p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 17, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Great Reduction SALE OF MEN SUITS The American Bazaar SUITS at 15, 18, 20 25 Selling for 10. 00 Races! Races!
Second Last Sunday Races Letter to The Editor pe To Morrow Races To The EDITOR THE WORKMAN; Sir. Reading over somewhat Last Sunday race program at carefully the verbatim report of The races at Juan Franco Jus Franco Park must be voted the meeting of the fifty or more Park tomorrow afternoon will a real success. There was a good landlords held in the President be equally divided between crowd present; competition bePalace last Tuesday afternoon for native and imported horses; tween both native and imported the discussion of the rent question, borses was keeo; a few suprise: which report was published in the there will be four races in were sprung; the average pool Spanish section pf the STAR each division.
op winners was 48; the fair Herald, observed With the gradual improve that the sex was well represented: the landlords, with but few exceptio ement in every department eignt races listed were run off who took part in the discussions of operation on the track, without any serious delay; and there is promise of a very all went wellant every body left stated that neither of them after having a good evening It thea we are to bel eve present had raised on their rents.
bright future on this turf.
their enj yment.
Tomorrow attractive prostatements (and have no reason During the last two meets Col for thinking that they will crimi gram is bound to draw a large chi Moore has been displaying naily hide the truth in the face of crowd.
some rare skill in horsemansbip. existing conditions) th question AT The feature race will be a and be brought in no less than naturally arises whence all the furlong journey in which three winners at this meet Can. complaints and unrest which came second such five of the best imported pay 30; Revoltosa in the third evening? Can it be that the middle horses are booked to take part to pay 11. 70 and Alta Mae in the men (ageats or collectors as 5th to pay 50 they Manua 128, Factor Ruso 126, o pay are usually called) are the secret Margot 123, Dad 117 and PeMargot, with Munoz up, had exploiters in the business? It may reque 103.
very little trouble in winning the be that son e of them really are Four class native big event, the seven fu bag race victims of the get rich quick for the best imported hors. fise. se and a little investigation on horses, Fenomeno 128. Zapi with Dad and Maoua coming lue part o their bosses, the house Zapo go, Caribe nic and Rial.
the order named. Dad was in owners, will ont be out of place to 103, will tike the field in good form and ran a close second They will per aps be able to save the first event, a five furlong to his stable companion. Fastor themselves a whole lot of blame.
Raso, the fourth horse in the Tenants, too, will do well to take race. The cond event will race, ran last.
a little deeper look in this matter bring out five more native Caribe won the six furlong Thanking you for space, ponies, Infimo, Zapo, Dicta.
race for the best natire borses.
dor, Candlewood and RepulThis was the first race on the Yours, VISIT WILL SATISFY se.
program; and the second race TENANT Two races for imported of four furlongs, also for native horses will follow: bringing ponies, was easily won by vandlewood with Moore up.
GREAT UNREST out and horses respecti vely. The first, of six furlongs After being apparently unable to do becter than third place in (Continued from page 1)
will bring out Gallineta, the third race of six furlongs, afternoon on invitation of the Oriental, Celia, Revoltosa, Cella sprang a surprise in the President of the Republie some 50 Tigre and Guitarra: while the sixth race when, over the same or more landlords met in the recep(Continued from page 1)
distance, sbe beat Oriental ana tion room of the palace and after a second, of furlongs, will able number of years, who may bring out Mi Pollera, BlandiTigre, and paid her back are for lengthy discussion a resolution tir plac: the tidy sum of 10. 10. adopted recacing all rent to what was care to enter, from time to tire, na, Super Gloria, Alta Mae, into the United States.
Rəsult of the day events: it was in January of the present First race: furlongs. Caribe yer with a ten per cent discount CHNPERENCE With the Gov Pipiolo On Pah and Mary b.
Roamer will carry 120 in ERNOR (Schulz) lovin (Moore) Fe and appointing 40 Investigation womenu (Carrillo) Pool paid 90 Committee to be composed of JUAN FRANCO TRACK The Report of a recent confer. the fifth event against other on the winner.
ence between a deputation from native horses; while in the or: landlords and leaders of the tenrace: turlongs. C. ants the Association and the Gvernor two last races, the 7th and the consideration of all dle wood (Moore) Hero (Navar. complaints bearing on uareason TO MORROW of the Panama Canal was for the 8th, Capitana with a top ro) Z. po. Idago. Pool paid able increase in rent and first time, brought before the weight ot 130 lbs is booked the 30 and 10 ou toe winner, ultimate settlement of same Board, and, after going carefully It 10 on the second horse and has also been stated that the ques. Sunday, October 18th 1925 over this Report, a vote of thanks to run furlongs with other 50 on the third.
tion will be taken up at the next was tendered the committee that imported horses: and Hero, Third rac. furlongs. Rav session of the National Assembly represented the Association for with 120 lbs, will, in the their splendid effort to effect anim native division, take the field Itosa (Mooru) Guitarra (Asan. which meets in september of next WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE provement in the general working against Liandro 117, Peter Celia (Schulz) Pool paid year when legislation will be made and living conditions of the silver Pan 112, Chiqui 110, Ruso 11 70 and 500 on the winner which will greatly improve the force of the Canal.
and 70 on the second boree.
prezent situation both to the bene.
fit of landlord and tenants.
105 and Lipac 102.
Fourib rac: fu 10 An important decision arrived at Ruamer (Jim nez) L pac (Casas. Ruso (Hila o. Pool by the Board was in the adoption SPARKLETS paid 70 and 80 on the win Bowon III.
of a motion whereby members who join the Association in any Der and 90 and 50 og in second and third horses respec4 Races For Imported horses calendar year will have up to the (Continued from page 1)
The many friends of Mr.
Bowen, tailor, resident in this city first of April of the following year Hunter, But unfortunately be was. Firth race: farlong. Alt and prominent Fraternal and and for Native bred Ponies before their annual contributinas no his own boss and so had to become due. Heretofore, regardless return to Cristobal before a certain Mae (Moore) On Pab (Munuz) Church circles will regret to learn of the time in a calendar year abrur. What was aiming to bring Papiol (Aranda. Poul paid that he is confined to bed at the 50 and an equal amount on the Panama Hospit where he under menber enrolls, his annual con out but was unable through intribution becomes due on the first dulg og in circumlocution. the tirst borse, 80 09 the second went a serious and tecbrical operaborse tion last Saturday of January of the following year. peculiar idiosyncracy of my furmer The Board was unanimous in comteporary Mr. Willins, was Sıxtb race: furlongs. Margot Mr. Bowen has been suffering its approval of the efficient band that on account of the limited (Mucoz) Dsd (Oasas) Maqua for a long while though he was ling of the affairs of the Associar time at his disp sal, neither the (Carrilio. Pool paid 60 od parently will enough to go on his tion during the year.
President, Secretary not any of the Everybody will be there. Don miss it. 60 un the winner and 60 numer as activities, be last week other members of the Woman on the secood horse.
submitted to the decision of his Seventh race. furlongs Celia the only cure for bi ailmeat.
Life Problem Club had the oppor physician that an operation was First Race Starts p. Sharp Dedication of New Organ. tunity of approaching Brother (Scuultz) Hunter for a donation. Oriental (Arangu 3 Tigre (J. men z) Pool pud indicate that he is improving as Latest Sports from the hospital The new organ of the Chorrillo PLAYING TO THE GALLERY 10. 10 and 40 on th wer well as might be expected in accorADMISSION: Baptist Church will be dedicated ana 70 on the seco dhorse.
tomorrow afternoon at o clock friend accused me of My notorious but not incorrigible dance with the nature of the oper Eight race: turlooxs. Pore atioa, and it is earnestly hoped gu. Qairuga) M. Pullera (Aran that his will be a complete recovery (Sunday, October 18tli) by the Grand Stand Ground 50c.
pastor of the Church Rev. Stephen piddling in that my intellectual guiz) Mill boy (Munoz) The of health.
Witt. Mrs Braithewaite wallis, resources for the week ending pool paid 10 and 90 on the Mr. Bowen is in room No. 11 in winner and 30 on the second the hospital Minister to the Republic of Pana back on those Wife of His Britannie Majesty Soutienda y lewe were about spent.
falling horse. uninterested ITEMS OF INTEREST. ma, will unlock the organ Maja Death of Ex Sergent Braithe waite Wallis will also deli paragraphs as some of the reasons Roguiar Meeting Rosolution of Sympathy ver an address. good musicai we, West Indians should mind Gaskin. Continued from page 1) programme has been arranged for our own business, guard ourselves from slipping back and at the same the occasion.
The Isthmian League of British America, was celebrated in On Mnday night an organ time seek to gain ground whieb West Indians will hold its regular LAYING DOWN THE CROOK OLD TIMER OF THE ISTHMUS this city on Tuesday the 12. recital will be given when several ingrediend. mapit during intervele bemonthly meetiog tonight, SatAll Government offices and well known singers will contribute really uppermost in my mind.
major subjects which were urday, October 17th at p. other prominent. business to the programm Admission, make believe that he reads Whereas it has pleased our Great High Chief Shepherd in His infi It is with regret we bave to places were closed in honour adults 25 cents; children 15 cents, the pea productions of Arthur Half Yearly Meeting.
Brisbane, buthe had, apparpite goodness and mercy to remuve a unounce the death of ex Sergeant of the occasion.
from our midst our Beloved Sis, William Gaskin at the age of Baptist Church Activity.
ently, not read Brisbane edi The ball Yearly Meeting of the and by her removal our Lodge on the Isthmut as an old tuner He Sarah Simm on October 9th, 1925 43 years, well beloved and known General Secretary of Clubs beld at the Colon Church tomor lieves in continually playing to Young peoples service will be toris in the Ya, Delio fourth instant. If my friend be District Management Committee, Star In the East No. 2793 o. died on the 23rd of Sept, at the and Plagrounds of the Canal row at 11 a, m, when the Boy of the Panama District, Order of has lost an Welfare H2spital New York.
Druiris, will be held on Satur euergetic and devoted co worker.
Zone, Tom Booz, addressed a Scouts and the Girl Reseryes will the gallery by telling he people day October 17th at the uids it we He had been suffering for the large crowd, mostly West In attend in uniform. Mr. Thrift will up there about the past glories of Ethiopia and leaves feeding faggots to the little sparks which represent the we. 20th Street Central Among and members now in session in past months with a cancer on his dians, in the auditorium of conduct ahe exercises.
our industrial the Conferring of the our heads in silence for minutes at the business for the evening will be token of our Departed sis, bow Stomacks Gaskin Wagea native 1sLa Boca Clubhouse on Thursand economic Barbados at the St. John Encampment of 18 prestige here be has the right of Degree Meeting to at the peril of his commence three (3) consecutive meetings and years he joined tae British Navy, day night, the occasion being of way celebration at 8, in which he served 74 years the the prestige.
our Dispensation be draped in mourning for a period of 30 days, and worked for some time at Gor erection of the Clubhouse, a encampment are reminded to at ODONCS0000 In 1906 he came to the Isthmus, eleventh anniversary of the All Sir Knights of the above and gona 000000000 Why pay doinble price Be it further resolved that a Canal Zone he was employed by a community center for the fend the next convention which TRY for inferior imported copy of the e solutions be sent to the Panama Canal as a timekeeper. coloured employees on the convenes the 18th inst, at p.
her rereaved relative, one spread in 1917, he volunteered for service Pacific erd of the Panama at Loyal Progress Lodge Hall.
Beer when you can over the face of our minutes and in the World war At the close of Canal. Free movies was fur There are many subjects of interest KRONEN BRAU pae to the Local press for pub toe war he decided to go to sea nished, and addresses and welfair of the order.
buy a superior Beer cation.
again. He made several voyages ON DRAUGHT such as BALBOA for Now the labourer task is o er until 1923 when he finally settled vocal and instrumental selecALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO half the price. Now upon the farther shore in the United States where he has tion were contributed by the OR BOTTLES Father In Thy Gracious keeping been working untill March when various organizations func THE POPULAR HIPODROME OR Leave me now thy Servant sleeping. be fell ill and finally passed away tioning at the Clubhouse. JUAN FRACNO TO MOROW.
00000000000000 8 Exciting Races. Another Big Day of Sports OWO

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