
Service. You are cordially invited to attend these services and bring your No, MARIANO ARosemena St. Mr. Co Henderson ClerkeBwAts Local Department of Agriculture How Golour Bar Might tone without mixed Counsel for the plaintilt are we can only surmis thas the disagreements which led to the might easily change the complextriondo, SAN MIGUEL barrister law associated with marriage Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath Mr. Frank Holder, bar al Department and the ultimate which worke, but is an apt to Sunday o clock Praver Meeting be Eliminated.
School; 11, 15 mm. General Worship rister at law, intructed by Mr. removal of the latter to Trinidad 11. Divine Service Preacher. Stanley Patterson, solicitor. may have something to do make a mongrel as a thorough4. 30 p, Young people meeting bred. Already these serums are Supplied 30 Vespero p. Sunday School, Superinten made by manufacturing chemists the matter. That, bowever, is a dent.
The New Governor matter over whick this community MOVIE THEBRAC KROANON DETE: and wonderful thing are being p. Programme bas expres PROPOUNDED accomplished The Church of God BY DR. OSBORN.
its own appreciation and gratiAfter detailing certain dis7. 15 Gospel Service, Preneber tude through its representatives coveries by biologists, Dr. Osborn Padame, Arosemena Street, House 25, Supplied The ADVOCATE of recent date in the House, and this is what we JOHN HUNTER IDEA. to expect that the distributions submits that it is not too much San Miguel Sunday at am. Prayer Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service. says:meeting and Goupel meetings at 11 am.
believe will be done at the next Thursday 30 Sister meeting and 30 Sunday School at p. We have to thank His Excel. sitting.
and circulation of the colour lency, the Acting Governor, Hon.
The Original Colour of Man granules in the skin may be Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting and Testimony.
Tuesday at 15 Young People Saturday 30 pm. Choir Rehearsal Jackson, for the Skin: What Scientifl: controlled and regulated so that Meetin. Wedoceday at 30 Elder T, FRANCIS, information that on the 1st inst. GRENADA Knowledge Supports.
here may be any colour that the Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Pastor in charge.
he received a telegram from the people of the world decide they Open air meeting, Friday at 30 to.
Secretary of States announcing wish, or no colour at all.
that His Majesty the King has Prayer Meeting Grenada, August 29. The Gov! The following part in a GREAT AUTHORIA The London BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. BEULAH Prayer meeting been pleased to approve the error Sir Frederick Seton James recent 1seu of He points out that the great Red Tank, Canal Zout, Sunday School 11. Devine Service Preacher appointment of William Charles will leave the colony for England Evening News. Fleming Robertson on short leave by the Inanda. Can the black races be mada au bority of his time, Joha po Gospel meeting on Thursday Supplied.
at 30 pm, Lleutenant Governor of Malta, During His Excellence admin white. This engaging question anter, came to the conclusion dept. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher the retirement of Sir Charles colony has undergone a consider. Osborn with an answer in the color of man skin was black, Sunday School, Superinten to be Governor of Barbados, on istration the condition of the is raised by Dr. Chase Salmon 150 years ago that the original Sis. GRAY Supplied.
New Providedor. Gospel Meetings at able change. During the past affirmative in his book, Mada. and proceeds: All the scient ac skoowledge 11. 30 and 30 Sunday School Governor was educat twelve months a deficit of 55. 000 gascar: Land of the Meo ting at 3p. Wednesdav at 30 Goe GAMBOA MISSION p. Sunday ed at Trinity College, Dublin. bas been wiped out and an actual free, which Hutchinson pub satbered since that time support tnis conclusion. Heater discoverpel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer School; 2, 30 pm. Gospel Sermon His first appointment was that surplus of 6000 now stands lish todav is 18.
Meuting Dr. Osborn regards Madagreed the interesting fact that pigSupplied.
of Inspector of Schools, Gold to the credit of the colony.
Bro. MODONALD car with its ares of 230, 000 ment begins to collect and thoa Note Other Se viogo for the week posts in that colony until he Coast, 1898, and he filled various Gatun, Canal Zone Gospel Meetings will be given from the pulpit.
square miles and its population darken the skin when adrenal The West Indian of Grenada of between four and five millions uive diseas, and frow this be reached the position of Deputy states that the vacancy created of industries and capable natives, drew the proper inference that bids become a seat of destrucat 11. 30 a. and 30 m; Sunday School at pm. Wednesday 30 Governor 1912 1918.
It is not yet know when is by the resignation of the Rav. ss the most lateresting country they bad to do with clearing away Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Baptist Churches Excellency will take up his new Master of the Grenada Boys there is every graduation of plember Worrell from his post as Third ia In Madagascar Pe Meeting.
Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH Tbero is reason for believing School has been offered to Mr. pigmentation. or colour except (Under the suspices of the Southern Colon and Streeta. Goupel moet Blackman, the Second wbite, which is never pure that the white man bas more Baptist Convention. ings at 11. 30 and 30 Sunday With the passing Teach Master of St. Mary College, White anless in the rare and active ductless glands than the Colon 11. p. and 15 m. ers Pension Act by the Legisla: Mr. Black man was an applicant Castries, St. Lucia. Inasmuch as unslightly albino.
yellow, and this being true, all School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Gospel Meeting. Priday at 30 Rev. Wade of Panama, Preacher.
ture the following Head TeacbThe so called yellow or other that is reqaired to make the Prayer Meeting.
Thrift; Lord supper service at the within the next bixte sinonths ment he will accept the appoint ridiculous. When pe sple come only a white race is to stimulate Gatun 11. and 16 Pastor ers of Schools will be resingning for the post our cotem. pre colour perils he stigmatise as coloured people white and have Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON close of both morning service. Messrs Blackman, 69, of sumes and adds, that from what to think well of themselves to proparly and regulate these Bethel Church of God De Providence 11. and 16 St, Barnabas Boys. Brath we have gathered of Mr.
Black: terms of real merit, which is misterious glandular functionp. Broome.
he will Holiness waite, 72, of Kingsland Boys. man qualifications Chorrillo 11 Supplied, 15 Stuart 65, of St. John prove worthy successor to not a matter of colour, there will luga, Pastor Witt. Lord Supper Service he thinks, be secondary place. This is a job, but not task Church Boys. Bornett, Worrell He will be an acquisi for the really unimportant race impɔssible. Osborn declarae.
RIO ABAJO, LAS SABANAS Calidonia 11 a. upplied. 15 65, of St. Margarets, Boys. A: tion to the athletic side of the equality subjact. Csborn Baaday nm, Prayer Mzetlug. Pastor Witt Lord Supper Service. Worrell. 75. of St. Simon Boys: school. Ksen to football and says: 11 Divine Service. Proachar Red Tank 11. Leader Cooke. Burton, Headmaster of cricket, he was the originator of It is known that the failure of 3p. Sunday School; Superintendent Sp. Anniversary program; 15 mo. Combermere School; Misses the Inter Islands school contest. the ductiess glands to function Have you tried tho 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher Sergeant Beiokley.
Thompson. 72, of St. Elizabeth properly has a decided effect on new Boor Supplied.
Empire 11. Pastor Witt; 15 Girls. Forde, 65, of St.
Tuesday Goubel service at the walp. Supplied.
pigmentatiao: The traneplanting James Oburch Girls. and Rent Receipt Books in Span of some one or more of the Kronen Brau hour, Puebo Nuevo 11 a. and 7, 15 m. Allamby. 65, of Edghill Memori Ish and English for sale at the known seven ductles glande, of Bro. WIL Morr, Clerk in charg Supplied.
al Girls.
Workman Printery serums to be made from them. THE WORKMAN do with Brien.


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