
an up to dry and your Ito a few minutes to your wong with RIT.
Canary Yellow Lavender Dark Blue Lights Purple Mustand Fone Ta Dark Brown Pink Licht Blue Light Grey Salma Orge Golden Yellow Ed Green Scarlet CR Yellow Tangerine Hes Naye Taupe wys STRID MS CarCDCASTING ATM wa 211 RIT WASHES AS IT DYES What Is Your Fortune?
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 192 Soos Seseos Church Services.
Twentieth Sunday After Trinity The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS St. Paul Church, Panama SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1925. Rev. Nightengale, Rector) a. Holy Communion, THE HOUSE RENT QUESTION.
10. 15 a. Matins, 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermanPreacher The Rector Anent the all absorbing topic of the day, the Honse Rent 12 Holy Baptiem, question, which is craving the attention of the entire co p. Anniversary Service for Jursmunity, there seems to be much idle and unnecessary comKeep the Dainty Garments nile Shepherds (Excelsior Lodge. ment mostly by irresponsible individuals, who, perhaps of Intimate Wear Always p. Church School, never pay a full month rent in a year, Whereas the more Bright and Fresh! 30 Cboral Evensong, sermon serious and reasonable persons who the rent question direct Lingerie soon loses life and colour. The Rector ly affects to a greater or lesser extent are awaiting patiently Have RIT always at hand to keep ANNOUNCEMENT The date for the outcome of the Rent Claims Commission which began pretty stockings and other articles the Annual Harvest Festival Services its delegations on Thursday last.
of lingerie looking their best has been fixed as November 22od.
by tinting or dyeing them with The tentative agreement made by a few houseowners St. Alban Church, Paraiso RIT. There are thirty one who met during the period of unrest, at the request of the beautiful shades and colours CANAL ZONE.
President of the Republic, has not in any way been abused all equally good for treat(Rov. A, NIGERENGALE, by any of the houselords or collectors nor has there ing linens, silk, cottons or woolens.
There are 31 colours Priest in Charge.
been any discrimination attempted, so far as has been When garments or hangings are 45 a. Holy Communion Sermon ascertained. The gentlemen who signed this agreement at spotted, sun streaked, stained or sm, Holy Baptism, faded, take out all the old colour with the instance of the President have honored their signature p. Church School, WHITE RIT. Then the material Dark Green up to the present and there should not be the merest appre.
is ready for the desired light or dark 30 Choral Evensong addres hension for believing that it will be disrespected.
shade of colour.
Mr. Osborne Catechist.
Of course there is a great deal of mischievous Sold Everywhere ANNOUNCEMENT The date for edig Grey the Aboual Harvest Festival has been palabra about discrimination, to the effect that the present fixed as November 15th.
reductoin in rent, or any other concessions in connection therewith granted will not be extended to foreigners SUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO.
Chicago, St, Matthias Mission inasmuch as there was no protest made by others than MONTEZUMA LAS SABANAS natives and despite the fact that the Tenants League on move than one occasion invited West Indians to cooperate DRUG STORE (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, which was ignored. But it will be remembered that during Priest in Charge.
PANAMA 30 Holy Commuion The Rev.
the perod of the agitation our local daily contemporary the Nightengsle.
STAR HERALD published broadcast that the Government p. Church School.
warned all foreigners to keep out, a warning which foreign 15 Evensong rod address.
ers generally and West Indians especially heeded to the SOSNOOS Mr. Richards, Catechist letter, Ithough equally affected and in many instances to a St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca greater extent than the natives. American Episcopal)
Believing that these rumours were nothing less than frothy effusions from irresponsibles, we interviewed Mr.
Have you tried the Twentieth Sunday After Trinity Matins and Address 11 Mr. A, Miguel Hive and a few others of our West Indian rent col.
new Beer Hunter Lay Reader. lectors who stated that the letter appearing in Thurday Church School p.
issue of the Star Herald and signed West Indian Ten Madame Renee will Inierpret Zodiacal Signs each week for Readers o this paper Kronen Brau Choral Evensong sermon 30 ants is a gross exageration of facts by one who is too The Rector, cowardly to sign his name. Hive seemed quite sincere in the WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE Wendeeday next, the Feast di St.
statement when he said never mentioned to any of my Simon and St. Jude will be obeer ved tenants that the reduction in rent was not intended for West October 15 21 homes with the same efficiency The Government will have There will be a celebration of the Hly Indians, have never raised any of the tenements, which The gn of Libra, the which they would employ in an loyal and law abiding citizenz in Commuuion at m. All members who collect. In the Chorrillo district rent rooms at five and ottive, the rising generation of New are in a position to attend the rervice Balance Providence only when it extends are heartily invited. Remember the six pesos per month which the house owners state will not The question of matrimony is a its rich philaothropy to them bour7 o clock.
be subject to the ten per cent reduction. Hive then Matter of fact and determined, serious one for you. There is a dis by giving them, or at least per: And please bear in mind that Nov.
you will undoubtedly succeed in tinct possibility that you would be which he is renting as low as two pesos per month and you are not imaginative a en congenia loompanionship, it devel. able manner.
showed us receipts for rooms in the Guachapali District the business world. The very fac happier single, but if you do find mitting them to receive Englisb 15th is the date fixed for the elementary education in a reason Festival Services, and Nov. 16th the date for the Grand Harvest Musical asked if it was reasonable for a tenant to expect the ten haastie ver anything makes your opes a side of your character Program, Other collectors speak success even more assured in this which you are prone to neglect per cent reduction on two pesos.
in similar vein and furiously denounce the statements in line for vou are never swayed by You will find natures complimen 100 of the population of T. MULCARE, Rector.
utside motives but whape your the letter by West Indian Tenants artisti: New Providence are Protestants; St. Barnabas Church, Empire actions to the course which eem personalities, such as these born giving the children Spanish edutary to your own in Matins and address, 11 a.
In the face of these facts it would be in the interest root reasonable and which promi the first three months of the year. cation alone would most certainly (The Lay Reader will Officiate)
of all to wait patiently the outcome of the Rent Claims: the greatest retura Iu this ou It is hard to give Libra born more deprive them of the privilege of Commission now seeking to adjust the vexed question, sually tak: a safe u se al hough definite information in regard to learning the Word of God, and Church School, and Confirmation clase. at pm realizing that it is the desire of the local government that there are e anes of great ofit if marriage for there are few persons Christianity altogether as their matter be concluded equitably Choral Evensong addrere 30 a.
in the interest of all you take a risk. There are times who would fully understand and parents; this is not a paradox, when do gamble but over in syimpathize with your nature. but rather parallel between The Lay Reader, will officiate.
parties concerned.
the emotional excitement of natural gamblers You are calm and cool Your color is thº practical dark giving Spanish Free Education MULCARE Priest in Charge St. Bartholomew s, Church eliberately counting on the possibblue and the prim, energetic Back to West Indian adults in Colon.
Labour Loftward Move. ility of oss rather than the uncer eyed Susan is your tower. This and withholding English educa LAS CASCADAS.
tainty of winning flower not only represents your tion from West Indian children forcefaloess but the great wealth tin w Providence.
The Litsny 10. 45 a. Holy Euchar.
Women under this sign probably which you will have every means Tae foregoing paragraph is for ist and Sermon 11. 30a.
Some disquiet has been caused and a good deal of food make the best business women of to acquire, the consideration of both the Rev. Mulesre for reflection created by the proceedings of the Trade Union ny. They are shrewd an compe (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense Goveromeat, and all the protast Church School and Confirmation Class at 230 Congress of Great Britain, which has just been held atent and never acknowledge defea! Adams Syndicate. ant missions operating on the Isthmus of Panama. MULCARE, Priest in charge.
Scarborough. The Congress is not merely the most impor When they marry, they run their tant body in the industrial world in Great Britain, but the The establishment of an elecWesleyan Methodist Church only body worth mentioning at all. It must on the other when the controversy regarding the building of four new (BRITISH CONFERENCE. hand be distinguished from the Labour Party, which repre. cruisers was at its height, assurances were given that every tric and ice plant would be a very useful thing at New Providence Pensas 11 a. Mr. Walters sents the political side of the Labour movement, one differ possible economy in other directions would be effected. Colony, but there are many 30 Rev. Wade.
ence between the two in the past being that the industrial The most important step taken in this direction is the other things which are neces Colon 11 Mr. Braithwaite, 30 body has been on the whole more cautious and connervative decision to close the two naval yards, Pembroke and sary for the improvement of the Mr. Kinnimouth.
than the political. The recent congress has seen a complete Rosyth. The closing of the former yard, which is situated Colony, and they are much more La Boca 11 Mr. Mariin; 30 reversal of that relationship, for advanced leaders of the on the Welsh coast opposite Ireland, and far from any needed thaoice or electricity; Mr. Reid.
such as streets, Paraiso 11 Rev. E. de.
industrial movement have succeeded in carrying a series of probable theatre of naval operations, was not unexpected, etc. and there is no gainsayina Communion. Reception of new Membe. resolutions to which the political heads, sobered by their but the decision to shut down Rosyth has caused the that unless there be a commer 30 m. Mr. Theo. Puller.
recent experience of office, took exception. The main sub greatest surprise. Rosyth figured more largely during the cial road from here to Colon, New Providence 11 am. Rev.
ject of controversy was the nature of the advance that War than any other port In Great Britain: It is situated on there will be little or no pro: Surgeon. Communion.
Empire 11 am. Mr. Headley. 30 should be made towards co operation, and actual affiliation, the East Coast of Scotland and was of enormous value in gress made. Toe initial costs of these requirements would be Rev. C, Surgeon. Communion.
with the trade union movement in Russia, delegation all the fighting in the North Sea. It contains some of the beavy on the government but appointed by last year congress to take cautious steps to most efficient plant for ship repairing anywhere in Great they would be most remuneraThe Salvation Army that end was considered by a section of the conference Britain. The disappearance of the German fleet has, of tive from every view point.
PANAMA CITY CORPS, to have gone far beyond its mandate, but this year the concourse, made all the difference to Rosyth future, but even Sunday 25th October, Flag Bay, ference fully approved the delegates action and passed a so it is surprising that the Admiralty should have decided Mrs. Eva Herdricks, age 49 Services are as follows: resolution fovouring the union of the trade union movement to close it rather than one or two other yards which seemed years, a native of St. Mary s, a. Early Prayer Meeting.
the world over. Though another resolution calling for the still more unecessary. These changes will mean a reduction Jamaica, a resident of this col10 Children Directory Meeting formation of one big trade union in Gread Britain, the better in staff of some 3, 000 men. They constitute definite proof ony, died at her residence on and Brigade United Open Air Meeting Saturday morning the 10th inst, 11 am. Holiness Meeting to be conto carry on the war ag sinst capitalism, was defeated, the that a serious policy of economy is in operation.
up to the time of ber death sbe ducted by Commandant Martin, general tendency of the congress has undoubtedly been to was the organist of the Union p. Y, Company meeting and.
Baptist Churcb, ar e he was also doubt be a mistake to take the activities of the congress NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES quite diferent with regard to the Bapembero, and one of the chier bespoed. Orelhor op ducation of children. The STAR officers of the New Providence p. Junior Open Air.
too seriously. At the same time it does undoubtedly reveal HERALD of the 8th inst. states Star Lodge, No. 48. The funeral Meeting. 45 m. Beparate Brigade Open Air a left ward move, carried through by younger men disposed (From Our CorreSPONDENT)
that the Government has em took place on Sunday morning at The Panamanian Governmentployed an to throw off the restraining hand imposed by the old p. Salvation Meeting and Dedieducated English 10 o clock; members of the Lodge cation of the New Flag for the Corps.
leaders. The process may go further: or it may on the other is to be congratulated for estabi teacher for both New Providence in full regalias attended in large cordial invitation is extended to all, hand produce a reaction in favour of conservative courses Color, and evary intelligent par untrue, it was proposed by the of members and sympathisz ors lishing free night school in and Limon, but the statement is numbers, and also a large crowd Monday, Life Saving Guards and on the part of a section of the labour movement hitherto in. son should show his or her School Inspector that it was to from the National Baptist, and Buabeams Parade at 5p. nu.
different but now a little alarmed at the inclination of some appreciation of such philanthro: be done, and so as not to embar the Wesleyan Churches. Daring T90 pm. Band of Love Work Class Tuesday, of their colleagues to move too fast.
py by attending the school and ass the Government in any way her lifetime, she read the Work acquire as far as practicable a the proposal was willingly accep man regularly Wednesday, p Life Saving Seoute knowledge of Spanish elementary ted by the Colonists; but this every week. She is survived by and Chume parade. Home League et Naval Reductions.
teachers for this most useful en paganda which has broken the and one son, Mr. Sydney has turned out to be an evil pro her husband, Mr Sam Hendricks, step.
Thursday Holiness meeting in the terprise is warrantable, and will neck of the Community English Hendricks, at present in Los Hall to be conducted by Command ant good deal of surpise and some misgivings have been be far reachiog.
School (see the Work man of Angles, California, to whom we Martin at p.
created by the decision of the British Admiralty to close 10. 10. 25, New Providence tender our heartfelt sympathy. MARTIN. Commendant.
two important British dockyards. Some few weeko ago, In New Providende tbings are Notes. Continued on page vest


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