
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1925 Interesting News News from from The West Indian Islands Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD sp culation DOW THE BEER The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
JAMAICA could not be traced. Inside otak Posis say a few words of welcome to a hour the whole wood work of the newly appointed King Couosel. am glad that such a custom ancient and historic fabric was exists for even had it not exist Beggar Left a Fortune totally consumed, leaving the ed should have now been conyellow coloured brickwork to remind the people of the an.
strained to create a precedent on so unique an occasion.
APPARENTLY POOR LEAVES (cient capital of the glory that has left them.
Your long and distinguished LARGE SUM OF MONEY, Built in 1750, the old King career in the service of His MaCLERGYMAN GETE GOOD House at Spanish Town was the jesty the King in too well known SHARE centre of many a memorable to require my dwelling upon it.
event in Jamaica history as a need only mention that in this The HERALD of October 10th British Colony. It formed the very Colony you haye presided Western over the Court with the greatest says: section of that square ability for a period of years long The story is going the rounds so dear to the hearts of the er than the total service of many about a comparatively large for people of St. Jago de la Vega and a man who is content to retire tune which is left by a man who although it had long sinca ceas upon his to be the home of Klog roprepension. You might hava always posed as poor.
Recommended for Removing the Humors of so withdrawn from public work It appears that many years sentative in this colony, its spacious halls had time but you bave prepared to wear and ago the man left to seek his again held within its walls noted Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, out rather than to rust out if fortune in Central American visitors to Jamaica. Early this Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic may be excused for using a republic, and returned to the bomely expression. In so doing Ieland some time ago. At the year, the Parliamentary Delega Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disyou offer an example of activity time it was believed that be bad tion were received there by the wbich might well be followed by brought back a few thousand beads of the Civil administration eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
many younger man. say this dollars but the manner in which of St. Catherine, and the old for appreciate that in becohe subsequently lived led many building with its wonderfully An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing a King Counsel you are not carved wood doing so in name only but intend his money in turniture was greatly admired of the Rt. Hon Thomas ing and enriching the BLOOD.
to practice. Since you have been any event be posed as poor and it was a notorious fact tha: mobility and Dembers of Parliacalled to the Bar have had the and the members of the English pleasure of bearing you in at bis living expenses did not ment that accompanied him on least one case and it with all reexceed 3d. per day. It was po For Sale at all Drug Stores spect may be allowed to say so uncommon thing for him to ask th ir mission to this Island.
USED AS PRIVATE RESIdisplayed ability, fearlessness. passer by for a penny or ballfairness and courtesy.
And in Large Quantities by bese in DENCE penny.
my opinion are the great attriThe supposed poor man. For the past couple of decades butes of an advocote and am was, however, a real knave. As the old King House building JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy pleased to see that your long years rolled on ke saved up every bad been let ss a private resi occupancy of the Bench bas left AGENT you as fresh and as vigorous as penny he could lay his hands on. dence and in the days immediate.
you ever were.
And for the seouel. few y preceding its destruction, days ago he passed over to the housed Mr. Willcocks, Superintendent of Public Works am glad that our friend and Great Majority. Some asserter sexo sex xxxsexo sessoxos former colleague is present here that his death was due to mal for St Catherine, and his family, with us this morning and ask nutrition. After he was buried, and Mr. Ricbar is, his assistant, a search was made in his house, and bis family. Mr.
him to also say a few words of Willcocks welcome. will was unearthed and to the was out aroung Linstead yester FORMER COLLEAGUE surprise of a great many per ing some late in the afternoon.
day og inspection work, return.
CONGRATULATIONS, sons it was discovere that the deceased lett a couple of thous At about 30 while he was Mr. Russell: Your Honour. Sir and pounds. Amongst the bene reading the Gleaner, bis wife Alired, members of the legal ficiaries is a well known minister went into the courtyard and profession: am grateful to Mr.
of religion; and it is also reported promptly called out that there Justice Thomas for allowing me Mr.
SUPPLIED BY to be present here this morning tion is likely to benefit under the Richards went out and saw and say just ene or two words will. Of course, the Government along the moulding of the banby way of congratulations to Sur will come in for their share by queting ball. This be promptly Alfred on thr new honour His way of probate duty.
put out with an extinguisher Majesty bəs been pleased to wbich was kept on the building confer on him, and to do so in He had to sooner done this when the presence of so many old he beard a bammering at the esteemed friends. The soladarity For Direct Line front of the residenct. On going of Bench and Bar is a main to investigate he made the alarmpriociple of our judicial ing discovery that the entire system.
From tbe one men are selected INFORMAL MEETING HELD IN roof of the main bail was on fire for the other and the bope, the LONDON TO DISCUSS THE and burning fiercaly. In the is brewed from the best chance of such promotion is PROPOSAL: THE CANADA I, meantime the fire had been seen naturally and important enby passers by, and the news bad SERVICE materials obtainable couragement to the whole body been spreading like wildfire ot practitioners. But to see the throughout the ild ca. 21. The Bench returning to the Bar is The same paper states that population ran towards the according to advices which have square from all points not that a yet more striking of the It is specially suited for this climate been received from England, the compass. In a few minutes, the proof of their solidarity? One question of the establishment of Hames had leapt over the roof is superior to all imported beers sold bears men speak lightly of the subsidized line of steamers and the Spanishtonians SAW legal profession in cbaff, mostly seldom hope, in real earnest.
between the Mother Country what soon developed into the here and it sells to the public at and Jamaica Any how when you see a man was recently dis greatest bon fire in their town who has earned his repose cussed at an informal meeting in for decades past.
HALF the price.
by many years of faithful public London at which certain well service as Sir Alfred has done known Jamaicans and English returning with the ardour of capitalists TRINIDAD boy to the profession which be As already announced, the TRY OUR NEW BEER loves, to wbich bis whole heart matter is now before the Ecohas been given does not that nomic Committee which has been Sir Alfred Lucie Smith.
say much for the profession as set up to London; but assuming tor the man? Yes, the man.
the Imperial Governm are Jastum et terracem propositi favourable to the establishment CALLED TO TRINIDAD virum. His tenacity, his energy, of subsidized line, it will be BAR bis determination never to be necessary to form a company to idle, may be an example to us all bandle tbe fruit shipped on the SUPERIOR TO ALL The Former Chief Justice of May he live long with health and to strength to make use of bis ripe It is known that several pro That Colony Is Made a King experience; exhibiting his old minent members of Parliament Council.
industry, thoroughness, practical are favourable to the establishgrasp, fairness, reasonablecess ment of an dependent direct IN COURT.
and so helping on the cause of line of steamers between Ja REMARKS oso justice no less truly, no less conmaica and Great Britain.
scientiously, than he did on the THE CANADA JAMAICA SERVICE Welcomed by Judges of SuBench.
It is learnt that the Canadian. preme Court and RepresenSir Alfred; Your Honour, Mr Government will shortly call for tative of Utter Bar.
Russell, don know what to tenders for the maintenance of a say exactly, only have to thank line of steamers between Canada you both for the very kind words and the West Indies under the We take the following from the that you have said to me. tbank recentlv sigoed Trade Agreement Purt of Spai. z tle of Sopyou very much.
The vessels to Jamaica will be tember 16ch:Mr. Iles: thiok it is my duty, equipped with refrigerators and In the Supreme Court, yesspeaking for the Utter Bar (and will be able to convey tropical terday, presided over by Mr.
after all the Bench is supposed fruits to the Dominica under the Justice Thomas, Sir to be the progeny of the Bar) to most up to date condition Alfred Lucie Smith, former say what particular honour It is reported that the chief Justice of this Culony, was devolves upon me io being able will be amongst the tenderers.
calied to the loner Bar to offer my congratulations on Alongside Mr. Justice Thomas APPLY on the Bencb, sat Mr.
behalt of the Utter Bar, to Sir AT Allred on the honour which has Old King House Judge of th Colony and a con Russell, been conferred upon him.
Mr, Justịce Thomas: Sir Altemporary of the ne, King fred do you move.
Mr. Albert Clark, clork of the Sir Alfred rose and bowed Registriy, read the letters patent, sssent.
Building Belonged to Gov.
appointing Sir Alfred King ernment, Council SSSSSSSXXX 003 (Continued on page 7)
Mr. Justice Thomas: Sir AlThe Gleaner of the 10th pleased to appoint you one of his fred, His Majesty having been inst, reports the following:Have you tried the Council will you come and take Last night one of the most your seat accordingly?
famous land marks in Jamaica new Boer Sir Alfred accordingly took long bistory, cessed to exist, bis seat at the table. Kronen Brau when the old King House at His Honour: Sir Alfred, Spanish Town was destroyed by understand that it is the custom tire, the origin of wbicb, up to in this Colony for the bench to OXO were present.
KRONEN BRAÜ boats England.


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