
lange dry and your acting har but a few teftye it your ocking with IT Salmon Dark Blue Light Brows Red Purple Mustand Eero TE Dark Green Pink Light Blue Light Grey Rome Golden Yellow Emerald Gres Fieb Scarlet Chartreuse Yellow Tangerine Light Green Hanship Grey OM Rose Henta Navy Blue Taupe om RI SOS Secret AS IT DYES Electrical Work 3:30SS SSSSSSSSSSS 603XX ASSESS Tropical Morning THE WORKMAN (BY MOULTON)
Good Morning!
Oh. how beautiful the Morning; urging from our bills and plains a The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNUIS tonie mist The Crystal Nightly Dewfalls to resist.
And first rays of rising Sun are claiming And the world, with warm ecstasies LIBERIA LACKS NEGRO STATESMEN.
aiming And acclaiming: Good Morning!
The following article taken from the LIBERIAN NEWS Keep the Dainty Garments Good Morning is fraught with so much that strike home to the Negro, we of Intimate Wear Always To! how charming is the mooring; think it worthy of editorial space. Bright and Fresh!
Bonny buds and flowers Jend our Tropic Scene It is indeed pleasing to observe that a woman, in the Lingerie soon loses life and colour.
person of our lady correspondent has taken the initiative Have RIT always at hand to keep Sweet variegated colors midst the Green; in raising the slogan, Liberian Big Business. We have pretty stockings and other articles And birds, their blissful chants are of lingerie looking their best repeatedly in this journal advised our people of the wisdom multiplying; by tinting or dyeing them with of investing their money in Liberian enterprises in order RIT. There are thirty one Upward Deals the morning glories that they may gain their share of the wealth of their beautiful shades and colours vying country. all equally good for treatAll replying: Good Moring. ing linens, silk, cottons or woolens. There are 31 colours It we are to maintain the status of an independent When garments or hangings are Canary Yellow Lavender republic it is essential that we develop industrial and manuspotted, sun streaked, stained or Good Morning!
facturing establishments in order that our young men and faded, take out all the old colour with Yes. delightful is the morning: young women might find employment. Unemployment is WHITE RIT. Then the material er pastures, shepherde flock and rife in the republic because of the absence of factories, is ready for the desired light or dark catole herd shade of colour.
они Are bleating, panting, just to say plantations public utilities, etc. It is high time that our Sold Everywhere a word: great men devote more attention to the development of the Riv lets sparkling currents briskly republic and let politics rest for a while. Everybody cannot ebantingAll dancini be employed by the government, for the government must SUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO.
At the Morning. have revenues from the citizens.
Chicago, May 1922.
Why cannot we follow the example of other governMONTEZUMA ments, and especially that of Japan, which is today deeply DRUG STORE interested financially in railroads, steamship, companies, RIT WASHES PANAMA Church Services.
banks and other corporations controlled by private individuals? It is the custom in democracies for governments to stay out of business and allow private capital to operate AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH same. For whenever governments operate companies (Apeline Commin!
25 SEKSOISSSSSSSSSSSCOXS0 Xos Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity there is generally the inevitable politics involved in them.
Feast of St. Luke, the Ecah clist In companies controlled by private individuals they employ the men with the best brains, regaroless of their political St. Paul Church, Panama affiliations, and they pay them big salaries for knowing how Why pay double price (Rev. Nightengsle, Rector. to operate big business. But the government can do much for inferior imported 68. Holy Communica in assisting and encouraging private enterprises.
10. 15 a. Malins Beer when you can Liberia is ours to defend and ours to enjoy. Then why 10 30 a Holy Eucharist sermoHouse Wiring We Install buy a superior Beer should Europeans be allowed to gobble up the wealth of Preacher The Rector the country and leave our citizens always poor? This thing such as BALBOA for 12 Holy Baptisan.
Electric Fans and Repair of allowing foreigners to control the wealth of our country half the price. p. Church School, must be stopped, and the sooner the better.
Where are 30 Cboral Evensong, sermon Bell Work All kinds of our moneye men, our men of brains and initiative? Are Freaober, Canon Melcber.
they all dead. Great Heavens! What will become of our Motors and other Electrical ANNOUNCEMENT The date for rising generation. Must they always simply exist. Are name bas not reached us up to the Annual Harvest Festival Services they not entitled to a decent living. Electrical Apparatus Equipment the time of going to Press. The has been fixed as November 22od.
murderer is said to be arrested St. Alban Church, Paraiso True, there have been many failures of Liberian com by the Costa Rican Goverment panies, many are practically bankrupt, never to be resurOUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Jimenez was a soldier of wide (Rev. A, F, NIGH TENGALE, CANAL ZONE.
But do all the babies born in the world live?
OUR WORK GUARANTEED reputation during the Revolution There are failures of companies in every country in the campaign of 1903 in this RepubPriest in Charge.
Let us give you an estimate on your work lic, and since that period be was world, but that does not deter others from forming new 11 a. Matins and address.
an officer in the 3rd section of p. Chureb School, companies which might in the end be successful. The the Police Departmen: here and 30 Cboral Evensong address trouble is, we have not confidence in ech other as other served in tbe rank of Lieutenant NIMBLEY. SANCHEZ races have. Why should this state of affairs continue?
Mr. Osborne Catecbist.
ANNOUNCEMENT The date for The greatest corporation in the world, the United Electrical Shop Labor Condition be Aubusl Harvest Festival has been States Steel Corporation. has a surplus of 5! 7, 000, 000.
We understand that there is fixed as November 15th.
And the head of the corporation has issued a challenge to hardly any work on the Faro 5t, Matthias Mission any company in the world to out distance their great per Wire for us. we ll Wire for you at present here and coodition formance. He also stated that the big surplus will not be will not be better until the LAS SABANAS disturbed in dividens, but will remain inact to fight com PHONE 1059 OR CALL AT 124 ANCON AVE.
beginning of the new year. Men (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, are leaving for San Blas but Priest in Charge.
petitors. And the President of the Urited States of America conditions are hardly any better. 30a. Holy Commuion The Roy.
is a shareholder in that corporation. What a splendid show.
Plenty work and money also, but Nighteogale.
ing for a private enterprise. The salary of the head of the tbe accomodations are poor when pm. Church School.
corporation runs into six figures Big business pays big compared with other places established long years ago. 30 pm Evensong and addrere.
businessmen big salaries for what they know in bringing Mr. Richards, Cateobist success to an enterprise.
When are we going to turn over a new leaf and begin Wesleyan Methodist ChrisSt. Peter by the Sea, La Boca to put our money at work in Lit erian companies. The 53 tian Endeavour Society. American Episcopal)
time is opportune for the invesiment of capital in this Ni eteenth Sunday After Trinity Republic, If anvone is in doubt as to the integrity of the The Wesleyan Christian Emanagement of any Liberian company, the editorial staff of deavour Society Officers Con Holy Communion 30 The Reeber St. Luke the Evangelist Dy our journal would be pleased to give the necessary Informa Corner of 22nd Street and Central Ave. sstely say that the Society Holy Baptistu 30 a. The Rector.
tion. For it is our desire to see at least half a dozen prosbas gained a large place to the (NEXT DOOR FULLER JEWELRY STORE)
hearts of our young people. The Sung Litany 10. 45 sm. The Rector perous Liberian Companies.
attendance at our consecratio. Hol Fucharist and Sermou 11. 30 a.
meeting on Wednesday evening The Rector. LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF the 14 iost was sixty, but Church School p.
though we are growing steadily, Choral Evensong sermon 30 o.
An Astonishing Guess.
we would be unprotitable ser vartet if we did not exert all our Prescher, Areh teacon Syker, T. MULCARE, Rector, Energies to reach the higher Prices Ranging From 2 cts To 25cts. mark; we bare, many times fot. Barnabas Church, Empire The British Empire Exhibition at Wembley, which was gutten our pledge, and Matins and addres, 11 a.
gained little when we sbould the talk of Great Britain last year, has attained only a partial have gained much. Miss Bianch (The Lay Reader will Officiate)
success in this its second season. There is no question of Also a Complete Assortment of the Bryan an active member of the Church Scbuol, and Confirmation clase.
continuing it for a third year, though London would feel Empire Wesleyan Methodist at 3p.
quite a blank when it is gone. The fate of the land and FAMOUS HO RO CO PRODUCTS Society was a welcome visi. Choral Evensong addrese 30 buildings is matter of complete uncertainty at present.
tor at our last meeting. Rev. The Lay Reader, will officiate.
Meanwhile an attempt has been made to increase the attendPay us a Visit and be Convinced. ER. Wade elucidation on bapJ. MULOARE Priest ir Charge tism was indeed very instruc ance, and made with some success, by the offer of a prize of uve to all. Wednesday Evening, St. Bartholomew s, Church 100 each day to be given to the visitor to Wembley who the 14th at 30 will be held our LAS CASCADAS.
givess a correct gues, or the nearest correct guess, of the Magazine meeting. Members are Matine, address 11 am, The Lay tig pital where he succombed at 30 reminded, and frieuds are corof the day full attendance. As a rule one or two Bocas Del Toro Notes Roader. at the age of 33 summers. dially invited to be present; this persons are absolutely right in thelr estimate, in which case The sum of 350. 00 Cy. Is is the life stream of all Societies. Church School and Confirmation Claw at 30 if there is more than one of them the prize is divided said to have been found on bim Evening Prayer and Address 30 equally. At other times no one is exactly accurate, and the (From Central American Express) prior to his death, and the amount ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THE nearest correct guest gets the whole prize. Within the was deposited with the Purser of The Lay Reauer last day or two an astonishing incident has taken place. MULCARE, Priest in charke. Fatal Stroke.
the ship. He was a man connect. POPULAR JUAN FRANCO PARK ed with severul secret Societies TO MORROW.
The attendance for the day was 56, 789, and no fewer than St Jude Mission, Summit, and his remains were buried by Evensong and address 30 The 102 persons sent in that precise figure, so that each of At about 12 noon Monday one of the lodges in Almirante.
Lay Reader them, instead of getting 100, got actually less than while the Heredia was at Nothing in the science of probabilities can account for this ber mooring beside the AlmiHave you tried the T MULCARE Priest in Charge Case of Murder remarkable total of correct guesses, though it will be rante Pier, Reuben Berry a Ja St. Simon Mission, Gamboa noticed that the attendance number consists five consecu maican, wbo was emplyed on the We understand that new Beer David Matins and address 11 a. The Lay tive units, and no doubt a good many competitors chose a suddenly took in with a stroke ot at Yorkip, Bratsi, vessel as Assistant Steward Jimenez a Panamanian, residing farmer.
Reader Kronen Brau sequence of numbers as being as likely as to be accurate as opoplexy. He was immediately, about 48 years old was killed on MULCARE, Priest in Charge any other figure ruebed off to the Co hos Tuesday by a Nicaraguan whose (Continued on page 7)
JUST OPENED La Escalerita Notions And Novelties thus 66


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