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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Naval Expert Urges Aerial THE PRINCE OF WALES Defence For Panama Canal THE EXIGENCIES OF LEADERSHIP British Subjects Fired On By Golombian Soldiers Gets Affectionate Wel Women Determined to come Home. Measure Up if Negro Says Isthmus is Open to Plane Men Fail. Seizure of Cayman Fishing Boats Direct West Irdia cable Attack From Four Points.
despatch from London, dated By HENRIETTA VINTON DAVIS Forty Miles at Sea.
October 16, says: IN THE NEGRO WORLD cable despatch from Los Angeles, dated Oct, 4th, The Admiralty to day sent thel The leaders of a race should ever In connection with the seizure of two Caymanian states that Senator William King, of the Senate following message to the Prince of be on the alert to find new oppor, fishing Schooners by order of the Colombian Government, Naval Committee, in a conference here to day Shearer, experimental expert for the navy during the World beholf of the Royal Navy which is humanity and of their particular says the NORTHERN News, there arrived at Montego Bay on War, who has been compiling an exhaustive report at the your Royal Highness safety and leader ever seeking to exalt his own owner of the Tistico, one of the schooners held.
proud to have been entrusted with group. We find the Anglo Saxon Thursday night from Cayman Brac Mr. Simson Connolley, Senator request on naval conditions on the Pacific, was comfort on your many sea voyages, race and to extend his empire, even told by Shearer that the totally inadequate defences of the we beg to offer you the mot though it be at the sacrifice of the Yesterday evening Mr. Connolley and Mr, Bodden Panama Canal constitute a vital point in the present cordial welcome home on the con yellow man, the browa mao, the called at the NORTHERN MEWS Office and related the details of the capture of the vessels as told them by Captain Walairplane controversy at Washington.
Shearer report to Senator King to day called to the great success of your tour which rallies to the call of his leaders, for was at St. Andrew at the time when the Testico and Edison also beg to congratulate you on the red man and the black man The yellow man nnd brown man ton who returned to Cayman Brac a few days ago and who latter attention the fact that naval war college findings realized the expectations of the racial and territorial independence. Bros. were taken and brought to that Colombian port. He Shter that in a war on the Pacific a fleet can be maintained of time in the most ample mingite for recognition as an equal in any related that a Norwegian steamer was chartered by the only at Panama and that from 600 to 700 ships are required the various members of the Empire Territory of Nations the cosce called Colombian authorities for 1200 to take the vessels: that strengthening the links binding League or Con to supply the fleet from the Atlantic because of lack of together and by comfirming and Great Powers of the world.
forty armed men were put on board and that when the naval bases on the Pacitic.
intensifying our old and valued The Shearer report says: South American friendships.
The brown man insists upon the ships were seized the British Flag was put down; that where autonomy of his country and bis the Caymanians were taken was at least 40 miles from the Geographically, the Panama Canal lies open to attack LONDON WELCOME leaders are aggressive and insistent nearest land, and on ground that they have been fishing for from the air from four points, namely, foreign territory both London, Oct. 16. London gave upon racial solidarity and the the last eighty years.
north and south of it, and air carriers on the Atlantic and the Prince of Wales the most determination of the staller nation It is also asserted that the crew in a row boat of another Pacific sides.
affectionate welcome of all his for their independence. The only. possible defence is an equal or superior air hermet comedy is shifters. 000 when the red man, as he realizes that fishing schooner that was not taken were fired on several returned from his 25, 000. miles in his trusting confidence in the times and probably that they would have been killed but force. proper submarine defence of the Canal would voyage to South Africa and South invader of his continent and his for a heavy squall that bad come on at the time.
protect it only from bombardment by capitatal ships and America. He was greeted at Viet warance of the ways and methode After being taken, it is said that the men were very possible aero attacks based on hostile airplane carriers, thStatiom bys be kéreovadio nechpe tre to produce any fileders. They badly treated by their captors, which called forth a protest leaving still as a tremendous menace an air attack started other members of the Royal family, years to produce any leaders, They and spectators. were too late finding out thut these by the wireless operator, an Englishman.
from foreign territory north and south of that witerway.
The Prince stepped from the who came with presents. Beware As far as is known the men are still in custody although The object of the enemy would not be to capture the train which brought him from of the Greek bearing gifts. and representations have been made to the British Minister at Panama Canal, but to detroy it, and thus break the supply Portsmouth wearing the uniform preaching the beautiful sermon of Bogota; telegraphed to lines from the Atlantic to our fleet on the Pacific. of the shak. Do unto others as The report of Rear Admiral Coɔn:s on the lasting hands with the King, the heir would have thein douato your acting Colonial Secretary of Jamaica who replich erhat the Panama fleet manoeuvres shows that the Canal can be band, then dropping all form their country and segregate them about the Testico and the Edison Bros. Mr. Connolley there apparent bent low over the Queen were only seeking to rob them of Jamaica Government nas as yet received no information captured. The only recommandations so far has been to in salutations, he placed an arm upon an Iudia reservation. Their fore cabled to St. Andrew to find out if the men have been crease the gun calibre there from fourteen to sixteen inches anour his mother and kissed her headers ce made the feeble reffort at released and he is hoping to get a reply today, what fubalter resistance were futily This is no defence against an air attack.
If Government backing to a great com nercial aviation sister in law, the Duchess of York, mide its way, and the poor Indian this reply.
sister, Princess Mary, and his Westward they star of Empire action that may be taken will depend upon the nature of programme to be used in a war emergency is accomplished were the next to greet the home saw his fate in the setting of the as a compromise in the present airplane controversy, the coming Ambassador of tue Em. western sun.
Panama Canal still would be left defenceless against aerial rire. Coutinued on page 8) PANAMA and COLON St. Paul Members attack.
Making Drive Consequently, the crux of the question centres about SPARKLETS three points, namely. By Gaskin)
First. If our first line of defence, the navy, is to fight If we had to inake a comparison For Repairs and Improveat all, the Panama Canal must be kept open. Who Who IN PAMAMA.
to leave an indelible and between Panama and Colon in the ment of Church. Second. The keystone of the Canal defence must be Some time ago the suggestion irremedible impressioa mostly bad field of the Arts and Letters. think the air.
was made to me that, to help create as the ordinary miod tends more to that the scales would go down The Rector and Committee of Third. The Canal, as it stands to ray, is one of the a more genuine spirit of coopera. compile the bad aud not the good in favour of Panama, Colon has St. Paul Church in this city have most vulnerable points, if not most vulnerable, our tion on common ground between or future reference. For the good not an institution of the one or the planned extensive repairs and im.
the West Indians of the varisus of our men and women of tomor other. We have really degenerated. provements to the building, in national armour.
Islands doiniciled on the Canal row, it is my opinion that movie. There was a time when there were addition to those recantly made.
Zone and the Republic of Panama going among our children calls for the Cristobal Literary Association with present ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN Who Who column be started some se tenoticed. Not very long agowride the kee society in connection ing capaci y of 750 is absolutely in our great family it was how a with Wesleyan Churchto in.
journal. In this convectig it old boy somewhere in Europe stab. long ago, Mr. Cyril Morand The abnormal condition! refund of eight days taxes: seems not a bad idea to dig up tbe kuife which he was using to play Association. There was a Shake functions held on special voices ions bed to death with of Dramatic the evening. and large congregation which attend which was brought about as they having been compelled, donte meritorious work, both in the the mat in the movies, spearean Company that boatsted of and in accordance with a result of the Tenants through no fault of theirs, to Zone and in the Republic, whether At Silver Clubhouses.
such talent as, Miss Linda Smart, general Strike is practicallo cleared close their establishments for in the powder gang or the steam Messrs Ferreira and Byron suggestions from the puble, the up; consequently, United eight days by order of the shovel gang; as locomotive engineAt the Silver Clubhouse in the Levy and others. Colon, Culon present plan is to extend the east.
Canal Zone over 30 of the thou art no more. Thy glory is outer cloister walls, thus increasing and the States military intervention United States military author ers, stationary engineers, machia.
for the purpose of helping to lities, when the latter con sts, clerks or accountants. To do patrons of moving picture is said departed to another. Panama is the space in the nave ny 1200 sq.
an increase in the morning when their last units Tenants Strike. Each liquor musio and art and in other fields can say that at La Boca Club intellectual greatness. Not long ago seating capacity of over left the City for their respect establishment pays a mini various trad and professions. It is a fact, however, that there are cently is well within gallery with a capacity of ive posts on the Canal Zone. mum tax of five dollars a day Jewelers, saloon keeners arehitects really not enough counter attract advertised another.
the STAR HERALD about 100 sittings is included not be left out ons in some of these ammunities organ has announced the fact that the entrance of the Church, and a The same in the plan, to be constructed at These little bits of hell tower is to be Rent Claims Commission hichon folk flais marrinage be published, from time to time, so it become org berboys and gardiens adibabout to res hash big breast cance of the bulbid erect has been formed to adjust which took place recently and help bring about better do not know or cannot appreciate has written into book form. Are erected on the weil as many parents Goloush other things that he 2, 000 is the estimated cost of differences arising between Mr. Victor Pascall, of Trini feelings toward oue another as the value of community play. there no intellectuals on the Atlan. this work, and an appeal is being landlords and tenants. The dad, was presented with a people of one race under one grounds and periodical entertain tic side to put a stop to this made to the general public to help purse Commission began its func handsome and common by the on and inseperable. An who inents for children. It is of first Panama superiority? take towards raising the amount, Circutions day before yesterday Shannon Cricket Club of thinks well of the suggestion may importance that children, at pause and look across the space lar letters have been addressed with Mr, lomas Arias as which he is a most useful send in reliable and authentic data proper intervals, have somewhere of time (or time of space. any one, its every Fraternal and Local Chairman of the first session. member. Sportsmen in general of meritorious work of West In to go to enjoy themselves, and the if you please, in this day of Rela society on the Isthmus requesting Secretary Aguilera of the throughout the colony wish dians on the Isthmus, to the Editor, unless at all times suitable pictures Panama was not in the count begun to come in.
movies is really not the place, tivity Yes, there was a time when donations to which replies have Commission has issued a the star left hander a long be WORKMAN, Box 1102, Angon for the education of children were know that some of us thought that Post. The first report was made last notice to the effect that the and happy innings. Jack o.
the people in Panama could barely Wednesday night when several Commission will hear all CONDUCT ARISING OUT or Tas read and write. Personally, al, members holding authorization to claims made personally by Carter Returning The Movies AND CHILDREN. MOVIES.
ways associated them in my mind (Continued on page 8)
News with those people who sat in received from tenants, daily, from to p. Carter who is at present on vaca young, inexperienced and unintelli the young movie fans is a grave and the land of Nephthalim by the me for having such an idea. never The effects of the movies on the The general conduct of most of darkness in the land of Zabulon the top floor of Castor Fer that he will soon be on the Isth. it is on nandez house in the Javillo mus, leaving New York on the 22nd mind. And the effects are the same open hostillity to nearly every you know what mean. No? Then, trary. Those from Pagama with the purely unintelligent the most part are demonstrating Galilee of the Gentiles. Of course impress me otherwise. On the conFill.
and is due here on the 29ch inst.
on these minds, of the love other form of entertaiment given mean had a vague notion that whom had the pleasure or pain Saloon owners have applied POPULAR JUAN FRANCO PARK produced on those minds by the during these latter human efforts strange gods on the shores of the have beard of Shakespeare. They ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THB novels. The bubbling excitement howl and they hiss and they whistle in a strange land, worshipping pression. They never seemed to stories usually obtained from trasby by real men and women. They they were a stranze perple, living to converse, confirmed my imthe Government for a TO MORROW.
movies and the love stories (Continued en page 8) Pacific, And you would not blame (Continued on page 5)
Beems a over 300, also at the office located on tion in the States are to the effect gent miod is questionable, and so problem. These youngsters for Way of the sea beyond Jordan, met any one who ever tried to to


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