
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OC. OBER 17, 1925 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. Address of Welcome. El Excelsior Cider Champagne We Buy and Sell Pearls a The Workman BOOK STORE VIGOR TONIC JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Book Binding. EL GAITERO (Continued from page 2)
Empire, THE ONLY ELABORATED for the market. The question is Cctober 9, 1925 now engaging the attention of a Rey Witt, JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Sub committee of the Institution Balboa, Spanish Cider with its Committee wbo bave been asked Dear Pastor, Corner 12 Street East Avenue to decide wbether it is necessary to have a market in Belmoat and, members of the Empire Bad ist We, the deacons, levderº, ard own Carbonic Acid if so, to prepare a scheme.
We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also Church, one of the churches under your pastorate, do teel it watches. Our prices are the lowest and our BRITISH GUIANA. most pleasurable dury, and Workmanship is guaranteed.
embrace this opportunity of extending to you, though this Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you Drowning Accident. medium. a very hearty and most may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may cordial welcome, upon this the occasion of your return to your URETIC AND REFRESHING drsire, provided the monthly payments of From a late issue of the Deme spbere of labor after an extend Troud Mark interest are duly met.
rara Aryosy we call the following: ed vacation of rest in the United drowning fatality took place States.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall on Tuesday last in the Demerara We realize that for several VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ be pleased.
River, the victim being Bertie months previous to your departS.
Lewis, a sailor on the Schooner ure from us you suffered much Marguerite which was moored from nervous prostration and VILLAVICIOSA alongside the Stabroek Market physical disability, and that it SPAIN Stelling. At about 12 15 someone was with the greatest difficulty on the vessel heard a splash and you were able to meet your on looking out, a grey tweed cap appointments, both bere and ESTEBAN DURAN which the unfortunate man had elsewhere; also that you were been weariog, was seen floating not able to do your best under SOLE AGENT CALL IN AT on the water between the stelling such circumstances. News from and the schooner, The River and of you, from time to tine For the Republic of Panama Police were at once notified of during your absence, has given the occurrence and they pro us the assurance that the needed ceeded to the spot where they rest has improved your condition unsuccessfully searched for the and health immensely, has mada body. It is presumed that Lewis, vou almost if not altogether, who had come ashore, was in the your usual selt again, and that The best Tonic in the World act of boarding the vessel when you have returned fit to prosehe slipped and fell overboard. cute the arduous duties that lie No. 93, Central Avenue He is a native of Barbados, 24 before you.
years old, and could to not swim. In extensileg to you this right This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommendhearty welcome, dear Pastor, wa ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, ASSORTMENT OF The Government of British want to assure you how much Guiana has made a handsome we appreciate the services you Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up GOOD STATIONERY gift to the British Guiana Brasch render fron time to time in a run down constitution of the Young Mens Christian connection with your digailed Association. The presentation offee. Your whule hearted It promotes digestion, impı uves the appeSOUVENIRS, which was recently made takes devotion to duty, punctuality on tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system the form of four and a quarter all occasions, faithfulness in acres of lana for the purpose of expounding the sacred word of DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or erecting building thereon for the truth, love for the Tlock com times a day.
exclusive use of the Young Mens mitted to your cure, and the salChristian Association together vation of the souls of your fellow CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Church of God with a grant of 500 to assist in wen; sympathy for the poor the Holiness erecting the editice, aged, the sick, the troubled, the distressed; straightforwardness (Continued from page 4)
and impartiality in settling disCALIDONIA DISTRICT JAMAICA.
Seventh Day Adventist Church putes and critical questions, as Sunday. 5o clock, Prayer Meetin well as your tenacious adherence STREET CALIDONIA ROAD 11 Divine Service Preacher to religious principles are subs(near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Supplied Land of my Birth tantial evidences that you have been called to the work of the Sunday Evening 30 Preach p. Sunday School Superintendent.
christian ministry ing Service The general public is p. Programme (BY MOULTON)
cordially invited to turn out in large 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Oh Strand! where cordial zephyrs Always prmpt at duty call, Supplied ready to visit the sick and cheer Why throw away your old, but no bumbers.
sweeten love; Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab. Tuesday 30 pm. Grepel Service How gayly life attraction on thee with words of consolation, afdoubt interesting, books when you Thursday 30 a. Ristor and Tes clings, fable bath Scbool; 11. 15 sm. Geners! Worship you bave endeared timony meeting. 30 pm. Spanish Class; Where Cupid with Undaunted yourselt to your flock in this Saturday 30 pm. Choir Reb reale. Fairies rove part of the vineyard. 30 ro. Society, meeting Elder ODLE And Neptune Breath a pleasure May the experiences gained 30 Junior and Senior Standard of attainment Class p. Vepors.
Patie in to all things.
charge during your period of rest and change be a maans of spiritual Thy silent hills are always smiling uplift to you in your future 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Seventh Day Adventist Church green Bethlehem Church of God career; and may the spirit of the 3rd STREET BROADWAY. COLON Holiness With picturesque anticlines that meetings you have attended in Opposite Cecilia Theatre Sunday evening 30 Preaching softly bend; spire you to greater earnestness And from a ways mute giant trees specially when winds seem coaand faithfulness all along the way Servier You are cordially invited to attend these services and bring your No, MARIANO AROSEMENA 8: While fairest flowers choiced deco trary and there apwears no ray seen friende, SAN MIGUEL ration leod; of light.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Babbath Movements Do Not Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting Six More Ships For Like the two corner posts, School; 11. 15 nm. General Worship 11 Divine Service Preacher. Whose canopy, a cloud of whisper Ascon and Har, bracing up Banana Trade Mean War. 309, Young people meeting Bro W, Campbell, ing White Moses, the faithful minister of 30 to Vespers 3p. Sunduy School, Superinten Beneath a mystic sky of Azure God, and the victorious leader dent children of London, September 10. The late cable despatch from The Church of God 15 Gospel Service, Preacher The Emerald Deep attends Thee, your flock, pledge our allegiance demand for bananas has increas. London says: Bro S, bley.
left and right.
to hold up your hands and give ed to such an extent that Panama, Arosemena Street, Houpe 25, Note At p. the members of the Thy cosmic sights sweet thought port in all matters pertaining to ana carrying ships are to be nople that the Turks are calling The report from Constantiyou our cordial and united sup Messrs. Elders and Fyffes ba.
San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer church will stage Pleasant evening to fulness endure.
meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am which the public is cordily invited.
the kingdom. And may God increased by six during the nex: further troops to the colours and abundantly prosper and 30 Sunday School at p. Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service. Thy Charms unique allure the ra your ministry as never before it the announcement that a string and bless few months.
British fleet will be kept in the Monday at 30 to. Testimony Meeting Thursday 30 pm. Sister o meeting dient Sun.
Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People and Testimony.
This statenent was made to a Near Eastern waters for the Throughout the period of his Dial when your days on earth are by Mr. Stockley, managing in has been blessed; and tinally Daily Express representative next few weeks, are explained Meetin. Wednesday at 30 Saturday 30 pm Choir Rehearsal official quarters as being Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 pm Lo. how be counts Thee on his ended may you receive the com director of te barable mere y a coir cidence and as hava Open air meeting. Friday at 30 pm.
Astral Run, mendation, Well done, good and Prayer Meeting We shall have, by next ing no signiflcance.
faithful servant, enter into the BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. BEULAH. 30 a. Prayer meeting Until his brilliancy begins to spring, he added, twenty seven As far as the fleet is concerned 11 a. Devine Servise Preacherships bringing bananas tu gurope Red Tank, Capal Zowe. Sunday School Bro, Phillips We deeply regret the fact that from Central America, including it is merely engaging in manoeuwe are not now in a position to Jamaica. p. Gospel meeting on Thursday Under the new lastrus1. 90 m. Sunday School, Superinten And as his Glowing Lovelight offer you any Esch one can carry Vies.
at 30 pm more tangible nearly 100, 000 bunches in the Lions the third battle squadron, dant. 430 Gospel Service, Preacher smiles abate, proof of our sincerity and good special refrigerating section.
the 3rd cruiser squadron and Bis, GRAY Bro. Phillips And cosmic centers caravans on will; but we trust the express: the 1st and third destroyers New Providence. Gospel Meetings at Thee drive. Next year we expect to bring otilias will concentrate in Suda ion of love and esteem which three million buoches more than 11. 30 and 30 Sunday School Whose movements on thy plains these sentiments convey, will be this year total of 13 500. 000. remain a week.
GAMBOA MISSIO 1, 30 pm SunBay, Crete, on October 8th to at pm. Wednesdav at 30 Gəs dev School; 4, 30 m. Gospel Sermon How cheerily one soul is kept dollars and cents.
New Scenes create.
appreciated even more than Taa new ships will cost 1, 500. departure for Malta the battle.
After tveir pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Bro Small alive. 000.
Meeting Note Ober Se vions for the week As further mark of our esteem shio Queen Elizabeth will Bro. McDONALD The demand for bananas, both arrive ai Suda Bay and she in will be given from the pulpit.
Gatun, Oanal Zone. Gospel Metinge Yes! sweet Enchantment in tby address the name of Mrs. Witt, here and on the continents of urn will leave for Malta October Elder FRANCIS, at 11. 30a. sud 39 m; Sunday castles dwell, Pastor in charge.
School at pm. Wedneeday 30 pm.
Thou prototype of Pardise Beyour faithful, loving and devoted America and Europe, is still 2015.
The low; Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 co worker and helpmeet, with well abead of the supply.
Pra Meeting And birds, whose praises e er in thy realize it would be impossible for the Canary Island, though in out whose assistance we fully small variety wbich comes from zardens swell Famous Elk Leader To Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH Baptist Churches Tell of thy Beauties which the you to satisfactorily fulsl the good favour in some districts, two million Colon and Streeta. Gospel meer Visit Panama Soon, Gods bestow. respobsibilities connected with accounts for only bunches yearly.
ings at 11. 30 a. cn and 30 Sunday (Under the auspices of the Southern your work.
School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Baptist Convention. We remain, Word has been received by pm. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 Colon 11 a. Mrs. Thrift; 15 m.
0000OO00000000000000000000 Dear Pastor, Grand Organizir Carl Eliott that Prayer Meeting.
Pastor Thrift.
Yours sincerely, Finley Wilson, Gra:d Exalted Why pay donble price Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON TRY Gatun 11 a. Dearon Edwards Ruler of the o. of cf (Signed) CUMMINGS, for interior imported will be on the Isthmus very 15 Deacon Crawford.
Senior Deacon soon.
Bethel Church of God New Providence 11 am. Pastor KRONEN BRAU Beer when you can REID. Holiness Thrift; 15 Sapplied.
buy a superior Beer Mr. Eliott will meet the Grand Chorrillo 11 Secretary Deacon Smith; ON DRAUGHT Ruler in Jamaica where a lodge RIO BAJU, LAS BABANAS 3p. Orgon opening 15 SarOn the bebalf of the Churcb. such as BALBOA for will be instituted. and from Banday. m. Prayer Metl geant Binkley.
OR BOTTLES half the price.
thence to Costa Rica and Bocas 11 a. Divine Service. Preacher Calidonia 11 a. Mr. Gallimore.
British Consulate Notice where Elk clubs have been formed Sunday School; Supenatendent 15 Pastor Witt. 0000 500000000000V00000000 and finally to the Isthmus. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Red Tank 11 a. Pastor Witt; The Acting British Consul at CoMt. Olympis lodge of Panama Supplied.
lon would be glad of information Tuesday Gwel service at the usual 15 Deacon Yearwood city will be pulling off another ALL ROADS WILL LEAD Empire 11 a. Deacon Cummings; Rent Receipt Books in Span big initiation in a few days time, TO concerning Cyril Absalom, from the hour, 15 Deacon Russell, THE POPULAR HIPODROME of Parish of St. Ann, Jamaica, whose ish and English for sale at the at their lodge hall, Calidonia Bro. WILMorr, Clark in charg.
Puebo Nuevo 11 a. Deacon Stewart JUAN FRACNO TO MOROW, mother is Sarah Wright. Workman Printery road.
can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Blue: Reign. wane!
joy of tby Lord.


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