p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 10, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Great Reduction SALE OF MEN SUITS which The American Bazaar in SUITS at 15, 18, 20 25 Selling for 10. 00 Races! Races!
in JUAN FRANCO TRACK Last Sunday Races Tomorrow Race Card The Silver Club School at Juan Franco Park As on the preceding Sunday Offers the best advantage for the the last race at Juan Franco Park training of Côloured children on Sunday afternoon last was The race grogram for torun when it was almost dark, morrow afternoon at Juan on the Atlantic end.
but it was apparently not un Franco Park consists of five comfortable for Marcela, as sbe ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC romped home the winner with races for imported horses and COURSES the careful handling of Jecky three for native ponies, with Aranguiz, and beat Pipiolo and Fenomeno carrying 128 lbs Some of the leading subjects are: Mary Erb who came in bebind stepping out in the first event her in the order Damed.
a six furlong distance against Shorthand Typewriting Notwithstanding the beavy Caribe 105 and Infimo 90 Book keeping Commercial Law track, was aggravated by intermittent drizzles, a splendid There will be two other Algebra Geometry afternoon of sport was success races of four furlongs each Chemistry Physics fuliy carried out by the Panama for native horses, the first of Music Jockey Club. The grand stand which will bring out Zapo. AT Spanish was fairly well crowded with Social Ethics Domestic Arts members of both sexes, who Repulse, Dictador, Hero, Debating and Elocutionary Exercises appeared to have enjoyed the Candlewood, Liandro and program immenseiy. Chiqui, and the other, the Logic and Parliamentary Procedure.
The first event, a four furlong fourth event, will bring out race for eative ponies, was won eleven horses.
Terms Reasonable by Barba Roja, ridden by Moore.
Ruso, also with Moore in the In the imported division CHARLES BURKE, Principal saddle, beat Peter Pan in an ex there will be the day classic citing tinish and by a margin, event, when Factor Ruso will Mrs. DANIEL the fourth event a four furlong once more face the barrier Associate race and paid bis backens the with a top weight of 118 lbs biggest amount on a winding ticket for the day 15 70.
against Manua 128, Morgot Cristob al Silver Clubhouse.
Captiana won the firth event of 126 and Dad 115. Distance five furlongs and rewarded her furlongs.
backers with the band some sum Athenaeum, President, William Super Gloria will run in the De Souza: the Orpheus Musical of 13 70 for each ticket bought fifth event carrying 128 lbs.
Club, President. King; on ber to win. This was the Dext Alta Mae 95, Pipiolo 121, Oh! VISIT WILL SATISFY the La Boc Tennis Club Pres. biggest pool for the day.
Fred Clunes, Basket Ball Team, The class event for pative Pah 115 and Mary Erb 112 are President, Geo, Honter: Payshorses was won by Fenomeno booked to run with her over cal Calture Class, Director, with Infimo and Carib. io second seven furlongs.
Tarrence De Bourg: Shorthand a and third places, respectively.
The seventh and eigth races Typ writing Class, Teacher, Result of the eigot races were as follows: will be six and seven furlongs INTERCOLONIAL CRICKET Ellis. Activities under the direct charge of the Secretary of First race. furlongs. Barba respectively; the former will the Clubhouse. Include moving Roja (Moore) Roamer (Jimenez) bring out Galineta, Oriental Top Sergeant (Horton) Puoi Celia, Araucana and Tigre. Continued from page 1) pictures four times a week, and paid 20 and 40 on the in and the letter Blandina 130, had made 205 runs for the loss of splendid soft drinks and cigar nar, on tbe sec nd borse and wickets in reply to Barbados first counter with efficient service. 10 on the third.
The Clubhouse Pereque 128, Mi Pollera 122 inniug of 230, continued their bat.
also billiards.
are at present Second race furlongs. and Mill Boy 115.
ting today on a perfect wicket, and activities Oriental (Aranguiz) Guitarra in fine weather. Phillips 21, and and it still remains fact that and charge of G. Neely, Secretary (Aranda) Celia (Scuuliz) Pool Milonga, Celia, Guitarra, Browo 3, the nct outs, again faced the pineer paid 30 and 30 on the winner Revoltoso and Kernan are the bowlers. The former only ad this Clubhouse, and on the second horse.
also booked for a six furlong ded to his over night total, when silver clubhouse on the Canal Third race Ooe mile. Mar dash.
TO MORROW cela (Moore) Pereque (Carrillo)
brilliantly, and reached his cuntury.
he was disposed of but Browne bit Zone, is the most popular.
THOSE WHO LED, Mill Boy (Casas) Pool paid The innings closed at 15 m. for. The staff of Secret aries who the fine total of 374 rons 144 carried on this importan work 50 on the winner, No place SPARKLETS. tickets were sold.
Sunday, October 11th 1925 ahead of Barbados.
under the direction of the Bureau (Continued from page 1)
Fourth race fourlongs.
At 3, 45 Barbados started their of Clabs and Playground: sre: Ruso (Moore) Peter Pan for much; but we cannot continue, second inning with Tarilton and Neely Collins, A (Muvoz) Chiqui (Aranda. Paul indefinitely, to be indifferent, to WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Haad. Slow and carefuly play Robertson (Acting. Exgle paid 15. 70 and ontne first hide our inactivity bebind imaginmarked the batting, but Hoad, ston, Waller. A, Hun er borse ano 83. 80 on the second ary barriers and then appear who made top score in the first (Acting. and two others who and third borses, happy, our true form will ultima.
innings. was sent back to the pavi served for short terms during Fifth race furlongs. Capi tely show itself when we find lion with but 16 to his credit. Wal tana (Aranda) Celia (Schultz) ourselves forced against the wall, cott and Tarilton played out time El. Note: Announcements in Araucana (Moore. Pool paid unable to further retreat, and in the total being 54 for wicket. connection with a program for 13. 70 and 84. 20 on the first possession of no reserve with Play will be continued on Monday. the observance of the 11th borde, 70 00 the second and which to fall back on and fight our Present scores:anoiversary of the opening of La and 450 on the third.
way again to the front. Races For Imported horses Barbados lst innings 230 Hoad Boca Clubhouse will be found Sixt race furlongs. Fer SoMe Vital ESSENTIALS.
79. Second innings: Tarilton 30 under La Boca Pars.
oto (Carrolio) Intl (NayAnd, of course, our being 80 and for Native bred Ponies arro Caribe (Escobar. Poul forced is inevitable, unless we at not out, Hoad 16, Walcott not out: Extras 4, Total (1 wicket) 54.
paid 10 and 550 on the tirst once begin to recognize and observe DEMERARA.
horse and 70 on the secoud.
THE REALM Seventh come little essentials which will race Turlongs. help lighteo our task. Some of Weight Dictador (Munoz) Super Zapu these are that we must learn to Green 29 To a Candidate for West (Navarro) Liaudro (scnunz) trust one another until we have 41 Indian Queen.
Pool Dald aud 80 ou the Fernandes 89 winner and 60 on the second. a ressogable cause to act to the Browne 102 PANAMA CARNINAL 1923 Exoth race. IX turlongs. Mi contrary, learn to respect and be Poltera (Araugaz) Piplulo our women (I have heard that not 30 Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
polite one another, especially Dias (Aranda) Mary Erb (Schuliza)
very long ago a salesman one of Hunt.
First Race Starts p. Sharp Pool paid 60 and 80 on to our own shade treated one of our (BY MOULTON)
Jones 14 Ob! Sweet Divine, Ab! Coarm of tirst borse and 20 on the women in such disrespectful maoGoodard.
Afric Race, second borse.
business Nascimento.
Derin establishHow can one feign, decline to bail ADMISSION: ment packed with customers, as to Extras 30 Thy Name?
Temporarily Laid Up Total cause her to shed tears in the 374 While myrth pervades the precincts presence of the crowd, and she was Grand Stand Ground 50c. Barbados Bouling Analysis.
of This place MR. hail Thee queen, Thy Diadem The many friends of Mr. Foster there to purchase suppl. es with Grif ith.
Davis, well known mechanical coupons which she was unable to acclaim!. 285 92 machinist of this City will regret spend in the local marset. learn Hutchinson. 14 24 to bear that he is tempurarily the would not for one moment dare relative Value MOTHER LAST LOOK Hoad 284 83 Wesleyan Sunday School compare laid up in bed, he having met wilu five dollars; leara that the differ.
Brown 11 36 Anniversary an acci. eat woich spruineu his left ence between the weight and the For they are of a sweeter, fairer Mason 29 75 knee. He expects soou to be out book and the wardrobe; know relative importance of the pocket kind, Greaves Saves Daughter From Being. 19 346 and around again The Anniversary in connection Burried All ve Latest information to hand Thy lips against my garden cherriss tbat we are thousaods strong fair, Regular Meeting (numerically the strongest of any with the Wesley Sunday school at sensation was recently states that Demerara won the From which, our neighbors satisfaetion find. one foreign element here) and our Panama takes place on Sunday. The caused at the funeral at Wellston, match with wickets to spare.
The Isthmian League of British progres is dwarfed and out of children have been practising for Oklahoma, of a 16 year old girl, numbers and many weeks the special bymnes for Bertie West. As the cotin was only pray the day should be at West Indians will hold its regular proportion to our hand monthly meeting in Paraiso on iassumed otelligence, the occasion as tuneful a selectioa about to be lowered in the grave, LA BOCA CLUBHOUSE Tuesday the 13th inst, and in this as we have known for years. Hyma the mother asked to be shown When prudently we come into our CONCLUSION, sheets will be on sale for membr the girl face once more. Ai City on Saturday 17th instaat. Continued from page 5)
Now is the time for all good men of the congregation.
Mrs. West bent over the effin And Afris Peace and Jofs within At p. a to come to the aid of tbeir party. CHANGE delightful Cantata she was amazed to see patspiraAttention!
this Land Vis unit fortior.
will be rendered by the young tion on her daughter forehead. The was sob Might reign, with Dear Queen Tonight, Saturday, will be Compeople. Mr. S, Walters is the Poe agitated mother hurriedly sequently changed to the La Irene on the Throne!
munity Social, and tomorrow, News From The West conductor and Mr. Lewin Dottin sent for a doctor, who on making Boca Clubhouse. and for various Suuuay at 30 Special ConOU! Cleopatric soft alluring eyes, will detected faint reasons, including the demoral That sileatly inspire the Poet preside at the Organ. Toe Rev. examination Indian, Band.
cert at No. 17 Division, NI. Surgeon will preside over heart action in the supposadizing effects brought about by soul; 29 Street.
the gathering. silver collection corpse, The girl, be announced, the interference in the smooth am glad to inform all West In will be taken was merely in a state of coma. working of the Canal Zone sil May we thine Afric sons be sooner wise On TUESDAY at 7:30 the Anai. Miss West was quickly taken to ver force of an American labor Mail Clerk Dies dians that the reorganized West Indian Band which bas been versary will The mail clerk, Harvey, on the working hard for the past few gram has de continued. pro bospital and, according to a organizar, most of the aforemen To vote for Thee, to play this been prepared which Reuter message, it is believed tioned activities became de Royal Role. Panama Railroad passenger train months, will mak its first appear promises to give delight to all wbo she will recover.
funct; and today, the standard of Panama, Jan. 1923.
that left Panama yesterday mornance in the Delessep Park on Sun hear. The children will render the activities is much below that ing at seven, was found uncon day night, October 11th. songs, recitations and especial cho set by Neely and his pioneer scious near Gamboa Station by a This band has rendered its ser ruses. silver collection will be workers.
Band Concert Next Tuesday xearen party woo was sent out to vice in the above Park about two taken up at the door, look for him after he had been years ago. Now that we are making The Rev. E. Wade will Have you tried the STLL LEADING missed on wearing the Atlantic a start again, it is hoped by the preside: There are, however, several. The Beneficent and Athletic now Boor terminal. He was taken up and help of our people to keep the balls valuable organizations function Association Band will render rushed to Ancon Hospital, but died ringing.
well, Vice President; Graham.
ing at this popalar community before reaching there. He apparent. The management Committee of Acting Secretary; Griffith. Kronen Brau center, among which are the Wo a select program on Tuesday ly committed suicide, but there is this Band are as follows. Treasurer, Gooding, Direcmansite Problem Club, Presi evening next, at De Lesseps no kaown reason for such rash act, A, Boyce, President; Max tor.
dent, Mrs Olga King; tbe La Boca Park the War. Cracker Jack Races. 9 Another Big Day of Sports Dare.
Phillips 15 OWD a


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