
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1925 PAGE FIV Attractions at the Theatres various as Mine!
Contra Crespo The ATLANTIC SIDE Bonus Society. For 02 Thou Son of Ham Colon. BY MOULTON)
St. Charles Lodge While Bundu Flaming Spirit The new movement wbieb bas barneth bright been launched in Colon in the Why ling rest theu, in darkness of CELEBRATES 31st ANNI sbape of a bonus society by disgrece?
Shake off, the old titae burden of Messrs. Gilkes, Sidney Bourne and others promises to CECILIA AMERICA the Night be an overwhelming success as is Thou Sou of Ham! Go! Take thy In spite of the unfavorable shown by the ready response to (PANAMA)
Prouder Place. COLON)
weatuer, the celebration of the the call for members, which are thirty first anniversary of the coming in by the tifties, and it is TODAY SATURDAY, Oct. 17th TODAY. Saturday October 17th Life clings, not, in the alien barn Loyal St. Charles Lodge No 7252, expected that there will soon be or yard, William Farnum in F. came and TOMORROW Sunday Oct. 18th demand for branches in other Be be a Prince or Monarch of his WOLVES OF THE NIGHT off on Sunday afternoon last at villages and vicinities to be run Pedro de Cordoba in Race; Life raptures where the Great their lodgeball 10th and Street on the same principles. THE BANDO ERO TOMORROW. Sunday Oct. 18th Colon and was a complete suc.
Zyibsbwiane guard, Apart from providing for sick Adolph Menjou in Cess.
and funeral benefits this society MONDAY, October 19th Where thou caust see thy Maker. KISS IN THE DARK face to face. Never has there been a more will grant a bonus at Christmas Lillian Gish in brilliant display of musical and time, aod it also aims at reliev. THE WHITE SISTER MONDAY, October 19th Wilt thou remain, be drunken with literary talent, por more ing its members in distress, in the wine Constance Talmadge in representatie kathering of the deserving cases, while its surplus TUESDAY, October 20th Of Slavery Sacrament, beneath a social elect than on this occasion. funds will be invested in real PERFECT WOMAN master rod?
The decorations of the lodge; the members will be their own de estate so that in process of time Glen Tryon in No. Africa is Thine as much room, the lodges in TUESDAY, October 20th THE WHITE SHEEP colors worn by the members, the tenants and thereby help to Hoot Gibson in Oh. Silent Mother, wedded by program printed in Purple and reduce the high cost of This movement is apded WEDNESDAY, October 21st THE SADDLE HAWK.
the Gods Gold with the insignia of the ie Pauline Frederick in Who longs for me, who whispers order in Carmine Red and the to all serious thinking people, WEDNESDAY, October 21st Child m thine, cover page presented an ela who desire to benetit themselves MARRIED FLIRTS Pedro de Cordob in coming back! Yea! Like a borate appearance, and was the and others by co operative action.
traveller Plods!
delight of all Entrance fee for Membership is THURSDAY, October 22nd THE BANDELERO To turn again to high praise one dollar and the weekly dues Adolphe Menjou in THURSDAY, October 22nd the address on the der by 25 cents. Meetings are held at Bro Harris. PPG. tilled Corist Church school rcom os KISS IN THE DARK Ao All Star Cast in Have you tried the every one with entira satisfac Wednesday nights at 30 o clock.
ton. Excellent, too, were the FRIDAY, October 23rd SHADOW OF THE EAST new Beer Rev. E. Wade, on Christi Review, of Great Poets Constance Talmadge in FRID:Y, Octobar 23rd anity and Social Reform. Piano Tomorrow. THE PERFECT WOMAN Glen Tyro in Kronen Brau Solo Hare Bells (Georg Ezg:1 ing) by Miss Doris Rodney. THE WHITE SHEEP SATURDAY October 24th Cornet Solo Nandine Caprice The Colon public is looking Waltz (H. Benne Heuta) by Mr. forward to the Review of the and SUNDAY October 25th SATURDAY, October 24th Joseph; and as was expected the life and works of the great poets, Leatrice Joy in Pauline Fredericks in publication on the following SaturAtlantic Orchestra led by Mr. a huge rally which is to take THE DRESSMAKER FROM PARIS MARRIED FLIRTS days, Lawson, maintained its place in aid of the new Saint high standards of efficiency. Joseph Church at the America Next Tuesday evening Miss When the Undine Smith, Master Ba il Wayle and the audience commenced te mencing at 230 evening comfile outside The poets to be represented and Mr. Reynolds will be on every side that the evening and tir representatives will be special attractions at the Atheoccasion has been eclipsed.
naeum as, o cording to the Pro as follows: Milton, Mr.
his aid and advice.
gram Comunittee of that society THE PROGRAM Quinlan; Goldsmith, Master The Wesleyans are buslly en Miss Smith is booked for a piana March. Selected. Rowe; Wordsworth, Me. Ianogaged in the preparation of the selection, Master Whyte an elo lantic Orchestra cent; Mrs. Browning Miss, musical program for their com cutionary item and Mr Reynolds Introduction of Chairmin. Allister; Cardinal Nawinan, Miss Betty; Tennison, Mr. Mc. ing musical evening which is a is a song. Of course the monthly Bro. N. Grant, Nelije Brook; Coleridge, Mr. announced to take place on Tues working plan calls for fun and Chairman R. marks. Kingiomut. Cooper, Mr.
STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR day the 20th As may be ex. fronie on that evening and so fatles Bro. Simeon Scott, Parker; Scott, Mr. Robinpected the program is of a very anecdotes and stories will be promi bigh standard and many are sent on the program. This is a Overture. Hungarian son; Mrs Hemans, Miss Lustpiel. Atlantic Orchestra Archibald; Longfellow, preparing to er joy it.
Miss good opportunity for members of (Keler Bela. Snaat; Shakespeare, Mr. Simply Rub it on ånd Brush it Off the community to enjoy a pleasant Address. The Order. Bro.
The Meeting of the Colon time and the Athenaeum always tera. Harris, G.
evening Teachers programme Association which welcomes visitois.
NON INJURIOUS should take place today is post6. Voilio Solo. Slected. Mr consists of 41 members and is noped for next Saturday the very attractive. Adingsion will be Prado Secretary Thomas of the Wo24th inst.
mans Life, Problem Club has Vocal Quartette. The Vene by the printed programmes in announce that everything is re dy tian Boat mens Song (Johann booklet for whics are being Bach. Messrs. Lowe, Savage.
sold for 50 cents.
and that the first step off will be Facey and Jones Address at o clock sharp. St. Charles Blood Poison Follows MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, Louge. Bro. Bolt, P: Scratc by Cat.
La Boca Pars.
SMOUTH AND SILKY The Board of Directors of the Piano Solo. Hare Bells.
Panama Canal West Indian EmMiss Rodney. George Egge of age the only son of Mr. Mrs.
Little John Hall, about years The program arranged for the ployees Association held a louk line)
Pleasant Sunday Afternoon at the and, it is noderstood, interested SOLD EVERYWHERE Hall Silver City residing in bouse Clubhouse on Sunday last was session here on Sunday last when INTERMISSION No 6014, is dangerously ill in good, notwithstanding the fewness much important business was hand 10 Concert Waltz La Belle Ancoo Hospital with an infected Experienced Canvassers Investigate of members of the community in led. In an interview with Secretary Romania. Atlantic Orchestra knee as the result of a scratch attendance. Mrs Olga King pre Ellis after the meeting, he informed (Ivanovici)
received from a cat.
sided and in a few pertinent re that details of the meeting was not 11. Recitation. Brutus on It is started that a short time marka outlined briefly the objects ready to be given out at that time, the Death of Caesar. Beo Gago, while he was sitting, the LOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD of the Club and emphasized the but latter, a brief account of the Parker.
animal in the act of jumping into particular work charity which they important transaction may be 12. Concert Solo. Mandino bis lap scratched bim. No much had decided to carry on for the bal. available for publication. He. Caprico Waltz. Mr. notice was taken of the matter, ance of the year.
Mrs Bridget Aird, however, stated that the Board Joseph. Bene Heuta) but later on the abrasion became the principal, speaker, delivered a found that the actual strength of 13. Address. Christianity painful and the infortunate youth CRICKET News Notes masterful address, on CHARITY, the La Boc, District, with renard and Social Reform. v. was taken to the Colon Hospital, ITS DEFINITION AND APPLI to financial members, was being Wade.
where it was found necessary to CATION. Mrs. Aird declared that seriously allenged by the Cristo14. Vocal Solo. Beyond the rush him to Ancun. His life now Big Match did not Take Place Herm. Et wards, school eher textended tunselfoshly, ovla bal District which has during the Gates of Paradise. Mrs. hangs in the balance.
on Account of Rain about 11 the of noblest that could past. Anderson Zone Policeman Edwards of Sil perform on earth and the Club startling jump. The Board was 15 Recitation. The Bridge Dae to the heavy rains, which verCity sustained a broken should be mplimented and very optimistic of the future. the Sighs. Bro. Ferreira, BAKET BALL fell on Sunday, the 11th the wrist on Monday evening the helped for having taken up such the Secretary continued indicatto a general gradual 16. Violin Solo. Gypsy Aires anxiously awaited benetit match 12ch inst. as a result of hopping work. She dwelt esperially on the ions point. Clauss. Surasatte) The La Boca Yale defeated the could not be played. It is now out of a swing on the playground Christian principles io volved in improvement which, however, 17. Grand Selection. Li Cristobal Silver by a score of left to the Council to fix another opposite the Cristobal colored charity. With the rendition of a largely depender :t on the westbers Traviata. Atlantic Orchestra 10ch in. In spite of the beats before some time in bext month immediately rushed to the Colon strumental selections the program at the same time escourage noo.
23 to on Saturday night the date which will probably not be School during recess. He was few well applauded vocal and in keeping themselves financial and hospital, and later transferred was brought to a close with the members to fall in line and help in.
18 Closing Remarks. The rain there was a large attend to Ancon singing of the Doxology.
the sober and lotelligent struggle Chairman.
for bigher valuation.
Anthem The Colon team visited Gatun Cup Fixtures For Tomorrow, Missionary services were sucIf the plans of the La Boca Dis.
The Committee of whom too Court on Thursday night the Sussex vs. Pickwicks at Camp cessfully held in the Cristobal trict of the Employees Associatioa Among those who attended the much annot be said for the scope sot e do defeated them by a Beird; Wanderers vs. Westmore. Colon Baptist Church on Sunday are fully supported by the cam: Board meeting of the Panama splendid and profitable evening of to laod av Victoria Oval; Victoria vs. and Monday the 11th and 12th munity, especially parents and Canal West Indian Employees spant is: Klooimautb, PG Cota of Panama met and de Kent at Gatuo.
inat. The attendance on Sunday for a very good time this Christ Hanter, old time resident guardians, the children will be in Association on Sunday lust was Chairman; Phillips, feared the Silver on Monday was Grant. G; Craw night at the Cristobal Silver somewhat hampered by ford, G; Roberts, Clubhouse by a score of 19, the rains which fell throughout mas. The District has decided here, Mr. Hunter reported that he The benefit cricket match be the day, but the public meeting upon another secular ccncert for was enjoying the best of health. He Brathwaite, PG: AC The winners were scheduled to twaen Wanders and the All on Monday evening was well next moath, the date of which will is now employed as clerk at the Foulis. Reid; G: meet Excelsior on the following Star which was sosponed attended, and inspiring ad be announced later, to raise Hotel Washington, Cristobal. ck. Goddard night but thought the latter was from Sunday last on account of dresses were delivered by Revs. additional funds to provide a better Facey.
on the spot in good time the heavy rains is suheduled to take Dr. Austin, the new superintend: treat for the kiddies than last other team did not show up. ploce oa the 25th iost at the ent of the Baptist work on the year Tickets for this Concert will Raio prevented a meeting of the New Blood For West End Victoaia Oval Isthmus, Witt and R. be on sale in the near future; and. Athenaeum on Tuesday evening Cricket Club. and playing with the Windward Wade of Panama, Thrift, Pas it is understood that the price will the 6th, but all was clear for Tues Islands against Trinidad last tor of the arch, and the chair be a little higher than on the first day last and there was a fair tura year he made 72 not out.
When was occupied by a missionary occasion but Mr. A, B, Hunter, out of members. The Serap Basket The recent arrival in Calon of seme years ago Mr.
What everyone is who is on his way to Guatemala Chiarman of the Concert Commi system for promoting the ability Mr. George Clair a brilliant Austin of Barbados contemplat from the United States.
saying ttee, says the program will be a members to speak extemporadeyoung cricketer of St. Lucia is ed a tour in Australia, it was purely high class affair.
ously, and fixed for the second Tuesday evening in each month, creating new interest in cricket decided that Mr. St. Clair be An Interesting and helpful was carried out, Mrs. Florence, circles.
included in the pick KRONEN BRAU address was delivered to West Due to the increased interest Smith, Messrs Reynoids, Mr. St. Clair is a centurion and This gentleman bas been Indians at Liberty Hall, 8th which has been taken by La Bocans Jump, C, King, the Secrehas many times displayed his acquired, we understand, by the superior to all street, corner of Hudson Lane in its weekly news of interest pub tary and the President, taking remarkable ability in connection West End This team is on Friday night the 9th instant lished in this column, arrangements part. Little Miss Claris Elie played with the Cork Cup Tournament beat on being the first wioners imported beers by the Hon. Patterson, have been made to improve the a selection on the Piano and later between Greneda, St. Lucia and of the new trophy, and their British Consul to Managua who news service, and residents, clubs, accompanied ber mother in a soug, St. Vincent It was mainly action is introducing new blood is on his way to take up his social and religious organizations The Management Committee of through his fine playing that into the game should be followed his island won the tropby when by other teams as it tends to Rent Receipt Books in Span that the British Consal is here to publication to Teacher Ellis at his this evening at o clock to arrange appointment. He told his hearers may now turn in news items for the society meets at the Clubhouse be put up the magnificant score intensity interest and promote ish and English for sale at the protect them and in case of Shorthand and Typewriting Class for an entertainment to be givea of 61 against Charlie Olivierre, better spirit of competition. Workman Printery trouble it is their duty to seek Room before Thursday evenings for before the end of the year.
No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required CANAL ZONE NOTES Horten of


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